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English Learning Guides

Augustind edited this page Feb 17, 2013 · 2 revisions

##[Learn OSM Homepage] (

[Beginner Guide Preface] ( ##Beginner

  1. [Introduction to OSM] (
  2. [Starting OSM] (
  3. [Editing with Potlatch] (
  4. [Getting Started with JOSM] (
  5. [JOSM Plug ins] (
  6. [Using the GPS] (
  7. [GPS: extrex20] (
  8. [Walking Papers] (
  9. [Editing with JOSM] (
  10. [Imagery Offset] (
  11. [Moving Forward] (

[Intermediate Guide Preface] ( ##Intermediate

  1. [Editing in Detail] (
  2. [Conflict Resolution] (
  3. [Using Orbview Imagery in JOSM] (
  4. [Quality Assurance] (
  5. [Editing the Wiki] (
  6. [Creating Custom Presets] (
  7. [Private Data Store] (

[Advanced Guide Preface] ( ##Advanced

  1. [PostGIS Configuration] (
  2. [Cartography with TileMill] (
  3. [Putting Maps on a Website] (
  4. [Github Sharing] (
  5. [WMS Service Configuration] (
  6. [Private Data Storage Configuration] (
  7. [Projections and File Types] (
  8. [SQLite Databases] (
  9. [Virtual Machine Setup] (

##Additional Fun


  1. [The Basics of QGIS] (
  2. [Managing Your Data] (
  3. [Adding Labels to Maps] (
  4. [Adding Style to Maps] (
  5. [Printing Maps] (
  6. [Attaching Photos to Maps] (
  7. [Useful Plugins] (
    More information can be found at
  8. [Inasafe] Need to introduce Inasafe and link it to the main website.