From 350fabedf829bf49e2f57eae904e6e1ac3c13b7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Frederic Junod Special cases:\n * 0){n.textContent=er?er.emptyScript:"";for(let r=0;r
\n * On the other hand, a {@link RuntimeError} indicates an exception that may\n * be thrown at runtime, e.g., out of memory, that the calling code should be prepared\n * to catch.\n *\n * @alias DeveloperError\n * @constructor\n * @extends Error\n *\n * @param {string} [message] The error message for this exception.\n *\n * @see RuntimeError\n */ function $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError(message) {\n /**\n * 'DeveloperError' indicating that this exception was thrown due to a developer error.\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ = \"DeveloperError\";\n /**\n * The explanation for why this exception was thrown.\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ this.message = message;\n //Browsers such as IE don't have a stack property until you actually throw the error.\n let stack;\n try {\n throw new Error();\n } catch (e) {\n stack = e.stack;\n }\n /**\n * The stack trace of this exception, if available.\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ this.stack = stack;\n}\nif ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Object.create)) {\n $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError.prototype.constructor = $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError;\n}\n$dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError.prototype.toString = function() {\n let str = `${}: ${this.message}`;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.stack)) str += `\\n${this.stack.toString()}`;\n return str;\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError.throwInstantiationError = function() {\n throw new $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError(\"This function defines an interface and should not be called directly.\");\n};\nvar $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$var$DeveloperError;\n\n\n/**\n * Contains functions for checking that supplied arguments are of a specified type\n * or meet specified conditions\n * @private\n */ const $664f63160187b926$var$Check = {};\n/**\n * Contains type checking functions, all using the typeof operator\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf = {};\nfunction $664f63160187b926$var$getUndefinedErrorMessage(name) {\n return `${name} is required, actual value was undefined`;\n}\nfunction $664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(actual, expected, name) {\n return `Expected ${name} to be typeof ${expected}, actual typeof was ${actual}`;\n}\n/**\n * Throws if test is not defined\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value that is to be checked\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be defined\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.defined = function(name, test) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(test)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getUndefinedErrorMessage(name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'function'\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'function'\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.func = function(name, test) {\n if (typeof test !== \"function\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(typeof test, \"function\", name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'string'\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'string'\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.string = function(name, test) {\n if (typeof test !== \"string\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(typeof test, \"string\", name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'number'\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'number'\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number = function(name, test) {\n if (typeof test !== \"number\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(typeof test, \"number\", name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'number' and less than limit\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @param {number} limit The limit value to compare against\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'number' and less than limit\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number.lessThan = function(name, test, limit) {\n $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number(name, test);\n if (test >= limit) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Expected ${name} to be less than ${limit}, actual value was ${test}`);\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'number' and less than or equal to limit\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @param {number} limit The limit value to compare against\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'number' and less than or equal to limit\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals = function(name, test, limit) {\n $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number(name, test);\n if (test > limit) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Expected ${name} to be less than or equal to ${limit}, actual value was ${test}`);\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'number' and greater than limit\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @param {number} limit The limit value to compare against\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'number' and greater than limit\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number.greaterThan = function(name, test, limit) {\n $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number(name, test);\n if (test <= limit) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Expected ${name} to be greater than ${limit}, actual value was ${test}`);\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'number' and greater than or equal to limit\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @param {number} limit The limit value to compare against\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'number' and greater than or equal to limit\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals = function(name, test, limit) {\n $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number(name, test);\n if (test < limit) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Expected ${name} to be greater than or equal to ${limit}, actual value was ${test}`);\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'object'\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'object'\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.object = function(name, test) {\n if (typeof test !== \"object\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(typeof test, \"object\", name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'boolean'\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'boolean'\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.bool = function(name, test) {\n if (typeof test !== \"boolean\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(typeof test, \"boolean\", name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test is not typeof 'bigint'\n *\n * @param {string} name The name of the variable being tested\n * @param {*} test The value to test\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test must be typeof 'bigint'\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.bigint = function(name, test) {\n if (typeof test !== \"bigint\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($664f63160187b926$var$getFailedTypeErrorMessage(typeof test, \"bigint\", name));\n};\n/**\n * Throws if test1 and test2 is not typeof 'number' and not equal in value\n *\n * @param {string} name1 The name of the first variable being tested\n * @param {string} name2 The name of the second variable being tested against\n * @param {*} test1 The value to test\n * @param {*} test2 The value to test against\n * @exception {DeveloperError} test1 and test2 should be type of 'number' and be equal in value\n */ $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number.equals = function(name1, name2, test1, test2) {\n $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number(name1, test1);\n $664f63160187b926$var$Check.typeOf.number(name2, test2);\n if (test1 !== test2) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`${name1} must be equal to ${name2}, the actual values are ${test1} and ${test2}`);\n};\nvar $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $664f63160187b926$var$Check;\n\n\n/**\n * Returns the first parameter if not undefined, otherwise the second parameter.\n * Useful for setting a default value for a parameter.\n *\n * @function\n *\n * @param {*} a\n * @param {*} b\n * @returns {*} Returns the first parameter if not undefined, otherwise the second parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * param = Cesium.defaultValue(param, 'default');\n */ function $85edf67cf80da6be$var$defaultValue(a, b) {\n if (a !== undefined && a !== null) return a;\n return b;\n}\n/**\n * A frozen empty object that can be used as the default value for options passed as\n * an object literal.\n * @type {object}\n * @memberof defaultValue\n */ $85edf67cf80da6be$var$defaultValue.EMPTY_OBJECT = Object.freeze({});\nvar $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $85edf67cf80da6be$var$defaultValue;\n\n\n\n\nvar $5a9b8221404adead$exports = {};\n/*\n wrapped Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura's code in a namespace\n so it's better encapsulated. Now you can have multiple random number generators\n and they won't stomp all over eachother's state.\n\n If you want to use this as a substitute for Math.random(), use the random()\n method like so:\n\n var m = new MersenneTwister();\n var randomNumber = m.random();\n\n You can also call the other genrand_{foo}() methods on the instance.\n\n If you want to use a specific seed in order to get a repeatable random\n sequence, pass an integer into the constructor:\n\n var m = new MersenneTwister(123);\n\n and that will always produce the same random sequence.\n\n Sean McCullough (\n*/ /*\n A C-program for MT19937, with initialization improved 2002/1/26.\n Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.\n\n Before using, initialize the state by using init_seed(seed)\n or init_by_array(init_key, key_length).\n\n Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,\n All rights reserved.\n\n Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without\n modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions\n are met:\n\n 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.\n\n 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright\n notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the\n documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.\n\n 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote\n products derived from this software without specific prior written\n permission.\n\n THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS\n \"AS IS\" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT\n LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR\n A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR\n CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL,\n EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,\n PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR\n PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF\n LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING\n NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS\n SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.\n\n\n Any feedback is very welcome.\n\n email: m-mat @ (remove space)\n*/ var $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister = function(seed) {\n if (seed == undefined) seed = new Date().getTime();\n /* Period parameters */ this.N = 624;\n this.M = 397;\n this.MATRIX_A = 0x9908b0df; /* constant vector a */ \n this.UPPER_MASK = 0x80000000; /* most significant w-r bits */ \n this.LOWER_MASK = 0x7fffffff; /* least significant r bits */ \n = new Array(this.N); /* the array for the state vector */ \n this.mti = this.N + 1; /* mti==N+1 means mt[N] is not initialized */ \n if (seed.constructor == Array) this.init_by_array(seed, seed.length);\n else this.init_seed(seed);\n};\n/* initializes mt[N] with a seed */ /* origin name init_genrand */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.init_seed = function(s) {\n[0] = s >>> 0;\n for(this.mti = 1; this.mti < this.N; this.mti++){\n var s =[this.mti - 1] ^[this.mti - 1] >>> 30;\n[this.mti] = (((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1812433253 << 16) + (s & 0x0000ffff) * 1812433253 + this.mti;\n /* See Knuth TAOCP Vol2. 3rd Ed. P.106 for multiplier. */ /* In the previous versions, MSBs of the seed affect */ /* only MSBs of the array mt[]. */ /* 2002/01/09 modified by Makoto Matsumoto */[this.mti] >>>= 0;\n /* for >32 bit machines */ }\n};\n/* initialize by an array with array-length */ /* init_key is the array for initializing keys */ /* key_length is its length */ /* slight change for C++, 2004/2/26 */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.init_by_array = function(init_key, key_length) {\n var i, j, k;\n this.init_seed(19650218);\n i = 1;\n j = 0;\n k = this.N > key_length ? this.N : key_length;\n for(; k; k--){\n var s =[i - 1] ^[i - 1] >>> 30;\n[i] = ([i] ^ (((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1664525 << 16) + (s & 0x0000ffff) * 1664525) + init_key[j] + j; /* non linear */ \n[i] >>>= 0; /* for WORDSIZE > 32 machines */ \n i++;\n j++;\n if (i >= this.N) {\n[0] =[this.N - 1];\n i = 1;\n }\n if (j >= key_length) j = 0;\n }\n for(k = this.N - 1; k; k--){\n var s =[i - 1] ^[i - 1] >>> 30;\n[i] = ([i] ^ (((s & 0xffff0000) >>> 16) * 1566083941 << 16) + (s & 0x0000ffff) * 1566083941) - i; /* non linear */ \n[i] >>>= 0; /* for WORDSIZE > 32 machines */ \n i++;\n if (i >= this.N) {\n[0] =[this.N - 1];\n i = 1;\n }\n }\n[0] = 0x80000000; /* MSB is 1; assuring non-zero initial array */ \n};\n/* generates a random number on [0,0xffffffff]-interval */ /* origin name genrand_int32 */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.random_int = function() {\n var y;\n var mag01 = new Array(0x0, this.MATRIX_A);\n /* mag01[x] = x * MATRIX_A for x=0,1 */ if (this.mti >= this.N) {\n var kk;\n if (this.mti == this.N + 1) /* if init_seed() has not been called, */ this.init_seed(5489); /* a default initial seed is used */ \n for(kk = 0; kk < this.N - this.M; kk++){\n y =[kk] & this.UPPER_MASK |[kk + 1] & this.LOWER_MASK;\n[kk] =[kk + this.M] ^ y >>> 1 ^ mag01[y & 0x1];\n }\n for(; kk < this.N - 1; kk++){\n y =[kk] & this.UPPER_MASK |[kk + 1] & this.LOWER_MASK;\n[kk] =[kk + (this.M - this.N)] ^ y >>> 1 ^ mag01[y & 0x1];\n }\n y =[this.N - 1] & this.UPPER_MASK |[0] & this.LOWER_MASK;\n[this.N - 1] =[this.M - 1] ^ y >>> 1 ^ mag01[y & 0x1];\n this.mti = 0;\n }\n y =[this.mti++];\n /* Tempering */ y ^= y >>> 11;\n y ^= y << 7 & 0x9d2c5680;\n y ^= y << 15 & 0xefc60000;\n y ^= y >>> 18;\n return y >>> 0;\n};\n/* generates a random number on [0,0x7fffffff]-interval */ /* origin name genrand_int31 */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.random_int31 = function() {\n return this.random_int() >>> 1;\n};\n/* generates a random number on [0,1]-real-interval */ /* origin name genrand_real1 */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.random_incl = function() {\n return this.random_int() * (1.0 / 4294967295.0);\n/* divided by 2^32-1 */ };\n/* generates a random number on [0,1)-real-interval */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.random = function() {\n return this.random_int() * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);\n/* divided by 2^32 */ };\n/* generates a random number on (0,1)-real-interval */ /* origin name genrand_real3 */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.random_excl = function() {\n return (this.random_int() + 0.5) * (1.0 / 4294967296.0);\n/* divided by 2^32 */ };\n/* generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution*/ /* origin name genrand_res53 */ $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister.prototype.random_long = function() {\n var a = this.random_int() >>> 5, b = this.random_int() >>> 6;\n return (a * 67108864.0 + b) * (1.0 / 9007199254740992.0);\n};\n/* These real versions are due to Isaku Wada, 2002/01/09 added */ $5a9b8221404adead$exports = $5a9b8221404adead$var$MersenneTwister;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Math functions.\n *\n * @exports CesiumMath\n * @alias Math\n */ const $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath = {};\n/**\n * 0.1\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON1 = 0.1;\n/**\n * 0.01\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON2 = 0.01;\n/**\n * 0.001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON3 = 0.001;\n/**\n * 0.0001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON4 = 0.0001;\n/**\n * 0.00001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON5 = 0.00001;\n/**\n * 0.000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON6 = 0.000001;\n/**\n * 0.0000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON7 = 0.0000001;\n/**\n * 0.00000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON8 = 0.00000001;\n/**\n * 0.000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON9 = 0.000000001;\n/**\n * 0.0000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON10 = 0.0000000001;\n/**\n * 0.00000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON11 = 0.00000000001;\n/**\n * 0.000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON12 = 0.000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.0000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON13 = 0.0000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.00000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON14 = 0.00000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON15 = 0.000000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.0000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON16 = 0.0000000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.00000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON17 = 0.00000000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.000000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON18 = 0.000000000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.0000000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON19 = 0.0000000000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.00000000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON20 = 0.00000000000000000001;\n/**\n * 0.000000000000000000001\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON21 = 0.000000000000000000001;\n/**\n * The gravitational parameter of the Earth in meters cubed\n * per second squared as defined by the WGS84 model: 3.986004418e14\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.GRAVITATIONALPARAMETER = 3.986004418e14;\n/**\n * Radius of the sun in meters: 6.955e8\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.SOLAR_RADIUS = 6.955e8;\n/**\n * The mean radius of the moon, according to the \"Report of the IAU/IAG Working Group on\n * Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and satellites: 2000\",\n * Celestial Mechanics 82: 83-110, 2002.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.LUNAR_RADIUS = 1737400.0;\n/**\n * 64 * 1024\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.SIXTY_FOUR_KILOBYTES = 65536;\n/**\n * 4 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.FOUR_GIGABYTES = 4294967296;\n/**\n * Returns the sign of the value; 1 if the value is positive, -1 if the value is\n * negative, or 0 if the value is 0.\n *\n * @function\n * @param {number} value The value to return the sign of.\n * @returns {number} The sign of value.\n */ // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-sign\n$52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.sign = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Math.sign, function sign(value) {\n value = +value; // coerce to number\n if (value === 0 || value !== value) // zero or NaN\n return value;\n return value > 0 ? 1 : -1;\n});\n/**\n * Returns 1.0 if the given value is positive or zero, and -1.0 if it is negative.\n * This is similar to {@link CesiumMath#sign} except that returns 1.0 instead of\n * 0.0 when the input value is 0.0.\n * @param {number} value The value to return the sign of.\n * @returns {number} The sign of value.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.signNotZero = function(value) {\n return value < 0.0 ? -1 : 1.0;\n};\n/**\n * Converts a scalar value in the range [-1.0, 1.0] to a SNORM in the range [0, rangeMaximum]\n * @param {number} value The scalar value in the range [-1.0, 1.0]\n * @param {number} [rangeMaximum=255] The maximum value in the mapped range, 255 by default.\n * @returns {number} A SNORM value, where 0 maps to -1.0 and rangeMaximum maps to 1.0.\n *\n * @see CesiumMath.fromSNorm\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.toSNorm = function(value, rangeMaximum) {\n rangeMaximum = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(rangeMaximum, 255);\n return Math.round(($52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp(value, -1, 1.0) * 0.5 + 0.5) * rangeMaximum);\n};\n/**\n * Converts a SNORM value in the range [0, rangeMaximum] to a scalar in the range [-1.0, 1.0].\n * @param {number} value SNORM value in the range [0, rangeMaximum]\n * @param {number} [rangeMaximum=255] The maximum value in the SNORM range, 255 by default.\n * @returns {number} Scalar in the range [-1.0, 1.0].\n *\n * @see CesiumMath.toSNorm\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.fromSNorm = function(value, rangeMaximum) {\n rangeMaximum = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(rangeMaximum, 255);\n return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp(value, 0.0, rangeMaximum) / rangeMaximum * 2.0 - 1.0;\n};\n/**\n * Converts a scalar value in the range [rangeMinimum, rangeMaximum] to a scalar in the range [0.0, 1.0]\n * @param {number} value The scalar value in the range [rangeMinimum, rangeMaximum]\n * @param {number} rangeMinimum The minimum value in the mapped range.\n * @param {number} rangeMaximum The maximum value in the mapped range.\n * @returns {number} A scalar value, where rangeMinimum maps to 0.0 and rangeMaximum maps to 1.0.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.normalize = function(value, rangeMinimum, rangeMaximum) {\n rangeMaximum = Math.max(rangeMaximum - rangeMinimum, 0.0);\n return rangeMaximum === 0.0 ? 0.0 : $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp((value - rangeMinimum) / rangeMaximum, 0.0, 1.0);\n};\n/**\n * Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.\n * The hyperbolic sine of value is defined to be\n * (ex - e-x)/2.0\n * where e is Euler's number, approximately 2.71828183.\n *\n * \n *
\n *
.\n */ // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-sinh\n$52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.sinh = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Math.sinh, function sinh(value) {\n return (Math.exp(value) - Math.exp(-value)) / 2.0;\n});\n/**\n * Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.\n * The hyperbolic cosine of value is defined to be\n * (ex + e-x)/2.0\n * where e is Euler's number, approximately 2.71828183.\n *\n * Special cases:\n *
.\n */ // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-cosh\n$52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.cosh = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Math.cosh, function cosh(value) {\n return (Math.exp(value) + Math.exp(-value)) / 2.0;\n});\n/**\n * Computes the linear interpolation of two values.\n *\n * @param {number} p The start value to interpolate.\n * @param {number} q The end value to interpolate.\n * @param {number} time The time of interpolation generally in the range [0.0, 1.0]
.\n * @returns {number} The linearly interpolated value.\n *\n * @example\n * const n = Cesium.Math.lerp(0.0, 2.0, 0.5); // returns 1.0\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.lerp = function(p, q, time) {\n return (1.0 - time) * p + time * q;\n};\n/**\n * pi\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI = Math.PI;\n/**\n * 1/pi\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.ONE_OVER_PI = 1.0 / Math.PI;\n/**\n * pi/2\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO = Math.PI / 2.0;\n/**\n * pi/3\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_THREE = Math.PI / 3.0;\n/**\n * pi/4\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_FOUR = Math.PI / 4.0;\n/**\n * pi/6\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_SIX = Math.PI / 6.0;\n/**\n * 3pi/2\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.THREE_PI_OVER_TWO = 3.0 * Math.PI / 2.0;\n/**\n * 2pi\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.TWO_PI = 2.0 * Math.PI;\n/**\n * 1/2pi\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.ONE_OVER_TWO_PI = 1.0 / (2.0 * Math.PI);\n/**\n * The number of radians in a degree.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE = Math.PI / 180.0;\n/**\n * The number of degrees in a radian.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.DEGREES_PER_RADIAN = 180.0 / Math.PI;\n/**\n * The number of radians in an arc second.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_ARCSECOND = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE / 3600.0;\n/**\n * Converts degrees to radians.\n * @param {number} degrees The angle to convert in degrees.\n * @returns {number} The corresponding angle in radians.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.toRadians = function(degrees) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(degrees)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"degrees is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return degrees * $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;\n};\n/**\n * Converts radians to degrees.\n * @param {number} radians The angle to convert in radians.\n * @returns {number} The corresponding angle in degrees.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.toDegrees = function(radians) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(radians)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"radians is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return radians * $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.DEGREES_PER_RADIAN;\n};\n/**\n * Converts a longitude value, in radians, to the range [-Math.PI
, Math.PI
).\n *\n * @param {number} angle The longitude value, in radians, to convert to the range [-Math.PI
, Math.PI
).\n * @returns {number} The equivalent longitude value in the range [-Math.PI
, Math.PI
).\n *\n * @example\n * // Convert 270 degrees to -90 degrees longitude\n * const longitude = Cesium.Math.convertLongitudeRange(Cesium.Math.toRadians(270.0));\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.convertLongitudeRange = function(angle) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(angle)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"angle is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const twoPi = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.TWO_PI;\n const simplified = angle - Math.floor(angle / twoPi) * twoPi;\n if (simplified < -Math.PI) return simplified + twoPi;\n if (simplified >= Math.PI) return simplified - twoPi;\n return simplified;\n};\n/**\n * Convenience function that clamps a latitude value, in radians, to the range [-Math.PI/2
, Math.PI/2
).\n * Useful for sanitizing data before use in objects requiring correct range.\n *\n * @param {number} angle The latitude value, in radians, to clamp to the range [-Math.PI/2
, Math.PI/2
).\n * @returns {number} The latitude value clamped to the range [-Math.PI/2
, Math.PI/2
).\n *\n * @example\n * // Clamp 108 degrees latitude to 90 degrees latitude\n * const latitude = Cesium.Math.clampToLatitudeRange(Cesium.Math.toRadians(108.0));\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clampToLatitudeRange = function(angle) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(angle)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"angle is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp(angle, -1 * $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO, $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO);\n};\n/**\n * Produces an angle in the range -Pi <= angle <= Pi which is equivalent to the provided angle.\n *\n * @param {number} angle in radians\n * @returns {number} The angle in the range [-CesiumMath.PI
, CesiumMath.PI
].\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.negativePiToPi = function(angle) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(angle)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"angle is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (angle >= -$52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI && angle <= $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI) // Early exit if the input is already inside the range. This avoids\n // unnecessary math which could introduce floating point error.\n return angle;\n return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.zeroToTwoPi(angle + $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI) - $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI;\n};\n/**\n * Produces an angle in the range 0 <= angle <= 2Pi which is equivalent to the provided angle.\n *\n * @param {number} angle in radians\n * @returns {number} The angle in the range [0, CesiumMath.TWO_PI
].\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.zeroToTwoPi = function(angle) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(angle)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"angle is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (angle >= 0 && angle <= $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.TWO_PI) // Early exit if the input is already inside the range. This avoids\n // unnecessary math which could introduce floating point error.\n return angle;\n const mod = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.mod(angle, $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.TWO_PI);\n if (Math.abs(mod) < $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON14 && Math.abs(angle) > $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.EPSILON14) return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.TWO_PI;\n return mod;\n};\n/**\n * The modulo operation that also works for negative dividends.\n *\n * @param {number} m The dividend.\n * @param {number} n The divisor.\n * @returns {number} The remainder.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.mod = function(m, n) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(m)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"m is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(n)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"n is required.\");\n if (n === 0.0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"divisor cannot be 0.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if ($52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.sign(m) === $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.sign(n) && Math.abs(m) < Math.abs(n)) // Early exit if the input does not need to be modded. This avoids\n // unnecessary math which could introduce floating point error.\n return m;\n return (m % n + n) % n;\n};\n/**\n * Determines if two values are equal using an absolute or relative tolerance test. This is useful\n * to avoid problems due to roundoff error when comparing floating-point values directly. The values are\n * first compared using an absolute tolerance test. If that fails, a relative tolerance test is performed.\n * Use this test if you are unsure of the magnitudes of left and right.\n *\n * @param {number} left The first value to compare.\n * @param {number} right The other value to compare.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The maximum inclusive delta between left
and right
for the relative tolerance test.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The maximum inclusive delta between left
and right
for the absolute tolerance test.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the values are equal within the epsilon; otherwise, false
.\n *\n * @example\n * const a = Cesium.Math.equalsEpsilon(0.0, 0.01, Cesium.Math.EPSILON2); // true\n * const b = Cesium.Math.equalsEpsilon(0.0, 0.1, Cesium.Math.EPSILON2); // false\n * const c = Cesium.Math.equalsEpsilon(3699175.1634344, 3699175.2, Cesium.Math.EPSILON7); // true\n * const d = Cesium.Math.equalsEpsilon(3699175.1634344, 3699175.2, Cesium.Math.EPSILON9); // false\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"left is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"right is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n relativeEpsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(relativeEpsilon, 0.0);\n absoluteEpsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(absoluteEpsilon, relativeEpsilon);\n const absDiff = Math.abs(left - right);\n return absDiff <= absoluteEpsilon || absDiff <= relativeEpsilon * Math.max(Math.abs(left), Math.abs(right));\n};\n/**\n * Determines if the left value is less than the right value. If the two values are within\n * absoluteEpsilon
of each other, they are considered equal and this function returns false.\n *\n * @param {number} left The first number to compare.\n * @param {number} right The second number to compare.\n * @param {number} absoluteEpsilon The absolute epsilon to use in comparison.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is less than right
by more than\n * absoluteEpsilon. false
if left
is greater or if the two\n * values are nearly equal.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.lessThan = function(left, right, absoluteEpsilon) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"first is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"second is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(absoluteEpsilon)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"absoluteEpsilon is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left - right < -absoluteEpsilon;\n};\n/**\n * Determines if the left value is less than or equal to the right value. If the two values are within\n * absoluteEpsilon
of each other, they are considered equal and this function returns true.\n *\n * @param {number} left The first number to compare.\n * @param {number} right The second number to compare.\n * @param {number} absoluteEpsilon The absolute epsilon to use in comparison.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is less than right
or if the\n * the values are nearly equal.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.lessThanOrEquals = function(left, right, absoluteEpsilon) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"first is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"second is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(absoluteEpsilon)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"absoluteEpsilon is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left - right < absoluteEpsilon;\n};\n/**\n * Determines if the left value is greater the right value. If the two values are within\n * absoluteEpsilon
of each other, they are considered equal and this function returns false.\n *\n * @param {number} left The first number to compare.\n * @param {number} right The second number to compare.\n * @param {number} absoluteEpsilon The absolute epsilon to use in comparison.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is greater than right
by more than\n * absoluteEpsilon. false
if left
is less or if the two\n * values are nearly equal.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.greaterThan = function(left, right, absoluteEpsilon) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"first is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"second is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(absoluteEpsilon)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"absoluteEpsilon is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left - right > absoluteEpsilon;\n};\n/**\n * Determines if the left value is greater than or equal to the right value. If the two values are within\n * absoluteEpsilon
of each other, they are considered equal and this function returns true.\n *\n * @param {number} left The first number to compare.\n * @param {number} right The second number to compare.\n * @param {number} absoluteEpsilon The absolute epsilon to use in comparison.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is greater than right
or if the\n * the values are nearly equal.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.greaterThanOrEquals = function(left, right, absoluteEpsilon) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"first is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"second is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(absoluteEpsilon)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"absoluteEpsilon is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left - right > -absoluteEpsilon;\n};\nconst $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$factorials = [\n 1\n];\n/**\n * Computes the factorial of the provided number.\n *\n * @param {number} n The number whose factorial is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The factorial of the provided number or undefined if the number is less than 0.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} A number greater than or equal to 0 is required.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * //Compute 7!, which is equal to 5040\n * const computedFactorial = Cesium.Math.factorial(7);\n *\n * @see {@link|Factorial on Wikipedia}\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.factorial = function(n) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (typeof n !== \"number\" || n < 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"A number greater than or equal to 0 is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$factorials.length;\n if (n >= length) {\n let sum = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$factorials[length - 1];\n for(let i = length; i <= n; i++){\n const next = sum * i;\n $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$factorials.push(next);\n sum = next;\n }\n }\n return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$factorials[n];\n};\n/**\n * Increments a number with a wrapping to a minimum value if the number exceeds the maximum value.\n *\n * @param {number} [n] The number to be incremented.\n * @param {number} [maximumValue] The maximum incremented value before rolling over to the minimum value.\n * @param {number} [minimumValue=0.0] The number reset to after the maximum value has been exceeded.\n * @returns {number} The incremented number.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} Maximum value must be greater than minimum value.\n *\n * @example\n * const n = Cesium.Math.incrementWrap(5, 10, 0); // returns 6\n * const m = Cesium.Math.incrementWrap(10, 10, 0); // returns 0\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.incrementWrap = function(n, maximumValue, minimumValue) {\n minimumValue = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(minimumValue, 0.0);\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(n)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"n is required.\");\n if (maximumValue <= minimumValue) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"maximumValue must be greater than minimumValue.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n ++n;\n if (n > maximumValue) n = minimumValue;\n return n;\n};\n/**\n * Determines if a non-negative integer is a power of two.\n * The maximum allowed input is (2^32)-1 due to 32-bit bitwise operator limitation in Javascript.\n *\n * @param {number} n The integer to test in the range [0, (2^32)-1].\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the number if a power of two; otherwise, false
.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} A number between 0 and (2^32)-1 is required.\n *\n * @example\n * const t = Cesium.Math.isPowerOfTwo(16); // true\n * const f = Cesium.Math.isPowerOfTwo(20); // false\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.isPowerOfTwo = function(n) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (typeof n !== \"number\" || n < 0 || n > 4294967295) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"A number between 0 and (2^32)-1 is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return n !== 0 && (n & n - 1) === 0;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the next power-of-two integer greater than or equal to the provided non-negative integer.\n * The maximum allowed input is 2^31 due to 32-bit bitwise operator limitation in Javascript.\n *\n * @param {number} n The integer to test in the range [0, 2^31].\n * @returns {number} The next power-of-two integer.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} A number between 0 and 2^31 is required.\n *\n * @example\n * const n = Cesium.Math.nextPowerOfTwo(29); // 32\n * const m = Cesium.Math.nextPowerOfTwo(32); // 32\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.nextPowerOfTwo = function(n) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (typeof n !== \"number\" || n < 0 || n > 2147483648) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"A number between 0 and 2^31 is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n // From\n --n;\n n |= n >> 1;\n n |= n >> 2;\n n |= n >> 4;\n n |= n >> 8;\n n |= n >> 16;\n ++n;\n return n;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the previous power-of-two integer less than or equal to the provided non-negative integer.\n * The maximum allowed input is (2^32)-1 due to 32-bit bitwise operator limitation in Javascript.\n *\n * @param {number} n The integer to test in the range [0, (2^32)-1].\n * @returns {number} The previous power-of-two integer.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} A number between 0 and (2^32)-1 is required.\n *\n * @example\n * const n = Cesium.Math.previousPowerOfTwo(29); // 16\n * const m = Cesium.Math.previousPowerOfTwo(32); // 32\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.previousPowerOfTwo = function(n) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (typeof n !== \"number\" || n < 0 || n > 4294967295) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"A number between 0 and (2^32)-1 is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n n |= n >> 1;\n n |= n >> 2;\n n |= n >> 4;\n n |= n >> 8;\n n |= n >> 16;\n n |= n >> 32;\n // The previous bitwise operations implicitly convert to signed 32-bit. Use `>>>` to convert to unsigned\n n = (n >>> 0) - (n >>> 1);\n return n;\n};\n/**\n * Constraint a value to lie between two values.\n *\n * @param {number} value The value to clamp.\n * @param {number} min The minimum value.\n * @param {number} max The maximum value.\n * @returns {number} The clamped value such that min <= result <= max.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp = function(value, min, max) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"min\", min);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"max\", max);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return value < min ? min : value > max ? max : value;\n};\nlet $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$randomNumberGenerator = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($5a9b8221404adead$exports)))();\n/**\n * Sets the seed used by the random number generator\n * in {@link CesiumMath#nextRandomNumber}.\n *\n * @param {number} seed An integer used as the seed.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.setRandomNumberSeed = function(seed) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(seed)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"seed is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$randomNumberGenerator = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($5a9b8221404adead$exports)))(seed);\n};\n/**\n * Generates a random floating point number in the range of [0.0, 1.0)\n * using a Mersenne twister.\n *\n * @returns {number} A random number in the range of [0.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @see CesiumMath.setRandomNumberSeed\n * @see {@link|Mersenne twister on Wikipedia}\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.nextRandomNumber = function() {\n return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$randomNumberGenerator.random();\n};\n/**\n * Generates a random number between two numbers.\n *\n * @param {number} min The minimum value.\n * @param {number} max The maximum value.\n * @returns {number} A random number between the min and max.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.randomBetween = function(min, max) {\n return $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.nextRandomNumber() * (max - min) + min;\n};\n/**\n * Computes Math.acos(value)
, but first clamps value
to the range [-1.0, 1.0]\n * so that the function will never return NaN.\n *\n * @param {number} value The value for which to compute acos.\n * @returns {number} The acos of the value if the value is in the range [-1.0, 1.0], or the acos of -1.0 or 1.0,\n * whichever is closer, if the value is outside the range.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.acosClamped = function(value) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"value is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.acos($52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp(value, -1, 1.0));\n};\n/**\n * Computes Math.asin(value)
, but first clamps value
to the range [-1.0, 1.0]\n * so that the function will never return NaN.\n *\n * @param {number} value The value for which to compute asin.\n * @returns {number} The asin of the value if the value is in the range [-1.0, 1.0], or the asin of -1.0 or 1.0,\n * whichever is closer, if the value is outside the range.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.asinClamped = function(value) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"value is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.asin($52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.clamp(value, -1, 1.0));\n};\n/**\n * Finds the chord length between two points given the circle's radius and the angle between the points.\n *\n * @param {number} angle The angle between the two points.\n * @param {number} radius The radius of the circle.\n * @returns {number} The chord length.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.chordLength = function(angle, radius) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(angle)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"angle is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(radius)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"radius is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return 2.0 * radius * Math.sin(angle * 0.5);\n};\n/**\n * Finds the logarithm of a number to a base.\n *\n * @param {number} number The number.\n * @param {number} base The base.\n * @returns {number} The result.\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.logBase = function(number, base) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(number)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"number is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(base)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"base is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.log(number) / Math.log(base);\n};\n/**\n * Finds the cube root of a number.\n * Returns NaN if number
is not provided.\n *\n * @function\n * @param {number} [number] The number.\n * @returns {number} The result.\n */ // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-cbrt\n$52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.cbrt = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Math.cbrt, function cbrt(number) {\n const result = Math.pow(Math.abs(number), 1.0 / 3.0);\n return number < 0.0 ? -result : result;\n});\n/**\n * Finds the base 2 logarithm of a number.\n *\n * @function\n * @param {number} number The number.\n * @returns {number} The result.\n */ // eslint-disable-next-line es/no-math-log2\n$52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.log2 = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Math.log2, function log2(number) {\n return Math.log(number) * Math.LOG2E;\n});\n/**\n * @private\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.fog = function(distanceToCamera, density) {\n const scalar = distanceToCamera * density;\n return 1.0 - Math.exp(-(scalar * scalar));\n};\n/**\n * Computes a fast approximation of Atan for input in the range [-1, 1].\n *\n * Based on Michal Drobot's approximation from ShaderFastLibs,\n * which in turn is based on \"Efficient approximations for the arctangent function,\"\n * Rajan, S. Sichun Wang Inkol, R. Joyal, A., May 2006.\n * Adapted from ShaderFastLibs under MIT License.\n *\n * @param {number} x An input number in the range [-1, 1]\n * @returns {number} An approximation of atan(x)\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.fastApproximateAtan = function(x) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"x\", x);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return x * (-0.1784 * Math.abs(x) - 0.0663 * x * x + 1.0301);\n};\n/**\n * Computes a fast approximation of Atan2(x, y) for arbitrary input scalars.\n *\n * Range reduction math based on nvidia's cg reference implementation:\n *\n * @param {number} x An input number that isn't zero if y is zero.\n * @param {number} y An input number that isn't zero if x is zero.\n * @returns {number} An approximation of atan2(x, y)\n */ $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.fastApproximateAtan2 = function(x, y) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"x\", x);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"y\", y);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n // atan approximations are usually only reliable over [-1, 1]\n // So reduce the range by flipping whether x or y is on top based on which is bigger.\n let opposite;\n let t = Math.abs(x); // t used as swap and atan result.\n opposite = Math.abs(y);\n const adjacent = Math.max(t, opposite);\n opposite = Math.min(t, opposite);\n const oppositeOverAdjacent = opposite / adjacent;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (isNaN(oppositeOverAdjacent)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"either x or y must be nonzero\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n t = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.fastApproximateAtan(oppositeOverAdjacent);\n // Undo range reduction\n t = Math.abs(y) > Math.abs(x) ? $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO - t : t;\n t = x < 0.0 ? $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath.PI - t : t;\n t = y < 0.0 ? -t : t;\n return t;\n};\nvar $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $52df5921d0d74e2e$var$CesiumMath;\n\n\n/**\n * A 2D Cartesian point.\n * @alias Cartesian2\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [x=0.0] The X component.\n * @param {number} [y=0.0] The Y component.\n *\n * @see Cartesian3\n * @see Cartesian4\n * @see Packable\n */ function $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(x, y) {\n /**\n * The X component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.x = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Y component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.y = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(y, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian2 instance from x and y coordinates.\n *\n * @param {number} x The x coordinate.\n * @param {number} y The y coordinate.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.fromElements = function(x, y, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(x, y);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Cartesian2 instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian to duplicate.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if cartesian is undefined)\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clone = function(cartesian, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(cartesian.x, cartesian.y);\n result.x = cartesian.x;\n result.y = cartesian.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian2 instance from an existing Cartesian3. This simply takes the\n * x and y properties of the Cartesian3 and drops z.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian3 instance to create a Cartesian2 instance from.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.fromCartesian3 = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clone;\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian2 instance from an existing Cartesian4. This simply takes the\n * x and y properties of the Cartesian4 and drops z and w.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian4 instance to create a Cartesian2 instance from.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.fromCartesian4 = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clone;\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.packedLength = 2;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n array[startingIndex++] = value.x;\n array[startingIndex] = value.y;\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2();\n result.x = array[startingIndex++];\n result.y = array[startingIndex];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Flattens an array of Cartesian2s into an array of components.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2[]} array The array of cartesians to pack.\n * @param {number[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result. If this is a typed array, it must have array.length * 2 components, else a {@link DeveloperError} will be thrown. If it is a regular array, it will be resized to have (array.length * 2) elements.\n * @returns {number[]} The packed array.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.packArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n const resultLength = length * 2;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(resultLength);\n else if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.length !== resultLength) //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"If result is a typed array, it must have exactly array.length * 2 elements\");\n else if (result.length !== resultLength) result.length = resultLength;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)$52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.pack(array[i], result, i * 2);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Unpacks an array of cartesian components into an array of Cartesian2s.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array of components to unpack.\n * @param {Cartesian2[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2[]} The unpacked array.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.unpackArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"array.length\", array.length, 2);\n if (array.length % 2 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"array length must be a multiple of 2.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 2);\n else result.length = length / 2;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 2){\n const index = i / 2;\n result[index] = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.unpack(array, i, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian2 from two consecutive elements in an array.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array whose two consecutive elements correspond to the x and y components, respectively.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to the x component.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create a Cartesian2 with (1.0, 2.0)\n * const v = [1.0, 2.0];\n * const p = Cesium.Cartesian2.fromArray(v);\n *\n * // Create a Cartesian2 with (1.0, 2.0) using an offset into an array\n * const v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0];\n * const p2 = Cesium.Cartesian2.fromArray(v2, 2);\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.fromArray = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.unpack;\n/**\n * Computes the value of the maximum component for the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The cartesian to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the maximum component.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.maximumComponent = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.max(cartesian.x, cartesian.y);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the value of the minimum component for the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The cartesian to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the minimum component.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.minimumComponent = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.min(cartesian.x, cartesian.y);\n};\n/**\n * Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the minimum components of the supplied Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} first A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian2} second A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} A cartesian with the minimum components.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.minimumByComponent = function(first, second, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"first\", first);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"second\", second);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.min(first.x, second.x);\n result.y = Math.min(first.y, second.y);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the maximum components of the supplied Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} first A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian2} second A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} A cartesian with the maximum components.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.maximumByComponent = function(first, second, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"first\", first);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"second\", second);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.max(first.x, second.x);\n result.y = Math.max(first.y, second.y);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Constrain a value to lie between two values.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} value The value to clamp.\n * @param {Cartesian2} min The minimum bound.\n * @param {Cartesian2} max The maximum bound.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The clamped value such that min <= result <= max.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clamp = function(value, min, max, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"min\", min);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"max\", max);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.x, min.x, max.x);\n const y = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.y, min.y, max.y);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the provided Cartesian's squared magnitude.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian instance whose squared magnitude is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The squared magnitude.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.magnitudeSquared = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return cartesian.x * cartesian.x + cartesian.y * cartesian.y;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the Cartesian's magnitude (length).\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian instance whose magnitude is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The magnitude.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.magnitude = function(cartesian) {\n return Math.sqrt($52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.magnitudeSquared(cartesian));\n};\nconst $52f162a7ce89e814$var$distanceScratch = new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2();\n/**\n * Computes the distance between two points.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first point to compute the distance from.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second point to compute the distance to.\n * @returns {number} The distance between two points.\n *\n * @example\n * // Returns 1.0\n * const d = Cesium.Cartesian2.distance(new Cesium.Cartesian2(1.0, 0.0), new Cesium.Cartesian2(2.0, 0.0));\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.distance = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.subtract(left, right, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$distanceScratch);\n return $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.magnitude($52f162a7ce89e814$var$distanceScratch);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the squared distance between two points. Comparing squared distances\n * using this function is more efficient than comparing distances using {@link Cartesian2#distance}.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first point to compute the distance from.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second point to compute the distance to.\n * @returns {number} The distance between two points.\n *\n * @example\n * // Returns 4.0, not 2.0\n * const d = Cesium.Cartesian2.distance(new Cesium.Cartesian2(1.0, 0.0), new Cesium.Cartesian2(3.0, 0.0));\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.distanceSquared = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.subtract(left, right, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$distanceScratch);\n return $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.magnitudeSquared($52f162a7ce89e814$var$distanceScratch);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the normalized form of the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian to be normalized.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.normalize = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const magnitude = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.magnitude(cartesian);\n result.x = cartesian.x / magnitude;\n result.y = cartesian.y / magnitude;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (isNaN(result.x) || isNaN(result.y)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"normalized result is not a number\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the dot (scalar) product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {number} The dot product.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$ = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the magnitude of the cross product that would result from implicitly setting the Z coordinate of the input vectors to 0\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {number} The cross product.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.cross = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left.x * right.y - left.y * right.x;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.multiplyComponents = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x * right.x;\n result.y = left.y * right.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise quotient of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.divideComponents = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x / right.x;\n result.y = left.y / right.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise sum of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.add = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x + right.x;\n result.y = left.y + right.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise difference of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.subtract = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x - right.x;\n result.y = left.y - right.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian to be scaled.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to multiply with.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.multiplyByScalar = function(cartesian, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = cartesian.x * scalar;\n result.y = cartesian.y * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Divides the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian to be divided.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to divide by.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.divideByScalar = function(cartesian, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = cartesian.x / scalar;\n result.y = cartesian.y / scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Negates the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian to be negated.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.negate = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = -cartesian.x;\n result.y = -cartesian.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the absolute value of the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian whose absolute value is to be computed.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.abs = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.abs(cartesian.x);\n result.y = Math.abs(cartesian.y);\n return result;\n};\nconst $52f162a7ce89e814$var$lerpScratch = new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2();\n/**\n * Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.\n * @param {Cartesian2} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.\n * @param {number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.lerp = function(start, end, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"start\", start);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"end\", end);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.multiplyByScalar(end, t, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$lerpScratch);\n result = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.multiplyByScalar(start, 1.0 - t, result);\n return $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.add($52f162a7ce89e814$var$lerpScratch, result, result);\n};\nconst $52f162a7ce89e814$var$angleBetweenScratch = new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2();\nconst $52f162a7ce89e814$var$angleBetweenScratch2 = new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2();\n/**\n * Returns the angle, in radians, between the provided Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} right The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {number} The angle between the Cartesians.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.angleBetween = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.normalize(left, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$angleBetweenScratch);\n $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.normalize(right, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$angleBetweenScratch2);\n return (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).acosClamped($52f162a7ce89e814$var$$52f162a7ce89e814$var$angleBetweenScratch, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$angleBetweenScratch2));\n};\nconst $52f162a7ce89e814$var$mostOrthogonalAxisScratch = new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2();\n/**\n * Returns the axis that is most orthogonal to the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} cartesian The Cartesian on which to find the most orthogonal axis.\n * @param {Cartesian2} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The most orthogonal axis.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.mostOrthogonalAxis = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const f = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.normalize(cartesian, $52f162a7ce89e814$var$mostOrthogonalAxisScratch);\n $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.abs(f, f);\n if (f.x <= f.y) result = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clone($52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.UNIT_X, result);\n else result = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clone($52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.UNIT_Y, result);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} [left] The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [right] The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.x === right.x && left.y === right.y;\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.equalsArray = function(cartesian, array, offset) {\n return cartesian.x === array[offset] && cartesian.y === array[offset + 1];\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} [left] The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [right] The second Cartesian.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.x, right.x, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.y, right.y, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian2 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian2}\n * @constant\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian2 instance initialized to (1.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian2}\n * @constant\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.ONE = Object.freeze(new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(1.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian2 instance initialized to (1.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian2}\n * @constant\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.UNIT_X = Object.freeze(new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(1.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian2 instance initialized to (0.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian2}\n * @constant\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.UNIT_Y = Object.freeze(new $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2(0.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * Duplicates this Cartesian2 instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} [right] The right hand side Cartesian.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian2} [right] The right hand side Cartesian.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.equalsEpsilon(this, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this Cartesian in the format '(x, y)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided Cartesian in the format '(x, y)'.\n */ $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this.x}, ${this.y})`;\n};\nvar $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $52f162a7ce89e814$var$Cartesian2;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A 3D Cartesian point.\n * @alias Cartesian3\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [x=0.0] The X component.\n * @param {number} [y=0.0] The Y component.\n * @param {number} [z=0.0] The Z component.\n *\n * @see Cartesian2\n * @see Cartesian4\n * @see Packable\n */ function $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(x, y, z) {\n /**\n * The X component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.x = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Y component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.y = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(y, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Z component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.z = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(z, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * Converts the provided Spherical into Cartesian3 coordinates.\n *\n * @param {Spherical} spherical The Spherical to be converted to Cartesian3.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromSpherical = function(spherical, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"spherical\", spherical);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n const clock = spherical.clock;\n const cone = spherical.cone;\n const magnitude = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(spherical.magnitude, 1.0);\n const radial = magnitude * Math.sin(cone);\n result.x = radial * Math.cos(clock);\n result.y = radial * Math.sin(clock);\n result.z = magnitude * Math.cos(cone);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian3 instance from x, y and z coordinates.\n *\n * @param {number} x The x coordinate.\n * @param {number} y The y coordinate.\n * @param {number} z The z coordinate.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromElements = function(x, y, z, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(x, y, z);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Cartesian3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian to duplicate.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if cartesian is undefined)\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone = function(cartesian, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z);\n result.x = cartesian.x;\n result.y = cartesian.y;\n result.z = cartesian.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian3 instance from an existing Cartesian4. This simply takes the\n * x, y, and z properties of the Cartesian4 and drops w.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian4 instance to create a Cartesian3 instance from.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromCartesian4 = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone;\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.packedLength = 3;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n array[startingIndex++] = value.x;\n array[startingIndex++] = value.y;\n array[startingIndex] = value.z;\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n result.x = array[startingIndex++];\n result.y = array[startingIndex++];\n result.z = array[startingIndex];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Flattens an array of Cartesian3s into an array of components.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} array The array of cartesians to pack.\n * @param {number[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result. If this is a typed array, it must have array.length * 3 components, else a {@link DeveloperError} will be thrown. If it is a regular array, it will be resized to have (array.length * 3) elements.\n * @returns {number[]} The packed array.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.packArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n const resultLength = length * 3;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(resultLength);\n else if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.length !== resultLength) //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"If result is a typed array, it must have exactly array.length * 3 elements\");\n else if (result.length !== resultLength) result.length = resultLength;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)$62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.pack(array[i], result, i * 3);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Unpacks an array of cartesian components into an array of Cartesian3s.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array of components to unpack.\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3[]} The unpacked array.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.unpackArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"array.length\", array.length, 3);\n if (array.length % 3 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"array length must be a multiple of 3.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 3);\n else result.length = length / 3;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 3){\n const index = i / 3;\n result[index] = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.unpack(array, i, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian3 from three consecutive elements in an array.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array whose three consecutive elements correspond to the x, y, and z components, respectively.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to the x component.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create a Cartesian3 with (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)\n * const v = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0];\n * const p = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromArray(v);\n *\n * // Create a Cartesian3 with (1.0, 2.0, 3.0) using an offset into an array\n * const v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0];\n * const p2 = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromArray(v2, 2);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromArray = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.unpack;\n/**\n * Computes the value of the maximum component for the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The cartesian to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the maximum component.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.maximumComponent = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.max(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the value of the minimum component for the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The cartesian to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the minimum component.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.minimumComponent = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.min(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z);\n};\n/**\n * Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the minimum components of the supplied Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} first A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian3} second A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} A cartesian with the minimum components.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.minimumByComponent = function(first, second, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"first\", first);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"second\", second);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.min(first.x, second.x);\n result.y = Math.min(first.y, second.y);\n result.z = Math.min(first.z, second.z);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the maximum components of the supplied Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} first A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian3} second A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} A cartesian with the maximum components.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.maximumByComponent = function(first, second, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"first\", first);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"second\", second);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.max(first.x, second.x);\n result.y = Math.max(first.y, second.y);\n result.z = Math.max(first.z, second.z);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Constrain a value to lie between two values.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The value to clamp.\n * @param {Cartesian3} min The minimum bound.\n * @param {Cartesian3} max The maximum bound.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The clamped value such that min <= value <= max.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clamp = function(value, min, max, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"min\", min);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"max\", max);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.x, min.x, max.x);\n const y = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.y, min.y, max.y);\n const z = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.z, min.z, max.z);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the provided Cartesian's squared magnitude.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian instance whose squared magnitude is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The squared magnitude.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return cartesian.x * cartesian.x + cartesian.y * cartesian.y + cartesian.z * cartesian.z;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the Cartesian's magnitude (length).\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian instance whose magnitude is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The magnitude.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitude = function(cartesian) {\n return Math.sqrt($62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared(cartesian));\n};\nconst $62ea896bcccdf635$var$distanceScratch = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n/**\n * Computes the distance between two points.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first point to compute the distance from.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second point to compute the distance to.\n * @returns {number} The distance between two points.\n *\n * @example\n * // Returns 1.0\n * const d = Cesium.Cartesian3.distance(new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Cesium.Cartesian3(2.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.distance = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.subtract(left, right, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$distanceScratch);\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitude($62ea896bcccdf635$var$distanceScratch);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the squared distance between two points. Comparing squared distances\n * using this function is more efficient than comparing distances using {@link Cartesian3#distance}.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first point to compute the distance from.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second point to compute the distance to.\n * @returns {number} The distance between two points.\n *\n * @example\n * // Returns 4.0, not 2.0\n * const d = Cesium.Cartesian3.distanceSquared(new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), new Cesium.Cartesian3(3.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.distanceSquared = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.subtract(left, right, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$distanceScratch);\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitudeSquared($62ea896bcccdf635$var$distanceScratch);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the normalized form of the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian to be normalized.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.normalize = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const magnitude = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitude(cartesian);\n result.x = cartesian.x / magnitude;\n result.y = cartesian.y / magnitude;\n result.z = cartesian.z / magnitude;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (isNaN(result.x) || isNaN(result.y) || isNaN(result.z)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"normalized result is not a number\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the dot (scalar) product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {number} The dot product.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$ = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y + left.z * right.z;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyComponents = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x * right.x;\n result.y = left.y * right.y;\n result.z = left.z * right.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise quotient of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.divideComponents = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x / right.x;\n result.y = left.y / right.y;\n result.z = left.z / right.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise sum of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.add = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x + right.x;\n result.y = left.y + right.y;\n result.z = left.z + right.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise difference of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.subtract = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x - right.x;\n result.y = left.y - right.y;\n result.z = left.z - right.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian to be scaled.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to multiply with.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar = function(cartesian, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = cartesian.x * scalar;\n result.y = cartesian.y * scalar;\n result.z = cartesian.z * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Divides the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian to be divided.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to divide by.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.divideByScalar = function(cartesian, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = cartesian.x / scalar;\n result.y = cartesian.y / scalar;\n result.z = cartesian.z / scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Negates the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian to be negated.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.negate = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = -cartesian.x;\n result.y = -cartesian.y;\n result.z = -cartesian.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the absolute value of the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian whose absolute value is to be computed.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.abs = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.abs(cartesian.x);\n result.y = Math.abs(cartesian.y);\n result.z = Math.abs(cartesian.z);\n return result;\n};\nconst $62ea896bcccdf635$var$lerpScratch = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n/**\n * Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.\n * @param {Cartesian3} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.\n * @param {number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.lerp = function(start, end, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"start\", start);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"end\", end);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(end, t, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$lerpScratch);\n result = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(start, 1.0 - t, result);\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.add($62ea896bcccdf635$var$lerpScratch, result, result);\n};\nconst $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\nconst $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch2 = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n/**\n * Returns the angle, in radians, between the provided Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {number} The angle between the Cartesians.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.angleBetween = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.normalize(left, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.normalize(right, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch2);\n const cosine = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$$62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch2);\n const sine = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.magnitude($62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.cross($62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch2, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$angleBetweenScratch));\n return Math.atan2(sine, cosine);\n};\nconst $62ea896bcccdf635$var$mostOrthogonalAxisScratch = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n/**\n * Returns the axis that is most orthogonal to the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian on which to find the most orthogonal axis.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The most orthogonal axis.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.mostOrthogonalAxis = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const f = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.normalize(cartesian, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$mostOrthogonalAxisScratch);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.abs(f, f);\n if (f.x <= f.y) {\n if (f.x <= f.z) result = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone($62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_X, result);\n else result = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone($62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, result);\n } else if (f.y <= f.z) result = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone($62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, result);\n else result = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone($62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, result);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Projects vector a onto vector b\n * @param {Cartesian3} a The vector that needs projecting\n * @param {Cartesian3} b The vector to project onto\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The result cartesian\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.projectVector = function(a, b, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"a\", a);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"b\", b);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const scalar = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$, b) / $62ea896bcccdf635$var$, b);\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(b, scalar, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [left] The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [right] The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.x === right.x && left.y === right.y && left.z === right.z;\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.equalsArray = function(cartesian, array, offset) {\n return cartesian.x === array[offset] && cartesian.y === array[offset + 1] && cartesian.z === array[offset + 2];\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [left] The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [right] The second Cartesian.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.x, right.x, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.y, right.y, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.z, right.z, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the cross (outer) product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The cross product.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.cross = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const leftX = left.x;\n const leftY = left.y;\n const leftZ = left.z;\n const rightX = right.x;\n const rightY = right.y;\n const rightZ = right.z;\n const x = leftY * rightZ - leftZ * rightY;\n const y = leftZ * rightX - leftX * rightZ;\n const z = leftX * rightY - leftY * rightX;\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the midpoint between the right and left Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The midpoint.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.midpoint = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = (left.x + right.x) * 0.5;\n result.y = (left.y + right.y) * 0.5;\n result.z = (left.z + right.z) * 0.5;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Returns a Cartesian3 position from longitude and latitude values given in degrees.\n *\n * @param {number} longitude The longitude, in degrees\n * @param {number} latitude The latitude, in degrees\n * @param {number} [height=0.0] The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the position lies.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The position\n *\n * @example\n * const position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(-115.0, 37.0);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromDegrees = function(longitude, latitude, height, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"longitude\", longitude);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"latitude\", latitude);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n longitude = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).toRadians(longitude);\n latitude = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).toRadians(latitude);\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromRadians(longitude, latitude, height, ellipsoid, result);\n};\nlet $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\nlet $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\nconst $62ea896bcccdf635$var$wgs84RadiiSquared = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(40680631590769, 40680631590769, 40408299984661.445);\n/**\n * Returns a Cartesian3 position from longitude and latitude values given in radians.\n *\n * @param {number} longitude The longitude, in radians\n * @param {number} latitude The latitude, in radians\n * @param {number} [height=0.0] The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the position lies.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The position\n *\n * @example\n * const position = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadians(-2.007, 0.645);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromRadians = function(longitude, latitude, height, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"longitude\", longitude);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"latitude\", latitude);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n height = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(height, 0.0);\n const radiiSquared = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid) ? ellipsoid.radiiSquared : $62ea896bcccdf635$var$wgs84RadiiSquared;\n const cosLatitude = Math.cos(latitude);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN.x = cosLatitude * Math.cos(longitude);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN.y = cosLatitude * Math.sin(longitude);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN.z = Math.sin(latitude);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.normalize($62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyComponents(radiiSquared, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK);\n const gamma = Math.sqrt($62ea896bcccdf635$var$$62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK));\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.divideByScalar($62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK, gamma, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK);\n $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar($62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN, height, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3();\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.add($62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchK, $62ea896bcccdf635$var$scratchN, result);\n};\n/**\n * Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude and latitude values given in degrees.\n *\n * @param {number[]} coordinates A list of longitude and latitude values. Values alternate [longitude, latitude, longitude, latitude...].\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the coordinates lie.\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} [result] An array of Cartesian3 objects to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3[]} The array of positions.\n *\n * @example\n * const positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([-115.0, 37.0, -107.0, 33.0]);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray = function(coordinates, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"coordinates\", coordinates);\n if (coordinates.length < 2 || coordinates.length % 2 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"the number of coordinates must be a multiple of 2 and at least 2\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = coordinates.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 2);\n else result.length = length / 2;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 2){\n const longitude = coordinates[i];\n const latitude = coordinates[i + 1];\n const index = i / 2;\n result[index] = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude, 0, ellipsoid, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude and latitude values given in radians.\n *\n * @param {number[]} coordinates A list of longitude and latitude values. Values alternate [longitude, latitude, longitude, latitude...].\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the coordinates lie.\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} [result] An array of Cartesian3 objects to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3[]} The array of positions.\n *\n * @example\n * const positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadiansArray([-2.007, 0.645, -1.867, .575]);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromRadiansArray = function(coordinates, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"coordinates\", coordinates);\n if (coordinates.length < 2 || coordinates.length % 2 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"the number of coordinates must be a multiple of 2 and at least 2\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = coordinates.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 2);\n else result.length = length / 2;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 2){\n const longitude = coordinates[i];\n const latitude = coordinates[i + 1];\n const index = i / 2;\n result[index] = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromRadians(longitude, latitude, 0, ellipsoid, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude, latitude and height values where longitude and latitude are given in degrees.\n *\n * @param {number[]} coordinates A list of longitude, latitude and height values. Values alternate [longitude, latitude, height, longitude, latitude, height...].\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the position lies.\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} [result] An array of Cartesian3 objects to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3[]} The array of positions.\n *\n * @example\n * const positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([-115.0, 37.0, 100000.0, -107.0, 33.0, 150000.0]);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights = function(coordinates, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"coordinates\", coordinates);\n if (coordinates.length < 3 || coordinates.length % 3 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"the number of coordinates must be a multiple of 3 and at least 3\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = coordinates.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 3);\n else result.length = length / 3;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 3){\n const longitude = coordinates[i];\n const latitude = coordinates[i + 1];\n const height = coordinates[i + 2];\n const index = i / 3;\n result[index] = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromDegrees(longitude, latitude, height, ellipsoid, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Returns an array of Cartesian3 positions given an array of longitude, latitude and height values where longitude and latitude are given in radians.\n *\n * @param {number[]} coordinates A list of longitude, latitude and height values. Values alternate [longitude, latitude, height, longitude, latitude, height...].\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the position lies.\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} [result] An array of Cartesian3 objects to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3[]} The array of positions.\n *\n * @example\n * const positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromRadiansArrayHeights([-2.007, 0.645, 100000.0, -1.867, .575, 150000.0]);\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromRadiansArrayHeights = function(coordinates, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"coordinates\", coordinates);\n if (coordinates.length < 3 || coordinates.length % 3 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"the number of coordinates must be a multiple of 3 and at least 3\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = coordinates.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 3);\n else result.length = length / 3;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 3){\n const longitude = coordinates[i];\n const latitude = coordinates[i + 1];\n const height = coordinates[i + 2];\n const index = i / 3;\n result[index] = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.fromRadians(longitude, latitude, height, ellipsoid, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @constant\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @constant\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.ONE = Object.freeze(new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @constant\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_X = Object.freeze(new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (0.0, 1.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @constant\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_Y = Object.freeze(new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian3 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @constant\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.UNIT_Z = Object.freeze(new $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * Duplicates this Cartesian3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [right] The right hand side Cartesian.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [right] The right hand side Cartesian.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.equalsEpsilon(this, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this Cartesian in the format '(x, y, z)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing this Cartesian in the format '(x, y, z)'.\n */ $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this.x}, ${this.y}, ${this.z})`;\n};\nvar $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $62ea896bcccdf635$var$Cartesian3;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A 4D Cartesian point.\n * @alias Cartesian4\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [x=0.0] The X component.\n * @param {number} [y=0.0] The Y component.\n * @param {number} [z=0.0] The Z component.\n * @param {number} [w=0.0] The W component.\n *\n * @see Cartesian2\n * @see Cartesian3\n * @see Packable\n */ function $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(x, y, z, w) {\n /**\n * The X component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.x = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Y component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.y = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(y, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Z component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.z = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(z, 0.0);\n /**\n * The W component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.w = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(w, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian4 instance from x, y, z and w coordinates.\n *\n * @param {number} x The x coordinate.\n * @param {number} y The y coordinate.\n * @param {number} z The z coordinate.\n * @param {number} w The w coordinate.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.fromElements = function(x, y, z, w, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(x, y, z, w);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian4 instance from a {@link Color}. red
, green
, blue
,\n * and alpha
map to x
, y
, z
, and w
, respectively.\n *\n * @param {Color} color The source color.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.fromColor = function(color, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"color\", color);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(,,, color.alpha);\n result.x =;\n result.y =;\n result.z =;\n result.w = color.alpha;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Cartesian4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian to duplicate.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if cartesian is undefined)\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone = function(cartesian, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, cartesian.w);\n result.x = cartesian.x;\n result.y = cartesian.y;\n result.z = cartesian.z;\n result.w = cartesian.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.packedLength = 4;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n array[startingIndex++] = value.x;\n array[startingIndex++] = value.y;\n array[startingIndex++] = value.z;\n array[startingIndex] = value.w;\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4();\n result.x = array[startingIndex++];\n result.y = array[startingIndex++];\n result.z = array[startingIndex++];\n result.w = array[startingIndex];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Flattens an array of Cartesian4s into an array of components.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4[]} array The array of cartesians to pack.\n * @param {number[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result. If this is a typed array, it must have array.length * 4 components, else a {@link DeveloperError} will be thrown. If it is a regular array, it will be resized to have (array.length * 4) elements.\n * @returns {number[]} The packed array.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.packArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n const resultLength = length * 4;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(resultLength);\n else if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.length !== resultLength) //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"If result is a typed array, it must have exactly array.length * 4 elements\");\n else if (result.length !== resultLength) result.length = resultLength;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)$7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.pack(array[i], result, i * 4);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Unpacks an array of cartesian components into an array of Cartesian4s.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array of components to unpack.\n * @param {Cartesian4[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4[]} The unpacked array.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.unpackArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"array.length\", array.length, 4);\n if (array.length % 4 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"array length must be a multiple of 4.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 4);\n else result.length = length / 4;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 4){\n const index = i / 4;\n result[index] = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.unpack(array, i, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Cartesian4 from four consecutive elements in an array.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array whose four consecutive elements correspond to the x, y, z, and w components, respectively.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to the x component.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create a Cartesian4 with (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0)\n * const v = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];\n * const p = Cesium.Cartesian4.fromArray(v);\n *\n * // Create a Cartesian4 with (1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0) using an offset into an array\n * const v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0];\n * const p2 = Cesium.Cartesian4.fromArray(v2, 2);\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.fromArray = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.unpack;\n/**\n * Computes the value of the maximum component for the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The cartesian to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the maximum component.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.maximumComponent = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.max(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, cartesian.w);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the value of the minimum component for the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The cartesian to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the minimum component.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.minimumComponent = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return Math.min(cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z, cartesian.w);\n};\n/**\n * Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the minimum components of the supplied Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} first A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian4} second A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} A cartesian with the minimum components.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.minimumByComponent = function(first, second, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"first\", first);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"second\", second);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.min(first.x, second.x);\n result.y = Math.min(first.y, second.y);\n result.z = Math.min(first.z, second.z);\n result.w = Math.min(first.w, second.w);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares two Cartesians and computes a Cartesian which contains the maximum components of the supplied Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} first A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian4} second A cartesian to compare.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} A cartesian with the maximum components.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.maximumByComponent = function(first, second, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"first\", first);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"second\", second);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.max(first.x, second.x);\n result.y = Math.max(first.y, second.y);\n result.z = Math.max(first.z, second.z);\n result.w = Math.max(first.w, second.w);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Constrain a value to lie between two values.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} value The value to clamp.\n * @param {Cartesian4} min The minimum bound.\n * @param {Cartesian4} max The maximum bound.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The clamped value such that min <= result <= max.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clamp = function(value, min, max, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"min\", min);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"max\", max);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.x, min.x, max.x);\n const y = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.y, min.y, max.y);\n const z = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.z, min.z, max.z);\n const w = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(value.w, min.w, max.w);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the provided Cartesian's squared magnitude.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian instance whose squared magnitude is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The squared magnitude.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.magnitudeSquared = function(cartesian) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return cartesian.x * cartesian.x + cartesian.y * cartesian.y + cartesian.z * cartesian.z + cartesian.w * cartesian.w;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the Cartesian's magnitude (length).\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian instance whose magnitude is to be computed.\n * @returns {number} The magnitude.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.magnitude = function(cartesian) {\n return Math.sqrt($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.magnitudeSquared(cartesian));\n};\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$distanceScratch = new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4();\n/**\n * Computes the 4-space distance between two points.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first point to compute the distance from.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second point to compute the distance to.\n * @returns {number} The distance between two points.\n *\n * @example\n * // Returns 1.0\n * const d = Cesium.Cartesian4.distance(\n * new Cesium.Cartesian4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),\n * new Cesium.Cartesian4(2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.distance = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.subtract(left, right, $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$distanceScratch);\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.magnitude($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$distanceScratch);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the squared distance between two points. Comparing squared distances\n * using this function is more efficient than comparing distances using {@link Cartesian4#distance}.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first point to compute the distance from.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second point to compute the distance to.\n * @returns {number} The distance between two points.\n *\n * @example\n * // Returns 4.0, not 2.0\n * const d = Cesium.Cartesian4.distance(\n * new Cesium.Cartesian4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0),\n * new Cesium.Cartesian4(3.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.distanceSquared = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.subtract(left, right, $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$distanceScratch);\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.magnitudeSquared($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$distanceScratch);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the normalized form of the supplied Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian to be normalized.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.normalize = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const magnitude = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.magnitude(cartesian);\n result.x = cartesian.x / magnitude;\n result.y = cartesian.y / magnitude;\n result.z = cartesian.z / magnitude;\n result.w = cartesian.w / magnitude;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (isNaN(result.x) || isNaN(result.y) || isNaN(result.z) || isNaN(result.w)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"normalized result is not a number\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the dot (scalar) product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {number} The dot product.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$ = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y + left.z * right.z + left.w * right.w;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise product of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.multiplyComponents = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x * right.x;\n result.y = left.y * right.y;\n result.z = left.z * right.z;\n result.w = left.w * right.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise quotient of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.divideComponents = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x / right.x;\n result.y = left.y / right.y;\n result.z = left.z / right.z;\n result.w = left.w / right.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise sum of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.add = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x + right.x;\n result.y = left.y + right.y;\n result.z = left.z + right.z;\n result.w = left.w + right.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise difference of two Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} left The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} right The second Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.subtract = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x - right.x;\n result.y = left.y - right.y;\n result.z = left.z - right.z;\n result.w = left.w - right.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian to be scaled.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to multiply with.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.multiplyByScalar = function(cartesian, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = cartesian.x * scalar;\n result.y = cartesian.y * scalar;\n result.z = cartesian.z * scalar;\n result.w = cartesian.w * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Divides the provided Cartesian componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian to be divided.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to divide by.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.divideByScalar = function(cartesian, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = cartesian.x / scalar;\n result.y = cartesian.y / scalar;\n result.z = cartesian.z / scalar;\n result.w = cartesian.w / scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Negates the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian to be negated.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.negate = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = -cartesian.x;\n result.y = -cartesian.y;\n result.z = -cartesian.z;\n result.w = -cartesian.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the absolute value of the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian whose absolute value is to be computed.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.abs = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = Math.abs(cartesian.x);\n result.y = Math.abs(cartesian.y);\n result.z = Math.abs(cartesian.z);\n result.w = Math.abs(cartesian.w);\n return result;\n};\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$lerpScratch = new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4();\n/**\n * Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.\n * @param {Cartesian4}end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.\n * @param {number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.lerp = function(start, end, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"start\", start);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"end\", end);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.multiplyByScalar(end, t, $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$lerpScratch);\n result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.multiplyByScalar(start, 1.0 - t, result);\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.add($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$lerpScratch, result, result);\n};\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$mostOrthogonalAxisScratch = new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4();\n/**\n * Returns the axis that is most orthogonal to the provided Cartesian.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian on which to find the most orthogonal axis.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The most orthogonal axis.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.mostOrthogonalAxis = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const f = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.normalize(cartesian, $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$mostOrthogonalAxisScratch);\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.abs(f, f);\n if (f.x <= f.y) {\n if (f.x <= f.z) {\n if (f.x <= f.w) result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_X, result);\n else result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_W, result);\n } else if (f.z <= f.w) result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_Z, result);\n else result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_W, result);\n } else if (f.y <= f.z) {\n if (f.y <= f.w) result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_Y, result);\n else result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_W, result);\n } else if (f.z <= f.w) result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_Z, result);\n else result = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_W, result);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} [left] The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [right] The second Cartesian.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.x === right.x && left.y === right.y && left.z === right.z && left.w === right.w;\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.equalsArray = function(cartesian, array, offset) {\n return cartesian.x === array[offset] && cartesian.y === array[offset + 1] && cartesian.z === array[offset + 2] && cartesian.w === array[offset + 3];\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided Cartesians componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} [left] The first Cartesian.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [right] The second Cartesian.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.x, right.x, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.y, right.y, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.z, right.z, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.w, right.w, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian4}\n * @constant\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian4}\n * @constant\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.ONE = Object.freeze(new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian4}\n * @constant\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_X = Object.freeze(new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian4}\n * @constant\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_Y = Object.freeze(new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian4}\n * @constant\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_Z = Object.freeze(new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Cartesian4 instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartesian4}\n * @constant\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.UNIT_W = Object.freeze(new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * Duplicates this Cartesian4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} [right] The right hand side Cartesian.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Cartesian against the provided Cartesian componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} [right] The right hand side Cartesian.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.equalsEpsilon(this, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this Cartesian in the format '(x, y, z, w)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided Cartesian in the format '(x, y, z, w)'.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this.x}, ${this.y}, ${this.z}, ${this.w})`;\n};\n// scratchU8Array and scratchF32Array are views into the same buffer\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchF32Array = new Float32Array(1);\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array = new Uint8Array($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchF32Array.buffer);\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$testU32 = new Uint32Array([\n 0x11223344\n]);\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$testU8 = new Uint8Array($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$testU32.buffer);\nconst $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$littleEndian = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$testU8[0] === 0x44;\n/**\n * Packs an arbitrary floating point value to 4 values representable using uint8.\n *\n * @param {number} value A floating point number.\n * @param {Cartesian4} [result] The Cartesian4 that will contain the packed float.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} A Cartesian4 representing the float packed to values in x, y, z, and w.\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.packFloat = function(value, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"value\", value);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4();\n // scratchU8Array and scratchF32Array are views into the same buffer\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchF32Array[0] = value;\n if ($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$littleEndian) {\n result.x = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[0];\n result.y = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[1];\n result.z = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[2];\n result.w = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[3];\n } else {\n // convert from big-endian to little-endian\n result.x = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[3];\n result.y = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[2];\n result.z = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[1];\n result.w = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[0];\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Unpacks a float packed using Cartesian4.packFloat.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian4} packedFloat A Cartesian4 containing a float packed to 4 values representable using uint8.\n * @returns {number} The unpacked float.\n * @private\n */ $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4.unpackFloat = function(packedFloat) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"packedFloat\", packedFloat);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n // scratchU8Array and scratchF32Array are views into the same buffer\n if ($7e990740bae2c0e7$var$littleEndian) {\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[0] = packedFloat.x;\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[1] = packedFloat.y;\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[2] = packedFloat.z;\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[3] = packedFloat.w;\n } else {\n // convert from little-endian to big-endian\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[0] = packedFloat.w;\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[1] = packedFloat.z;\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[2] = packedFloat.y;\n $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchU8Array[3] = packedFloat.x;\n }\n return $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$scratchF32Array[0];\n};\nvar $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $7e990740bae2c0e7$var$Cartesian4;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A 3x3 matrix, indexable as a column-major order array.\n * Constructor parameters are in row-major order for code readability.\n * @alias Matrix3\n * @constructor\n * @implements {ArrayLike}\n *\n * @param {number} [column0Row0=0.0] The value for column 0, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column1Row0=0.0] The value for column 1, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column2Row0=0.0] The value for column 2, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column0Row1=0.0] The value for column 0, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column1Row1=0.0] The value for column 1, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column2Row1=0.0] The value for column 2, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column0Row2=0.0] The value for column 0, row 2.\n * @param {number} [column1Row2=0.0] The value for column 1, row 2.\n * @param {number} [column2Row2=0.0] The value for column 2, row 2.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.fromArray\n * @see Matrix3.fromColumnMajorArray\n * @see Matrix3.fromRowMajorArray\n * @see Matrix3.fromQuaternion\n * @see Matrix3.fromHeadingPitchRoll\n * @see Matrix3.fromScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromCrossProduct\n * @see Matrix3.fromRotationX\n * @see Matrix3.fromRotationY\n * @see Matrix3.fromRotationZ\n * @see Matrix2\n * @see Matrix4\n */ function $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(column0Row0, column1Row0, column2Row0, column0Row1, column1Row1, column2Row1, column0Row2, column1Row2, column2Row2) {\n this[0] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row0, 0.0);\n this[1] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row1, 0.0);\n this[2] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row2, 0.0);\n this[3] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row0, 0.0);\n this[4] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row1, 0.0);\n this[5] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row2, 0.0);\n this[6] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row0, 0.0);\n this[7] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row1, 0.0);\n this[8] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row2, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.packedLength = 9;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n array[startingIndex++] = value[0];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[1];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[2];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[3];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[4];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[5];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[6];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[7];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[8];\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3();\n result[0] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[1] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[2] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[3] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[4] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[5] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[6] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[7] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[8] = array[startingIndex++];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Flattens an array of Matrix3s into an array of components. The components\n * are stored in column-major order.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3[]} array The array of matrices to pack.\n * @param {number[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result. If this is a typed array, it must have array.length * 9 components, else a {@link DeveloperError} will be thrown. If it is a regular array, it will be resized to have (array.length * 9) elements.\n * @returns {number[]} The packed array.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.packArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n const resultLength = length * 9;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(resultLength);\n else if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.length !== resultLength) //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"If result is a typed array, it must have exactly array.length * 9 elements\");\n else if (result.length !== resultLength) result.length = resultLength;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.pack(array[i], result, i * 9);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Unpacks an array of column-major matrix components into an array of Matrix3s.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array of components to unpack.\n * @param {Matrix3[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3[]} The unpacked array.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.unpackArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"array.length\", array.length, 9);\n if (array.length % 9 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"array length must be a multiple of 9.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 9);\n else result.length = length / 9;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 9){\n const index = i / 9;\n result[index] = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.unpack(array, i, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Matrix3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to duplicate.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if matrix is undefined)\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone = function(matrix, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(matrix)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(matrix[0], matrix[3], matrix[6], matrix[1], matrix[4], matrix[7], matrix[2], matrix[5], matrix[8]);\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4];\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Matrix3 from 9 consecutive elements in an array.\n *\n * @function\n * @param {number[]} array The array whose 9 consecutive elements correspond to the positions of the matrix. Assumes column-major order.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to first column first row position in the matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create the Matrix3:\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0]\n *\n * const v = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0];\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromArray(v);\n *\n * // Create same Matrix3 with using an offset into an array\n * const v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0];\n * const m2 = Cesium.Matrix3.fromArray(v2, 2);\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromArray = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.unpack;\n/**\n * Creates a Matrix3 instance from a column-major order array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} values The column-major order array.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromColumnMajorArray = function(values, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"values\", values);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone(values, result);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Matrix3 instance from a row-major order array.\n * The resulting matrix will be in column-major order.\n *\n * @param {number[]} values The row-major order array.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromRowMajorArray = function(values, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"values\", values);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5], values[6], values[7], values[8]);\n result[0] = values[0];\n result[1] = values[3];\n result[2] = values[6];\n result[3] = values[1];\n result[4] = values[4];\n result[5] = values[7];\n result[6] = values[2];\n result[7] = values[5];\n result[8] = values[8];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a 3x3 rotation matrix from the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion the quaternion to use.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The 3x3 rotation matrix from this quaternion.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromQuaternion = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x2 = quaternion.x * quaternion.x;\n const xy = quaternion.x * quaternion.y;\n const xz = quaternion.x * quaternion.z;\n const xw = quaternion.x * quaternion.w;\n const y2 = quaternion.y * quaternion.y;\n const yz = quaternion.y * quaternion.z;\n const yw = quaternion.y * quaternion.w;\n const z2 = quaternion.z * quaternion.z;\n const zw = quaternion.z * quaternion.w;\n const w2 = quaternion.w * quaternion.w;\n const m00 = x2 - y2 - z2 + w2;\n const m01 = 2.0 * (xy - zw);\n const m02 = 2.0 * (xz + yw);\n const m10 = 2.0 * (xy + zw);\n const m11 = -x2 + y2 - z2 + w2;\n const m12 = 2.0 * (yz - xw);\n const m20 = 2.0 * (xz - yw);\n const m21 = 2.0 * (yz + xw);\n const m22 = -x2 - y2 + z2 + w2;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22);\n result[0] = m00;\n result[1] = m10;\n result[2] = m20;\n result[3] = m01;\n result[4] = m11;\n result[5] = m21;\n result[6] = m02;\n result[7] = m12;\n result[8] = m22;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a 3x3 rotation matrix from the provided headingPitchRoll. (see )\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll the headingPitchRoll to use.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The 3x3 rotation matrix from this headingPitchRoll.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromHeadingPitchRoll = function(headingPitchRoll, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"headingPitchRoll\", headingPitchRoll);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const cosTheta = Math.cos(-headingPitchRoll.pitch);\n const cosPsi = Math.cos(-headingPitchRoll.heading);\n const cosPhi = Math.cos(headingPitchRoll.roll);\n const sinTheta = Math.sin(-headingPitchRoll.pitch);\n const sinPsi = Math.sin(-headingPitchRoll.heading);\n const sinPhi = Math.sin(headingPitchRoll.roll);\n const m00 = cosTheta * cosPsi;\n const m01 = -cosPhi * sinPsi + sinPhi * sinTheta * cosPsi;\n const m02 = sinPhi * sinPsi + cosPhi * sinTheta * cosPsi;\n const m10 = cosTheta * sinPsi;\n const m11 = cosPhi * cosPsi + sinPhi * sinTheta * sinPsi;\n const m12 = -sinPhi * cosPsi + cosPhi * sinTheta * sinPsi;\n const m20 = -sinTheta;\n const m21 = sinPhi * cosTheta;\n const m22 = cosPhi * cosTheta;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(m00, m01, m02, m10, m11, m12, m20, m21, m22);\n result[0] = m00;\n result[1] = m10;\n result[2] = m20;\n result[3] = m01;\n result[4] = m11;\n result[5] = m21;\n result[6] = m02;\n result[7] = m12;\n result[8] = m22;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix3 instance representing a non-uniform scale.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The x, y, and z scale factors.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Creates\n * // [7.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 8.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 0.0, 9.0]\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromScale(new Cesium.Cartesian3(7.0, 8.0, 9.0));\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromScale = function(scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(scale.x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale.y, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale.z);\n result[0] = scale.x;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = scale.y;\n result[5] = 0.0;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = scale.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix3 instance representing a uniform scale.\n *\n * @param {number} scale The uniform scale factor.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Creates\n * // [2.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 2.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 0.0, 2.0]\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromUniformScale(2.0);\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromUniformScale = function(scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scale\", scale);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale);\n result[0] = scale;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = scale;\n result[5] = 0.0;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = scale;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix3 instance representing the cross product equivalent matrix of a Cartesian3 vector.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} vector the vector on the left hand side of the cross product operation.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Creates\n * // [0.0, -9.0, 8.0]\n * // [9.0, 0.0, -7.0]\n * // [-8.0, 7.0, 0.0]\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromCrossProduct(new Cesium.Cartesian3(7.0, 8.0, 9.0));\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromCrossProduct = function(vector, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"vector\", vector);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(0.0, -vector.z, vector.y, vector.z, 0.0, -vector.x, -vector.y, vector.x, 0.0);\n result[0] = 0.0;\n result[1] = vector.z;\n result[2] = -vector.y;\n result[3] = -vector.z;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = vector.x;\n result[6] = vector.y;\n result[7] = -vector.x;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a rotation matrix around the x-axis.\n *\n * @param {number} angle The angle, in radians, of the rotation. Positive angles are counterclockwise.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Rotate a point 45 degrees counterclockwise around the x-axis.\n * const p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(5, 6, 7);\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromRotationX(Cesium.Math.toRadians(45.0));\n * const rotated = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(m, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromRotationX = function(angle, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"angle\", angle);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const cosAngle = Math.cos(angle);\n const sinAngle = Math.sin(angle);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, cosAngle, -sinAngle, 0.0, sinAngle, cosAngle);\n result[0] = 1.0;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = cosAngle;\n result[5] = sinAngle;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = -sinAngle;\n result[8] = cosAngle;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a rotation matrix around the y-axis.\n *\n * @param {number} angle The angle, in radians, of the rotation. Positive angles are counterclockwise.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Rotate a point 45 degrees counterclockwise around the y-axis.\n * const p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(5, 6, 7);\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromRotationY(Cesium.Math.toRadians(45.0));\n * const rotated = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(m, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromRotationY = function(angle, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"angle\", angle);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const cosAngle = Math.cos(angle);\n const sinAngle = Math.sin(angle);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(cosAngle, 0.0, sinAngle, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -sinAngle, 0.0, cosAngle);\n result[0] = cosAngle;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = -sinAngle;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 1.0;\n result[5] = 0.0;\n result[6] = sinAngle;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = cosAngle;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a rotation matrix around the z-axis.\n *\n * @param {number} angle The angle, in radians, of the rotation. Positive angles are counterclockwise.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Rotate a point 45 degrees counterclockwise around the z-axis.\n * const p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(5, 6, 7);\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix3.fromRotationZ(Cesium.Math.toRadians(45.0));\n * const rotated = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(m, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.fromRotationZ = function(angle, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"angle\", angle);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const cosAngle = Math.cos(angle);\n const sinAngle = Math.sin(angle);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(cosAngle, -sinAngle, 0.0, sinAngle, cosAngle, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n result[0] = cosAngle;\n result[1] = sinAngle;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = -sinAngle;\n result[4] = cosAngle;\n result[5] = 0.0;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates an Array from the provided Matrix3 instance.\n * The array will be in column-major order.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use..\n * @param {number[]} [result] The Array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {number[]} The modified Array parameter or a new Array instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.toArray = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return [\n matrix[0],\n matrix[1],\n matrix[2],\n matrix[3],\n matrix[4],\n matrix[5],\n matrix[6],\n matrix[7],\n matrix[8]\n ];\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4];\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the array index of the element at the provided row and column.\n *\n * @param {number} column The zero-based index of the column.\n * @param {number} row The zero-based index of the row.\n * @returns {number} The index of the element at the provided row and column.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} row must be 0, 1, or 2.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} column must be 0, 1, or 2.\n *\n * @example\n * const myMatrix = new Cesium.Matrix3();\n * const column1Row0Index = Cesium.Matrix3.getElementIndex(1, 0);\n * const column1Row0 = myMatrix[column1Row0Index]\n * myMatrix[column1Row0Index] = 10.0;\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex = function(column, row) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"row\", row, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"row\", row, 2);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"column\", column, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"column\", column, 2);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return column * 3 + row;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves a copy of the matrix column at the provided index as a Cartesian3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the column to retrieve.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, or 2.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getColumn = function(matrix, index, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 2);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const startIndex = index * 3;\n const x = matrix[startIndex];\n const y = matrix[startIndex + 1];\n const z = matrix[startIndex + 2];\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the specified column in the provided matrix with the provided Cartesian3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the column to set.\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian whose values will be assigned to the specified column.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, or 2.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.setColumn = function(matrix, index, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 2);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone(matrix, result);\n const startIndex = index * 3;\n result[startIndex] = cartesian.x;\n result[startIndex + 1] = cartesian.y;\n result[startIndex + 2] = cartesian.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves a copy of the matrix row at the provided index as a Cartesian3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the row to retrieve.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, or 2.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getRow = function(matrix, index, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 2);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x = matrix[index];\n const y = matrix[index + 3];\n const z = matrix[index + 6];\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the specified row in the provided matrix with the provided Cartesian3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the row to set.\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian whose values will be assigned to the specified row.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, or 2.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.setRow = function(matrix, index, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 2);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone(matrix, result);\n result[index] = cartesian.x;\n result[index + 3] = cartesian.y;\n result[index + 6] = cartesian.z;\n return result;\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch1 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the scale with the provided scale.\n * This assumes the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The scale that replaces the scale of the provided matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.setUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.getScale\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.setScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const existingScale = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getScale(matrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch1);\n const scaleRatioX = scale.x / existingScale.x;\n const scaleRatioY = scale.y / existingScale.y;\n const scaleRatioZ = scale.z / existingScale.z;\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scaleRatioX;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scaleRatioX;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scaleRatioX;\n result[3] = matrix[3] * scaleRatioY;\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scaleRatioY;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scaleRatioY;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[7] = matrix[7] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scaleRatioZ;\n return result;\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch2 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the scale with the provided uniform scale.\n * This assumes the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} scale The uniform scale that replaces the scale of the provided matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.setScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.getScale\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.setUniformScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const existingScale = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getScale(matrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch2);\n const scaleRatioX = scale / existingScale.x;\n const scaleRatioY = scale / existingScale.y;\n const scaleRatioZ = scale / existingScale.z;\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scaleRatioX;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scaleRatioX;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scaleRatioX;\n result[3] = matrix[3] * scaleRatioY;\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scaleRatioY;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scaleRatioY;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[7] = matrix[7] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scaleRatioZ;\n return result;\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scratchColumn = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Extracts the non-uniform scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.setScale\n * @see Matrix3.setUniformScale\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getScale = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], $7c7546cf90115481$var$scratchColumn));\n result.y = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(matrix[3], matrix[4], matrix[5], $7c7546cf90115481$var$scratchColumn));\n result.z = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(matrix[6], matrix[7], matrix[8], $7c7546cf90115481$var$scratchColumn));\n return result;\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch3 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes the maximum scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n * The maximum scale is the maximum length of the column vectors.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix.\n * @returns {number} The maximum scale.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getMaximumScale = function(matrix) {\n $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getScale(matrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch3);\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).maximumComponent($7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch3);\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch4 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Sets the rotation assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} rotation The rotation matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.getRotation\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.setRotation = function(matrix, rotation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const scale = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getScale(matrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch4);\n result[0] = rotation[0] * scale.x;\n result[1] = rotation[1] * scale.x;\n result[2] = rotation[2] * scale.x;\n result[3] = rotation[3] * scale.y;\n result[4] = rotation[4] * scale.y;\n result[5] = rotation[5] * scale.y;\n result[6] = rotation[6] * scale.z;\n result[7] = rotation[7] * scale.z;\n result[8] = rotation[8] * scale.z;\n return result;\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch5 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Extracts the rotation matrix assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.setRotation\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getRotation = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const scale = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getScale(matrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$scaleScratch5);\n result[0] = matrix[0] / scale.x;\n result[1] = matrix[1] / scale.x;\n result[2] = matrix[2] / scale.x;\n result[3] = matrix[3] / scale.y;\n result[4] = matrix[4] / scale.y;\n result[5] = matrix[5] / scale.y;\n result[6] = matrix[6] / scale.z;\n result[7] = matrix[7] / scale.z;\n result[8] = matrix[8] / scale.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of two matrices.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiply = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const column0Row0 = left[0] * right[0] + left[3] * right[1] + left[6] * right[2];\n const column0Row1 = left[1] * right[0] + left[4] * right[1] + left[7] * right[2];\n const column0Row2 = left[2] * right[0] + left[5] * right[1] + left[8] * right[2];\n const column1Row0 = left[0] * right[3] + left[3] * right[4] + left[6] * right[5];\n const column1Row1 = left[1] * right[3] + left[4] * right[4] + left[7] * right[5];\n const column1Row2 = left[2] * right[3] + left[5] * right[4] + left[8] * right[5];\n const column2Row0 = left[0] * right[6] + left[3] * right[7] + left[6] * right[8];\n const column2Row1 = left[1] * right[6] + left[4] * right[7] + left[7] * right[8];\n const column2Row2 = left[2] * right[6] + left[5] * right[7] + left[8] * right[8];\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = column0Row1;\n result[2] = column0Row2;\n result[3] = column1Row0;\n result[4] = column1Row1;\n result[5] = column1Row2;\n result[6] = column2Row0;\n result[7] = column2Row1;\n result[8] = column2Row2;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the sum of two matrices.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.add = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = left[0] + right[0];\n result[1] = left[1] + right[1];\n result[2] = left[2] + right[2];\n result[3] = left[3] + right[3];\n result[4] = left[4] + right[4];\n result[5] = left[5] + right[5];\n result[6] = left[6] + right[6];\n result[7] = left[7] + right[7];\n result[8] = left[8] + right[8];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the difference of two matrices.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.subtract = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = left[0] - right[0];\n result[1] = left[1] - right[1];\n result[2] = left[2] - right[2];\n result[3] = left[3] - right[3];\n result[4] = left[4] - right[4];\n result[5] = left[5] - right[5];\n result[6] = left[6] - right[6];\n result[7] = left[7] - right[7];\n result[8] = left[8] - right[8];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix and a column vector.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The column.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiplyByVector = function(matrix, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const vX = cartesian.x;\n const vY = cartesian.y;\n const vZ = cartesian.z;\n const x = matrix[0] * vX + matrix[3] * vY + matrix[6] * vZ;\n const y = matrix[1] * vX + matrix[4] * vY + matrix[7] * vZ;\n const z = matrix[2] * vX + matrix[5] * vY + matrix[8] * vZ;\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix and a scalar.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {number} scalar The number to multiply by.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiplyByScalar = function(matrix, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scalar;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scalar;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scalar;\n result[3] = matrix[3] * scalar;\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scalar;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scalar;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scalar;\n result[7] = matrix[7] * scalar;\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix times a (non-uniform) scale, as if the scale were a scale matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The non-uniform scale on the right-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // Instead of Cesium.Matrix3.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix3.fromScale(scale), m);\n * Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByScale(m, scale, m);\n *\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.setScale\n * @see Matrix3.setUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.getScale\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiplyByScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scale.x;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scale.x;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scale.x;\n result[3] = matrix[3] * scale.y;\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scale.y;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scale.y;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scale.z;\n result[7] = matrix[7] * scale.z;\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scale.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix times a uniform scale, as if the scale were a scale matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.\n * @param {number} scale The uniform scale on the right-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * // Instead of Cesium.Matrix3.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix3.fromUniformScale(scale), m);\n * Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByUniformScale(m, scale, m);\n *\n * @see Matrix3.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromScale\n * @see Matrix3.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.setScale\n * @see Matrix3.setUniformScale\n * @see Matrix3.getScale\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiplyByUniformScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scale;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scale;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scale;\n result[3] = matrix[3] * scale;\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scale;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scale;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scale;\n result[7] = matrix[7] * scale;\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scale;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a negated copy of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to negate.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.negate = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = -matrix[0];\n result[1] = -matrix[1];\n result[2] = -matrix[2];\n result[3] = -matrix[3];\n result[4] = -matrix[4];\n result[5] = -matrix[5];\n result[6] = -matrix[6];\n result[7] = -matrix[7];\n result[8] = -matrix[8];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the transpose of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to transpose.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.transpose = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const column0Row0 = matrix[0];\n const column0Row1 = matrix[3];\n const column0Row2 = matrix[6];\n const column1Row0 = matrix[1];\n const column1Row1 = matrix[4];\n const column1Row2 = matrix[7];\n const column2Row0 = matrix[2];\n const column2Row1 = matrix[5];\n const column2Row2 = matrix[8];\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = column0Row1;\n result[2] = column0Row2;\n result[3] = column1Row0;\n result[4] = column1Row1;\n result[5] = column1Row2;\n result[6] = column2Row0;\n result[7] = column2Row1;\n result[8] = column2Row2;\n return result;\n};\nfunction $7c7546cf90115481$var$computeFrobeniusNorm(matrix) {\n let norm = 0.0;\n for(let i = 0; i < 9; ++i){\n const temp = matrix[i];\n norm += temp * temp;\n }\n return Math.sqrt(norm);\n}\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$rowVal = [\n 1,\n 0,\n 0\n];\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$colVal = [\n 2,\n 2,\n 1\n];\nfunction $7c7546cf90115481$var$offDiagonalFrobeniusNorm(matrix) {\n // Computes the \"off-diagonal\" Frobenius norm.\n // Assumes matrix is symmetric.\n let norm = 0.0;\n for(let i = 0; i < 3; ++i){\n const temp = matrix[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex($7c7546cf90115481$var$colVal[i], $7c7546cf90115481$var$rowVal[i])];\n norm += 2.0 * temp * temp;\n }\n return Math.sqrt(norm);\n}\nfunction $7c7546cf90115481$var$shurDecomposition(matrix, result) {\n // This routine was created based upon Matrix Computations, 3rd ed., by Golub and Van Loan,\n // section 8.4.2 The 2by2 Symmetric Schur Decomposition.\n //\n // The routine takes a matrix, which is assumed to be symmetric, and\n // finds the largest off-diagonal term, and then creates\n // a matrix (result) which can be used to help reduce it\n const tolerance = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON15;\n let maxDiagonal = 0.0;\n let rotAxis = 1;\n // find pivot (rotAxis) based on max diagonal of matrix\n for(let i = 0; i < 3; ++i){\n const temp = Math.abs(matrix[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex($7c7546cf90115481$var$colVal[i], $7c7546cf90115481$var$rowVal[i])]);\n if (temp > maxDiagonal) {\n rotAxis = i;\n maxDiagonal = temp;\n }\n }\n let c = 1.0;\n let s = 0.0;\n const p = $7c7546cf90115481$var$rowVal[rotAxis];\n const q = $7c7546cf90115481$var$colVal[rotAxis];\n if (Math.abs(matrix[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(q, p)]) > tolerance) {\n const qq = matrix[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(q, q)];\n const pp = matrix[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(p, p)];\n const qp = matrix[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(q, p)];\n const tau = (qq - pp) / 2.0 / qp;\n let t;\n if (tau < 0.0) t = -1 / (-tau + Math.sqrt(1.0 + tau * tau));\n else t = 1.0 / (tau + Math.sqrt(1.0 + tau * tau));\n c = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 + t * t);\n s = t * c;\n }\n result = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone($7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.IDENTITY, result);\n result[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(p, p)] = result[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(q, q)] = c;\n result[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(q, p)] = s;\n result[$7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.getElementIndex(p, q)] = -s;\n return result;\n}\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrix = new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3();\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrixTranspose = new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3();\n/**\n * Computes the eigenvectors and eigenvalues of a symmetric matrix.\n * \n * Returns a diagonal matrix and unitary matrix such that:\n * matrix = unitary matrix * diagonal matrix * transpose(unitary matrix)
\n *
\n * \n * The values along the diagonal of the diagonal matrix are the eigenvalues. The columns\n * of the unitary matrix are the corresponding eigenvectors.\n *
\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to decompose into diagonal and unitary matrix. Expected to be symmetric.\n * @param {object} [result] An object with unitary and diagonal properties which are matrices onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {object} An object with unitary and diagonal properties which are the unitary and diagonal matrices, respectively.\n *\n * @example\n * const a = //... symetric matrix\n * const result = {\n * unitary : new Cesium.Matrix3(),\n * diagonal : new Cesium.Matrix3()\n * };\n * Cesium.Matrix3.computeEigenDecomposition(a, result);\n *\n * const unitaryTranspose = Cesium.Matrix3.transpose(result.unitary, new Cesium.Matrix3());\n * const b = Cesium.Matrix3.multiply(result.unitary, result.diagonal, new Cesium.Matrix3());\n * Cesium.Matrix3.multiply(b, unitaryTranspose, b); // b is now equal to a\n *\n * const lambda = Cesium.Matrix3.getColumn(result.diagonal, 0, new Cesium.Cartesian3()).x; // first eigenvalue\n * const v = Cesium.Matrix3.getColumn(result.unitary, 0, new Cesium.Cartesian3()); // first eigenvector\n * const c = Cesium.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(v, lambda, new Cesium.Cartesian3()); // equal to Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(a, v)\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.computeEigenDecomposition = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n // This routine was created based upon Matrix Computations, 3rd ed., by Golub and Van Loan,\n // section 8.4.3 The Classical Jacobi Algorithm\n const tolerance = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON20;\n const maxSweeps = 10;\n let count = 0;\n let sweep = 0;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = {};\n const unitaryMatrix = result.unitary = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone($7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.IDENTITY, result.unitary);\n const diagMatrix = result.diagonal = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone(matrix, result.diagonal);\n const epsilon = tolerance * $7c7546cf90115481$var$computeFrobeniusNorm(diagMatrix);\n while(sweep < maxSweeps && $7c7546cf90115481$var$offDiagonalFrobeniusNorm(diagMatrix) > epsilon){\n $7c7546cf90115481$var$shurDecomposition(diagMatrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrix);\n $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.transpose($7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrixTranspose);\n $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiply(diagMatrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrix, diagMatrix);\n $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiply($7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrixTranspose, diagMatrix, diagMatrix);\n $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiply(unitaryMatrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$jMatrix, unitaryMatrix);\n if (++count > 2) {\n ++sweep;\n count = 0;\n }\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a matrix, which contains the absolute (unsigned) values of the provided matrix's elements.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix with signed elements.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.abs = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = Math.abs(matrix[0]);\n result[1] = Math.abs(matrix[1]);\n result[2] = Math.abs(matrix[2]);\n result[3] = Math.abs(matrix[3]);\n result[4] = Math.abs(matrix[4]);\n result[5] = Math.abs(matrix[5]);\n result[6] = Math.abs(matrix[6]);\n result[7] = Math.abs(matrix[7]);\n result[8] = Math.abs(matrix[8]);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the determinant of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @returns {number} The value of the determinant of the matrix.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.determinant = function(matrix) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const m11 = matrix[0];\n const m21 = matrix[3];\n const m31 = matrix[6];\n const m12 = matrix[1];\n const m22 = matrix[4];\n const m32 = matrix[7];\n const m13 = matrix[2];\n const m23 = matrix[5];\n const m33 = matrix[8];\n return m11 * (m22 * m33 - m23 * m32) + m12 * (m23 * m31 - m21 * m33) + m13 * (m21 * m32 - m22 * m31);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the inverse of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to invert.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} matrix is not invertible.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.inverse = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const m11 = matrix[0];\n const m21 = matrix[1];\n const m31 = matrix[2];\n const m12 = matrix[3];\n const m22 = matrix[4];\n const m32 = matrix[5];\n const m13 = matrix[6];\n const m23 = matrix[7];\n const m33 = matrix[8];\n const determinant = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.determinant(matrix);\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (Math.abs(determinant) <= (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON15) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"matrix is not invertible\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = m22 * m33 - m23 * m32;\n result[1] = m23 * m31 - m21 * m33;\n result[2] = m21 * m32 - m22 * m31;\n result[3] = m13 * m32 - m12 * m33;\n result[4] = m11 * m33 - m13 * m31;\n result[5] = m12 * m31 - m11 * m32;\n result[6] = m12 * m23 - m13 * m22;\n result[7] = m13 * m21 - m11 * m23;\n result[8] = m11 * m22 - m12 * m21;\n const scale = 1.0 / determinant;\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.multiplyByScalar(result, scale, result);\n};\nconst $7c7546cf90115481$var$scratchTransposeMatrix = new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3();\n/**\n * Computes the inverse transpose of a matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The matrix to transpose and invert.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.inverseTranspose = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.inverse($7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.transpose(matrix, $7c7546cf90115481$var$scratchTransposeMatrix), result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided matrices componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} [left] The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} [right] The second matrix.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left[0] === right[0] && left[1] === right[1] && left[2] === right[2] && left[3] === right[3] && left[4] === right[4] && left[5] === right[5] && left[6] === right[6] && left[7] === right[7] && left[8] === right[8];\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided matrices componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} [left] The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} [right] The second matrix.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {\n epsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(epsilon, 0);\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && Math.abs(left[0] - right[0]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[1] - right[1]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[2] - right[2]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[3] - right[3]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[4] - right[4]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[5] - right[5]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[6] - right[6]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[7] - right[7]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[8] - right[8]) <= epsilon;\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Matrix3 instance initialized to the identity matrix.\n *\n * @type {Matrix3}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.IDENTITY = Object.freeze(new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Matrix3 instance initialized to the zero matrix.\n *\n * @type {Matrix3}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 0, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW0 = 0;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 0, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW1 = 1;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 0, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN0ROW2 = 2;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 1, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW0 = 3;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 1, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW1 = 4;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 1, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN1ROW2 = 5;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 2, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW0 = 6;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 2, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW1 = 7;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix3 for column 2, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.COLUMN2ROW2 = 8;\nObject.defineProperties($7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.prototype, {\n /**\n * Gets the number of items in the collection.\n * @memberof Matrix3.prototype\n *\n * @type {number}\n */ length: {\n get: function() {\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.packedLength;\n }\n }\n});\n/**\n * Duplicates the provided Matrix3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this matrix to the provided matrix componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} [right] The right hand side matrix.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.equalsArray = function(matrix, array, offset) {\n return matrix[0] === array[offset] && matrix[1] === array[offset + 1] && matrix[2] === array[offset + 2] && matrix[3] === array[offset + 3] && matrix[4] === array[offset + 4] && matrix[5] === array[offset + 5] && matrix[6] === array[offset + 6] && matrix[7] === array[offset + 7] && matrix[8] === array[offset + 8];\n};\n/**\n * Compares this matrix to the provided matrix componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} [right] The right hand side matrix.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {\n return $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this Matrix with each row being\n * on a separate line and in the format '(column0, column1, column2)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided Matrix with each row being on a separate line and in the format '(column0, column1, column2)'.\n */ $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this[0]}, ${this[3]}, ${this[6]})\\n` + `(${this[1]}, ${this[4]}, ${this[7]})\\n` + `(${this[2]}, ${this[5]}, ${this[8]})`;\n};\nvar $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $7c7546cf90115481$var$Matrix3;\n\n\n\n/**\n * Constructs an exception object that is thrown due to an error that can occur at runtime, e.g.,\n * out of memory, could not compile shader, etc. If a function may throw this\n * exception, the calling code should be prepared to catch it.\n *
\n * On the other hand, a {@link DeveloperError} indicates an exception due\n * to a developer error, e.g., invalid argument, that usually indicates a bug in the\n * calling code.\n *\n * @alias RuntimeError\n * @constructor\n * @extends Error\n *\n * @param {string} [message] The error message for this exception.\n *\n * @see DeveloperError\n */ function $e06ba60060738bd3$var$RuntimeError(message) {\n /**\n * 'RuntimeError' indicating that this exception was thrown due to a runtime error.\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ = \"RuntimeError\";\n /**\n * The explanation for why this exception was thrown.\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ this.message = message;\n //Browsers such as IE don't have a stack property until you actually throw the error.\n let stack;\n try {\n throw new Error();\n } catch (e) {\n stack = e.stack;\n }\n /**\n * The stack trace of this exception, if available.\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ this.stack = stack;\n}\nif ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(Object.create)) {\n $e06ba60060738bd3$var$RuntimeError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);\n $e06ba60060738bd3$var$RuntimeError.prototype.constructor = $e06ba60060738bd3$var$RuntimeError;\n}\n$e06ba60060738bd3$var$RuntimeError.prototype.toString = function() {\n let str = `${}: ${this.message}`;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.stack)) str += `\\n${this.stack.toString()}`;\n return str;\n};\nvar $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $e06ba60060738bd3$var$RuntimeError;\n\n\n/**\n * A 4x4 matrix, indexable as a column-major order array.\n * Constructor parameters are in row-major order for code readability.\n * @alias Matrix4\n * @constructor\n * @implements {ArrayLike}\n *\n * @param {number} [column0Row0=0.0] The value for column 0, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column1Row0=0.0] The value for column 1, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column2Row0=0.0] The value for column 2, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column3Row0=0.0] The value for column 3, row 0.\n * @param {number} [column0Row1=0.0] The value for column 0, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column1Row1=0.0] The value for column 1, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column2Row1=0.0] The value for column 2, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column3Row1=0.0] The value for column 3, row 1.\n * @param {number} [column0Row2=0.0] The value for column 0, row 2.\n * @param {number} [column1Row2=0.0] The value for column 1, row 2.\n * @param {number} [column2Row2=0.0] The value for column 2, row 2.\n * @param {number} [column3Row2=0.0] The value for column 3, row 2.\n * @param {number} [column0Row3=0.0] The value for column 0, row 3.\n * @param {number} [column1Row3=0.0] The value for column 1, row 3.\n * @param {number} [column2Row3=0.0] The value for column 2, row 3.\n * @param {number} [column3Row3=0.0] The value for column 3, row 3.\n *\n * @see Matrix4.fromArray\n * @see Matrix4.fromColumnMajorArray\n * @see Matrix4.fromRowMajorArray\n * @see Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation\n * @see Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromTranslationRotationScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromTranslation\n * @see Matrix4.fromScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromRotation\n * @see Matrix4.fromCamera\n * @see Matrix4.computePerspectiveFieldOfView\n * @see Matrix4.computeOrthographicOffCenter\n * @see Matrix4.computePerspectiveOffCenter\n * @see Matrix4.computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter\n * @see Matrix4.computeViewportTransformation\n * @see Matrix4.computeView\n * @see Matrix2\n * @see Matrix3\n * @see Packable\n */ function $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(column0Row0, column1Row0, column2Row0, column3Row0, column0Row1, column1Row1, column2Row1, column3Row1, column0Row2, column1Row2, column2Row2, column3Row2, column0Row3, column1Row3, column2Row3, column3Row3) {\n this[0] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row0, 0.0);\n this[1] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row1, 0.0);\n this[2] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row2, 0.0);\n this[3] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column0Row3, 0.0);\n this[4] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row0, 0.0);\n this[5] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row1, 0.0);\n this[6] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row2, 0.0);\n this[7] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column1Row3, 0.0);\n this[8] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row0, 0.0);\n this[9] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row1, 0.0);\n this[10] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row2, 0.0);\n this[11] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column2Row3, 0.0);\n this[12] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column3Row0, 0.0);\n this[13] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column3Row1, 0.0);\n this[14] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column3Row2, 0.0);\n this[15] = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(column3Row3, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.packedLength = 16;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n array[startingIndex++] = value[0];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[1];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[2];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[3];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[4];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[5];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[6];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[7];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[8];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[9];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[10];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[11];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[12];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[13];\n array[startingIndex++] = value[14];\n array[startingIndex] = value[15];\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4();\n result[0] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[1] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[2] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[3] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[4] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[5] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[6] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[7] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[8] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[9] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[10] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[11] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[12] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[13] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[14] = array[startingIndex++];\n result[15] = array[startingIndex];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Flattens an array of Matrix4s into an array of components. The components\n * are stored in column-major order.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4[]} array The array of matrices to pack.\n * @param {number[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result. If this is a typed array, it must have array.length * 16 components, else a {@link DeveloperError} will be thrown. If it is a regular array, it will be resized to have (array.length * 16) elements.\n * @returns {number[]} The packed array.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.packArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n const resultLength = length * 16;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(resultLength);\n else if (!Array.isArray(result) && result.length !== resultLength) //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"If result is a typed array, it must have exactly array.length * 16 elements\");\n else if (result.length !== resultLength) result.length = resultLength;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)$1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.pack(array[i], result, i * 16);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Unpacks an array of column-major matrix components into an array of Matrix4s.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array of components to unpack.\n * @param {Matrix4[]} [result] The array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4[]} The unpacked array.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.unpackArray = function(array, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"array.length\", array.length, 16);\n if (array.length % 16 !== 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"array length must be a multiple of 16.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = array.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length / 16);\n else result.length = length / 16;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i += 16){\n const index = i / 16;\n result[index] = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.unpack(array, i, result[index]);\n }\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Matrix4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to duplicate.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if matrix is undefined)\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.clone = function(matrix, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(matrix)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(matrix[0], matrix[4], matrix[8], matrix[12], matrix[1], matrix[5], matrix[9], matrix[13], matrix[2], matrix[6], matrix[10], matrix[14], matrix[3], matrix[7], matrix[11], matrix[15]);\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4];\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8];\n result[9] = matrix[9];\n result[10] = matrix[10];\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Matrix4 from 16 consecutive elements in an array.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array whose 16 consecutive elements correspond to the positions of the matrix. Assumes column-major order.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The offset into the array of the first element, which corresponds to first column first row position in the matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create the Matrix4:\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]\n * // [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0]\n *\n * const v = [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0];\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix4.fromArray(v);\n *\n * // Create same Matrix4 with using an offset into an array\n * const v2 = [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0, 4.0];\n * const m2 = Cesium.Matrix4.fromArray(v2, 2);\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromArray = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.unpack;\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance from a column-major order array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} values The column-major order array.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromColumnMajorArray = function(values, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"values\", values);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.clone(values, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance from a row-major order array.\n * The resulting matrix will be in column-major order.\n *\n * @param {number[]} values The row-major order array.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromRowMajorArray = function(values, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"values\", values);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(values[0], values[1], values[2], values[3], values[4], values[5], values[6], values[7], values[8], values[9], values[10], values[11], values[12], values[13], values[14], values[15]);\n result[0] = values[0];\n result[1] = values[4];\n result[2] = values[8];\n result[3] = values[12];\n result[4] = values[1];\n result[5] = values[5];\n result[6] = values[9];\n result[7] = values[13];\n result[8] = values[2];\n result[9] = values[6];\n result[10] = values[10];\n result[11] = values[14];\n result[12] = values[3];\n result[13] = values[7];\n result[14] = values[11];\n result[15] = values[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance from a Matrix3 representing the rotation\n * and a Cartesian3 representing the translation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} rotation The upper left portion of the matrix representing the rotation.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [translation=Cartesian3.ZERO] The upper right portion of the matrix representing the translation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation = function(rotation, translation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"rotation\", rotation);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n translation = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(translation, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(rotation[0], rotation[3], rotation[6], translation.x, rotation[1], rotation[4], rotation[7], translation.y, rotation[2], rotation[5], rotation[8], translation.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n result[0] = rotation[0];\n result[1] = rotation[1];\n result[2] = rotation[2];\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = rotation[3];\n result[5] = rotation[4];\n result[6] = rotation[5];\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = rotation[6];\n result[9] = rotation[7];\n result[10] = rotation[8];\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = translation.x;\n result[13] = translation.y;\n result[14] = translation.z;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance from a translation, rotation, and scale (TRS)\n * representation with the rotation represented as a quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} translation The translation transformation.\n * @param {Quaternion} rotation The rotation transformation.\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The non-uniform scale transformation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * const result = Cesium.Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale(\n * new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0), // translation\n * Cesium.Quaternion.IDENTITY, // rotation\n * new Cesium.Cartesian3(7.0, 8.0, 9.0), // scale\n * result);\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale = function(translation, rotation, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"translation\", translation);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"rotation\", rotation);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4();\n const scaleX = scale.x;\n const scaleY = scale.y;\n const scaleZ = scale.z;\n const x2 = rotation.x * rotation.x;\n const xy = rotation.x * rotation.y;\n const xz = rotation.x * rotation.z;\n const xw = rotation.x * rotation.w;\n const y2 = rotation.y * rotation.y;\n const yz = rotation.y * rotation.z;\n const yw = rotation.y * rotation.w;\n const z2 = rotation.z * rotation.z;\n const zw = rotation.z * rotation.w;\n const w2 = rotation.w * rotation.w;\n const m00 = x2 - y2 - z2 + w2;\n const m01 = 2.0 * (xy - zw);\n const m02 = 2.0 * (xz + yw);\n const m10 = 2.0 * (xy + zw);\n const m11 = -x2 + y2 - z2 + w2;\n const m12 = 2.0 * (yz - xw);\n const m20 = 2.0 * (xz - yw);\n const m21 = 2.0 * (yz + xw);\n const m22 = -x2 - y2 + z2 + w2;\n result[0] = m00 * scaleX;\n result[1] = m10 * scaleX;\n result[2] = m20 * scaleX;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = m01 * scaleY;\n result[5] = m11 * scaleY;\n result[6] = m21 * scaleY;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = m02 * scaleZ;\n result[9] = m12 * scaleZ;\n result[10] = m22 * scaleZ;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = translation.x;\n result[13] = translation.y;\n result[14] = translation.z;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Matrix4 instance from a {@link TranslationRotationScale} instance.\n *\n * @param {TranslationRotationScale} translationRotationScale The instance.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromTranslationRotationScale = function(translationRotationScale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"translationRotationScale\", translationRotationScale);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale(translationRotationScale.translation, translationRotationScale.rotation, translationRotationScale.scale, result);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Matrix4 instance from a Cartesian3 representing the translation.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} translation The upper right portion of the matrix representing the translation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByTranslation\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromTranslation = function(translation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"translation\", translation);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation((0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).IDENTITY, translation, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance representing a non-uniform scale.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The x, y, and z scale factors.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Creates\n * // [7.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 8.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 0.0, 9.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(new Cesium.Cartesian3(7.0, 8.0, 9.0));\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromScale = function(scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(scale.x, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale.y, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n result[0] = scale.x;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = scale.y;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n result[9] = 0.0;\n result[10] = scale.z;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = 0.0;\n result[13] = 0.0;\n result[14] = 0.0;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance representing a uniform scale.\n *\n * @param {number} scale The uniform scale factor.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Creates\n * // [2.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 0.0]\n * // [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix4.fromUniformScale(2.0);\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromUniformScale = function(scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scale\", scale);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, scale, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n result[0] = scale;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = scale;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n result[9] = 0.0;\n result[10] = scale;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = 0.0;\n result[13] = 0.0;\n result[14] = 0.0;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a rotation matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} rotation The rotation matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromRotation = function(rotation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"rotation\", rotation);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4();\n result[0] = rotation[0];\n result[1] = rotation[1];\n result[2] = rotation[2];\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = rotation[3];\n result[5] = rotation[4];\n result[6] = rotation[5];\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = rotation[6];\n result[9] = rotation[7];\n result[10] = rotation[8];\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = 0.0;\n result[13] = 0.0;\n result[14] = 0.0;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraU = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance from a Camera.\n *\n * @param {Camera} camera The camera to use.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored, if undefined a new instance will be created.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter, or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.fromCamera = function(camera, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"camera\", camera);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const position = camera.position;\n const direction = camera.direction;\n const up = camera.up;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"camera.position\", position);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"camera.direction\", direction);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"camera.up\", up);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(direction, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).cross($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF, up, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR), $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).cross($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraU), $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraU);\n const sX = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR.x;\n const sY = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR.y;\n const sZ = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraR.z;\n const fX = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF.x;\n const fY = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF.y;\n const fZ = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraF.z;\n const uX = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraU.x;\n const uY = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraU.y;\n const uZ = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$fromCameraU.z;\n const positionX = position.x;\n const positionY = position.y;\n const positionZ = position.z;\n const t0 = sX * -positionX + sY * -positionY + sZ * -positionZ;\n const t1 = uX * -positionX + uY * -positionY + uZ * -positionZ;\n const t2 = fX * positionX + fY * positionY + fZ * positionZ;\n // The code below this comment is an optimized\n // version of the commented lines.\n // Rather that create two matrices and then multiply,\n // we just bake in the multiplcation as part of creation.\n // const rotation = new Matrix4(\n // sX, sY, sZ, 0.0,\n // uX, uY, uZ, 0.0,\n // -fX, -fY, -fZ, 0.0,\n // 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n // const translation = new Matrix4(\n // 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, -position.x,\n // 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, -position.y,\n // 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -position.z,\n // 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n // return rotation.multiply(translation);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(sX, sY, sZ, t0, uX, uY, uZ, t1, -fX, -fY, -fZ, t2, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n result[0] = sX;\n result[1] = uX;\n result[2] = -fX;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = sY;\n result[5] = uY;\n result[6] = -fY;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = sZ;\n result[9] = uZ;\n result[10] = -fZ;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = t0;\n result[13] = t1;\n result[14] = t2;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance representing a perspective transformation matrix.\n *\n * @param {number} fovY The field of view along the Y axis in radians.\n * @param {number} aspectRatio The aspect ratio.\n * @param {number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.\n * @param {number} far The distance to the far plane in meters.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} fovY must be in (0, PI].\n * @exception {DeveloperError} aspectRatio must be greater than zero.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} near must be greater than zero.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} far must be greater than zero.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.computePerspectiveFieldOfView = function(fovY, aspectRatio, near, far, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThan(\"fovY\", fovY, 0.0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThan(\"fovY\", fovY, Math.PI);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThan(\"near\", near, 0.0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThan(\"far\", far, 0.0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const bottom = Math.tan(fovY * 0.5);\n const column1Row1 = 1.0 / bottom;\n const column0Row0 = column1Row1 / aspectRatio;\n const column2Row2 = (far + near) / (near - far);\n const column3Row2 = 2.0 * far * near / (near - far);\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n result[9] = 0.0;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = -1;\n result[12] = 0.0;\n result[13] = 0.0;\n result[14] = column3Row2;\n result[15] = 0.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance representing an orthographic transformation matrix.\n *\n * @param {number} left The number of meters to the left of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} right The number of meters to the right of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} bottom The number of meters below of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} top The number of meters above of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.\n * @param {number} far The distance to the far plane in meters.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.computeOrthographicOffCenter = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"bottom\", bottom);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"top\", top);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"near\", near);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"far\", far);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let a = 1.0 / (right - left);\n let b = 1.0 / (top - bottom);\n let c = 1.0 / (far - near);\n const tx = -(right + left) * a;\n const ty = -(top + bottom) * b;\n const tz = -(far + near) * c;\n a *= 2.0;\n b *= 2.0;\n c *= -2;\n result[0] = a;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = b;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n result[9] = 0.0;\n result[10] = c;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = tx;\n result[13] = ty;\n result[14] = tz;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance representing an off center perspective transformation.\n *\n * @param {number} left The number of meters to the left of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} right The number of meters to the right of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} bottom The number of meters below of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} top The number of meters above of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.\n * @param {number} far The distance to the far plane in meters.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.computePerspectiveOffCenter = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"bottom\", bottom);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"top\", top);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"near\", near);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"far\", far);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const column0Row0 = 2.0 * near / (right - left);\n const column1Row1 = 2.0 * near / (top - bottom);\n const column2Row0 = (right + left) / (right - left);\n const column2Row1 = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);\n const column2Row2 = -(far + near) / (far - near);\n const column2Row3 = -1;\n const column3Row2 = -2 * far * near / (far - near);\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = column2Row0;\n result[9] = column2Row1;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = column2Row3;\n result[12] = 0.0;\n result[13] = 0.0;\n result[14] = column3Row2;\n result[15] = 0.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance representing an infinite off center perspective transformation.\n *\n * @param {number} left The number of meters to the left of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} right The number of meters to the right of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} bottom The number of meters below of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} top The number of meters above of the camera that will be in view.\n * @param {number} near The distance to the near plane in meters.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.computeInfinitePerspectiveOffCenter = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"bottom\", bottom);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"top\", top);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"near\", near);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const column0Row0 = 2.0 * near / (right - left);\n const column1Row1 = 2.0 * near / (top - bottom);\n const column2Row0 = (right + left) / (right - left);\n const column2Row1 = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom);\n const column2Row2 = -1;\n const column2Row3 = -1;\n const column3Row2 = -2 * near;\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = column2Row0;\n result[9] = column2Row1;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = column2Row3;\n result[12] = 0.0;\n result[13] = 0.0;\n result[14] = column3Row2;\n result[15] = 0.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance that transforms from normalized device coordinates to window coordinates.\n *\n * @param {object} [viewport = { x : 0.0, y : 0.0, width : 0.0, height : 0.0 }] The viewport's corners as shown in Example 1.\n * @param {number} [nearDepthRange=0.0] The near plane distance in window coordinates.\n * @param {number} [farDepthRange=1.0] The far plane distance in window coordinates.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create viewport transformation using an explicit viewport and depth range.\n * const m = Cesium.Matrix4.computeViewportTransformation({\n * x : 0.0,\n * y : 0.0,\n * width : 1024.0,\n * height : 768.0\n * }, 0.0, 1.0, new Cesium.Matrix4());\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.computeViewportTransformation = function(viewport, nearDepthRange, farDepthRange, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4();\n viewport = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(viewport, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n const x = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(viewport.x, 0.0);\n const y = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(viewport.y, 0.0);\n const width = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(viewport.width, 0.0);\n const height = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(viewport.height, 0.0);\n nearDepthRange = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(nearDepthRange, 0.0);\n farDepthRange = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(farDepthRange, 1.0);\n const halfWidth = width * 0.5;\n const halfHeight = height * 0.5;\n const halfDepth = (farDepthRange - nearDepthRange) * 0.5;\n const column0Row0 = halfWidth;\n const column1Row1 = halfHeight;\n const column2Row2 = halfDepth;\n const column3Row0 = x + halfWidth;\n const column3Row1 = y + halfHeight;\n const column3Row2 = nearDepthRange + halfDepth;\n const column3Row3 = 1.0;\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n result[9] = 0.0;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = column3Row0;\n result[13] = column3Row1;\n result[14] = column3Row2;\n result[15] = column3Row3;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a Matrix4 instance that transforms from world space to view space.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} position The position of the camera.\n * @param {Cartesian3} direction The forward direction.\n * @param {Cartesian3} up The up direction.\n * @param {Cartesian3} right The right direction.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.computeView = function(position, direction, up, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"position\", position);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"direction\", direction);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"up\", up);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = right.x;\n result[1] = up.x;\n result[2] = -direction.x;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = right.y;\n result[5] = up.y;\n result[6] = -direction.y;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = right.z;\n result[9] = up.z;\n result[10] = -direction.z;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = -(0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).dot(right, position);\n result[13] = -(0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).dot(up, position);\n result[14] = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).dot(direction, position);\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes an Array from the provided Matrix4 instance.\n * The array will be in column-major order.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use..\n * @param {number[]} [result] The Array onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {number[]} The modified Array parameter or a new Array instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @example\n * //create an array from an instance of Matrix4\n * // m = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]\n * // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.toArray(m);\n *\n * // m remains the same\n * //creates a = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0, 18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0, 22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.toArray = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return [\n matrix[0],\n matrix[1],\n matrix[2],\n matrix[3],\n matrix[4],\n matrix[5],\n matrix[6],\n matrix[7],\n matrix[8],\n matrix[9],\n matrix[10],\n matrix[11],\n matrix[12],\n matrix[13],\n matrix[14],\n matrix[15]\n ];\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4];\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8];\n result[9] = matrix[9];\n result[10] = matrix[10];\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the array index of the element at the provided row and column.\n *\n * @param {number} row The zero-based index of the row.\n * @param {number} column The zero-based index of the column.\n * @returns {number} The index of the element at the provided row and column.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} row must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} column must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.\n *\n * @example\n * const myMatrix = new Cesium.Matrix4();\n * const column1Row0Index = Cesium.Matrix4.getElementIndex(1, 0);\n * const column1Row0 = myMatrix[column1Row0Index];\n * myMatrix[column1Row0Index] = 10.0;\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getElementIndex = function(column, row) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"row\", row, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"row\", row, 3);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"column\", column, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"column\", column, 3);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return column * 4 + row;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves a copy of the matrix column at the provided index as a Cartesian4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the column to retrieve.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.\n *\n * @example\n * //returns a Cartesian4 instance with values from the specified column\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * //Example 1: Creates an instance of Cartesian\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.getColumn(m, 2, new Cesium.Cartesian4());\n *\n * @example\n * //Example 2: Sets values for Cartesian instance\n * const a = new Cesium.Cartesian4();\n * Cesium.Matrix4.getColumn(m, 2, a);\n *\n * // a.x = 12.0; a.y = 16.0; a.z = 20.0; a.w = 24.0;\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getColumn = function(matrix, index, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 3);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const startIndex = index * 4;\n const x = matrix[startIndex];\n const y = matrix[startIndex + 1];\n const z = matrix[startIndex + 2];\n const w = matrix[startIndex + 3];\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the specified column in the provided matrix with the provided Cartesian4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the column to set.\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian whose values will be assigned to the specified column.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.\n *\n * @example\n * //creates a new Matrix4 instance with new column values from the Cartesian4 instance\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.setColumn(m, 2, new Cesium.Cartesian4(99.0, 98.0, 97.0, 96.0), new Cesium.Matrix4());\n *\n * // m remains the same\n * // a = [10.0, 11.0, 99.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 98.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 97.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 96.0, 25.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.setColumn = function(matrix, index, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 3);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.clone(matrix, result);\n const startIndex = index * 4;\n result[startIndex] = cartesian.x;\n result[startIndex + 1] = cartesian.y;\n result[startIndex + 2] = cartesian.z;\n result[startIndex + 3] = cartesian.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves a copy of the matrix row at the provided index as a Cartesian4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the row to retrieve.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.\n *\n * @example\n * //returns a Cartesian4 instance with values from the specified column\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * //Example 1: Returns an instance of Cartesian\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.getRow(m, 2, new Cesium.Cartesian4());\n *\n * @example\n * //Example 2: Sets values for a Cartesian instance\n * const a = new Cesium.Cartesian4();\n * Cesium.Matrix4.getRow(m, 2, a);\n *\n * // a.x = 18.0; a.y = 19.0; a.z = 20.0; a.w = 21.0;\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getRow = function(matrix, index, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 3);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x = matrix[index];\n const y = matrix[index + 4];\n const z = matrix[index + 8];\n const w = matrix[index + 12];\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the specified row in the provided matrix with the provided Cartesian4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} index The zero-based index of the row to set.\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The Cartesian whose values will be assigned to the specified row.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} index must be 0, 1, 2, or 3.\n *\n * @example\n * //create a new Matrix4 instance with new row values from the Cartesian4 instance\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.setRow(m, 2, new Cesium.Cartesian4(99.0, 98.0, 97.0, 96.0), new Cesium.Matrix4());\n *\n * // m remains the same\n * // a = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [99.0, 98.0, 97.0, 96.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.setRow = function(matrix, index, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThanOrEquals(\"index\", index, 3);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.clone(matrix, result);\n result[index] = cartesian.x;\n result[index + 4] = cartesian.y;\n result[index + 8] = cartesian.z;\n result[index + 12] = cartesian.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the translation in the rightmost column of the provided\n * matrix with the provided translation. This assumes the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {Cartesian3} translation The translation that replaces the translation of the provided matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.setTranslation = function(matrix, translation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"translation\", translation);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4];\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8];\n result[9] = matrix[9];\n result[10] = matrix[10];\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = translation.x;\n result[13] = translation.y;\n result[14] = translation.z;\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch1 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the scale with the provided scale.\n * This assumes the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The scale that replaces the scale of the provided matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix4.setUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.getScale\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.setScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const existingScale = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getScale(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch1);\n const scaleRatioX = scale.x / existingScale.x;\n const scaleRatioY = scale.y / existingScale.y;\n const scaleRatioZ = scale.z / existingScale.z;\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scaleRatioX;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scaleRatioX;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scaleRatioX;\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scaleRatioY;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scaleRatioY;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scaleRatioY;\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[9] = matrix[9] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[10] = matrix[10] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch2 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a new matrix that replaces the scale with the provided uniform scale.\n * This assumes the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {number} scale The uniform scale that replaces the scale of the provided matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix4.setScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.getScale\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.setUniformScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const existingScale = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getScale(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch2);\n const scaleRatioX = scale / existingScale.x;\n const scaleRatioY = scale / existingScale.y;\n const scaleRatioZ = scale / existingScale.z;\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scaleRatioX;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scaleRatioX;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scaleRatioX;\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scaleRatioY;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scaleRatioY;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scaleRatioY;\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[9] = matrix[9] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[10] = matrix[10] * scaleRatioZ;\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchColumn = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Extracts the non-uniform scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter\n *\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.setScale\n * @see Matrix4.setUniformScale\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getScale = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(matrix[0], matrix[1], matrix[2], $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchColumn));\n result.y = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(matrix[4], matrix[5], matrix[6], $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchColumn));\n result.z = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(matrix[8], matrix[9], matrix[10], $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchColumn));\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch3 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes the maximum scale assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n * The maximum scale is the maximum length of the column vectors in the upper-left\n * 3x3 matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @returns {number} The maximum scale.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getMaximumScale = function(matrix) {\n $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getScale(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch3);\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).maximumComponent($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch3);\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch4 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Sets the rotation assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} rotation The rotation matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix4.fromRotation\n * @see Matrix4.getRotation\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.setRotation = function(matrix, rotation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const scale = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getScale(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch4);\n result[0] = rotation[0] * scale.x;\n result[1] = rotation[1] * scale.x;\n result[2] = rotation[2] * scale.x;\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = rotation[3] * scale.y;\n result[5] = rotation[4] * scale.y;\n result[6] = rotation[5] * scale.y;\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = rotation[6] * scale.z;\n result[9] = rotation[7] * scale.z;\n result[10] = rotation[8] * scale.z;\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch5 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Extracts the rotation matrix assuming the matrix is an affine transformation.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Matrix4.setRotation\n * @see Matrix4.fromRotation\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getRotation = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const scale = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getScale(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scaleScratch5);\n result[0] = matrix[0] / scale.x;\n result[1] = matrix[1] / scale.x;\n result[2] = matrix[2] / scale.x;\n result[3] = matrix[4] / scale.y;\n result[4] = matrix[5] / scale.y;\n result[5] = matrix[6] / scale.y;\n result[6] = matrix[8] / scale.z;\n result[7] = matrix[9] / scale.z;\n result[8] = matrix[10] / scale.z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of two matrices.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiply = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const left0 = left[0];\n const left1 = left[1];\n const left2 = left[2];\n const left3 = left[3];\n const left4 = left[4];\n const left5 = left[5];\n const left6 = left[6];\n const left7 = left[7];\n const left8 = left[8];\n const left9 = left[9];\n const left10 = left[10];\n const left11 = left[11];\n const left12 = left[12];\n const left13 = left[13];\n const left14 = left[14];\n const left15 = left[15];\n const right0 = right[0];\n const right1 = right[1];\n const right2 = right[2];\n const right3 = right[3];\n const right4 = right[4];\n const right5 = right[5];\n const right6 = right[6];\n const right7 = right[7];\n const right8 = right[8];\n const right9 = right[9];\n const right10 = right[10];\n const right11 = right[11];\n const right12 = right[12];\n const right13 = right[13];\n const right14 = right[14];\n const right15 = right[15];\n const column0Row0 = left0 * right0 + left4 * right1 + left8 * right2 + left12 * right3;\n const column0Row1 = left1 * right0 + left5 * right1 + left9 * right2 + left13 * right3;\n const column0Row2 = left2 * right0 + left6 * right1 + left10 * right2 + left14 * right3;\n const column0Row3 = left3 * right0 + left7 * right1 + left11 * right2 + left15 * right3;\n const column1Row0 = left0 * right4 + left4 * right5 + left8 * right6 + left12 * right7;\n const column1Row1 = left1 * right4 + left5 * right5 + left9 * right6 + left13 * right7;\n const column1Row2 = left2 * right4 + left6 * right5 + left10 * right6 + left14 * right7;\n const column1Row3 = left3 * right4 + left7 * right5 + left11 * right6 + left15 * right7;\n const column2Row0 = left0 * right8 + left4 * right9 + left8 * right10 + left12 * right11;\n const column2Row1 = left1 * right8 + left5 * right9 + left9 * right10 + left13 * right11;\n const column2Row2 = left2 * right8 + left6 * right9 + left10 * right10 + left14 * right11;\n const column2Row3 = left3 * right8 + left7 * right9 + left11 * right10 + left15 * right11;\n const column3Row0 = left0 * right12 + left4 * right13 + left8 * right14 + left12 * right15;\n const column3Row1 = left1 * right12 + left5 * right13 + left9 * right14 + left13 * right15;\n const column3Row2 = left2 * right12 + left6 * right13 + left10 * right14 + left14 * right15;\n const column3Row3 = left3 * right12 + left7 * right13 + left11 * right14 + left15 * right15;\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = column0Row1;\n result[2] = column0Row2;\n result[3] = column0Row3;\n result[4] = column1Row0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = column1Row2;\n result[7] = column1Row3;\n result[8] = column2Row0;\n result[9] = column2Row1;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = column2Row3;\n result[12] = column3Row0;\n result[13] = column3Row1;\n result[14] = column3Row2;\n result[15] = column3Row3;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the sum of two matrices.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.add = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = left[0] + right[0];\n result[1] = left[1] + right[1];\n result[2] = left[2] + right[2];\n result[3] = left[3] + right[3];\n result[4] = left[4] + right[4];\n result[5] = left[5] + right[5];\n result[6] = left[6] + right[6];\n result[7] = left[7] + right[7];\n result[8] = left[8] + right[8];\n result[9] = left[9] + right[9];\n result[10] = left[10] + right[10];\n result[11] = left[11] + right[11];\n result[12] = left[12] + right[12];\n result[13] = left[13] + right[13];\n result[14] = left[14] + right[14];\n result[15] = left[15] + right[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the difference of two matrices.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.subtract = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = left[0] - right[0];\n result[1] = left[1] - right[1];\n result[2] = left[2] - right[2];\n result[3] = left[3] - right[3];\n result[4] = left[4] - right[4];\n result[5] = left[5] - right[5];\n result[6] = left[6] - right[6];\n result[7] = left[7] - right[7];\n result[8] = left[8] - right[8];\n result[9] = left[9] - right[9];\n result[10] = left[10] - right[10];\n result[11] = left[11] - right[11];\n result[12] = left[12] - right[12];\n result[13] = left[13] - right[13];\n result[14] = left[14] - right[14];\n result[15] = left[15] - right[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of two matrices assuming the matrices are affine transformation matrices,\n * where the upper left 3x3 elements are any matrix, and\n * the upper three elements in the fourth column are the translation.\n * The bottom row is assumed to be [0, 0, 0, 1].\n * The matrix is not verified to be in the proper form.\n * This method is faster than computing the product for general 4x4\n * matrices using {@link Matrix4.multiply}.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} left The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} right The second matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * const m1 = new Cesium.Matrix4(1.0, 6.0, 7.0, 0.0, 2.0, 5.0, 8.0, 0.0, 3.0, 4.0, 9.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n * const m2 = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n * const m3 = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyTransformation(m1, m2, new Cesium.Matrix4());\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyTransformation = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const left0 = left[0];\n const left1 = left[1];\n const left2 = left[2];\n const left4 = left[4];\n const left5 = left[5];\n const left6 = left[6];\n const left8 = left[8];\n const left9 = left[9];\n const left10 = left[10];\n const left12 = left[12];\n const left13 = left[13];\n const left14 = left[14];\n const right0 = right[0];\n const right1 = right[1];\n const right2 = right[2];\n const right4 = right[4];\n const right5 = right[5];\n const right6 = right[6];\n const right8 = right[8];\n const right9 = right[9];\n const right10 = right[10];\n const right12 = right[12];\n const right13 = right[13];\n const right14 = right[14];\n const column0Row0 = left0 * right0 + left4 * right1 + left8 * right2;\n const column0Row1 = left1 * right0 + left5 * right1 + left9 * right2;\n const column0Row2 = left2 * right0 + left6 * right1 + left10 * right2;\n const column1Row0 = left0 * right4 + left4 * right5 + left8 * right6;\n const column1Row1 = left1 * right4 + left5 * right5 + left9 * right6;\n const column1Row2 = left2 * right4 + left6 * right5 + left10 * right6;\n const column2Row0 = left0 * right8 + left4 * right9 + left8 * right10;\n const column2Row1 = left1 * right8 + left5 * right9 + left9 * right10;\n const column2Row2 = left2 * right8 + left6 * right9 + left10 * right10;\n const column3Row0 = left0 * right12 + left4 * right13 + left8 * right14 + left12;\n const column3Row1 = left1 * right12 + left5 * right13 + left9 * right14 + left13;\n const column3Row2 = left2 * right12 + left6 * right13 + left10 * right14 + left14;\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = column0Row1;\n result[2] = column0Row2;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = column1Row0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = column1Row2;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = column2Row0;\n result[9] = column2Row1;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = column3Row0;\n result[13] = column3Row1;\n result[14] = column3Row2;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies a transformation matrix (with a bottom row of [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
)\n * by a 3x3 rotation matrix. This is an optimization\n * for Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(rotation), m);
with less allocations and arithmetic operations.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix3} rotation The 3x3 rotation matrix on the right-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(rotation), m);\n * Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByMatrix3(m, rotation, m);\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByMatrix3 = function(matrix, rotation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"rotation\", rotation);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const left0 = matrix[0];\n const left1 = matrix[1];\n const left2 = matrix[2];\n const left4 = matrix[4];\n const left5 = matrix[5];\n const left6 = matrix[6];\n const left8 = matrix[8];\n const left9 = matrix[9];\n const left10 = matrix[10];\n const right0 = rotation[0];\n const right1 = rotation[1];\n const right2 = rotation[2];\n const right4 = rotation[3];\n const right5 = rotation[4];\n const right6 = rotation[5];\n const right8 = rotation[6];\n const right9 = rotation[7];\n const right10 = rotation[8];\n const column0Row0 = left0 * right0 + left4 * right1 + left8 * right2;\n const column0Row1 = left1 * right0 + left5 * right1 + left9 * right2;\n const column0Row2 = left2 * right0 + left6 * right1 + left10 * right2;\n const column1Row0 = left0 * right4 + left4 * right5 + left8 * right6;\n const column1Row1 = left1 * right4 + left5 * right5 + left9 * right6;\n const column1Row2 = left2 * right4 + left6 * right5 + left10 * right6;\n const column2Row0 = left0 * right8 + left4 * right9 + left8 * right10;\n const column2Row1 = left1 * right8 + left5 * right9 + left9 * right10;\n const column2Row2 = left2 * right8 + left6 * right9 + left10 * right10;\n result[0] = column0Row0;\n result[1] = column0Row1;\n result[2] = column0Row2;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = column1Row0;\n result[5] = column1Row1;\n result[6] = column1Row2;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = column2Row0;\n result[9] = column2Row1;\n result[10] = column2Row2;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies a transformation matrix (with a bottom row of [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
)\n * by an implicit translation matrix defined by a {@link Cartesian3}. This is an optimization\n * for Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromTranslation(position), m);
with less allocations and arithmetic operations.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.\n * @param {Cartesian3} translation The translation on the right-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromTranslation(position), m);\n * Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByTranslation(m, position, m);\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByTranslation = function(matrix, translation, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"translation\", translation);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const x = translation.x;\n const y = translation.y;\n const z = translation.z;\n const tx = x * matrix[0] + y * matrix[4] + z * matrix[8] + matrix[12];\n const ty = x * matrix[1] + y * matrix[5] + z * matrix[9] + matrix[13];\n const tz = x * matrix[2] + y * matrix[6] + z * matrix[10] + matrix[14];\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4];\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8];\n result[9] = matrix[9];\n result[10] = matrix[10];\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = tx;\n result[13] = ty;\n result[14] = tz;\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies an affine transformation matrix (with a bottom row of [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
)\n * by an implicit non-uniform scale matrix. This is an optimization\n * for Matrix4.multiply(m, Matrix4.fromUniformScale(scale), m);
, where\n * m
must be an affine matrix.\n * This function performs fewer allocations and arithmetic operations.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The affine matrix on the left-hand side.\n * @param {Cartesian3} scale The non-uniform scale on the right-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromScale(scale), m);\n * Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByScale(m, scale, m);\n *\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.setScale\n * @see Matrix4.setUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.getScale\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const scaleX = scale.x;\n const scaleY = scale.y;\n const scaleZ = scale.z;\n // Faster than Cartesian3.equals\n if (scaleX === 1.0 && scaleY === 1.0 && scaleZ === 1.0) return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.clone(matrix, result);\n result[0] = scaleX * matrix[0];\n result[1] = scaleX * matrix[1];\n result[2] = scaleX * matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = scaleY * matrix[4];\n result[5] = scaleY * matrix[5];\n result[6] = scaleY * matrix[6];\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = scaleZ * matrix[8];\n result[9] = scaleZ * matrix[9];\n result[10] = scaleZ * matrix[10];\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix times a uniform scale, as if the scale were a scale matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix on the left-hand side.\n * @param {number} scale The uniform scale on the right-hand side.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * // Instead of Cesium.Matrix4.multiply(m, Cesium.Matrix4.fromUniformScale(scale), m);\n * Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale(m, scale, m);\n *\n * @see Matrix4.multiplyByScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromScale\n * @see Matrix4.fromUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.setScale\n * @see Matrix4.setUniformScale\n * @see Matrix4.getScale\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByUniformScale = function(matrix, scale, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scale\", scale);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scale;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scale;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scale;\n result[3] = matrix[3];\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scale;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scale;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scale;\n result[7] = matrix[7];\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scale;\n result[9] = matrix[9] * scale;\n result[10] = matrix[10] * scale;\n result[11] = matrix[11];\n result[12] = matrix[12];\n result[13] = matrix[13];\n result[14] = matrix[14];\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix and a column vector.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Cartesian4} cartesian The vector.\n * @param {Cartesian4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByVector = function(matrix, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const vX = cartesian.x;\n const vY = cartesian.y;\n const vZ = cartesian.z;\n const vW = cartesian.w;\n const x = matrix[0] * vX + matrix[4] * vY + matrix[8] * vZ + matrix[12] * vW;\n const y = matrix[1] * vX + matrix[5] * vY + matrix[9] * vZ + matrix[13] * vW;\n const z = matrix[2] * vX + matrix[6] * vY + matrix[10] * vZ + matrix[14] * vW;\n const w = matrix[3] * vX + matrix[7] * vY + matrix[11] * vZ + matrix[15] * vW;\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix and a {@link Cartesian3}. This is equivalent to calling {@link Matrix4.multiplyByVector}\n * with a {@link Cartesian4} with a w
component of zero.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The point.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * const p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);\n * const result = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector(matrix, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());\n * // A shortcut for\n * // Cartesian3 p = ...\n * // Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByVector(matrix, new Cesium.Cartesian4(p.x, p.y, p.z, 0.0), result);\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector = function(matrix, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const vX = cartesian.x;\n const vY = cartesian.y;\n const vZ = cartesian.z;\n const x = matrix[0] * vX + matrix[4] * vY + matrix[8] * vZ;\n const y = matrix[1] * vX + matrix[5] * vY + matrix[9] * vZ;\n const z = matrix[2] * vX + matrix[6] * vY + matrix[10] * vZ;\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix and a {@link Cartesian3}. This is equivalent to calling {@link Matrix4.multiplyByVector}\n * with a {@link Cartesian4} with a w
component of 1, but returns a {@link Cartesian3} instead of a {@link Cartesian4}.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The point.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * const p = new Cesium.Cartesian3(1.0, 2.0, 3.0);\n * const result = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(matrix, p, new Cesium.Cartesian3());\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByPoint = function(matrix, cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const vX = cartesian.x;\n const vY = cartesian.y;\n const vZ = cartesian.z;\n const x = matrix[0] * vX + matrix[4] * vY + matrix[8] * vZ + matrix[12];\n const y = matrix[1] * vX + matrix[5] * vY + matrix[9] * vZ + matrix[13];\n const z = matrix[2] * vX + matrix[6] * vY + matrix[10] * vZ + matrix[14];\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of a matrix and a scalar.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix.\n * @param {number} scalar The number to multiply by.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * //create a Matrix4 instance which is a scaled version of the supplied Matrix4\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByScalar(m, -2, new Cesium.Matrix4());\n *\n * // m remains the same\n * // a = [-20.0, -22.0, -24.0, -26.0]\n * // [-28.0, -30.0, -32.0, -34.0]\n * // [-36.0, -38.0, -40.0, -42.0]\n * // [-44.0, -46.0, -48.0, -50.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.multiplyByScalar = function(matrix, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0] * scalar;\n result[1] = matrix[1] * scalar;\n result[2] = matrix[2] * scalar;\n result[3] = matrix[3] * scalar;\n result[4] = matrix[4] * scalar;\n result[5] = matrix[5] * scalar;\n result[6] = matrix[6] * scalar;\n result[7] = matrix[7] * scalar;\n result[8] = matrix[8] * scalar;\n result[9] = matrix[9] * scalar;\n result[10] = matrix[10] * scalar;\n result[11] = matrix[11] * scalar;\n result[12] = matrix[12] * scalar;\n result[13] = matrix[13] * scalar;\n result[14] = matrix[14] * scalar;\n result[15] = matrix[15] * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a negated copy of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to negate.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * //create a new Matrix4 instance which is a negation of a Matrix4\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.negate(m, new Cesium.Matrix4());\n *\n * // m remains the same\n * // a = [-10.0, -11.0, -12.0, -13.0]\n * // [-14.0, -15.0, -16.0, -17.0]\n * // [-18.0, -19.0, -20.0, -21.0]\n * // [-22.0, -23.0, -24.0, -25.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.negate = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = -matrix[0];\n result[1] = -matrix[1];\n result[2] = -matrix[2];\n result[3] = -matrix[3];\n result[4] = -matrix[4];\n result[5] = -matrix[5];\n result[6] = -matrix[6];\n result[7] = -matrix[7];\n result[8] = -matrix[8];\n result[9] = -matrix[9];\n result[10] = -matrix[10];\n result[11] = -matrix[11];\n result[12] = -matrix[12];\n result[13] = -matrix[13];\n result[14] = -matrix[14];\n result[15] = -matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the transpose of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to transpose.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * //returns transpose of a Matrix4\n * // m = [10.0, 11.0, 12.0, 13.0]\n * // [14.0, 15.0, 16.0, 17.0]\n * // [18.0, 19.0, 20.0, 21.0]\n * // [22.0, 23.0, 24.0, 25.0]\n *\n * const a = Cesium.Matrix4.transpose(m, new Cesium.Matrix4());\n *\n * // m remains the same\n * // a = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]\n * // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.transpose = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const matrix1 = matrix[1];\n const matrix2 = matrix[2];\n const matrix3 = matrix[3];\n const matrix6 = matrix[6];\n const matrix7 = matrix[7];\n const matrix11 = matrix[11];\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[4];\n result[2] = matrix[8];\n result[3] = matrix[12];\n result[4] = matrix1;\n result[5] = matrix[5];\n result[6] = matrix[9];\n result[7] = matrix[13];\n result[8] = matrix2;\n result[9] = matrix6;\n result[10] = matrix[10];\n result[11] = matrix[14];\n result[12] = matrix3;\n result[13] = matrix7;\n result[14] = matrix11;\n result[15] = matrix[15];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a matrix, which contains the absolute (unsigned) values of the provided matrix's elements.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix with signed elements.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.abs = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = Math.abs(matrix[0]);\n result[1] = Math.abs(matrix[1]);\n result[2] = Math.abs(matrix[2]);\n result[3] = Math.abs(matrix[3]);\n result[4] = Math.abs(matrix[4]);\n result[5] = Math.abs(matrix[5]);\n result[6] = Math.abs(matrix[6]);\n result[7] = Math.abs(matrix[7]);\n result[8] = Math.abs(matrix[8]);\n result[9] = Math.abs(matrix[9]);\n result[10] = Math.abs(matrix[10]);\n result[11] = Math.abs(matrix[11]);\n result[12] = Math.abs(matrix[12]);\n result[13] = Math.abs(matrix[13]);\n result[14] = Math.abs(matrix[14]);\n result[15] = Math.abs(matrix[15]);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided matrices componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} [left] The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} [right] The second matrix.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @example\n * //compares two Matrix4 instances\n *\n * // a = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]\n * // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]\n *\n * // b = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]\n * // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]\n *\n * if(Cesium.Matrix4.equals(a,b)) {\n * console.log(\"Both matrices are equal\");\n * } else {\n * console.log(\"They are not equal\");\n * }\n *\n * //Prints \"Both matrices are equal\" on the console\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.equals = function(left, right) {\n // Given that most matrices will be transformation matrices, the elements\n // are tested in order such that the test is likely to fail as early\n // as possible. I _think_ this is just as friendly to the L1 cache\n // as testing in index order. It is certainty faster in practice.\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && // Translation\n left[12] === right[12] && left[13] === right[13] && left[14] === right[14] && // Rotation/scale\n left[0] === right[0] && left[1] === right[1] && left[2] === right[2] && left[4] === right[4] && left[5] === right[5] && left[6] === right[6] && left[8] === right[8] && left[9] === right[9] && left[10] === right[10] && // Bottom row\n left[3] === right[3] && left[7] === right[7] && left[11] === right[11] && left[15] === right[15];\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided matrices componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} [left] The first matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} [right] The second matrix.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @example\n * //compares two Matrix4 instances\n *\n * // a = [10.5, 14.5, 18.5, 22.5]\n * // [11.5, 15.5, 19.5, 23.5]\n * // [12.5, 16.5, 20.5, 24.5]\n * // [13.5, 17.5, 21.5, 25.5]\n *\n * // b = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]\n * // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]\n *\n * if(Cesium.Matrix4.equalsEpsilon(a,b,0.1)){\n * console.log(\"Difference between both the matrices is less than 0.1\");\n * } else {\n * console.log(\"Difference between both the matrices is not less than 0.1\");\n * }\n *\n * //Prints \"Difference between both the matrices is not less than 0.1\" on the console\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {\n epsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(epsilon, 0);\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && Math.abs(left[0] - right[0]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[1] - right[1]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[2] - right[2]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[3] - right[3]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[4] - right[4]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[5] - right[5]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[6] - right[6]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[7] - right[7]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[8] - right[8]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[9] - right[9]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[10] - right[10]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[11] - right[11]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[12] - right[12]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[13] - right[13]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[14] - right[14]) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left[15] - right[15]) <= epsilon;\n};\n/**\n * Gets the translation portion of the provided matrix, assuming the matrix is an affine transformation matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getTranslation = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = matrix[12];\n result.y = matrix[13];\n result.z = matrix[14];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Gets the upper left 3x3 matrix of the provided matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to use.\n * @param {Matrix3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @example\n * // returns a Matrix3 instance from a Matrix4 instance\n *\n * // m = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0, 22.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0, 23.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0, 24.0]\n * // [13.0, 17.0, 21.0, 25.0]\n *\n * const b = new Cesium.Matrix3();\n * Cesium.Matrix4.getMatrix3(m,b);\n *\n * // b = [10.0, 14.0, 18.0]\n * // [11.0, 15.0, 19.0]\n * // [12.0, 16.0, 20.0]\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getMatrix3 = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result[0] = matrix[0];\n result[1] = matrix[1];\n result[2] = matrix[2];\n result[3] = matrix[4];\n result[4] = matrix[5];\n result[5] = matrix[6];\n result[6] = matrix[8];\n result[7] = matrix[9];\n result[8] = matrix[10];\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchInverseRotation = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchMatrix3Zero = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchBottomRow = new (0, $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchExpectedBottomRow = new (0, $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n/**\n * Computes the inverse of the provided matrix using Cramers Rule.\n * If the determinant is zero, the matrix can not be inverted, and an exception is thrown.\n * If the matrix is a proper rigid transformation, it is more efficient\n * to invert it with {@link Matrix4.inverseTransformation}.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to invert.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @exception {RuntimeError} matrix is not invertible because its determinate is zero.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.inverse = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n //\n // Ported from:\n //\n //\n const src0 = matrix[0];\n const src1 = matrix[4];\n const src2 = matrix[8];\n const src3 = matrix[12];\n const src4 = matrix[1];\n const src5 = matrix[5];\n const src6 = matrix[9];\n const src7 = matrix[13];\n const src8 = matrix[2];\n const src9 = matrix[6];\n const src10 = matrix[10];\n const src11 = matrix[14];\n const src12 = matrix[3];\n const src13 = matrix[7];\n const src14 = matrix[11];\n const src15 = matrix[15];\n // calculate pairs for first 8 elements (cofactors)\n let tmp0 = src10 * src15;\n let tmp1 = src11 * src14;\n let tmp2 = src9 * src15;\n let tmp3 = src11 * src13;\n let tmp4 = src9 * src14;\n let tmp5 = src10 * src13;\n let tmp6 = src8 * src15;\n let tmp7 = src11 * src12;\n let tmp8 = src8 * src14;\n let tmp9 = src10 * src12;\n let tmp10 = src8 * src13;\n let tmp11 = src9 * src12;\n // calculate first 8 elements (cofactors)\n const dst0 = tmp0 * src5 + tmp3 * src6 + tmp4 * src7 - (tmp1 * src5 + tmp2 * src6 + tmp5 * src7);\n const dst1 = tmp1 * src4 + tmp6 * src6 + tmp9 * src7 - (tmp0 * src4 + tmp7 * src6 + tmp8 * src7);\n const dst2 = tmp2 * src4 + tmp7 * src5 + tmp10 * src7 - (tmp3 * src4 + tmp6 * src5 + tmp11 * src7);\n const dst3 = tmp5 * src4 + tmp8 * src5 + tmp11 * src6 - (tmp4 * src4 + tmp9 * src5 + tmp10 * src6);\n const dst4 = tmp1 * src1 + tmp2 * src2 + tmp5 * src3 - (tmp0 * src1 + tmp3 * src2 + tmp4 * src3);\n const dst5 = tmp0 * src0 + tmp7 * src2 + tmp8 * src3 - (tmp1 * src0 + tmp6 * src2 + tmp9 * src3);\n const dst6 = tmp3 * src0 + tmp6 * src1 + tmp11 * src3 - (tmp2 * src0 + tmp7 * src1 + tmp10 * src3);\n const dst7 = tmp4 * src0 + tmp9 * src1 + tmp10 * src2 - (tmp5 * src0 + tmp8 * src1 + tmp11 * src2);\n // calculate pairs for second 8 elements (cofactors)\n tmp0 = src2 * src7;\n tmp1 = src3 * src6;\n tmp2 = src1 * src7;\n tmp3 = src3 * src5;\n tmp4 = src1 * src6;\n tmp5 = src2 * src5;\n tmp6 = src0 * src7;\n tmp7 = src3 * src4;\n tmp8 = src0 * src6;\n tmp9 = src2 * src4;\n tmp10 = src0 * src5;\n tmp11 = src1 * src4;\n // calculate second 8 elements (cofactors)\n const dst8 = tmp0 * src13 + tmp3 * src14 + tmp4 * src15 - (tmp1 * src13 + tmp2 * src14 + tmp5 * src15);\n const dst9 = tmp1 * src12 + tmp6 * src14 + tmp9 * src15 - (tmp0 * src12 + tmp7 * src14 + tmp8 * src15);\n const dst10 = tmp2 * src12 + tmp7 * src13 + tmp10 * src15 - (tmp3 * src12 + tmp6 * src13 + tmp11 * src15);\n const dst11 = tmp5 * src12 + tmp8 * src13 + tmp11 * src14 - (tmp4 * src12 + tmp9 * src13 + tmp10 * src14);\n const dst12 = tmp2 * src10 + tmp5 * src11 + tmp1 * src9 - (tmp4 * src11 + tmp0 * src9 + tmp3 * src10);\n const dst13 = tmp8 * src11 + tmp0 * src8 + tmp7 * src10 - (tmp6 * src10 + tmp9 * src11 + tmp1 * src8);\n const dst14 = tmp6 * src9 + tmp11 * src11 + tmp3 * src8 - (tmp10 * src11 + tmp2 * src8 + tmp7 * src9);\n const dst15 = tmp10 * src10 + tmp4 * src8 + tmp9 * src9 - (tmp8 * src9 + tmp11 * src10 + tmp5 * src8);\n // calculate determinant\n let det = src0 * dst0 + src1 * dst1 + src2 * dst2 + src3 * dst3;\n if (Math.abs(det) < (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON21) {\n // Special case for a zero scale matrix that can occur, for example,\n // when a model's node has a [0, 0, 0] scale.\n if ((0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getMatrix3(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchInverseRotation), $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchMatrix3Zero, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON7) && (0, $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equals($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.getRow(matrix, 3, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchBottomRow), $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchExpectedBottomRow)) {\n result[0] = 0.0;\n result[1] = 0.0;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = 0.0;\n result[5] = 0.0;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 0.0;\n result[9] = 0.0;\n result[10] = 0.0;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = -matrix[12];\n result[13] = -matrix[13];\n result[14] = -matrix[14];\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n }\n throw new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"matrix is not invertible because its determinate is zero.\");\n }\n // calculate matrix inverse\n det = 1.0 / det;\n result[0] = dst0 * det;\n result[1] = dst1 * det;\n result[2] = dst2 * det;\n result[3] = dst3 * det;\n result[4] = dst4 * det;\n result[5] = dst5 * det;\n result[6] = dst6 * det;\n result[7] = dst7 * det;\n result[8] = dst8 * det;\n result[9] = dst9 * det;\n result[10] = dst10 * det;\n result[11] = dst11 * det;\n result[12] = dst12 * det;\n result[13] = dst13 * det;\n result[14] = dst14 * det;\n result[15] = dst15 * det;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the inverse of the provided matrix assuming it is a proper rigid matrix,\n * where the upper left 3x3 elements are a rotation matrix,\n * and the upper three elements in the fourth column are the translation.\n * The bottom row is assumed to be [0, 0, 0, 1].\n * The matrix is not verified to be in the proper form.\n * This method is faster than computing the inverse for a general 4x4\n * matrix using {@link Matrix4.inverse}.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to invert.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.inverseTransformation = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n //This function is an optimized version of the below 4 lines.\n //const rT = Matrix3.transpose(Matrix4.getMatrix3(matrix));\n //const rTN = Matrix3.negate(rT);\n //const rTT = Matrix3.multiplyByVector(rTN, Matrix4.getTranslation(matrix));\n //return Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(rT, rTT, result);\n const matrix0 = matrix[0];\n const matrix1 = matrix[1];\n const matrix2 = matrix[2];\n const matrix4 = matrix[4];\n const matrix5 = matrix[5];\n const matrix6 = matrix[6];\n const matrix8 = matrix[8];\n const matrix9 = matrix[9];\n const matrix10 = matrix[10];\n const vX = matrix[12];\n const vY = matrix[13];\n const vZ = matrix[14];\n const x = -matrix0 * vX - matrix1 * vY - matrix2 * vZ;\n const y = -matrix4 * vX - matrix5 * vY - matrix6 * vZ;\n const z = -matrix8 * vX - matrix9 * vY - matrix10 * vZ;\n result[0] = matrix0;\n result[1] = matrix4;\n result[2] = matrix8;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = matrix1;\n result[5] = matrix5;\n result[6] = matrix9;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = matrix2;\n result[9] = matrix6;\n result[10] = matrix10;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = x;\n result[13] = y;\n result[14] = z;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\nconst $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchTransposeMatrix = new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4();\n/**\n * Computes the inverse transpose of a matrix.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} matrix The matrix to transpose and invert.\n * @param {Matrix4} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.inverseTranspose = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.inverse($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.transpose(matrix, $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$scratchTransposeMatrix), result);\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Matrix4 instance initialized to the identity matrix.\n *\n * @type {Matrix4}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.IDENTITY = Object.freeze(new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Matrix4 instance initialized to the zero matrix.\n *\n * @type {Matrix4}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 0, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN0ROW0 = 0;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 0, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN0ROW1 = 1;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 0, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN0ROW2 = 2;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 0, row 3.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN0ROW3 = 3;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 1, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN1ROW0 = 4;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 1, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN1ROW1 = 5;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 1, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN1ROW2 = 6;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 1, row 3.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN1ROW3 = 7;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 2, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN2ROW0 = 8;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 2, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN2ROW1 = 9;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 2, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN2ROW2 = 10;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 2, row 3.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN2ROW3 = 11;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 3, row 0.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN3ROW0 = 12;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 3, row 1.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN3ROW1 = 13;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 3, row 2.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN3ROW2 = 14;\n/**\n * The index into Matrix4 for column 3, row 3.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.COLUMN3ROW3 = 15;\nObject.defineProperties($1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.prototype, {\n /**\n * Gets the number of items in the collection.\n * @memberof Matrix4.prototype\n *\n * @type {number}\n */ length: {\n get: function() {\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.packedLength;\n }\n }\n});\n/**\n * Duplicates the provided Matrix4 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if one was not provided.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this matrix to the provided matrix componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} [right] The right hand side matrix.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.equalsArray = function(matrix, array, offset) {\n return matrix[0] === array[offset] && matrix[1] === array[offset + 1] && matrix[2] === array[offset + 2] && matrix[3] === array[offset + 3] && matrix[4] === array[offset + 4] && matrix[5] === array[offset + 5] && matrix[6] === array[offset + 6] && matrix[7] === array[offset + 7] && matrix[8] === array[offset + 8] && matrix[9] === array[offset + 9] && matrix[10] === array[offset + 10] && matrix[11] === array[offset + 11] && matrix[12] === array[offset + 12] && matrix[13] === array[offset + 13] && matrix[14] === array[offset + 14] && matrix[15] === array[offset + 15];\n};\n/**\n * Compares this matrix to the provided matrix componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} [right] The right hand side matrix.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {\n return $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Computes a string representing this Matrix with each row being\n * on a separate line and in the format '(column0, column1, column2, column3)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided Matrix with each row being on a separate line and in the format '(column0, column1, column2, column3)'.\n */ $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this[0]}, ${this[4]}, ${this[8]}, ${this[12]})\\n` + `(${this[1]}, ${this[5]}, ${this[9]}, ${this[13]})\\n` + `(${this[2]}, ${this[6]}, ${this[10]}, ${this[14]})\\n` + `(${this[3]}, ${this[7]}, ${this[11]}, ${this[15]})`;\n};\nvar $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $1ed80860ba50ad97$var$Matrix4;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Represents a ray that extends infinitely from the provided origin in the provided direction.\n * @alias Ray\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [origin=Cartesian3.ZERO] The origin of the ray.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [direction=Cartesian3.ZERO] The direction of the ray.\n */ function $a2dcad89bd72cdad$var$Ray(origin, direction) {\n direction = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone((0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(direction, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO));\n if (!(0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equals(direction, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO)) (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(direction, direction);\n /**\n * The origin of the ray.\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @default {@link Cartesian3.ZERO}\n */ this.origin = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone((0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(origin, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO));\n /**\n * The direction of the ray.\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n */ this.direction = direction;\n}\n/**\n * Duplicates a Ray instance.\n *\n * @param {Ray} ray The ray to duplicate.\n * @param {Ray} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Ray} The modified result parameter or a new Ray instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if ray is undefined)\n */ $a2dcad89bd72cdad$var$Ray.clone = function(ray, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ray)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $a2dcad89bd72cdad$var$Ray(ray.origin, ray.direction);\n result.origin = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(ray.origin);\n result.direction = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(ray.direction);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the point along the ray given by r(t) = o + t*d,\n * where o is the origin of the ray and d is the direction.\n *\n * @param {Ray} ray The ray.\n * @param {number} t A scalar value.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object in which the result will be stored.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter, or a new instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * //Get the first intersection point of a ray and an ellipsoid.\n * const intersection = Cesium.IntersectionTests.rayEllipsoid(ray, ellipsoid);\n * const point = Cesium.Ray.getPoint(ray, intersection.start);\n */ $a2dcad89bd72cdad$var$Ray.getPoint = function(ray, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"ray\", ray);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n result = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(ray.direction, t, result);\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).add(ray.origin, result, result);\n};\nvar $a2dcad89bd72cdad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $a2dcad89bd72cdad$var$Ray;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nconst $3a2539b6c278a461$var$scaleToGeodeticSurfaceIntersection = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $3a2539b6c278a461$var$scaleToGeodeticSurfaceGradient = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Scales the provided Cartesian position along the geodetic surface normal\n * so that it is on the surface of this ellipsoid. If the position is\n * at the center of the ellipsoid, this function returns undefined.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian position to scale.\n * @param {Cartesian3} oneOverRadii One over radii of the ellipsoid.\n * @param {Cartesian3} oneOverRadiiSquared One over radii squared of the ellipsoid.\n * @param {number} centerToleranceSquared Tolerance for closeness to the center.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter, a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided, or undefined if the position is at the center.\n *\n * @function scaleToGeodeticSurface\n *\n * @private\n */ function $3a2539b6c278a461$var$scaleToGeodeticSurface(cartesian, oneOverRadii, oneOverRadiiSquared, centerToleranceSquared, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"cartesian is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(oneOverRadii)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"oneOverRadii is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(oneOverRadiiSquared)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"oneOverRadiiSquared is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(centerToleranceSquared)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"centerToleranceSquared is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const positionX = cartesian.x;\n const positionY = cartesian.y;\n const positionZ = cartesian.z;\n const oneOverRadiiX = oneOverRadii.x;\n const oneOverRadiiY = oneOverRadii.y;\n const oneOverRadiiZ = oneOverRadii.z;\n const x2 = positionX * positionX * oneOverRadiiX * oneOverRadiiX;\n const y2 = positionY * positionY * oneOverRadiiY * oneOverRadiiY;\n const z2 = positionZ * positionZ * oneOverRadiiZ * oneOverRadiiZ;\n // Compute the squared ellipsoid norm.\n const squaredNorm = x2 + y2 + z2;\n const ratio = Math.sqrt(1.0 / squaredNorm);\n // As an initial approximation, assume that the radial intersection is the projection point.\n const intersection = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(cartesian, ratio, $3a2539b6c278a461$var$scaleToGeodeticSurfaceIntersection);\n // If the position is near the center, the iteration will not converge.\n if (squaredNorm < centerToleranceSquared) return !isFinite(ratio) ? undefined : (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(intersection, result);\n const oneOverRadiiSquaredX = oneOverRadiiSquared.x;\n const oneOverRadiiSquaredY = oneOverRadiiSquared.y;\n const oneOverRadiiSquaredZ = oneOverRadiiSquared.z;\n // Use the gradient at the intersection point in place of the true unit normal.\n // The difference in magnitude will be absorbed in the multiplier.\n const gradient = $3a2539b6c278a461$var$scaleToGeodeticSurfaceGradient;\n gradient.x = intersection.x * oneOverRadiiSquaredX * 2.0;\n gradient.y = intersection.y * oneOverRadiiSquaredY * 2.0;\n gradient.z = intersection.z * oneOverRadiiSquaredZ * 2.0;\n // Compute the initial guess at the normal vector multiplier, lambda.\n let lambda = (1.0 - ratio) * (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(cartesian) / (0.5 * (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(gradient));\n let correction = 0.0;\n let func;\n let denominator;\n let xMultiplier;\n let yMultiplier;\n let zMultiplier;\n let xMultiplier2;\n let yMultiplier2;\n let zMultiplier2;\n let xMultiplier3;\n let yMultiplier3;\n let zMultiplier3;\n do {\n lambda -= correction;\n xMultiplier = 1.0 / (1.0 + lambda * oneOverRadiiSquaredX);\n yMultiplier = 1.0 / (1.0 + lambda * oneOverRadiiSquaredY);\n zMultiplier = 1.0 / (1.0 + lambda * oneOverRadiiSquaredZ);\n xMultiplier2 = xMultiplier * xMultiplier;\n yMultiplier2 = yMultiplier * yMultiplier;\n zMultiplier2 = zMultiplier * zMultiplier;\n xMultiplier3 = xMultiplier2 * xMultiplier;\n yMultiplier3 = yMultiplier2 * yMultiplier;\n zMultiplier3 = zMultiplier2 * zMultiplier;\n func = x2 * xMultiplier2 + y2 * yMultiplier2 + z2 * zMultiplier2 - 1.0;\n // \"denominator\" here refers to the use of this expression in the velocity and acceleration\n // computations in the sections to follow.\n denominator = x2 * xMultiplier3 * oneOverRadiiSquaredX + y2 * yMultiplier3 * oneOverRadiiSquaredY + z2 * zMultiplier3 * oneOverRadiiSquaredZ;\n const derivative = -2 * denominator;\n correction = func / derivative;\n }while (Math.abs(func) > (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON12);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(positionX * xMultiplier, positionY * yMultiplier, positionZ * zMultiplier);\n result.x = positionX * xMultiplier;\n result.y = positionY * yMultiplier;\n result.z = positionZ * zMultiplier;\n return result;\n}\nvar $3a2539b6c278a461$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $3a2539b6c278a461$var$scaleToGeodeticSurface;\n\n\n/**\n * A position defined by longitude, latitude, and height.\n * @alias Cartographic\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [longitude=0.0] The longitude, in radians.\n * @param {number} [latitude=0.0] The latitude, in radians.\n * @param {number} [height=0.0] The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.\n *\n * @see Ellipsoid\n */ function $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic(longitude, latitude, height) {\n /**\n * The longitude, in radians.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.longitude = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(longitude, 0.0);\n /**\n * The latitude, in radians.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.latitude = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(latitude, 0.0);\n /**\n * The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.height = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(height, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a new Cartographic instance from longitude and latitude\n * specified in radians.\n *\n * @param {number} longitude The longitude, in radians.\n * @param {number} latitude The latitude, in radians.\n * @param {number} [height=0.0] The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.\n * @param {Cartographic} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic} The modified result parameter or a new Cartographic instance if one was not provided.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.fromRadians = function(longitude, latitude, height, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"longitude\", longitude);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"latitude\", latitude);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n height = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(height, 0.0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic(longitude, latitude, height);\n result.longitude = longitude;\n result.latitude = latitude;\n result.height = height;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a new Cartographic instance from longitude and latitude\n * specified in degrees. The values in the resulting object will\n * be in radians.\n *\n * @param {number} longitude The longitude, in degrees.\n * @param {number} latitude The latitude, in degrees.\n * @param {number} [height=0.0] The height, in meters, above the ellipsoid.\n * @param {Cartographic} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic} The modified result parameter or a new Cartographic instance if one was not provided.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.fromDegrees = function(longitude, latitude, height, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"longitude\", longitude);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"latitude\", latitude);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n longitude = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).toRadians(longitude);\n latitude = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).toRadians(latitude);\n return $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.fromRadians(longitude, latitude, height, result);\n};\nconst $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$cartesianToCartographicN = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$cartesianToCartographicP = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$cartesianToCartographicH = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$wgs84OneOverRadii = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(1.0 / 6378137.0, 1.0 / 6378137.0, 1.0 / 6356752.3142451793);\nconst $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$wgs84OneOverRadiiSquared = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(1.0 / 40680631590769, 1.0 / 40680631590769, 0.000000000000024747391015697002);\nconst $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$wgs84CenterToleranceSquared = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON1;\n/**\n * Creates a new Cartographic instance from a Cartesian position. The values in the\n * resulting object will be in radians.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian position to convert to cartographic representation.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the position lies.\n * @param {Cartographic} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic} The modified result parameter, new Cartographic instance if none was provided, or undefined if the cartesian is at the center of the ellipsoid.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.fromCartesian = function(cartesian, ellipsoid, result) {\n const oneOverRadii = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid) ? ellipsoid.oneOverRadii : $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$wgs84OneOverRadii;\n const oneOverRadiiSquared = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid) ? ellipsoid.oneOverRadiiSquared : $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$wgs84OneOverRadiiSquared;\n const centerToleranceSquared = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid) ? ellipsoid._centerToleranceSquared : $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$wgs84CenterToleranceSquared;\n //`cartesian is required.` is thrown from scaleToGeodeticSurface\n const p = (0, $3a2539b6c278a461$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian, oneOverRadii, oneOverRadiiSquared, centerToleranceSquared, $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$cartesianToCartographicP);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(p)) return undefined;\n let n = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyComponents(p, oneOverRadiiSquared, $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$cartesianToCartographicN);\n n = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(n, n);\n const h = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).subtract(cartesian, p, $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$cartesianToCartographicH);\n const longitude = Math.atan2(n.y, n.x);\n const latitude = Math.asin(n.z);\n const height = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).sign((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).dot(h, cartesian)) * (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(h);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic(longitude, latitude, height);\n result.longitude = longitude;\n result.latitude = latitude;\n result.height = height;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a new Cartesian3 instance from a Cartographic input. The values in the inputted\n * object should be in radians.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} cartographic Input to be converted into a Cartesian3 output.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the position lies.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The position\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.toCartesian = function(cartographic, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"cartographic\", cartographic);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromRadians(cartographic.longitude, cartographic.latitude, cartographic.height, ellipsoid, result);\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Cartographic instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} cartographic The cartographic to duplicate.\n * @param {Cartographic} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic} The modified result parameter or a new Cartographic instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if cartographic is undefined)\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.clone = function(cartographic, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartographic)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic(cartographic.longitude, cartographic.latitude, cartographic.height);\n result.longitude = cartographic.longitude;\n result.latitude = cartographic.latitude;\n result.height = cartographic.height;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided cartographics componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} [left] The first cartographic.\n * @param {Cartographic} [right] The second cartographic.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.longitude === right.longitude && left.latitude === right.latitude && left.height === right.height;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided cartographics componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} [left] The first cartographic.\n * @param {Cartographic} [right] The second cartographic.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {\n epsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(epsilon, 0);\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && Math.abs(left.longitude - right.longitude) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left.latitude - right.latitude) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left.height - right.height) <= epsilon;\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Cartographic instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Cartographic}\n * @constant\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic(0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * Duplicates this instance.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic} The modified result parameter or a new Cartographic instance if one was not provided.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided against this cartographic componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} [right] The second cartographic.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided against this cartographic componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} [right] The second cartographic.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {\n return $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this cartographic in the format '(longitude, latitude, height)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided cartographic in the format '(longitude, latitude, height)'.\n */ $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this.longitude}, ${this.latitude}, ${this.height})`;\n};\nvar $e040e5b1d35c2bea$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $e040e5b1d35c2bea$var$Cartographic;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Finds an item in a sorted array.\n *\n * @function\n * @param {Array} array The sorted array to search.\n * @param {*} itemToFind The item to find in the array.\n * @param {binarySearchComparator} comparator The function to use to compare the item to\n * elements in the array.\n * @returns {number} The index of itemToFind
in the array, if it exists. If itemToFind
\n * does not exist, the return value is a negative number which is the bitwise complement (~)\n * of the index before which the itemToFind should be inserted in order to maintain the\n * sorted order of the array.\n *\n * @example\n * // Create a comparator function to search through an array of numbers.\n * function comparator(a, b) {\n * return a - b;\n * };\n * const numbers = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8];\n * const index = Cesium.binarySearch(numbers, 6, comparator); // 3\n */ function $3c02e867661a47f1$var$binarySearch(array, itemToFind, comparator) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"itemToFind\", itemToFind);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"comparator\", comparator);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let low = 0;\n let high = array.length - 1;\n let i;\n let comparison;\n while(low <= high){\n i = ~~((low + high) / 2);\n comparison = comparator(array[i], itemToFind);\n if (comparison < 0) {\n low = i + 1;\n continue;\n }\n if (comparison > 0) {\n high = i - 1;\n continue;\n }\n return i;\n }\n return ~(high + 1);\n}\nvar /**\n * A function used to compare two items while performing a binary search.\n * @callback binarySearchComparator\n *\n * @param {*} a An item in the array.\n * @param {*} b The item being searched for.\n * @returns {number} Returns a negative value if a
is less than b
,\n * a positive value if a
is greater than b
, or\n * 0 if a
is equal to b
.\n *\n * @example\n * function compareNumbers(a, b) {\n * return a - b;\n * }\n */ $3c02e867661a47f1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $3c02e867661a47f1$var$binarySearch;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A set of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) sampled at a time.\n *\n * @alias EarthOrientationParametersSample\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} xPoleWander The pole wander about the X axis, in radians.\n * @param {number} yPoleWander The pole wander about the Y axis, in radians.\n * @param {number} xPoleOffset The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the X axis, in radians.\n * @param {number} yPoleOffset The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the Y axis, in radians.\n * @param {number} ut1MinusUtc The difference in time standards, UT1 - UTC, in seconds.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $c6bc344ed2a8d712$var$EarthOrientationParametersSample(xPoleWander, yPoleWander, xPoleOffset, yPoleOffset, ut1MinusUtc) {\n /**\n * The pole wander about the X axis, in radians.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.xPoleWander = xPoleWander;\n /**\n * The pole wander about the Y axis, in radians.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.yPoleWander = yPoleWander;\n /**\n * The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the X axis, in radians.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.xPoleOffset = xPoleOffset;\n /**\n * The offset to the Celestial Intermediate Pole (CIP) about the Y axis, in radians.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.yPoleOffset = yPoleOffset;\n /**\n * The difference in time standards, UT1 - UTC, in seconds.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.ut1MinusUtc = ut1MinusUtc;\n}\nvar $c6bc344ed2a8d712$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $c6bc344ed2a8d712$var$EarthOrientationParametersSample;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Represents a Gregorian date in a more precise format than the JavaScript Date object.\n * In addition to submillisecond precision, this object can also represent leap seconds.\n * @alias GregorianDate\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [year] The year as a whole number.\n * @param {number} [month] The month as a whole number with range [1, 12].\n * @param {number} [day] The day of the month as a whole number starting at 1.\n * @param {number} [hour] The hour as a whole number with range [0, 23].\n * @param {number} [minute] The minute of the hour as a whole number with range [0, 59].\n * @param {number} [second] The second of the minute as a whole number with range [0, 60], with 60 representing a leap second.\n * @param {number} [millisecond] The millisecond of the second as a floating point number with range [0.0, 1000.0).\n * @param {boolean} [isLeapSecond] Whether this time is during a leap second.\n *\n * @see JulianDate#toGregorianDate\n */ function $868f88fce1734db0$var$GregorianDate(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, isLeapSecond) {\n /**\n * Gets or sets the year as a whole number.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.year = year;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the month as a whole number with range [1, 12].\n * @type {number}\n */ this.month = month;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the day of the month as a whole number starting at 1.\n * @type {number}\n */ = day;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the hour as a whole number with range [0, 23].\n * @type {number}\n */ this.hour = hour;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the minute of the hour as a whole number with range [0, 59].\n * @type {number}\n */ this.minute = minute;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the second of the minute as a whole number with range [0, 60], with 60 representing a leap second.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.second = second;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the millisecond of the second as a floating point number with range [0.0, 1000.0).\n * @type {number}\n */ this.millisecond = millisecond;\n /**\n * Gets or sets whether this time is during a leap second.\n * @type {boolean}\n */ this.isLeapSecond = isLeapSecond;\n}\nvar $868f88fce1734db0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $868f88fce1734db0$var$GregorianDate;\n\n\n\n/**\n * Determines if a given date is a leap year.\n *\n * @function isLeapYear\n *\n * @param {number} year The year to be tested.\n * @returns {boolean} True if year
is a leap year.\n *\n * @example\n * const leapYear = Cesium.isLeapYear(2000); // true\n */ function $47ee6bd3b92ecf9d$var$isLeapYear(year) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (year === null || isNaN(year)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"year is required and must be a number.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0 || year % 400 === 0;\n}\nvar $47ee6bd3b92ecf9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $47ee6bd3b92ecf9d$var$isLeapYear;\n\n\n/**\n * Describes a single leap second, which is constructed from a {@link JulianDate} and a\n * numerical offset representing the number of seconds TAI is ahead of the UTC time standard.\n * @alias LeapSecond\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [date] A Julian date representing the time of the leap second.\n * @param {number} [offset] The cumulative number of seconds that TAI is ahead of UTC at the provided date.\n */ function $eb09697204b30d0b$var$LeapSecond(date, offset) {\n /**\n * Gets or sets the date at which this leap second occurs.\n * @type {JulianDate}\n */ this.julianDate = date;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the cumulative number of seconds between the UTC and TAI time standards at the time\n * of this leap second.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.offset = offset;\n}\nvar $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $eb09697204b30d0b$var$LeapSecond;\n\n\n/**\n * Constants for time conversions like those done by {@link JulianDate}.\n *\n * @namespace TimeConstants\n *\n * @see JulianDate\n *\n * @private\n */ const $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$var$TimeConstants = {\n /**\n * The number of seconds in one millisecond: 0.001
\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND: 0.001,\n /**\n * The number of seconds in one minute: 60
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ SECONDS_PER_MINUTE: 60.0,\n /**\n * The number of minutes in one hour: 60
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ MINUTES_PER_HOUR: 60.0,\n /**\n * The number of hours in one day: 24
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ HOURS_PER_DAY: 24.0,\n /**\n * The number of seconds in one hour: 3600
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ SECONDS_PER_HOUR: 3600.0,\n /**\n * The number of minutes in one day: 1440
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ MINUTES_PER_DAY: 1440.0,\n /**\n * The number of seconds in one day, ignoring leap seconds: 86400
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ SECONDS_PER_DAY: 86400.0,\n /**\n * The number of days in one Julian century: 36525
.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY: 36525.0,\n /**\n * One trillionth of a second.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ PICOSECOND: 0.000000001,\n /**\n * The number of days to subtract from a Julian date to determine the\n * modified Julian date, which gives the number of days since midnight\n * on November 17, 1858.\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE_DIFFERENCE: 2400000.5\n};\nvar $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = Object.freeze($c1e33fed0e36ebc9$var$TimeConstants);\n\n\n/**\n * Provides the type of time standards which JulianDate can take as input.\n *\n * @enum {number}\n *\n * @see JulianDate\n */ const $283148558cce80f2$var$TimeStandard = {\n /**\n * Represents the coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time standard.\n *\n * UTC is related to TAI according to the relationship\n * UTC = TAI - deltaT
where deltaT
is the number of leap\n * seconds which have been introduced as of the time in TAI.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ UTC: 0,\n /**\n * Represents the International Atomic Time (TAI) time standard.\n * TAI is the principal time standard to which the other time standards are related.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ TAI: 1\n};\nvar $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = Object.freeze($283148558cce80f2$var$TimeStandard);\n\n\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$gregorianDateScratch = new (0, $868f88fce1734db0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInMonth = [\n 31,\n 28,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31,\n 30,\n 31\n];\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInLeapFeburary = 29;\nfunction $29901a0ec51782c2$var$compareLeapSecondDates(leapSecond, dateToFind) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$, dateToFind.julianDate);\n}\n// we don't really need a leap second instance, anything with a julianDate property will do\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond = new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nfunction $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertUtcToTai(julianDate) {\n //Even though julianDate is in UTC, we'll treat it as TAI and\n //search the leap second table for it.\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond.julianDate = julianDate;\n const leapSeconds = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.leapSeconds;\n let index = (0, $3c02e867661a47f1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(leapSeconds, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$compareLeapSecondDates);\n if (index < 0) index = ~index;\n if (index >= leapSeconds.length) index = leapSeconds.length - 1;\n let offset = leapSeconds[index].offset;\n if (index > 0) {\n //Now we have the index of the closest leap second that comes on or after our UTC time.\n //However, if the difference between the UTC date being converted and the TAI\n //defined leap second is greater than the offset, we are off by one and need to use\n //the previous leap second.\n const difference = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.secondsDifference(leapSeconds[index].julianDate, julianDate);\n if (difference > offset) {\n index--;\n offset = leapSeconds[index].offset;\n }\n }\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, offset, julianDate);\n}\nfunction $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertTaiToUtc(julianDate, result) {\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond.julianDate = julianDate;\n const leapSeconds = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.leapSeconds;\n let index = (0, $3c02e867661a47f1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(leapSeconds, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$compareLeapSecondDates);\n if (index < 0) index = ~index;\n //All times before our first leap second get the first offset.\n if (index === 0) return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[0].offset, result);\n //All times after our leap second get the last offset.\n if (index >= leapSeconds.length) return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[index - 1].offset, result);\n //Compute the difference between the found leap second and the time we are converting.\n const difference = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.secondsDifference(leapSeconds[index].julianDate, julianDate);\n if (difference === 0) //The date is in our leap second table.\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[index].offset, result);\n if (difference <= 1.0) //The requested date is during the moment of a leap second, then we cannot convert to UTC\n return undefined;\n //The time is in between two leap seconds, index is the leap second after the date\n //we're converting, so we subtract one to get the correct LeapSecond instance.\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -leapSeconds[--index].offset, result);\n}\nfunction $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(wholeDays, secondsOfDay, julianDate) {\n const extraDays = secondsOfDay / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY | 0;\n wholeDays += extraDays;\n secondsOfDay -= (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY * extraDays;\n if (secondsOfDay < 0) {\n wholeDays--;\n secondsOfDay += (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n }\n julianDate.dayNumber = wholeDays;\n julianDate.secondsOfDay = secondsOfDay;\n return julianDate;\n}\nfunction $29901a0ec51782c2$var$computeJulianDateComponents(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond) {\n // Algorithm from page 604 of the Explanatory Supplement to the\n // Astronomical Almanac (Seidelmann 1992).\n const a = (month - 14) / 12 | 0;\n const b = year + 4800 + a;\n let dayNumber = (1461 * b / 4 | 0) + (367 * (month - 2 - 12 * a) / 12 | 0) - (3 * ((b + 100) / 100 | 0) / 4 | 0) + day - 32075;\n // JulianDates are noon-based\n hour = hour - 12;\n if (hour < 0) hour += 24;\n const secondsOfDay = second + (hour * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_HOUR + minute * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_MINUTE + millisecond * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND);\n if (secondsOfDay >= 43200.0) dayNumber -= 1;\n return [\n dayNumber,\n secondsOfDay\n ];\n}\n//Regular expressions used for ISO8601 date parsing.\n//YYYY\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchCalendarYear = /^(\\d{4})$/;\n//YYYY-MM (YYYYMM is invalid)\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchCalendarMonth = /^(\\d{4})-(\\d{2})$/;\n//YYYY-DDD or YYYYDDD\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchOrdinalDate = /^(\\d{4})-?(\\d{3})$/;\n//YYYY-Www or YYYYWww or YYYY-Www-D or YYYYWwwD\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchWeekDate = /^(\\d{4})-?W(\\d{2})-?(\\d{1})?$/;\n//YYYY-MM-DD or YYYYMMDD\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchCalendarDate = /^(\\d{4})-?(\\d{2})-?(\\d{2})$/;\n// Match utc offset\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$utcOffset = /([Z+\\-])?(\\d{2})?:?(\\d{2})?$/;\n// Match hours HH or HH.xxxxx\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchHours = /^(\\d{2})(\\.\\d+)?/.source + $29901a0ec51782c2$var$utcOffset.source;\n// Match hours/minutes HH:MM HHMM.xxxxx\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchHoursMinutes = /^(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2})(\\.\\d+)?/.source + $29901a0ec51782c2$var$utcOffset.source;\n// Match hours/minutes HH:MM:SS HHMMSS.xxxxx\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchHoursMinutesSeconds = /^(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2}):?(\\d{2})(\\.\\d+)?/.source + $29901a0ec51782c2$var$utcOffset.source;\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage = \"Invalid ISO 8601 date.\";\n/**\n * Represents an astronomical Julian date, which is the number of days since noon on January 1, -4712 (4713 BC).\n * For increased precision, this class stores the whole number part of the date and the seconds\n * part of the date in separate components. In order to be safe for arithmetic and represent\n * leap seconds, the date is always stored in the International Atomic Time standard\n * {@link TimeStandard.TAI}.\n * @alias JulianDate\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [julianDayNumber=0.0] The Julian Day Number representing the number of whole days. Fractional days will also be handled correctly.\n * @param {number} [secondsOfDay=0.0] The number of seconds into the current Julian Day Number. Fractional seconds, negative seconds and seconds greater than a day will be handled correctly.\n * @param {TimeStandard} [timeStandard=TimeStandard.UTC] The time standard in which the first two parameters are defined.\n */ function $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(julianDayNumber, secondsOfDay, timeStandard) {\n /**\n * Gets or sets the number of whole days.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.dayNumber = undefined;\n /**\n * Gets or sets the number of seconds into the current day.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.secondsOfDay = undefined;\n julianDayNumber = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDayNumber, 0.0);\n secondsOfDay = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(secondsOfDay, 0.0);\n timeStandard = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(timeStandard, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UTC);\n //If julianDayNumber is fractional, make it an integer and add the number of seconds the fraction represented.\n const wholeDays = julianDayNumber | 0;\n secondsOfDay = secondsOfDay + (julianDayNumber - wholeDays) * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(wholeDays, secondsOfDay, this);\n if (timeStandard === (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UTC) $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertUtcToTai(this);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a new instance from a GregorianDate.\n *\n * @param {GregorianDate} date A GregorianDate.\n * @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} date must be a valid GregorianDate.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.fromGregorianDate = function(date, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(date instanceof (0, $868f88fce1734db0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039))) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"date must be a valid GregorianDate.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const components = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$computeJulianDateComponents(date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.minute, date.second, date.millisecond);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(components[0], components[1], (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UTC);\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(components[0], components[1], result);\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertUtcToTai(result);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a new instance from a JavaScript Date.\n *\n * @param {Date} date A JavaScript Date.\n * @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} date must be a valid JavaScript Date.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.fromDate = function(date, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(date instanceof Date) || isNaN(date.getTime())) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"date must be a valid JavaScript Date.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const components = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$computeJulianDateComponents(date.getUTCFullYear(), date.getUTCMonth() + 1, date.getUTCDate(), date.getUTCHours(), date.getUTCMinutes(), date.getUTCSeconds(), date.getUTCMilliseconds());\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(components[0], components[1], (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UTC);\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(components[0], components[1], result);\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertUtcToTai(result);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a new instance from a from an {@link|ISO 8601} date.\n * This method is superior to Date.parse
because it will handle all valid formats defined by the ISO 8601\n * specification, including leap seconds and sub-millisecond times, which discarded by most JavaScript implementations.\n *\n * @param {string} iso8601String An ISO 8601 date.\n * @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} Invalid ISO 8601 date.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.fromIso8601 = function(iso8601String, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (typeof iso8601String !== \"string\") throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n //Comma and decimal point both indicate a fractional number according to ISO 8601,\n //start out by blanket replacing , with . which is the only valid such symbol in JS.\n iso8601String = iso8601String.replace(\",\", \".\");\n //Split the string into its date and time components, denoted by a mandatory T\n let tokens = iso8601String.split(\"T\");\n let year;\n let month = 1;\n let day = 1;\n let hour = 0;\n let minute = 0;\n let second = 0;\n let millisecond = 0;\n //Lacking a time is okay, but a missing date is illegal.\n const date = tokens[0];\n const time = tokens[1];\n let tmp;\n let inLeapYear;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(date)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n let dashCount;\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n //First match the date against possible regular expressions.\n tokens = date.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchCalendarDate);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n dashCount = date.split(\"-\").length - 1;\n if (dashCount > 0 && dashCount !== 2) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n year = +tokens[1];\n month = +tokens[2];\n day = +tokens[3];\n } else {\n tokens = date.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchCalendarMonth);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n year = +tokens[1];\n month = +tokens[2];\n } else {\n tokens = date.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchCalendarYear);\n if (tokens !== null) year = +tokens[1];\n else {\n //Not a year/month/day so it must be an ordinal date.\n let dayOfYear;\n tokens = date.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchOrdinalDate);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n year = +tokens[1];\n dayOfYear = +tokens[2];\n inLeapYear = (0, $47ee6bd3b92ecf9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(year);\n //This validation is only applicable for this format.\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (dayOfYear < 1 || inLeapYear && dayOfYear > 366 || !inLeapYear && dayOfYear > 365) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug')\n } else {\n tokens = date.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchWeekDate);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n //ISO week date to ordinal date from\n //\n year = +tokens[1];\n const weekNumber = +tokens[2];\n const dayOfWeek = +tokens[3] || 0;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n dashCount = date.split(\"-\").length - 1;\n if (dashCount > 0 && (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(tokens[3]) && dashCount !== 1 || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(tokens[3]) && dashCount !== 2)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug')\n const january4 = new Date(Date.UTC(year, 0, 4));\n dayOfYear = weekNumber * 7 + dayOfWeek - january4.getUTCDay() - 3;\n } else //None of our regular expressions succeeded in parsing the date properly.\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n }\n //Split an ordinal date into month/day.\n tmp = new Date(Date.UTC(year, 0, 1));\n tmp.setUTCDate(dayOfYear);\n month = tmp.getUTCMonth() + 1;\n day = tmp.getUTCDate();\n }\n }\n }\n //Now that we have all of the date components, validate them to make sure nothing is out of range.\n inLeapYear = (0, $47ee6bd3b92ecf9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(year);\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (month < 1 || month > 12 || day < 1 || (month !== 2 || !inLeapYear) && day > $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInMonth[month - 1] || inLeapYear && month === 2 && day > $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInLeapFeburary) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug')\n //Now move onto the time string, which is much simpler.\n //If no time is specified, it is considered the beginning of the day, UTC to match Javascript's implementation.\n let offsetIndex;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(time)) {\n tokens = time.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchHoursMinutesSeconds);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n dashCount = time.split(\":\").length - 1;\n if (dashCount > 0 && dashCount !== 2 && dashCount !== 3) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug')\n hour = +tokens[1];\n minute = +tokens[2];\n second = +tokens[3];\n millisecond = +(tokens[4] || 0) * 1000.0;\n offsetIndex = 5;\n } else {\n tokens = time.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchHoursMinutes);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n dashCount = time.split(\":\").length - 1;\n if (dashCount > 2) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug')\n hour = +tokens[1];\n minute = +tokens[2];\n second = +(tokens[3] || 0) * 60.0;\n offsetIndex = 4;\n } else {\n tokens = time.match($29901a0ec51782c2$var$matchHours);\n if (tokens !== null) {\n hour = +tokens[1];\n minute = +(tokens[2] || 0) * 60.0;\n offsetIndex = 3;\n } else //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n }\n }\n //Validate that all values are in proper range. Minutes and hours have special cases at 60 and 24.\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (minute >= 60 || second >= 61 || hour > 24 || hour === 24 && (minute > 0 || second > 0 || millisecond > 0)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($29901a0ec51782c2$var$iso8601ErrorMessage);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n //Check the UTC offset value, if no value exists, use local time\n //a Z indicates UTC, + or - are offsets.\n const offset = tokens[offsetIndex];\n const offsetHours = +tokens[offsetIndex + 1];\n const offsetMinutes = +(tokens[offsetIndex + 2] || 0);\n switch(offset){\n case \"+\":\n hour = hour - offsetHours;\n minute = minute - offsetMinutes;\n break;\n case \"-\":\n hour = hour + offsetHours;\n minute = minute + offsetMinutes;\n break;\n case \"Z\":\n break;\n default:\n minute = minute + new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute)).getTimezoneOffset();\n break;\n }\n }\n //ISO8601 denotes a leap second by any time having a seconds component of 60 seconds.\n //If that's the case, we need to temporarily subtract a second in order to build a UTC date.\n //Then we add it back in after converting to TAI.\n const isLeapSecond = second === 60;\n if (isLeapSecond) second--;\n //Even if we successfully parsed the string into its components, after applying UTC offset or\n //special cases like 24:00:00 denoting midnight, we need to normalize the data appropriately.\n //milliseconds can never be greater than 1000, and seconds can't be above 60, so we start with minutes\n while(minute >= 60){\n minute -= 60;\n hour++;\n }\n while(hour >= 24){\n hour -= 24;\n day++;\n }\n tmp = inLeapYear && month === 2 ? $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInLeapFeburary : $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInMonth[month - 1];\n while(day > tmp){\n day -= tmp;\n month++;\n if (month > 12) {\n month -= 12;\n year++;\n }\n tmp = inLeapYear && month === 2 ? $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInLeapFeburary : $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInMonth[month - 1];\n }\n //If UTC offset is at the beginning/end of the day, minutes can be negative.\n while(minute < 0){\n minute += 60;\n hour--;\n }\n while(hour < 0){\n hour += 24;\n day--;\n }\n while(day < 1){\n month--;\n if (month < 1) {\n month += 12;\n year--;\n }\n tmp = inLeapYear && month === 2 ? $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInLeapFeburary : $29901a0ec51782c2$var$daysInMonth[month - 1];\n day += tmp;\n }\n //Now create the JulianDate components from the Gregorian date and actually create our instance.\n const components = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$computeJulianDateComponents(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(components[0], components[1], (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UTC);\n else {\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(components[0], components[1], result);\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertUtcToTai(result);\n }\n //If we were on a leap second, add it back.\n if (isLeapSecond) $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(result, 1, result);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a new instance that represents the current system time.\n * This is equivalent to calling JulianDate.fromDate(new Date());
.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$ = function(result) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.fromDate(new Date(), result);\n};\nconst $29901a0ec51782c2$var$toGregorianDateScratch = new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(0, 0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI);\n/**\n * Creates a {@link GregorianDate} from the provided instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to be converted.\n * @param {GregorianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {GregorianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.toGregorianDate = function(julianDate, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let isLeapSecond = false;\n let thisUtc = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertTaiToUtc(julianDate, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$toGregorianDateScratch);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(thisUtc)) {\n //Conversion to UTC will fail if we are during a leap second.\n //If that's the case, subtract a second and convert again.\n //JavaScript doesn't support leap seconds, so this results in second 59 being repeated twice.\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds(julianDate, -1, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$toGregorianDateScratch);\n thisUtc = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$convertTaiToUtc($29901a0ec51782c2$var$toGregorianDateScratch, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$toGregorianDateScratch);\n isLeapSecond = true;\n }\n let julianDayNumber = thisUtc.dayNumber;\n const secondsOfDay = thisUtc.secondsOfDay;\n if (secondsOfDay >= 43200.0) julianDayNumber += 1;\n // Algorithm from page 604 of the Explanatory Supplement to the\n // Astronomical Almanac (Seidelmann 1992).\n let L = julianDayNumber + 68569 | 0;\n const N = 4 * L / 146097 | 0;\n L = L - ((146097 * N + 3) / 4 | 0) | 0;\n const I = 4000 * (L + 1) / 1461001 | 0;\n L = L - (1461 * I / 4 | 0) + 31 | 0;\n const J = 80 * L / 2447 | 0;\n const day = L - (2447 * J / 80 | 0) | 0;\n L = J / 11 | 0;\n const month = J + 2 - 12 * L | 0;\n const year = 100 * (N - 49) + I + L | 0;\n let hour = secondsOfDay / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_HOUR | 0;\n let remainingSeconds = secondsOfDay - hour * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_HOUR;\n const minute = remainingSeconds / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_MINUTE | 0;\n remainingSeconds = remainingSeconds - minute * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;\n let second = remainingSeconds | 0;\n const millisecond = (remainingSeconds - second) / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_MILLISECOND;\n // JulianDates are noon-based\n hour += 12;\n if (hour > 23) hour -= 24;\n //If we were on a leap second, add it back.\n if (isLeapSecond) second += 1;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new (0, $868f88fce1734db0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond, isLeapSecond);\n result.year = year;\n result.month = month;\n = day;\n result.hour = hour;\n result.minute = minute;\n result.second = second;\n result.millisecond = millisecond;\n result.isLeapSecond = isLeapSecond;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Creates a JavaScript Date from the provided instance.\n * Since JavaScript dates are only accurate to the nearest millisecond and\n * cannot represent a leap second, consider using {@link JulianDate.toGregorianDate} instead.\n * If the provided JulianDate is during a leap second, the previous second is used.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to be converted.\n * @returns {Date} A new instance representing the provided date.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.toDate = function(julianDate) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const gDate = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.toGregorianDate(julianDate, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$gregorianDateScratch);\n let second = gDate.second;\n if (gDate.isLeapSecond) second -= 1;\n return new Date(Date.UTC(gDate.year, gDate.month - 1,, gDate.hour, gDate.minute, second, gDate.millisecond));\n};\n/**\n * Creates an ISO8601 representation of the provided date.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to be converted.\n * @param {number} [precision] The number of fractional digits used to represent the seconds component. By default, the most precise representation is used.\n * @returns {string} The ISO8601 representation of the provided date.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.toIso8601 = function(julianDate, precision) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const gDate = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.toGregorianDate(julianDate, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$gregorianDateScratch);\n let year = gDate.year;\n let month = gDate.month;\n let day =;\n let hour = gDate.hour;\n const minute = gDate.minute;\n const second = gDate.second;\n const millisecond = gDate.millisecond;\n // special case - Iso8601.MAXIMUM_VALUE produces a string which we can't parse unless we adjust.\n // 10000-01-01T00:00:00 is the same instant as 9999-12-31T24:00:00\n if (year === 10000 && month === 1 && day === 1 && hour === 0 && minute === 0 && second === 0 && millisecond === 0) {\n year = 9999;\n month = 12;\n day = 31;\n hour = 24;\n }\n let millisecondStr;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(precision) && millisecond !== 0) {\n //Forces milliseconds into a number with at least 3 digits to whatever the default toString() precision is.\n millisecondStr = (millisecond * 0.01).toString().replace(\".\", \"\");\n return `${year.toString().padStart(4, \"0\")}-${month.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}-${day.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}T${hour.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}:${minute.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}:${second.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}.${millisecondStr}Z`;\n }\n //Precision is either 0 or milliseconds is 0 with undefined precision, in either case, leave off milliseconds entirely\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(precision) || precision === 0) return `${year.toString().padStart(4, \"0\")}-${month.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}-${day.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}T${hour.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}:${minute.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}:${second.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}Z`;\n //Forces milliseconds into a number with at least 3 digits to whatever the specified precision is.\n millisecondStr = (millisecond * 0.01).toFixed(precision).replace(\".\", \"\").slice(0, precision);\n return `${year.toString().padStart(4, \"0\")}-${month.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}-${day.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}T${hour.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}:${minute.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}:${second.toString().padStart(2, \"0\")}.${millisecondStr}Z`;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a JulianDate instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date to duplicate.\n * @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided. Returns undefined if julianDate is undefined.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.clone = function(julianDate, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(julianDate.dayNumber, julianDate.secondsOfDay, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI);\n result.dayNumber = julianDate.dayNumber;\n result.secondsOfDay = julianDate.secondsOfDay;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares two instances.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {number} A negative value if left is less than right, a positive value if left is greater than right, or zero if left and right are equal.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$ = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"left is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"right is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const julianDayNumberDifference = left.dayNumber - right.dayNumber;\n if (julianDayNumberDifference !== 0) return julianDayNumberDifference;\n return left.secondsOfDay - right.secondsOfDay;\n};\n/**\n * Compares two instances and returns true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [left] The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the dates are equal; otherwise, false
.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.dayNumber === right.dayNumber && left.secondsOfDay === right.secondsOfDay;\n};\n/**\n * Compares two instances and returns true
if they are within epsilon
seconds of\n * each other. That is, in order for the dates to be considered equal (and for\n * this function to return true
), the absolute value of the difference between them, in\n * seconds, must be less than epsilon
.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [left] The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The maximum number of seconds that should separate the two instances.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the two dates are within epsilon
seconds of each other; otherwise false
.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {\n epsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(epsilon, 0);\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && Math.abs($29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.secondsDifference(left, right)) <= epsilon;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the total number of whole and fractional days represented by the provided instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.\n * @returns {number} The Julian date as single floating point number.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.totalDays = function(julianDate) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return julianDate.dayNumber + julianDate.secondsOfDay / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the difference in seconds between the provided instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {number} The difference, in seconds, when subtracting right
from left
.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.secondsDifference = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"left is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"right is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const dayDifference = (left.dayNumber - right.dayNumber) * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n return dayDifference + (left.secondsOfDay - right.secondsOfDay);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the difference in days between the provided instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {number} The difference, in days, when subtracting right
from left
.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.daysDifference = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"left is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"right is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const dayDifference = left.dayNumber - right.dayNumber;\n const secondDifference = (left.secondsOfDay - right.secondsOfDay) / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n return dayDifference + secondDifference;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the number of seconds the provided instance is ahead of UTC.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.\n * @returns {number} The number of seconds the provided instance is ahead of UTC\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.computeTaiMinusUtc = function(julianDate) {\n $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond.julianDate = julianDate;\n const leapSeconds = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.leapSeconds;\n let index = (0, $3c02e867661a47f1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(leapSeconds, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$binarySearchScratchLeapSecond, $29901a0ec51782c2$var$compareLeapSecondDates);\n if (index < 0) {\n index = ~index;\n --index;\n if (index < 0) index = 0;\n }\n return leapSeconds[index].offset;\n};\n/**\n * Adds the provided number of seconds to the provided date instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.\n * @param {number} seconds The number of seconds to add or subtract.\n * @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addSeconds = function(julianDate, seconds, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(seconds)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"seconds is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"result is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(julianDate.dayNumber, julianDate.secondsOfDay + seconds, result);\n};\n/**\n * Adds the provided number of minutes to the provided date instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.\n * @param {number} minutes The number of minutes to add or subtract.\n * @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addMinutes = function(julianDate, minutes, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(minutes)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"minutes is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"result is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const newSecondsOfDay = julianDate.secondsOfDay + minutes * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_MINUTE;\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(julianDate.dayNumber, newSecondsOfDay, result);\n};\n/**\n * Adds the provided number of hours to the provided date instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.\n * @param {number} hours The number of hours to add or subtract.\n * @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addHours = function(julianDate, hours, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(hours)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"hours is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"result is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const newSecondsOfDay = julianDate.secondsOfDay + hours * (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_HOUR;\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(julianDate.dayNumber, newSecondsOfDay, result);\n};\n/**\n * Adds the provided number of days to the provided date instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} julianDate The date.\n * @param {number} days The number of days to add or subtract.\n * @param {JulianDate} result An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.addDays = function(julianDate, days, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(julianDate)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"julianDate is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(days)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"days is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"result is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const newJulianDayNumber = julianDate.dayNumber + days;\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$setComponents(newJulianDayNumber, julianDate.secondsOfDay, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided instances and returns true
if left
is earlier than right
, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is earlier than right
, false
otherwise.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.lessThan = function(left, right) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$, right) < 0;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided instances and returns true
if left
is earlier than or equal to right
, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is earlier than or equal to right
, false
otherwise.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.lessThanOrEquals = function(left, right) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$, right) <= 0;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided instances and returns true
if left
is later than right
, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is later than right
, false
otherwise.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.greaterThan = function(left, right) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$, right) > 0;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided instances and returns true
if left
is later than or equal to right
, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} left The first instance.\n * @param {JulianDate} right The second instance.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left
is later than or equal to right
, false
otherwise.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.greaterThanOrEquals = function(left, right) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$, right) >= 0;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates this instance.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [result] An existing instance to use for the result.\n * @returns {JulianDate} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this and the provided instance and returns true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the dates are equal; otherwise, false
.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this and the provided instance and returns true
if they are within epsilon
seconds of\n * each other. That is, in order for the dates to be considered equal (and for\n * this function to return true
), the absolute value of the difference between them, in\n * seconds, must be less than epsilon
.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} [right] The second instance.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The maximum number of seconds that should separate the two instances.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the two dates are within epsilon
seconds of each other; otherwise false
.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this date in ISO8601 format.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing this date in ISO8601 format.\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.prototype.toString = function() {\n return $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.toIso8601(this);\n};\n/**\n * Gets or sets the list of leap seconds used throughout Cesium.\n * @memberof JulianDate\n * @type {LeapSecond[]}\n */ $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate.leapSeconds = [\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2441317, 43210.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 10),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2441499, 43211.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 11),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2441683, 43212.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 12),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2442048, 43213.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 13),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2442413, 43214.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 14),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2442778, 43215.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 15),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2443144, 43216.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 16),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2443509, 43217.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 17),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2443874, 43218.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 18),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2444239, 43219.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 19),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2444786, 43220.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 20),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2445151, 43221.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 21),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2445516, 43222.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 22),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2446247, 43223.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 23),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2447161, 43224.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 24),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2447892, 43225.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 25),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2448257, 43226.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 26),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2448804, 43227.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 27),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2449169, 43228.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 28),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2449534, 43229.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 29),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2450083, 43230.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 30),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2450630, 43231.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 31),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2451179, 43232.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 32),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2453736, 43233.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 33),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2454832, 43234.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 34),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2456109, 43235.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 35),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2457204, 43236.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 36),\n new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(new $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate(2457754, 43237.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI), 37)\n];\nvar $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $29901a0ec51782c2$var$JulianDate;\n\n\n\nvar $4e56c98ff011f544$exports = {};\n\n\n\n/*!\n * URI.js - Mutating URLs\n *\n * Version: 1.19.11\n *\n * Author: Rodney Rehm\n * Web:\n *\n * Licensed under\n * MIT License\n *\n */ (function(root, factory) {\n \"use strict\";\n //\n if (0, $4e56c98ff011f544$exports) // Node\n $4e56c98ff011f544$exports = factory((parcelRequire(\"abeOb\")), (parcelRequire(\"7IAj7\")), (parcelRequire(\"a2YVn\")));\n else if (typeof define === \"function\" && define.amd) // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.\n define([\n \"./punycode\",\n \"./IPv6\",\n \"./SecondLevelDomains\"\n ], factory);\n else // Browser globals (root is window)\n root.URI = factory(root.punycode, root.IPv6, root.SecondLevelDomains, root);\n})($4e56c98ff011f544$exports, function(punycode, IPv6, SLD, root) {\n \"use strict\";\n /*global location, escape, unescape */ // FIXME: v2.0.0 renamce non-camelCase properties to uppercase\n /*jshint camelcase: false */ // save current URI variable, if any\n var _URI = root && root.URI;\n function URI(url, base) {\n var _urlSupplied = arguments.length >= 1;\n var _baseSupplied = arguments.length >= 2;\n // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword\n if (!(this instanceof URI)) {\n if (_urlSupplied) {\n if (_baseSupplied) return new URI(url, base);\n return new URI(url);\n }\n return new URI();\n }\n if (url === undefined) {\n if (_urlSupplied) throw new TypeError(\"undefined is not a valid argument for URI\");\n if (typeof location !== \"undefined\") url = location.href + \"\";\n else url = \"\";\n }\n if (url === null) {\n if (_urlSupplied) throw new TypeError(\"null is not a valid argument for URI\");\n }\n this.href(url);\n // resolve to base according to\n if (base !== undefined) return this.absoluteTo(base);\n return this;\n }\n function isInteger(value) {\n return /^[0-9]+$/.test(value);\n }\n URI.version = \"1.19.11\";\n var p = URI.prototype;\n var hasOwn = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n function escapeRegEx(string) {\n //\n return string.replace(/([.*+?^=!:${}()|[\\]\\/\\\\])/g, \"\\\\$1\");\n }\n function getType(value) {\n // IE8 doesn't return [Object Undefined] but [Object Object] for undefined value\n if (value === undefined) return \"Undefined\";\n return String(, -1);\n }\n function isArray(obj) {\n return getType(obj) === \"Array\";\n }\n function filterArrayValues(data, value) {\n var lookup = {};\n var i, length;\n if (getType(value) === \"RegExp\") lookup = null;\n else if (isArray(value)) for(i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++)lookup[value[i]] = true;\n else lookup[value] = true;\n for(i = 0, length = data.length; i < length; i++){\n /*jshint laxbreak: true */ var _match = lookup && lookup[data[i]] !== undefined || !lookup && value.test(data[i]);\n /*jshint laxbreak: false */ if (_match) {\n data.splice(i, 1);\n length--;\n i--;\n }\n }\n return data;\n }\n function arrayContains(list, value) {\n var i, length;\n // value may be string, number, array, regexp\n if (isArray(value)) {\n // Note: this can be optimized to O(n) (instead of current O(m * n))\n for(i = 0, length = value.length; i < length; i++){\n if (!arrayContains(list, value[i])) return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n var _type = getType(value);\n for(i = 0, length = list.length; i < length; i++){\n if (_type === \"RegExp\") {\n if (typeof list[i] === \"string\" && list[i].match(value)) return true;\n } else if (list[i] === value) return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n function arraysEqual(one, two) {\n if (!isArray(one) || !isArray(two)) return false;\n // arrays can't be equal if they have different amount of content\n if (one.length !== two.length) return false;\n one.sort();\n two.sort();\n for(var i = 0, l = one.length; i < l; i++){\n if (one[i] !== two[i]) return false;\n }\n return true;\n }\n function trimSlashes(text) {\n var trim_expression = /^\\/+|\\/+$/g;\n return text.replace(trim_expression, \"\");\n }\n URI._parts = function() {\n return {\n protocol: null,\n username: null,\n password: null,\n hostname: null,\n urn: null,\n port: null,\n path: null,\n query: null,\n fragment: null,\n // state\n preventInvalidHostname: URI.preventInvalidHostname,\n duplicateQueryParameters: URI.duplicateQueryParameters,\n escapeQuerySpace: URI.escapeQuerySpace\n };\n };\n // state: throw on invalid hostname\n // see\n // and\n URI.preventInvalidHostname = false;\n // state: allow duplicate query parameters (a=1&a=1)\n URI.duplicateQueryParameters = false;\n // state: replaces + with %20 (space in query strings)\n URI.escapeQuerySpace = true;\n // static properties\n URI.protocol_expression = /^[a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*$/i;\n URI.idn_expression = /[^a-z0-9\\._-]/i;\n URI.punycode_expression = /(xn--)/i;\n // well, 333.444.555.666 matches, but it sure ain't no IPv4 - do we care?\n URI.ip4_expression = /^\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}\\.\\d{1,3}$/;\n // credits to Rich Brown\n // source:\n // specification:\n URI.ip6_expression = /^\\s*((([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){7}([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){6}(:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){5}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,2})|:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3})|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){4}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,3})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})?:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){3}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,4})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,2}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){2}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,5})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,3}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3}))|:))|(([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}:){1}(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,6})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,4}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3}))|:))|(:(((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){1,7})|((:[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}){0,5}:((25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|1\\d\\d|[1-9]?\\d)){3}))|:)))(%.+)?\\s*$/;\n // expression used is \"gruber revised\" (@gruber v2) determined to be the\n // best solution in a regex-golf we did a couple of ages ago at\n // *\n // *\n URI.find_uri_expression = /\\b((?:[a-z][\\w-]+:(?:\\/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}\\/)(?:[^\\s()<>]+|\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\))+(?:\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\)|[^\\s`!()\\[\\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”‘’]))/ig;\n URI.findUri = {\n // valid \"scheme://\" or \"www.\"\n start: /\\b(?:([a-z][a-z0-9.+-]*:\\/\\/)|www\\.)/gi,\n // everything up to the next whitespace\n end: /[\\s\\r\\n]|$/,\n // trim trailing punctuation captured by end RegExp\n trim: /[`!()\\[\\]{};:'\".,<>?«»“”„‘’]+$/,\n // balanced parens inclusion (), [], {}, <>\n parens: /(\\([^\\)]*\\)|\\[[^\\]]*\\]|\\{[^}]*\\}|<[^>]*>)/g\n };\n URI.leading_whitespace_expression = /^[\\x00-\\x20\\u00a0\\u1680\\u2000-\\u200a\\u2028\\u2029\\u202f\\u205f\\u3000\\ufeff]+/;\n //\n URI.ascii_tab_whitespace = /[\\u0009\\u000A\\u000D]+/g;\n //\n //\n URI.defaultPorts = {\n http: \"80\",\n https: \"443\",\n ftp: \"21\",\n gopher: \"70\",\n ws: \"80\",\n wss: \"443\"\n };\n // list of protocols which always require a hostname\n URI.hostProtocols = [\n \"http\",\n \"https\"\n ];\n // allowed hostname characters according to RFC 3986\n // ALPHA DIGIT \"-\" \".\" \"_\" \"~\" \"!\" \"$\" \"&\" \"'\" \"(\" \")\" \"*\" \"+\" \",\" \";\" \"=\" %encoded\n // I've never seen a (non-IDN) hostname other than: ALPHA DIGIT . - _\n URI.invalid_hostname_characters = /[^a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-:_]/;\n // map DOM Elements to their URI attribute\n URI.domAttributes = {\n \"a\": \"href\",\n \"blockquote\": \"cite\",\n \"link\": \"href\",\n \"base\": \"href\",\n \"script\": \"src\",\n \"form\": \"action\",\n \"img\": \"src\",\n \"area\": \"href\",\n \"iframe\": \"src\",\n \"embed\": \"src\",\n \"source\": \"src\",\n \"track\": \"src\",\n \"input\": \"src\",\n \"audio\": \"src\",\n \"video\": \"src\"\n };\n URI.getDomAttribute = function(node) {\n if (!node || !node.nodeName) return undefined;\n var nodeName = node.nodeName.toLowerCase();\n // should only expose src for type=\"image\"\n if (nodeName === \"input\" && node.type !== \"image\") return undefined;\n return URI.domAttributes[nodeName];\n };\n function escapeForDumbFirefox36(value) {\n //\n return escape(value);\n }\n // encoding / decoding according to RFC3986\n function strictEncodeURIComponent(string) {\n // see\n return encodeURIComponent(string).replace(/[!'()*]/g, escapeForDumbFirefox36).replace(/\\*/g, \"%2A\");\n }\n URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;\n URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;\n URI.iso8859 = function() {\n URI.encode = escape;\n URI.decode = unescape;\n };\n URI.unicode = function() {\n URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;\n URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;\n };\n URI.characters = {\n pathname: {\n encode: {\n // RFC3986 2.1: For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should\n // use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings.\n expression: /%(24|26|2B|2C|3B|3D|3A|40)/ig,\n map: {\n // -._~!'()*\n \"%24\": \"$\",\n \"%26\": \"&\",\n \"%2B\": \"+\",\n \"%2C\": \",\",\n \"%3B\": \";\",\n \"%3D\": \"=\",\n \"%3A\": \":\",\n \"%40\": \"@\"\n }\n },\n decode: {\n expression: /[\\/\\?#]/g,\n map: {\n \"/\": \"%2F\",\n \"?\": \"%3F\",\n \"#\": \"%23\"\n }\n }\n },\n reserved: {\n encode: {\n // RFC3986 2.1: For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should\n // use uppercase hexadecimal digits for all percent-encodings.\n expression: /%(21|23|24|26|27|28|29|2A|2B|2C|2F|3A|3B|3D|3F|40|5B|5D)/ig,\n map: {\n // gen-delims\n \"%3A\": \":\",\n \"%2F\": \"/\",\n \"%3F\": \"?\",\n \"%23\": \"#\",\n \"%5B\": \"[\",\n \"%5D\": \"]\",\n \"%40\": \"@\",\n // sub-delims\n \"%21\": \"!\",\n \"%24\": \"$\",\n \"%26\": \"&\",\n \"%27\": \"'\",\n \"%28\": \"(\",\n \"%29\": \")\",\n \"%2A\": \"*\",\n \"%2B\": \"+\",\n \"%2C\": \",\",\n \"%3B\": \";\",\n \"%3D\": \"=\"\n }\n }\n },\n urnpath: {\n // The characters under `encode` are the characters called out by RFC 2141 as being acceptable\n // for usage in a URN. RFC2141 also calls out \"-\", \".\", and \"_\" as acceptable characters, but\n // these aren't encoded by encodeURIComponent, so we don't have to call them out here. Also\n // note that the colon character is not featured in the encoding map; this is because URI.js\n // gives the colons in URNs semantic meaning as the delimiters of path segements, and so it\n // should not appear unencoded in a segment itself.\n // See also the note above about RFC3986 and capitalalized hex digits.\n encode: {\n expression: /%(21|24|27|28|29|2A|2B|2C|3B|3D|40)/ig,\n map: {\n \"%21\": \"!\",\n \"%24\": \"$\",\n \"%27\": \"'\",\n \"%28\": \"(\",\n \"%29\": \")\",\n \"%2A\": \"*\",\n \"%2B\": \"+\",\n \"%2C\": \",\",\n \"%3B\": \";\",\n \"%3D\": \"=\",\n \"%40\": \"@\"\n }\n },\n // These characters are the characters called out by RFC2141 as \"reserved\" characters that\n // should never appear in a URN, plus the colon character (see note above).\n decode: {\n expression: /[\\/\\?#:]/g,\n map: {\n \"/\": \"%2F\",\n \"?\": \"%3F\",\n \"#\": \"%23\",\n \":\": \"%3A\"\n }\n }\n }\n };\n URI.encodeQuery = function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {\n var escaped = URI.encode(string + \"\");\n if (escapeQuerySpace === undefined) escapeQuerySpace = URI.escapeQuerySpace;\n return escapeQuerySpace ? escaped.replace(/%20/g, \"+\") : escaped;\n };\n URI.decodeQuery = function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {\n string += \"\";\n if (escapeQuerySpace === undefined) escapeQuerySpace = URI.escapeQuerySpace;\n try {\n return URI.decode(escapeQuerySpace ? string.replace(/\\+/g, \"%20\") : string);\n } catch (e) {\n // we're not going to mess with weird encodings,\n // give up and return the undecoded original string\n // see\n // see\n return string;\n }\n };\n // generate encode/decode path functions\n var _parts = {\n \"encode\": \"encode\",\n \"decode\": \"decode\"\n };\n var _part;\n var generateAccessor = function(_group, _part) {\n return function(string) {\n try {\n return URI[_part](string + \"\").replace(URI.characters[_group][_part].expression, function(c) {\n return URI.characters[_group][_part].map[c];\n });\n } catch (e) {\n // we're not going to mess with weird encodings,\n // give up and return the undecoded original string\n // see\n // see\n return string;\n }\n };\n };\n for(_part in _parts){\n URI[_part + \"PathSegment\"] = generateAccessor(\"pathname\", _parts[_part]);\n URI[_part + \"UrnPathSegment\"] = generateAccessor(\"urnpath\", _parts[_part]);\n }\n var generateSegmentedPathFunction = function(_sep, _codingFuncName, _innerCodingFuncName) {\n return function(string) {\n // Why pass in names of functions, rather than the function objects themselves? The\n // definitions of some functions (but in particular, URI.decode) will occasionally change due\n // to URI.js having ISO8859 and Unicode modes. Passing in the name and getting it will ensure\n // that the functions we use here are \"fresh\".\n var actualCodingFunc;\n if (!_innerCodingFuncName) actualCodingFunc = URI[_codingFuncName];\n else actualCodingFunc = function(string) {\n return URI[_codingFuncName](URI[_innerCodingFuncName](string));\n };\n var segments = (string + \"\").split(_sep);\n for(var i = 0, length = segments.length; i < length; i++)segments[i] = actualCodingFunc(segments[i]);\n return segments.join(_sep);\n };\n };\n // This takes place outside the above loop because we don't want, e.g., encodeUrnPath functions.\n URI.decodePath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(\"/\", \"decodePathSegment\");\n URI.decodeUrnPath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(\":\", \"decodeUrnPathSegment\");\n URI.recodePath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(\"/\", \"encodePathSegment\", \"decode\");\n URI.recodeUrnPath = generateSegmentedPathFunction(\":\", \"encodeUrnPathSegment\", \"decode\");\n URI.encodeReserved = generateAccessor(\"reserved\", \"encode\");\n URI.parse = function(string, parts) {\n var pos;\n if (!parts) parts = {\n preventInvalidHostname: URI.preventInvalidHostname\n };\n string = string.replace(URI.leading_whitespace_expression, \"\");\n //\n string = string.replace(URI.ascii_tab_whitespace, \"\");\n // [protocol\"://\"[username[\":\"password]\"@\"]hostname[\":\"port]\"/\"?][path][\"?\"querystring][\"#\"fragment]\n // extract fragment\n pos = string.indexOf(\"#\");\n if (pos > -1) {\n // escaping?\n parts.fragment = string.substring(pos + 1) || null;\n string = string.substring(0, pos);\n }\n // extract query\n pos = string.indexOf(\"?\");\n if (pos > -1) {\n // escaping?\n parts.query = string.substring(pos + 1) || null;\n string = string.substring(0, pos);\n }\n // slashes and backslashes have lost all meaning for the web protocols (https, http, wss, ws)\n string = string.replace(/^(https?|ftp|wss?)?:+[/\\\\]*/i, \"$1://\");\n // slashes and backslashes have lost all meaning for scheme relative URLs\n string = string.replace(/^[/\\\\]{2,}/i, \"//\");\n // extract protocol\n if (string.substring(0, 2) === \"//\") {\n // relative-scheme\n parts.protocol = null;\n string = string.substring(2);\n // extract \"user:pass@host:port\"\n string = URI.parseAuthority(string, parts);\n } else {\n pos = string.indexOf(\":\");\n if (pos > -1) {\n parts.protocol = string.substring(0, pos) || null;\n if (parts.protocol && !parts.protocol.match(URI.protocol_expression)) // : may be within the path\n parts.protocol = undefined;\n else if (string.substring(pos + 1, pos + 3).replace(/\\\\/g, \"/\") === \"//\") {\n string = string.substring(pos + 3);\n // extract \"user:pass@host:port\"\n string = URI.parseAuthority(string, parts);\n } else {\n string = string.substring(pos + 1);\n parts.urn = true;\n }\n }\n }\n // what's left must be the path\n parts.path = string;\n // and we're done\n return parts;\n };\n URI.parseHost = function(string, parts) {\n if (!string) string = \"\";\n // Copy chrome, IE, opera backslash-handling behavior.\n // Back slashes before the query string get converted to forward slashes\n // See:\n // See:\n //\n string = string.replace(/\\\\/g, \"/\");\n // extract host:port\n var pos = string.indexOf(\"/\");\n var bracketPos;\n var t;\n if (pos === -1) pos = string.length;\n if (string.charAt(0) === \"[\") {\n // IPv6 host -\n // I claim most client software breaks on IPv6 anyways. To simplify things, URI only accepts\n // IPv6+port in the format [2001:db8::1]:80 (for the time being)\n bracketPos = string.indexOf(\"]\");\n parts.hostname = string.substring(1, bracketPos) || null;\n parts.port = string.substring(bracketPos + 2, pos) || null;\n if (parts.port === \"/\") parts.port = null;\n } else {\n var firstColon = string.indexOf(\":\");\n var firstSlash = string.indexOf(\"/\");\n var nextColon = string.indexOf(\":\", firstColon + 1);\n if (nextColon !== -1 && (firstSlash === -1 || nextColon < firstSlash)) {\n // IPv6 host contains multiple colons - but no port\n // this notation is actually not allowed by RFC 3986, but we're a liberal parser\n parts.hostname = string.substring(0, pos) || null;\n parts.port = null;\n } else {\n t = string.substring(0, pos).split(\":\");\n parts.hostname = t[0] || null;\n parts.port = t[1] || null;\n }\n }\n if (parts.hostname && string.substring(pos).charAt(0) !== \"/\") {\n pos++;\n string = \"/\" + string;\n }\n if (parts.preventInvalidHostname) URI.ensureValidHostname(parts.hostname, parts.protocol);\n if (parts.port) URI.ensureValidPort(parts.port);\n return string.substring(pos) || \"/\";\n };\n URI.parseAuthority = function(string, parts) {\n string = URI.parseUserinfo(string, parts);\n return URI.parseHost(string, parts);\n };\n URI.parseUserinfo = function(string, parts) {\n // extract username:password\n var _string = string;\n var firstBackSlash = string.indexOf(\"\\\\\");\n if (firstBackSlash !== -1) string = string.replace(/\\\\/g, \"/\");\n var firstSlash = string.indexOf(\"/\");\n var pos = string.lastIndexOf(\"@\", firstSlash > -1 ? firstSlash : string.length - 1);\n var t;\n // authority@ must come before /path or \\path\n if (pos > -1 && (firstSlash === -1 || pos < firstSlash)) {\n t = string.substring(0, pos).split(\":\");\n parts.username = t[0] ? URI.decode(t[0]) : null;\n t.shift();\n parts.password = t[0] ? URI.decode(t.join(\":\")) : null;\n string = _string.substring(pos + 1);\n } else {\n parts.username = null;\n parts.password = null;\n }\n return string;\n };\n URI.parseQuery = function(string, escapeQuerySpace) {\n if (!string) return {};\n // throw out the funky business - \"?\"[name\"=\"value\"&\"]+\n string = string.replace(/&+/g, \"&\").replace(/^\\?*&*|&+$/g, \"\");\n if (!string) return {};\n var items = {};\n var splits = string.split(\"&\");\n var length = splits.length;\n var v, name, value;\n for(var i = 0; i < length; i++){\n v = splits[i].split(\"=\");\n name = URI.decodeQuery(v.shift(), escapeQuerySpace);\n // no \"=\" is null according to\n value = v.length ? URI.decodeQuery(v.join(\"=\"), escapeQuerySpace) : null;\n if (name === \"__proto__\") continue;\n else if (, name)) {\n if (typeof items[name] === \"string\" || items[name] === null) items[name] = [\n items[name]\n ];\n items[name].push(value);\n } else items[name] = value;\n }\n return items;\n };\n = function(parts) {\n var t = \"\";\n var requireAbsolutePath = false;\n if (parts.protocol) t += parts.protocol + \":\";\n if (!parts.urn && (t || parts.hostname)) {\n t += \"//\";\n requireAbsolutePath = true;\n }\n t += URI.buildAuthority(parts) || \"\";\n if (typeof parts.path === \"string\") {\n if (parts.path.charAt(0) !== \"/\" && requireAbsolutePath) t += \"/\";\n t += parts.path;\n }\n if (typeof parts.query === \"string\" && parts.query) t += \"?\" + parts.query;\n if (typeof parts.fragment === \"string\" && parts.fragment) t += \"#\" + parts.fragment;\n return t;\n };\n URI.buildHost = function(parts) {\n var t = \"\";\n if (!parts.hostname) return \"\";\n else if (URI.ip6_expression.test(parts.hostname)) t += \"[\" + parts.hostname + \"]\";\n else t += parts.hostname;\n if (parts.port) t += \":\" + parts.port;\n return t;\n };\n URI.buildAuthority = function(parts) {\n return URI.buildUserinfo(parts) + URI.buildHost(parts);\n };\n URI.buildUserinfo = function(parts) {\n var t = \"\";\n if (parts.username) t += URI.encode(parts.username);\n if (parts.password) t += \":\" + URI.encode(parts.password);\n if (t) t += \"@\";\n return t;\n };\n URI.buildQuery = function(data, duplicateQueryParameters, escapeQuerySpace) {\n // according to or\n // being »-._~!$&'()*+,;=:@/?« %HEX and alnum are allowed\n // the RFC explicitly states ?/foo being a valid use case, no mention of parameter syntax!\n // URI.js treats the query string as being application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n // see\n var t = \"\";\n var unique, key, i, length;\n for(key in data){\n if (key === \"__proto__\") continue;\n else if (, key)) {\n if (isArray(data[key])) {\n unique = {};\n for(i = 0, length = data[key].length; i < length; i++)if (data[key][i] !== undefined && unique[data[key][i] + \"\"] === undefined) {\n t += \"&\" + URI.buildQueryParameter(key, data[key][i], escapeQuerySpace);\n if (duplicateQueryParameters !== true) unique[data[key][i] + \"\"] = true;\n }\n } else if (data[key] !== undefined) t += \"&\" + URI.buildQueryParameter(key, data[key], escapeQuerySpace);\n }\n }\n return t.substring(1);\n };\n URI.buildQueryParameter = function(name, value, escapeQuerySpace) {\n // -- application/x-www-form-urlencoded\n // don't append \"=\" for null values, according to\n return URI.encodeQuery(name, escapeQuerySpace) + (value !== null ? \"=\" + URI.encodeQuery(value, escapeQuerySpace) : \"\");\n };\n URI.addQuery = function(data, name, value) {\n if (typeof name === \"object\") {\n for(var key in name)if (, key)) URI.addQuery(data, key, name[key]);\n } else if (typeof name === \"string\") {\n if (data[name] === undefined) {\n data[name] = value;\n return;\n } else if (typeof data[name] === \"string\") data[name] = [\n data[name]\n ];\n if (!isArray(value)) value = [\n value\n ];\n data[name] = (data[name] || []).concat(value);\n } else throw new TypeError(\"URI.addQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter\");\n };\n URI.setQuery = function(data, name, value) {\n if (typeof name === \"object\") {\n for(var key in name)if (, key)) URI.setQuery(data, key, name[key]);\n } else if (typeof name === \"string\") data[name] = value === undefined ? null : value;\n else throw new TypeError(\"URI.setQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter\");\n };\n URI.removeQuery = function(data, name, value) {\n var i, length, key;\n if (isArray(name)) for(i = 0, length = name.length; i < length; i++)data[name[i]] = undefined;\n else if (getType(name) === \"RegExp\") {\n for(key in data)if (name.test(key)) data[key] = undefined;\n } else if (typeof name === \"object\") {\n for(key in name)if (, key)) URI.removeQuery(data, key, name[key]);\n } else if (typeof name === \"string\") {\n if (value !== undefined) {\n if (getType(value) === \"RegExp\") {\n if (!isArray(data[name]) && value.test(data[name])) data[name] = undefined;\n else data[name] = filterArrayValues(data[name], value);\n } else if (data[name] === String(value) && (!isArray(value) || value.length === 1)) data[name] = undefined;\n else if (isArray(data[name])) data[name] = filterArrayValues(data[name], value);\n } else data[name] = undefined;\n } else throw new TypeError(\"URI.removeQuery() accepts an object, string, RegExp as the first parameter\");\n };\n URI.hasQuery = function(data, name, value, withinArray) {\n switch(getType(name)){\n case \"String\":\n break;\n case \"RegExp\":\n for(var key in data)if (, key)) {\n if (name.test(key) && (value === undefined || URI.hasQuery(data, key, value))) return true;\n }\n return false;\n case \"Object\":\n for(var _key in name)if (, _key)) {\n if (!URI.hasQuery(data, _key, name[_key])) return false;\n }\n return true;\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"URI.hasQuery() accepts a string, regular expression or object as the name parameter\");\n }\n switch(getType(value)){\n case \"Undefined\":\n // true if exists (but may be empty)\n return name in data; // data[name] !== undefined;\n case \"Boolean\":\n // true if exists and non-empty\n var _booly = Boolean(isArray(data[name]) ? data[name].length : data[name]);\n return value === _booly;\n case \"Function\":\n // allow complex comparison\n return !!value(data[name], name, data);\n case \"Array\":\n if (!isArray(data[name])) return false;\n var op = withinArray ? arrayContains : arraysEqual;\n return op(data[name], value);\n case \"RegExp\":\n if (!isArray(data[name])) return Boolean(data[name] && data[name].match(value));\n if (!withinArray) return false;\n return arrayContains(data[name], value);\n case \"Number\":\n value = String(value);\n /* falls through */ case \"String\":\n if (!isArray(data[name])) return data[name] === value;\n if (!withinArray) return false;\n return arrayContains(data[name], value);\n default:\n throw new TypeError(\"URI.hasQuery() accepts undefined, boolean, string, number, RegExp, Function as the value parameter\");\n }\n };\n URI.joinPaths = function() {\n var input = [];\n var segments = [];\n var nonEmptySegments = 0;\n for(var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++){\n var url = new URI(arguments[i]);\n input.push(url);\n var _segments = url.segment();\n for(var s = 0; s < _segments.length; s++){\n if (typeof _segments[s] === \"string\") segments.push(_segments[s]);\n if (_segments[s]) nonEmptySegments++;\n }\n }\n if (!segments.length || !nonEmptySegments) return new URI(\"\");\n var uri = new URI(\"\").segment(segments);\n if (input[0].path() === \"\" || input[0].path().slice(0, 1) === \"/\") uri.path(\"/\" + uri.path());\n return uri.normalize();\n };\n URI.commonPath = function(one, two) {\n var length = Math.min(one.length, two.length);\n var pos;\n // find first non-matching character\n for(pos = 0; pos < length; pos++)if (one.charAt(pos) !== two.charAt(pos)) {\n pos--;\n break;\n }\n if (pos < 1) return one.charAt(0) === two.charAt(0) && one.charAt(0) === \"/\" ? \"/\" : \"\";\n // revert to last /\n if (one.charAt(pos) !== \"/\" || two.charAt(pos) !== \"/\") pos = one.substring(0, pos).lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n return one.substring(0, pos + 1);\n };\n URI.withinString = function(string, callback, options) {\n options || (options = {});\n var _start = options.start || URI.findUri.start;\n var _end = options.end || URI.findUri.end;\n var _trim = options.trim || URI.findUri.trim;\n var _parens = options.parens || URI.findUri.parens;\n var _attributeOpen = /[a-z0-9-]=[\"']?$/i;\n _start.lastIndex = 0;\n while(true){\n var match = _start.exec(string);\n if (!match) break;\n var start = match.index;\n if (options.ignoreHtml) {\n // attribut(e=[\"']?$)\n var attributeOpen = string.slice(Math.max(start - 3, 0), start);\n if (attributeOpen && _attributeOpen.test(attributeOpen)) continue;\n }\n var end = start + string.slice(start).search(_end);\n var slice = string.slice(start, end);\n // make sure we include well balanced parens\n var parensEnd = -1;\n while(true){\n var parensMatch = _parens.exec(slice);\n if (!parensMatch) break;\n var parensMatchEnd = parensMatch.index + parensMatch[0].length;\n parensEnd = Math.max(parensEnd, parensMatchEnd);\n }\n if (parensEnd > -1) slice = slice.slice(0, parensEnd) + slice.slice(parensEnd).replace(_trim, \"\");\n else slice = slice.replace(_trim, \"\");\n if (slice.length <= match[0].length) continue;\n if (options.ignore && options.ignore.test(slice)) continue;\n end = start + slice.length;\n var result = callback(slice, start, end, string);\n if (result === undefined) {\n _start.lastIndex = end;\n continue;\n }\n result = String(result);\n string = string.slice(0, start) + result + string.slice(end);\n _start.lastIndex = start + result.length;\n }\n _start.lastIndex = 0;\n return string;\n };\n URI.ensureValidHostname = function(v, protocol) {\n // Theoretically URIs allow percent-encoding in Hostnames (according to RFC 3986)\n // they are not part of DNS and therefore ignored by URI.js\n var hasHostname = !!v; // not null and not an empty string\n var hasProtocol = !!protocol;\n var rejectEmptyHostname = false;\n if (hasProtocol) rejectEmptyHostname = arrayContains(URI.hostProtocols, protocol);\n if (rejectEmptyHostname && !hasHostname) throw new TypeError(\"Hostname cannot be empty, if protocol is \" + protocol);\n else if (v && v.match(URI.invalid_hostname_characters)) {\n // test punycode\n if (!punycode) throw new TypeError('Hostname \"' + v + '\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-:_] and Punycode.js is not available');\n if (punycode.toASCII(v).match(URI.invalid_hostname_characters)) throw new TypeError('Hostname \"' + v + '\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-:_]');\n }\n };\n URI.ensureValidPort = function(v) {\n if (!v) return;\n var port = Number(v);\n if (isInteger(port) && port > 0 && port < 65536) return;\n throw new TypeError('Port \"' + v + '\" is not a valid port');\n };\n // noConflict\n URI.noConflict = function(removeAll) {\n if (removeAll) {\n var unconflicted = {\n URI: this.noConflict()\n };\n if (root.URITemplate && typeof root.URITemplate.noConflict === \"function\") unconflicted.URITemplate = root.URITemplate.noConflict();\n if (root.IPv6 && typeof root.IPv6.noConflict === \"function\") unconflicted.IPv6 = root.IPv6.noConflict();\n if (root.SecondLevelDomains && typeof root.SecondLevelDomains.noConflict === \"function\") unconflicted.SecondLevelDomains = root.SecondLevelDomains.noConflict();\n return unconflicted;\n } else if (root.URI === this) root.URI = _URI;\n return this;\n };\n = function(deferBuild) {\n if (deferBuild === true) this._deferred_build = true;\n else if (deferBuild === undefined || this._deferred_build) {\n this._string =;\n this._deferred_build = false;\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.clone = function() {\n return new URI(this);\n };\n p.valueOf = p.toString = function() {\n return;\n };\n function generateSimpleAccessor(_part) {\n return function(v, build) {\n if (v === undefined) return this._parts[_part] || \"\";\n else {\n this._parts[_part] = v || null;\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n }\n function generatePrefixAccessor(_part, _key) {\n return function(v, build) {\n if (v === undefined) return this._parts[_part] || \"\";\n else {\n if (v !== null) {\n v = v + \"\";\n if (v.charAt(0) === _key) v = v.substring(1);\n }\n this._parts[_part] = v;\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n }\n p.protocol = generateSimpleAccessor(\"protocol\");\n p.username = generateSimpleAccessor(\"username\");\n p.password = generateSimpleAccessor(\"password\");\n p.hostname = generateSimpleAccessor(\"hostname\");\n p.port = generateSimpleAccessor(\"port\");\n p.query = generatePrefixAccessor(\"query\", \"?\");\n p.fragment = generatePrefixAccessor(\"fragment\", \"#\");\n = function(v, build) {\n var t = this.query(v, build);\n return typeof t === \"string\" && t.length ? \"?\" + t : t;\n };\n p.hash = function(v, build) {\n var t = this.fragment(v, build);\n return typeof t === \"string\" && t.length ? \"#\" + t : t;\n };\n p.pathname = function(v, build) {\n if (v === undefined || v === true) {\n var res = this._parts.path || (this._parts.hostname ? \"/\" : \"\");\n return v ? (this._parts.urn ? URI.decodeUrnPath : URI.decodePath)(res) : res;\n } else {\n if (this._parts.urn) this._parts.path = v ? URI.recodeUrnPath(v) : \"\";\n else this._parts.path = v ? URI.recodePath(v) : \"/\";\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.path = p.pathname;\n p.href = function(href, build) {\n var key;\n if (href === undefined) return this.toString();\n this._string = \"\";\n this._parts = URI._parts();\n var _URI = href instanceof URI;\n var _object = typeof href === \"object\" && (href.hostname || href.path || href.pathname);\n if (href.nodeName) {\n var attribute = URI.getDomAttribute(href);\n href = href[attribute] || \"\";\n _object = false;\n }\n // window.location is reported to be an object, but it's not the sort\n // of object we're looking for:\n // * location.protocol ends with a colon\n // * location.query !=\n // * location.hash != object.fragment\n // simply serializing the unknown object should do the trick\n // (for location, not for everything...)\n if (!_URI && _object && href.pathname !== undefined) href = href.toString();\n if (typeof href === \"string\" || href instanceof String) this._parts = URI.parse(String(href), this._parts);\n else if (_URI || _object) {\n var src = _URI ? href._parts : href;\n for(key in src){\n if (key === \"query\") continue;\n if (, key)) this._parts[key] = src[key];\n }\n if (src.query) this.query(src.query, false);\n } else throw new TypeError(\"invalid input\");\n!build);\n return this;\n };\n // identification accessors\n = function(what) {\n var ip = false;\n var ip4 = false;\n var ip6 = false;\n var name = false;\n var sld = false;\n var idn = false;\n var punycode = false;\n var relative = !this._parts.urn;\n if (this._parts.hostname) {\n relative = false;\n ip4 = URI.ip4_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);\n ip6 = URI.ip6_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);\n ip = ip4 || ip6;\n name = !ip;\n sld = name && SLD && SLD.has(this._parts.hostname);\n idn = name && URI.idn_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);\n punycode = name && URI.punycode_expression.test(this._parts.hostname);\n }\n switch(what.toLowerCase()){\n case \"relative\":\n return relative;\n case \"absolute\":\n return !relative;\n // hostname identification\n case \"domain\":\n case \"name\":\n return name;\n case \"sld\":\n return sld;\n case \"ip\":\n return ip;\n case \"ip4\":\n case \"ipv4\":\n case \"inet4\":\n return ip4;\n case \"ip6\":\n case \"ipv6\":\n case \"inet6\":\n return ip6;\n case \"idn\":\n return idn;\n case \"url\":\n return !this._parts.urn;\n case \"urn\":\n return !!this._parts.urn;\n case \"punycode\":\n return punycode;\n }\n return null;\n };\n // component specific input validation\n var _protocol = p.protocol;\n var _port = p.port;\n var _hostname = p.hostname;\n p.protocol = function(v, build) {\n if (v) {\n // accept trailing ://\n v = v.replace(/:(\\/\\/)?$/, \"\");\n if (!v.match(URI.protocol_expression)) throw new TypeError('Protocol \"' + v + \"\\\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.+-] or doesn't start with [A-Z]\");\n }\n return, v, build);\n };\n p.scheme = p.protocol;\n p.port = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v !== undefined) {\n if (v === 0) v = null;\n if (v) {\n v += \"\";\n if (v.charAt(0) === \":\") v = v.substring(1);\n URI.ensureValidPort(v);\n }\n }\n return, v, build);\n };\n p.hostname = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v !== undefined) {\n var x = {\n preventInvalidHostname: this._parts.preventInvalidHostname\n };\n var res = URI.parseHost(v, x);\n if (res !== \"/\") throw new TypeError('Hostname \"' + v + '\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');\n v = x.hostname;\n if (this._parts.preventInvalidHostname) URI.ensureValidHostname(v, this._parts.protocol);\n }\n return, v, build);\n };\n // compound accessors\n p.origin = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v === undefined) {\n var protocol = this.protocol();\n var authority = this.authority();\n if (!authority) return \"\";\n return (protocol ? protocol + \"://\" : \"\") + this.authority();\n } else {\n var origin = URI(v);\n this.protocol(origin.protocol()).authority(origin.authority()).build(!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v === undefined) return this._parts.hostname ? URI.buildHost(this._parts) : \"\";\n else {\n var res = URI.parseHost(v, this._parts);\n if (res !== \"/\") throw new TypeError('Hostname \"' + v + '\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.authority = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v === undefined) return this._parts.hostname ? URI.buildAuthority(this._parts) : \"\";\n else {\n var res = URI.parseAuthority(v, this._parts);\n if (res !== \"/\") throw new TypeError('Hostname \"' + v + '\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9.-]');\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.userinfo = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v === undefined) {\n var t = URI.buildUserinfo(this._parts);\n return t ? t.substring(0, t.length - 1) : t;\n } else {\n if (v[v.length - 1] !== \"@\") v += \"@\";\n URI.parseUserinfo(v, this._parts);\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.resource = function(v, build) {\n var parts;\n if (v === undefined) return this.path() + + this.hash();\n parts = URI.parse(v);\n this._parts.path = parts.path;\n this._parts.query = parts.query;\n this._parts.fragment = parts.fragment;\n!build);\n return this;\n };\n // fraction accessors\n p.subdomain = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n // convenience, return \"www\" from \"\"\n if (v === undefined) {\n if (!this._parts.hostname ||\"IP\")) return \"\";\n // grab domain and add another segment\n var end = this._parts.hostname.length - this.domain().length - 1;\n return this._parts.hostname.substring(0, end) || \"\";\n } else {\n var e = this._parts.hostname.length - this.domain().length;\n var sub = this._parts.hostname.substring(0, e);\n var replace = new RegExp(\"^\" + escapeRegEx(sub));\n if (v && v.charAt(v.length - 1) !== \".\") v += \".\";\n if (v.indexOf(\":\") !== -1) throw new TypeError(\"Domains cannot contain colons\");\n if (v) URI.ensureValidHostname(v, this._parts.protocol);\n this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.domain = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (typeof v === \"boolean\") {\n build = v;\n v = undefined;\n }\n // convenience, return \"\" from \"\"\n if (v === undefined) {\n if (!this._parts.hostname ||\"IP\")) return \"\";\n // if hostname consists of 1 or 2 segments, it must be the domain\n var t = this._parts.hostname.match(/\\./g);\n if (t && t.length < 2) return this._parts.hostname;\n // grab tld and add another segment\n var end = this._parts.hostname.length - this.tld(build).length - 1;\n end = this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf(\".\", end - 1) + 1;\n return this._parts.hostname.substring(end) || \"\";\n } else {\n if (!v) throw new TypeError(\"cannot set domain empty\");\n if (v.indexOf(\":\") !== -1) throw new TypeError(\"Domains cannot contain colons\");\n URI.ensureValidHostname(v, this._parts.protocol);\n if (!this._parts.hostname ||\"IP\")) this._parts.hostname = v;\n else {\n var replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.domain()) + \"$\");\n this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);\n }\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.tld = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (typeof v === \"boolean\") {\n build = v;\n v = undefined;\n }\n // return \"org\" from \"\"\n if (v === undefined) {\n if (!this._parts.hostname ||\"IP\")) return \"\";\n var pos = this._parts.hostname.lastIndexOf(\".\");\n var tld = this._parts.hostname.substring(pos + 1);\n if (build !== true && SLD && SLD.list[tld.toLowerCase()]) return SLD.get(this._parts.hostname) || tld;\n return tld;\n } else {\n var replace;\n if (!v) throw new TypeError(\"cannot set TLD empty\");\n else if (v.match(/[^a-zA-Z0-9-]/)) {\n if (SLD && {\n replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.tld()) + \"$\");\n this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);\n } else throw new TypeError('TLD \"' + v + '\" contains characters other than [A-Z0-9]');\n } else if (!this._parts.hostname ||\"IP\")) throw new ReferenceError(\"cannot set TLD on non-domain host\");\n else {\n replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.tld()) + \"$\");\n this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.replace(replace, v);\n }\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v === undefined || v === true) {\n if (!this._parts.path && !this._parts.hostname) return \"\";\n if (this._parts.path === \"/\") return \"/\";\n var end = this._parts.path.length - this.filename().length - 1;\n var res = this._parts.path.substring(0, end) || (this._parts.hostname ? \"/\" : \"\");\n return v ? URI.decodePath(res) : res;\n } else {\n var e = this._parts.path.length - this.filename().length;\n var directory = this._parts.path.substring(0, e);\n var replace = new RegExp(\"^\" + escapeRegEx(directory));\n // fully qualifier directories begin with a slash\n if (!\"relative\")) {\n if (!v) v = \"/\";\n if (v.charAt(0) !== \"/\") v = \"/\" + v;\n }\n // directories always end with a slash\n if (v && v.charAt(v.length - 1) !== \"/\") v += \"/\";\n v = URI.recodePath(v);\n this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.filename = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (typeof v !== \"string\") {\n if (!this._parts.path || this._parts.path === \"/\") return \"\";\n var pos = this._parts.path.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n var res = this._parts.path.substring(pos + 1);\n return v ? URI.decodePathSegment(res) : res;\n } else {\n var mutatedDirectory = false;\n if (v.charAt(0) === \"/\") v = v.substring(1);\n if (v.match(/\\.?\\//)) mutatedDirectory = true;\n var replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(this.filename()) + \"$\");\n v = URI.recodePath(v);\n this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);\n if (mutatedDirectory) this.normalizePath(build);\n else!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.suffix = function(v, build) {\n if (this._parts.urn) return v === undefined ? \"\" : this;\n if (v === undefined || v === true) {\n if (!this._parts.path || this._parts.path === \"/\") return \"\";\n var filename = this.filename();\n var pos = filename.lastIndexOf(\".\");\n var s, res;\n if (pos === -1) return \"\";\n // suffix may only contain alnum characters (yup, I made this up.)\n s = filename.substring(pos + 1);\n res = /^[a-z0-9%]+$/i.test(s) ? s : \"\";\n return v ? URI.decodePathSegment(res) : res;\n } else {\n if (v.charAt(0) === \".\") v = v.substring(1);\n var suffix = this.suffix();\n var replace;\n if (!suffix) {\n if (!v) return this;\n this._parts.path += \".\" + URI.recodePath(v);\n } else if (!v) replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(\".\" + suffix) + \"$\");\n else replace = new RegExp(escapeRegEx(suffix) + \"$\");\n if (replace) {\n v = URI.recodePath(v);\n this._parts.path = this._parts.path.replace(replace, v);\n }\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n };\n p.segment = function(segment, v, build) {\n var separator = this._parts.urn ? \":\" : \"/\";\n var path = this.path();\n var absolute = path.substring(0, 1) === \"/\";\n var segments = path.split(separator);\n if (segment !== undefined && typeof segment !== \"number\") {\n build = v;\n v = segment;\n segment = undefined;\n }\n if (segment !== undefined && typeof segment !== \"number\") throw new Error('Bad segment \"' + segment + '\", must be 0-based integer');\n if (absolute) segments.shift();\n if (segment < 0) // allow negative indexes to address from the end\n segment = Math.max(segments.length + segment, 0);\n if (v === undefined) /*jshint laxbreak: true */ return segment === undefined ? segments : segments[segment];\n else if (segment === null || segments[segment] === undefined) {\n if (isArray(v)) {\n segments = [];\n // collapse empty elements within array\n for(var i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i++){\n if (!v[i].length && (!segments.length || !segments[segments.length - 1].length)) continue;\n if (segments.length && !segments[segments.length - 1].length) segments.pop();\n segments.push(trimSlashes(v[i]));\n }\n } else if (v || typeof v === \"string\") {\n v = trimSlashes(v);\n if (segments[segments.length - 1] === \"\") // empty trailing elements have to be overwritten\n // to prevent results such as /foo//bar\n segments[segments.length - 1] = v;\n else segments.push(v);\n }\n } else if (v) segments[segment] = trimSlashes(v);\n else segments.splice(segment, 1);\n if (absolute) segments.unshift(\"\");\n return this.path(segments.join(separator), build);\n };\n p.segmentCoded = function(segment, v, build) {\n var segments, i, l;\n if (typeof segment !== \"number\") {\n build = v;\n v = segment;\n segment = undefined;\n }\n if (v === undefined) {\n segments = this.segment(segment, v, build);\n if (!isArray(segments)) segments = segments !== undefined ? URI.decode(segments) : undefined;\n else for(i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i++)segments[i] = URI.decode(segments[i]);\n return segments;\n }\n if (!isArray(v)) v = typeof v === \"string\" || v instanceof String ? URI.encode(v) : v;\n else for(i = 0, l = v.length; i < l; i++)v[i] = URI.encode(v[i]);\n return this.segment(segment, v, build);\n };\n // mutating query string\n var q = p.query;\n p.query = function(v, build) {\n if (v === true) return URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n else if (typeof v === \"function\") {\n var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n var result =, data);\n this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(result || data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n!build);\n return this;\n } else if (v !== undefined && typeof v !== \"string\") {\n this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(v, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n!build);\n return this;\n } else return, v, build);\n };\n p.setQuery = function(name, value, build) {\n var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n if (typeof name === \"string\" || name instanceof String) data[name] = value !== undefined ? value : null;\n else if (typeof name === \"object\") {\n for(var key in name)if (, key)) data[key] = name[key];\n } else throw new TypeError(\"URI.addQuery() accepts an object, string as the name parameter\");\n this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n if (typeof name !== \"string\") build = value;\n!build);\n return this;\n };\n p.addQuery = function(name, value, build) {\n var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n URI.addQuery(data, name, value === undefined ? null : value);\n this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n if (typeof name !== \"string\") build = value;\n!build);\n return this;\n };\n p.removeQuery = function(name, value, build) {\n var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n URI.removeQuery(data, name, value);\n this._parts.query = URI.buildQuery(data, this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n if (typeof name !== \"string\") build = value;\n!build);\n return this;\n };\n p.hasQuery = function(name, value, withinArray) {\n var data = URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n return URI.hasQuery(data, name, value, withinArray);\n };\n p.setSearch = p.setQuery;\n p.addSearch = p.addQuery;\n p.removeSearch = p.removeQuery;\n p.hasSearch = p.hasQuery;\n // sanitizing URLs\n p.normalize = function() {\n if (this._parts.urn) return this.normalizeProtocol(false).normalizePath(false).normalizeQuery(false).normalizeFragment(false).build();\n return this.normalizeProtocol(false).normalizeHostname(false).normalizePort(false).normalizePath(false).normalizeQuery(false).normalizeFragment(false).build();\n };\n p.normalizeProtocol = function(build) {\n if (typeof this._parts.protocol === \"string\") {\n this._parts.protocol = this._parts.protocol.toLowerCase();\n!build);\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.normalizeHostname = function(build) {\n if (this._parts.hostname) {\n if (\"IDN\") && punycode) this._parts.hostname = punycode.toASCII(this._parts.hostname);\n else if (\"IPv6\") && IPv6) this._parts.hostname =;\n this._parts.hostname = this._parts.hostname.toLowerCase();\n!build);\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.normalizePort = function(build) {\n // remove port of it's the protocol's default\n if (typeof this._parts.protocol === \"string\" && this._parts.port === URI.defaultPorts[this._parts.protocol]) {\n this._parts.port = null;\n!build);\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.normalizePath = function(build) {\n var _path = this._parts.path;\n if (!_path) return this;\n if (this._parts.urn) {\n this._parts.path = URI.recodeUrnPath(this._parts.path);\n!build);\n return this;\n }\n if (this._parts.path === \"/\") return this;\n _path = URI.recodePath(_path);\n var _was_relative;\n var _leadingParents = \"\";\n var _parent, _pos;\n // handle relative paths\n if (_path.charAt(0) !== \"/\") {\n _was_relative = true;\n _path = \"/\" + _path;\n }\n // handle relative files (as opposed to directories)\n if (_path.slice(-3) === \"/..\" || _path.slice(-2) === \"/.\") _path += \"/\";\n // resolve simples\n _path = _path.replace(/(\\/(\\.\\/)+)|(\\/\\.$)/g, \"/\").replace(/\\/{2,}/g, \"/\");\n // remember leading parents\n if (_was_relative) {\n _leadingParents = _path.substring(1).match(/^(\\.\\.\\/)+/) || \"\";\n if (_leadingParents) _leadingParents = _leadingParents[0];\n }\n // resolve parents\n while(true){\n _parent =\\/\\.\\.(\\/|$)/);\n if (_parent === -1) break;\n else if (_parent === 0) {\n // top level cannot be relative, skip it\n _path = _path.substring(3);\n continue;\n }\n _pos = _path.substring(0, _parent).lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n if (_pos === -1) _pos = _parent;\n _path = _path.substring(0, _pos) + _path.substring(_parent + 3);\n }\n // revert to relative\n if (_was_relative &&\"relative\")) _path = _leadingParents + _path.substring(1);\n this._parts.path = _path;\n!build);\n return this;\n };\n p.normalizePathname = p.normalizePath;\n p.normalizeQuery = function(build) {\n if (typeof this._parts.query === \"string\") {\n if (!this._parts.query.length) this._parts.query = null;\n else this.query(URI.parseQuery(this._parts.query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace));\n!build);\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.normalizeFragment = function(build) {\n if (!this._parts.fragment) {\n this._parts.fragment = null;\n!build);\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.normalizeSearch = p.normalizeQuery;\n p.normalizeHash = p.normalizeFragment;\n p.iso8859 = function() {\n // expect unicode input, iso8859 output\n var e = URI.encode;\n var d = URI.decode;\n URI.encode = escape;\n URI.decode = decodeURIComponent;\n try {\n this.normalize();\n } finally{\n URI.encode = e;\n URI.decode = d;\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.unicode = function() {\n // expect iso8859 input, unicode output\n var e = URI.encode;\n var d = URI.decode;\n URI.encode = strictEncodeURIComponent;\n URI.decode = unescape;\n try {\n this.normalize();\n } finally{\n URI.encode = e;\n URI.decode = d;\n }\n return this;\n };\n p.readable = function() {\n var uri = this.clone();\n // removing username, password, because they shouldn't be displayed according to RFC 3986\n uri.username(\"\").password(\"\").normalize();\n var t = \"\";\n if (uri._parts.protocol) t += uri._parts.protocol + \"://\";\n if (uri._parts.hostname) {\n if (\"punycode\") && punycode) {\n t += punycode.toUnicode(uri._parts.hostname);\n if (uri._parts.port) t += \":\" + uri._parts.port;\n } else t +=;\n }\n if (uri._parts.hostname && uri._parts.path && uri._parts.path.charAt(0) !== \"/\") t += \"/\";\n t += uri.path(true);\n if (uri._parts.query) {\n var q = \"\";\n for(var i = 0, qp = uri._parts.query.split(\"&\"), l = qp.length; i < l; i++){\n var kv = (qp[i] || \"\").split(\"=\");\n q += \"&\" + URI.decodeQuery(kv[0], this._parts.escapeQuerySpace).replace(/&/g, \"%26\");\n if (kv[1] !== undefined) q += \"=\" + URI.decodeQuery(kv[1], this._parts.escapeQuerySpace).replace(/&/g, \"%26\");\n }\n t += \"?\" + q.substring(1);\n }\n t += URI.decodeQuery(uri.hash(), true);\n return t;\n };\n // resolving relative and absolute URLs\n p.absoluteTo = function(base) {\n var resolved = this.clone();\n var properties = [\n \"protocol\",\n \"username\",\n \"password\",\n \"hostname\",\n \"port\"\n ];\n var basedir, i, p;\n if (this._parts.urn) throw new Error(\"URNs do not have any generally defined hierarchical components\");\n if (!(base instanceof URI)) base = new URI(base);\n if (resolved._parts.protocol) // Directly returns even if this._parts.hostname is empty.\n return resolved;\n else resolved._parts.protocol = base._parts.protocol;\n if (this._parts.hostname) return resolved;\n for(i = 0; p = properties[i]; i++)resolved._parts[p] = base._parts[p];\n if (!resolved._parts.path) {\n resolved._parts.path = base._parts.path;\n if (!resolved._parts.query) resolved._parts.query = base._parts.query;\n } else {\n if (resolved._parts.path.substring(-2) === \"..\") resolved._parts.path += \"/\";\n if (resolved.path().charAt(0) !== \"/\") {\n basedir =;\n basedir = basedir ? basedir : base.path().indexOf(\"/\") === 0 ? \"/\" : \"\";\n resolved._parts.path = (basedir ? basedir + \"/\" : \"\") + resolved._parts.path;\n resolved.normalizePath();\n }\n }\n;\n return resolved;\n };\n p.relativeTo = function(base) {\n var relative = this.clone().normalize();\n var relativeParts, baseParts, common, relativePath, basePath;\n if (relative._parts.urn) throw new Error(\"URNs do not have any generally defined hierarchical components\");\n base = new URI(base).normalize();\n relativeParts = relative._parts;\n baseParts = base._parts;\n relativePath = relative.path();\n basePath = base.path();\n if (relativePath.charAt(0) !== \"/\") throw new Error(\"URI is already relative\");\n if (basePath.charAt(0) !== \"/\") throw new Error(\"Cannot calculate a URI relative to another relative URI\");\n if (relativeParts.protocol === baseParts.protocol) relativeParts.protocol = null;\n if (relativeParts.username !== baseParts.username || relativeParts.password !== baseParts.password) return;\n if (relativeParts.protocol !== null || relativeParts.username !== null || relativeParts.password !== null) return;\n if (relativeParts.hostname === baseParts.hostname && relativeParts.port === baseParts.port) {\n relativeParts.hostname = null;\n relativeParts.port = null;\n } else return;\n if (relativePath === basePath) {\n relativeParts.path = \"\";\n return;\n }\n // determine common sub path\n common = URI.commonPath(relativePath, basePath);\n // If the paths have nothing in common, return a relative URL with the absolute path.\n if (!common) return;\n var parents = baseParts.path.substring(common.length).replace(/[^\\/]*$/, \"\").replace(/.*?\\//g, \"../\");\n relativeParts.path = parents + relativeParts.path.substring(common.length) || \"./\";\n return;\n };\n // comparing URIs\n p.equals = function(uri) {\n var one = this.clone();\n var two = new URI(uri);\n var one_map = {};\n var two_map = {};\n var checked = {};\n var one_query, two_query, key;\n one.normalize();\n two.normalize();\n // exact match\n if (one.toString() === two.toString()) return true;\n // extract query string\n one_query = one.query();\n two_query = two.query();\n one.query(\"\");\n two.query(\"\");\n // definitely not equal if not even non-query parts match\n if (one.toString() !== two.toString()) return false;\n // query parameters have the same length, even if they're permuted\n if (one_query.length !== two_query.length) return false;\n one_map = URI.parseQuery(one_query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n two_map = URI.parseQuery(two_query, this._parts.escapeQuerySpace);\n for(key in one_map)if (, key)) {\n if (!isArray(one_map[key])) {\n if (one_map[key] !== two_map[key]) return false;\n } else if (!arraysEqual(one_map[key], two_map[key])) return false;\n checked[key] = true;\n }\n for(key in two_map)if (, key)) {\n if (!checked[key]) // two contains a parameter not present in one\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n };\n // state\n p.preventInvalidHostname = function(v) {\n this._parts.preventInvalidHostname = !!v;\n return this;\n };\n p.duplicateQueryParameters = function(v) {\n this._parts.duplicateQueryParameters = !!v;\n return this;\n };\n p.escapeQuerySpace = function(v) {\n this._parts.escapeQuerySpace = !!v;\n return this;\n };\n return URI;\n});\n\n\n/**\n * @private\n */ function $0b8f8e4324c94031$var$appendForwardSlash(url) {\n if (url.length === 0 || url[url.length - 1] !== \"/\") url = `${url}/`;\n return url;\n}\nvar $0b8f8e4324c94031$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $0b8f8e4324c94031$var$appendForwardSlash;\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Clones an object, returning a new object containing the same properties.\n *\n * @function\n *\n * @param {object} object The object to clone.\n * @param {boolean} [deep=false] If true, all properties will be deep cloned recursively.\n * @returns {object} The cloned object.\n */ function $5a9e6edaa73590ad$var$clone(object, deep) {\n if (object === null || typeof object !== \"object\") return object;\n deep = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(deep, false);\n const result = new object.constructor();\n for(const propertyName in object)if (object.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) {\n let value = object[propertyName];\n if (deep) value = $5a9e6edaa73590ad$var$clone(value, deep);\n result[propertyName] = value;\n }\n return result;\n}\nvar $5a9e6edaa73590ad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $5a9e6edaa73590ad$var$clone;\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Merges two objects, copying their properties onto a new combined object. When two objects have the same\n * property, the value of the property on the first object is used. If either object is undefined,\n * it will be treated as an empty object.\n *\n * @example\n * const object1 = {\n * propOne : 1,\n * propTwo : {\n * value1 : 10\n * }\n * }\n * const object2 = {\n * propTwo : 2\n * }\n * const final = Cesium.combine(object1, object2);\n *\n * // final === {\n * // propOne : 1,\n * // propTwo : {\n * // value1 : 10\n * // }\n * // }\n *\n * @param {object} [object1] The first object to merge.\n * @param {object} [object2] The second object to merge.\n * @param {boolean} [deep=false] Perform a recursive merge.\n * @returns {object} The combined object containing all properties from both objects.\n *\n * @function\n */ function $b03296475dc1d09c$var$combine(object1, object2, deep) {\n deep = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(deep, false);\n const result = {};\n const object1Defined = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(object1);\n const object2Defined = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(object2);\n let property;\n let object1Value;\n let object2Value;\n if (object1Defined) {\n for(property in object1)if (object1.hasOwnProperty(property)) {\n object1Value = object1[property];\n if (object2Defined && deep && typeof object1Value === \"object\" && object2.hasOwnProperty(property)) {\n object2Value = object2[property];\n if (typeof object2Value === \"object\") result[property] = $b03296475dc1d09c$var$combine(object1Value, object2Value, deep);\n else result[property] = object1Value;\n } else result[property] = object1Value;\n }\n }\n if (object2Defined) {\n for(property in object2)if (object2.hasOwnProperty(property) && !result.hasOwnProperty(property)) {\n object2Value = object2[property];\n result[property] = object2Value;\n }\n }\n return result;\n}\nvar $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $b03296475dc1d09c$var$combine;\n\n\n\n/**\n * A function used to resolve a promise upon completion .\n * @callback defer.resolve\n *\n * @param {*} value The resulting value.\n */ /**\n * A function used to reject a promise upon failure.\n * @callback defer.reject\n *\n * @param {*} error The error.\n */ /**\n * An object which contains a promise object, and functions to resolve or reject the promise.\n *\n * @typedef {object} defer.deferred\n * @property {defer.resolve} resolve Resolves the promise when called.\n * @property {defer.reject} reject Rejects the promise when called.\n * @property {Promise} promise Promise object.\n */ /**\n * Creates a deferred object, containing a promise object, and functions to resolve or reject the promise.\n * @returns {defer.deferred}\n * @private\n */ function $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$var$defer() {\n let resolve;\n let reject;\n const promise = new Promise(function(res, rej) {\n resolve = res;\n reject = rej;\n });\n return {\n resolve: resolve,\n reject: reject,\n promise: promise\n };\n}\nvar $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$var$defer;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Given a relative Uri and a base Uri, returns the absolute Uri of the relative Uri.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {string} relative The relative Uri.\n * @param {string} [base] The base Uri.\n * @returns {string} The absolute Uri of the given relative Uri.\n *\n * @example\n * //absolute Uri will be \"\";\n * const absoluteUri = Cesium.getAbsoluteUri('awesome.png', '');\n */ function $cb06eae585ff1af6$var$getAbsoluteUri(relative, base) {\n let documentObject;\n if (typeof document !== \"undefined\") documentObject = document;\n return $cb06eae585ff1af6$var$getAbsoluteUri._implementation(relative, base, documentObject);\n}\n$cb06eae585ff1af6$var$getAbsoluteUri._implementation = function(relative, base, documentObject) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(relative)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"relative uri is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(base)) {\n if (typeof documentObject === \"undefined\") return relative;\n base = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(documentObject.baseURI, documentObject.location.href);\n }\n const relativeUri = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(relative);\n if (relativeUri.scheme() !== \"\") return relativeUri.toString();\n return relativeUri.absoluteTo(base).toString();\n};\nvar $cb06eae585ff1af6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $cb06eae585ff1af6$var$getAbsoluteUri;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Given a URI, returns the base path of the URI.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {string} uri The Uri.\n * @param {boolean} [includeQuery = false] Whether or not to include the query string and fragment form the uri\n * @returns {string} The base path of the Uri.\n *\n * @example\n * // basePath will be \"/Gallery/\";\n * const basePath = Cesium.getBaseUri('/Gallery/simple.czml?value=true&example=false');\n *\n * // basePath will be \"/Gallery/?value=true&example=false\";\n * const basePath = Cesium.getBaseUri('/Gallery/simple.czml?value=true&example=false', true);\n */ function $1bc5e6f241601679$var$getBaseUri(uri, includeQuery) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(uri)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"uri is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let basePath = \"\";\n const i = uri.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n if (i !== -1) basePath = uri.substring(0, i + 1);\n if (!includeQuery) return basePath;\n uri = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(uri);\n if (uri.query().length !== 0) basePath += `?${uri.query()}`;\n if (uri.fragment().length !== 0) basePath += `#${uri.fragment()}`;\n return basePath;\n}\nvar $1bc5e6f241601679$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $1bc5e6f241601679$var$getBaseUri;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Given a URI, returns the extension of the URI.\n * @function getExtensionFromUri\n *\n * @param {string} uri The Uri.\n * @returns {string} The extension of the Uri.\n *\n * @example\n * //extension will be \"czml\";\n * const extension = Cesium.getExtensionFromUri('/Gallery/simple.czml?value=true&example=false');\n */ function $66f81ca0d8f70d88$var$getExtensionFromUri(uri) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(uri)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"uri is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const uriObject = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(uri);\n uriObject.normalize();\n let path = uriObject.path();\n let index = path.lastIndexOf(\"/\");\n if (index !== -1) path = path.substr(index + 1);\n index = path.lastIndexOf(\".\");\n if (index === -1) path = \"\";\n else path = path.substr(index + 1);\n return path;\n}\nvar $66f81ca0d8f70d88$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $66f81ca0d8f70d88$var$getExtensionFromUri;\n\n\n\nconst $d2d5f1e625397aae$var$context2DsByWidthAndHeight = {};\n/**\n * Extract a pixel array from a loaded image. Draws the image\n * into a canvas so it can read the pixels back.\n *\n * @function getImagePixels\n *\n * @param {HTMLImageElement|ImageBitmap} image The image to extract pixels from.\n * @param {number} width The width of the image. If not defined, then image.width is assigned.\n * @param {number} height The height of the image. If not defined, then image.height is assigned.\n * @returns {ImageData} The pixels of the image.\n */ function $d2d5f1e625397aae$var$getImagePixels(image, width, height) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(width)) width = image.width;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(height)) height = image.height;\n let context2DsByHeight = $d2d5f1e625397aae$var$context2DsByWidthAndHeight[width];\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(context2DsByHeight)) {\n context2DsByHeight = {};\n $d2d5f1e625397aae$var$context2DsByWidthAndHeight[width] = context2DsByHeight;\n }\n let context2d = context2DsByHeight[height];\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(context2d)) {\n const canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n canvas.width = width;\n canvas.height = height;\n // Since we re-use contexts, use the willReadFrequently option – See\n context2d = canvas.getContext(\"2d\", {\n willReadFrequently: true\n });\n context2d.globalCompositeOperation = \"copy\";\n context2DsByHeight[height] = context2d;\n }\n context2d.drawImage(image, 0, 0, width, height);\n return context2d.getImageData(0, 0, width, height).data;\n}\nvar $d2d5f1e625397aae$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $d2d5f1e625397aae$var$getImagePixels;\n\n\n\nconst $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$var$blobUriRegex = /^blob:/i;\n/**\n * Determines if the specified uri is a blob uri.\n *\n * @function isBlobUri\n *\n * @param {string} uri The uri to test.\n * @returns {boolean} true when the uri is a blob uri; otherwise, false.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$var$isBlobUri(uri) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.string(\"uri\", uri);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$var$blobUriRegex.test(uri);\n}\nvar $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$var$isBlobUri;\n\n\n\nlet $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a;\n/**\n * Given a URL, determine whether that URL is considered cross-origin to the current page.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$isCrossOriginUrl(url) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a)) $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a = document.createElement(\"a\");\n // copy window location into the anchor to get consistent results\n // when the port is default for the protocol (e.g. 80 for HTTP)\n $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a.href = window.location.href;\n // host includes both hostname and port if the port is not standard\n const host = $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$;\n const protocol = $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a.protocol;\n $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a.href = url;\n // IE only absolutizes href on get, not set\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign\n $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a.href = $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a.href;\n return protocol !== $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$a.protocol || host !== $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$;\n}\nvar $ea5c6961bd50f859$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $ea5c6961bd50f859$var$isCrossOriginUrl;\n\n\n\nconst $841116c25509708f$var$dataUriRegex = /^data:/i;\n/**\n * Determines if the specified uri is a data uri.\n *\n * @function isDataUri\n *\n * @param {string} uri The uri to test.\n * @returns {boolean} true when the uri is a data uri; otherwise, false.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $841116c25509708f$var$isDataUri(uri) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.string(\"uri\", uri);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $841116c25509708f$var$dataUriRegex.test(uri);\n}\nvar $841116c25509708f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $841116c25509708f$var$isDataUri;\n\n\n/**\n * @private\n */ function $7d7296ec5489b457$var$loadAndExecuteScript(url) {\n const script = document.createElement(\"script\");\n script.async = true;\n script.src = url;\n return new Promise((resolve, reject)=>{\n if (window.crossOriginIsolated) script.setAttribute(\"crossorigin\", \"anonymous\");\n const head = document.getElementsByTagName(\"head\")[0];\n script.onload = function() {\n script.onload = undefined;\n head.removeChild(script);\n resolve();\n };\n script.onerror = function(e) {\n reject(e);\n };\n head.appendChild(script);\n });\n}\nvar $7d7296ec5489b457$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $7d7296ec5489b457$var$loadAndExecuteScript;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Converts an object representing a set of name/value pairs into a query string,\n * with names and values encoded properly for use in a URL. Values that are arrays\n * will produce multiple values with the same name.\n * @function objectToQuery\n *\n * @param {object} obj The object containing data to encode.\n * @returns {string} An encoded query string.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * const str = Cesium.objectToQuery({\n * key1 : 'some value',\n * key2 : 'a/b',\n * key3 : ['x', 'y']\n * });\n *\n * @see queryToObject\n * // str will be:\n * // 'key1=some%20value&key2=a%2Fb&key3=x&key3=y'\n */ function $cf8fb919a8e05b5b$var$objectToQuery(obj) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(obj)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"obj is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let result = \"\";\n for(const propName in obj)if (obj.hasOwnProperty(propName)) {\n const value = obj[propName];\n const part = `${encodeURIComponent(propName)}=`;\n if (Array.isArray(value)) for(let i = 0, len = value.length; i < len; ++i)result += `${part + encodeURIComponent(value[i])}&`;\n else result += `${part + encodeURIComponent(value)}&`;\n }\n // trim last &\n result = result.slice(0, -1);\n // This function used to replace %20 with + which is more compact and readable.\n // However, some servers didn't properly handle + as a space.\n //\n return result;\n}\nvar $cf8fb919a8e05b5b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $cf8fb919a8e05b5b$var$objectToQuery;\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Parses a query string into an object, where the keys and values of the object are the\n * name/value pairs from the query string, decoded. If a name appears multiple times,\n * the value in the object will be an array of values.\n * @function queryToObject\n *\n * @param {string} queryString The query string.\n * @returns {object} An object containing the parameters parsed from the query string.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * const obj = Cesium.queryToObject('key1=some%20value&key2=a%2Fb&key3=x&key3=y');\n * // obj will be:\n * // {\n * // key1 : 'some value',\n * // key2 : 'a/b',\n * // key3 : ['x', 'y']\n * // }\n *\n * @see objectToQuery\n */ function $97f7d8dbbdeb2d93$var$queryToObject(queryString) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(queryString)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"queryString is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const result = {};\n if (queryString === \"\") return result;\n const parts = queryString.replace(/\\+/g, \"%20\").split(/[&;]/);\n for(let i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; ++i){\n const subparts = parts[i].split(\"=\");\n const name = decodeURIComponent(subparts[0]);\n let value = subparts[1];\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value)) value = decodeURIComponent(value);\n else value = \"\";\n const resultValue = result[name];\n if (typeof resultValue === \"string\") // expand the single value to an array\n result[name] = [\n resultValue,\n value\n ];\n else if (Array.isArray(resultValue)) resultValue.push(value);\n else result[name] = value;\n }\n return result;\n}\nvar $97f7d8dbbdeb2d93$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $97f7d8dbbdeb2d93$var$queryToObject;\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * State of the request.\n *\n * @enum {number}\n */ const $cb3f5b0eda324a94$var$RequestState = {\n /**\n * Initial unissued state.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ UNISSUED: 0,\n /**\n * Issued but not yet active. Will become active when open slots are available.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ ISSUED: 1,\n /**\n * Actual http request has been sent.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ ACTIVE: 2,\n /**\n * Request completed successfully.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ RECEIVED: 3,\n /**\n * Request was cancelled, either explicitly or automatically because of low priority.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ CANCELLED: 4,\n /**\n * Request failed.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ FAILED: 5\n};\nvar $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = Object.freeze($cb3f5b0eda324a94$var$RequestState);\n\n\n/**\n * An enum identifying the type of request. Used for finer grained logging and priority sorting.\n *\n * @enum {number}\n */ const $6d66631f1c79add8$var$RequestType = {\n /**\n * Terrain request.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ TERRAIN: 0,\n /**\n * Imagery request.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ IMAGERY: 1,\n /**\n * 3D Tiles request.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ TILES3D: 2,\n /**\n * Other request.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @constant\n */ OTHER: 3\n};\nvar $6d66631f1c79add8$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = Object.freeze($6d66631f1c79add8$var$RequestType);\n\n\n/**\n * Stores information for making a request. In general this does not need to be constructed directly.\n *\n * @alias Request\n * @constructor\n\n * @param {object} [options] An object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.url] The url to request.\n * @param {Request.RequestCallback} [options.requestFunction] The function that makes the actual data request.\n * @param {Request.CancelCallback} [options.cancelFunction] The function that is called when the request is cancelled.\n * @param {Request.PriorityCallback} [options.priorityFunction] The function that is called to update the request's priority, which occurs once per frame.\n * @param {number} [options.priority=0.0] The initial priority of the request.\n * @param {boolean} [options.throttle=false] Whether to throttle and prioritize the request. If false, the request will be sent immediately. If true, the request will be throttled and sent based on priority.\n * @param {boolean} [options.throttleByServer=false] Whether to throttle the request by server.\n * @param {RequestType} [options.type=RequestType.OTHER] The type of request.\n * @param {string} [options.serverKey] A key used to identify the server that a request is going to.\n */ function $f2013c378894cc8f$var$Request(options) {\n options = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n const throttleByServer = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.throttleByServer, false);\n const throttle = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.throttle, false);\n /**\n * The URL to request.\n *\n * @type {string}\n */ this.url = options.url;\n /**\n * The function that makes the actual data request.\n *\n * @type {Request.RequestCallback}\n */ this.requestFunction = options.requestFunction;\n /**\n * The function that is called when the request is cancelled.\n *\n * @type {Request.CancelCallback}\n */ this.cancelFunction = options.cancelFunction;\n /**\n * The function that is called to update the request's priority, which occurs once per frame.\n *\n * @type {Request.PriorityCallback}\n */ this.priorityFunction = options.priorityFunction;\n /**\n * Priority is a unit-less value where lower values represent higher priority.\n * For world-based objects, this is usually the distance from the camera.\n * A request that does not have a priority function defaults to a priority of 0.\n *\n * If priorityFunction is defined, this value is updated every frame with the result of that call.\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.priority = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.priority, 0.0);\n /**\n * Whether to throttle and prioritize the request. If false, the request will be sent immediately. If true, the\n * request will be throttled and sent based on priority.\n *\n * @type {boolean}\n * @readonly\n *\n * @default false\n */ this.throttle = throttle;\n /**\n * Whether to throttle the request by server. Browsers typically support about 6-8 parallel connections\n * for HTTP/1 servers, and an unlimited amount of connections for HTTP/2 servers. Setting this value\n * to true
is preferable for requests going through HTTP/1 servers.\n *\n * @type {boolean}\n * @readonly\n *\n * @default false\n */ this.throttleByServer = throttleByServer;\n /**\n * Type of request.\n *\n * @type {RequestType}\n * @readonly\n *\n * @default RequestType.OTHER\n */ this.type = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.type, (0, $6d66631f1c79add8$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).OTHER);\n /**\n * A key used to identify the server that a request is going to. It is derived from the url's authority and scheme.\n *\n * @type {string}\n *\n * @private\n */ this.serverKey = options.serverKey;\n /**\n * The current state of the request.\n *\n * @type {RequestState}\n * @readonly\n */ this.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED;\n /**\n * The requests's deferred promise.\n *\n * @type {object}\n *\n * @private\n */ this.deferred = undefined;\n /**\n * Whether the request was explicitly cancelled.\n *\n * @type {boolean}\n *\n * @private\n */ this.cancelled = false;\n}\n/**\n * Mark the request as cancelled.\n *\n * @private\n */ $f2013c378894cc8f$var$Request.prototype.cancel = function() {\n this.cancelled = true;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Request instance.\n *\n * @param {Request} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n *\n * @returns {Request} The modified result parameter or a new Resource instance if one was not provided.\n */ $f2013c378894cc8f$var$Request.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $f2013c378894cc8f$var$Request(this);\n result.url = this.url;\n result.requestFunction = this.requestFunction;\n result.cancelFunction = this.cancelFunction;\n result.priorityFunction = this.priorityFunction;\n result.priority = this.priority;\n result.throttle = this.throttle;\n result.throttleByServer = this.throttleByServer;\n result.type = this.type;\n result.serverKey = this.serverKey;\n // These get defaulted because the cloned request hasn't been issued\n result.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED;\n result.deferred = undefined;\n result.cancelled = false;\n return result;\n};\nvar /**\n * The function that makes the actual data request.\n * @callback Request.RequestCallback\n * @returns {Promise} A promise for the requested data.\n */ /**\n * The function that is called when the request is cancelled.\n * @callback Request.CancelCallback\n */ /**\n * The function that is called to update the request's priority, which occurs once per frame.\n * @callback Request.PriorityCallback\n * @returns {number} The updated priority value.\n */ $f2013c378894cc8f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $f2013c378894cc8f$var$Request;\n\n\n\n/**\n * Parses the result of XMLHttpRequest's getAllResponseHeaders() method into\n * a dictionary.\n *\n * @function parseResponseHeaders\n *\n * @param {string} headerString The header string returned by getAllResponseHeaders(). The format is\n * described here:\n * @returns {object} A dictionary of key/value pairs, where each key is the name of a header and the corresponding value\n * is that header's value.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $28aa1e4c5397ea2b$var$parseResponseHeaders(headerString) {\n const headers = {};\n if (!headerString) return headers;\n const headerPairs = headerString.split(\"\\r\\n\");\n for(let i = 0; i < headerPairs.length; ++i){\n const headerPair = headerPairs[i];\n // Can't use split() here because it does the wrong thing\n // if the header value has the string \": \" in it.\n const index = headerPair.indexOf(\": \");\n if (index > 0) {\n const key = headerPair.substring(0, index);\n const val = headerPair.substring(index + 2);\n headers[key] = val;\n }\n }\n return headers;\n}\nvar $28aa1e4c5397ea2b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $28aa1e4c5397ea2b$var$parseResponseHeaders;\n\n\n/**\n * An event that is raised when a request encounters an error.\n *\n * @constructor\n * @alias RequestErrorEvent\n *\n * @param {number} [statusCode] The HTTP error status code, such as 404.\n * @param {object} [response] The response included along with the error.\n * @param {string|object} [responseHeaders] The response headers, represented either as an object literal or as a\n * string in the format returned by XMLHttpRequest's getAllResponseHeaders() function.\n */ function $c77b85ff93281bd0$var$RequestErrorEvent(statusCode, response, responseHeaders) {\n /**\n * The HTTP error status code, such as 404. If the error does not have a particular\n * HTTP code, this property will be undefined.\n *\n * @type {number}\n */ this.statusCode = statusCode;\n /**\n * The response included along with the error. If the error does not include a response,\n * this property will be undefined.\n *\n * @type {object}\n */ this.response = response;\n /**\n * The headers included in the response, represented as an object literal of key/value pairs.\n * If the error does not include any headers, this property will be undefined.\n *\n * @type {object}\n */ this.responseHeaders = responseHeaders;\n if (typeof this.responseHeaders === \"string\") this.responseHeaders = (0, $28aa1e4c5397ea2b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.responseHeaders);\n}\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this RequestErrorEvent.\n * @memberof RequestErrorEvent\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided RequestErrorEvent.\n */ $c77b85ff93281bd0$var$RequestErrorEvent.prototype.toString = function() {\n let str = \"Request has failed.\";\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.statusCode)) str += ` Status Code: ${this.statusCode}`;\n return str;\n};\nvar $c77b85ff93281bd0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $c77b85ff93281bd0$var$RequestErrorEvent;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A generic utility class for managing subscribers for a particular event.\n * This class is usually instantiated inside of a container class and\n * exposed as a property for others to subscribe to.\n *\n * @alias Event\n * @template Listener extends (...args: any[]) => void = (...args: any[]) => void\n * @constructor\n * @example\n * MyObject.prototype.myListener = function(arg1, arg2) {\n * this.myArg1Copy = arg1;\n * this.myArg2Copy = arg2;\n * }\n *\n * const myObjectInstance = new MyObject();\n * const evt = new Cesium.Event();\n * evt.addEventListener(MyObject.prototype.myListener, myObjectInstance);\n * evt.raiseEvent('1', '2');\n * evt.removeEventListener(MyObject.prototype.myListener);\n */ function $f1db1f90a030c2da$var$Event() {\n this._listeners = [];\n this._scopes = [];\n this._toRemove = [];\n this._insideRaiseEvent = false;\n}\nObject.defineProperties($f1db1f90a030c2da$var$Event.prototype, {\n /**\n * The number of listeners currently subscribed to the event.\n * @memberof Event.prototype\n * @type {number}\n * @readonly\n */ numberOfListeners: {\n get: function() {\n return this._listeners.length - this._toRemove.length;\n }\n }\n});\n/**\n * Registers a callback function to be executed whenever the event is raised.\n * An optional scope can be provided to serve as the this
pointer\n * in which the function will execute.\n *\n * @param {Listener} listener The function to be executed when the event is raised.\n * @param {object} [scope] An optional object scope to serve as the this
\n * pointer in which the listener function will execute.\n * @returns {Event.RemoveCallback} A function that will remove this event listener when invoked.\n *\n * @see Event#raiseEvent\n * @see Event#removeEventListener\n */ $f1db1f90a030c2da$var$Event.prototype.addEventListener = function(listener, scope) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.func(\"listener\", listener);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n this._listeners.push(listener);\n this._scopes.push(scope);\n const event = this;\n return function() {\n event.removeEventListener(listener, scope);\n };\n};\n/**\n * Unregisters a previously registered callback.\n *\n * @param {Listener} listener The function to be unregistered.\n * @param {object} [scope] The scope that was originally passed to addEventListener.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the listener was removed; false
if the listener and scope are not registered with the event.\n *\n * @see Event#addEventListener\n * @see Event#raiseEvent\n */ $f1db1f90a030c2da$var$Event.prototype.removeEventListener = function(listener, scope) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.func(\"listener\", listener);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const listeners = this._listeners;\n const scopes = this._scopes;\n let index = -1;\n for(let i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++)if (listeners[i] === listener && scopes[i] === scope) {\n index = i;\n break;\n }\n if (index !== -1) {\n if (this._insideRaiseEvent) {\n //In order to allow removing an event subscription from within\n //a callback, we don't actually remove the items here. Instead\n //remember the index they are at and undefined their value.\n this._toRemove.push(index);\n listeners[index] = undefined;\n scopes[index] = undefined;\n } else {\n listeners.splice(index, 1);\n scopes.splice(index, 1);\n }\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n};\nfunction $f1db1f90a030c2da$var$compareNumber(a, b) {\n return b - a;\n}\n/**\n * Raises the event by calling each registered listener with all supplied arguments.\n *\n * @param {...Parameters} arguments This method takes any number of parameters and passes them through to the listener functions.\n *\n * @see Event#addEventListener\n * @see Event#removeEventListener\n */ $f1db1f90a030c2da$var$Event.prototype.raiseEvent = function() {\n this._insideRaiseEvent = true;\n let i;\n const listeners = this._listeners;\n const scopes = this._scopes;\n let length = listeners.length;\n for(i = 0; i < length; i++){\n const listener = listeners[i];\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(listener)) listeners[i].apply(scopes[i], arguments);\n }\n //Actually remove items removed in removeEventListener.\n const toRemove = this._toRemove;\n length = toRemove.length;\n if (length > 0) {\n toRemove.sort($f1db1f90a030c2da$var$compareNumber);\n for(i = 0; i < length; i++){\n const index = toRemove[i];\n listeners.splice(index, 1);\n scopes.splice(index, 1);\n }\n toRemove.length = 0;\n }\n this._insideRaiseEvent = false;\n};\nvar /**\n * A function that removes a listener.\n * @callback Event.RemoveCallback\n */ $f1db1f90a030c2da$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $f1db1f90a030c2da$var$Event;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Array implementation of a heap.\n *\n * @alias Heap\n * @constructor\n * @private\n *\n * @param {object} options Object with the following properties:\n * @param {Heap.ComparatorCallback} options.comparator The comparator to use for the heap. If comparator(a, b) is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b, otherwise sort to a higher index.\n */ function $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap(options) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"options\", options);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"options.comparator\", options.comparator);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n this._comparator = options.comparator;\n this._array = [];\n this._length = 0;\n this._maximumLength = undefined;\n}\nObject.defineProperties($0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap.prototype, {\n /**\n * Gets the length of the heap.\n *\n * @memberof Heap.prototype\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @readonly\n */ length: {\n get: function() {\n return this._length;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets the internal array.\n *\n * @memberof Heap.prototype\n *\n * @type {Array}\n * @readonly\n */ internalArray: {\n get: function() {\n return this._array;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets and sets the maximum length of the heap.\n *\n * @memberof Heap.prototype\n *\n * @type {number}\n */ maximumLength: {\n get: function() {\n return this._maximumLength;\n },\n set: function(value) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"maximumLength\", value, 0);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const originalLength = this._length;\n if (value < originalLength) {\n const array = this._array;\n // Remove trailing references\n for(let i = value; i < originalLength; ++i)array[i] = undefined;\n this._length = value;\n array.length = value;\n }\n this._maximumLength = value;\n }\n },\n /**\n * The comparator to use for the heap. If comparator(a, b) is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b, otherwise sort to a higher index.\n *\n * @memberof Heap.prototype\n *\n * @type {Heap.ComparatorCallback}\n */ comparator: {\n get: function() {\n return this._comparator;\n }\n }\n});\nfunction $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$swap(array, a, b) {\n const temp = array[a];\n array[a] = array[b];\n array[b] = temp;\n}\n/**\n * Resizes the internal array of the heap.\n *\n * @param {number} [length] The length to resize internal array to. Defaults to the current length of the heap.\n */ $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap.prototype.reserve = function(length) {\n length = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(length, this._length);\n this._array.length = length;\n};\n/**\n * Update the heap so that index and all descendants satisfy the heap property.\n *\n * @param {number} [index=0] The starting index to heapify from.\n */ $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap.prototype.heapify = function(index) {\n index = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(index, 0);\n const length = this._length;\n const comparator = this._comparator;\n const array = this._array;\n let candidate = -1;\n let inserting = true;\n while(inserting){\n const right = 2 * (index + 1);\n const left = right - 1;\n if (left < length && comparator(array[left], array[index]) < 0) candidate = left;\n else candidate = index;\n if (right < length && comparator(array[right], array[candidate]) < 0) candidate = right;\n if (candidate !== index) {\n $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$swap(array, candidate, index);\n index = candidate;\n } else inserting = false;\n }\n};\n/**\n * Resort the heap.\n */ $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap.prototype.resort = function() {\n const length = this._length;\n for(let i = Math.ceil(length / 2); i >= 0; --i)this.heapify(i);\n};\n/**\n * Insert an element into the heap. If the length would grow greater than maximumLength\n * of the heap, extra elements are removed.\n *\n * @param {*} element The element to insert\n *\n * @return {*} The element that was removed from the heap if the heap is at full capacity.\n */ $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap.prototype.insert = function(element) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"element\", element);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const array = this._array;\n const comparator = this._comparator;\n const maximumLength = this._maximumLength;\n let index = this._length++;\n if (index < array.length) array[index] = element;\n else array.push(element);\n while(index !== 0){\n const parent = Math.floor((index - 1) / 2);\n if (comparator(array[index], array[parent]) < 0) {\n $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$swap(array, index, parent);\n index = parent;\n } else break;\n }\n let removedElement;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(maximumLength) && this._length > maximumLength) {\n removedElement = array[maximumLength];\n this._length = maximumLength;\n }\n return removedElement;\n};\n/**\n * Remove the element specified by index from the heap and return it.\n *\n * @param {number} [index=0] The index to remove.\n * @returns {*} The specified element of the heap.\n */ $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap.prototype.pop = function(index) {\n index = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(index, 0);\n if (this._length === 0) return undefined;\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.lessThan(\"index\", index, this._length);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const array = this._array;\n const root = array[index];\n $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$swap(array, index, --this._length);\n this.heapify(index);\n array[this._length] = undefined; // Remove trailing reference\n return root;\n};\nvar /**\n * The comparator to use for the heap.\n * @callback Heap.ComparatorCallback\n * @param {*} a An element in the heap.\n * @param {*} b An element in the heap.\n * @returns {number} If the result of the comparison is less than 0, sort a to a lower index than b, otherwise sort to a higher index.\n */ $0c5b48ddff66805f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $0c5b48ddff66805f$var$Heap;\n\n\n\n\n\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$sortRequests(a, b) {\n return a.priority - b.priority;\n}\nconst $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics = {\n numberOfAttemptedRequests: 0,\n numberOfActiveRequests: 0,\n numberOfCancelledRequests: 0,\n numberOfCancelledActiveRequests: 0,\n numberOfFailedRequests: 0,\n numberOfActiveRequestsEver: 0,\n lastNumberOfActiveRequests: 0\n};\nlet $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength = 20;\nconst $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap = new (0, $0c5b48ddff66805f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)({\n comparator: $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$sortRequests\n});\n$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.maximumLength = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength;\n$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.reserve($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength);\nconst $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests = [];\nlet $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer = {};\nconst $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$pageUri = typeof document !== \"undefined\" ? new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(document.location.href) : new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))();\nconst $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestCompletedEvent = new (0, $f1db1f90a030c2da$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * The request scheduler is used to track and constrain the number of active requests in order to prioritize incoming requests. The ability\n * to retain control over the number of requests in CesiumJS is important because due to events such as changes in the camera position,\n * a lot of new requests may be generated and a lot of in-flight requests may become redundant. The request scheduler manually constrains the\n * number of requests so that newer requests wait in a shorter queue and don't have to compete for bandwidth with requests that have expired.\n *\n * @namespace RequestScheduler\n *\n */ function $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler() {}\n/**\n * The maximum number of simultaneous active requests. Un-throttled requests do not observe this limit.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 50\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.maximumRequests = 50;\n/**\n * The maximum number of simultaneous active requests per server. Un-throttled requests or servers specifically\n * listed in {@link requestsByServer} do not observe this limit.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 6\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.maximumRequestsPerServer = 6;\n/**\n * A per server key list of overrides to use for throttling instead of maximumRequestsPerServer
.\n * Useful when streaming data from a known HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 server.\n * @type {object}\n *\n * @example\n * RequestScheduler.requestsByServer[\"\"] = 18;\n *\n * @example\n * RequestScheduler.requestsByServer = {\n * \"\": 18,\n * \"\": 18,\n * };\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.requestsByServer = {\n \"\": 18,\n \"\": 18,\n \"\": 18,\n \"\": 18\n};\n/**\n * Specifies if the request scheduler should throttle incoming requests, or let the browser queue requests under its control.\n * @type {boolean}\n * @default true\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.throttleRequests = true;\n/**\n * When true, log statistics to the console every frame\n * @type {boolean}\n * @default false\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.debugShowStatistics = false;\n/**\n * An event that's raised when a request is completed. Event handlers are passed\n * the error object if the request fails.\n *\n * @type {Event}\n * @default Event()\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.requestCompletedEvent = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestCompletedEvent;\nObject.defineProperties($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler, {\n /**\n * Returns the statistics used by the request scheduler.\n *\n * @memberof RequestScheduler\n *\n * @type {object}\n * @readonly\n * @private\n */ statistics: {\n get: function() {\n return $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics;\n }\n },\n /**\n * The maximum size of the priority heap. This limits the number of requests that are sorted by priority. Only applies to requests that are not yet active.\n *\n * @memberof RequestScheduler\n *\n * @type {number}\n * @default 20\n * @private\n */ priorityHeapLength: {\n get: function() {\n return $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength;\n },\n set: function(value) {\n // If the new length shrinks the heap, need to cancel some of the requests.\n // Since this value is not intended to be tweaked regularly it is fine to just cancel the high priority requests.\n if (value < $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength) while($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.length > value){\n const request = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.pop();\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(request);\n }\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength = value;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.maximumLength = value;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.reserve(value);\n }\n }\n});\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$updatePriority(request) {\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(request.priorityFunction)) request.priority = request.priorityFunction();\n}\n/**\n * Check if there are open slots for a particular server key. If desiredRequests is greater than 1, this checks if the queue has room for scheduling multiple requests.\n * @param {string} serverKey The server key returned by {@link RequestScheduler.getServerKey}.\n * @param {number} [desiredRequests=1] How many requests the caller plans to request\n * @return {boolean} True if there are enough open slots for desiredRequests
more requests.\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.serverHasOpenSlots = function(serverKey, desiredRequests) {\n desiredRequests = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(desiredRequests, 1);\n const maxRequests = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.requestsByServer[serverKey], $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.maximumRequestsPerServer);\n const hasOpenSlotsServer = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[serverKey] + desiredRequests <= maxRequests;\n return hasOpenSlotsServer;\n};\n/**\n * Check if the priority heap has open slots, regardless of which server they\n * are from. This is used in {@link Multiple3DTileContent} for determining when\n * all requests can be scheduled\n * @param {number} desiredRequests The number of requests the caller intends to make\n * @return {boolean} true
if the heap has enough available slots to meet the desiredRequests. false
otherwise.\n *\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.heapHasOpenSlots = function(desiredRequests) {\n const hasOpenSlotsHeap = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.length + desiredRequests <= $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$priorityHeapLength;\n return hasOpenSlotsHeap;\n};\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$issueRequest(request) {\n if (request.state === (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED) {\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ISSUED;\n request.deferred = (0, $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n }\n return request.deferred.promise;\n}\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$getRequestReceivedFunction(request) {\n return function(results) {\n if (request.state === (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).CANCELLED) // If the data request comes back but the request is cancelled, ignore it.\n return;\n // explicitly set to undefined to ensure GC of request response data. See #8843\n const deferred = request.deferred;\n --$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests;\n --$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[request.serverKey];\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestCompletedEvent.raiseEvent();\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).RECEIVED;\n request.deferred = undefined;\n deferred.resolve(results);\n };\n}\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$getRequestFailedFunction(request) {\n return function(error) {\n if (request.state === (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).CANCELLED) // If the data request comes back but the request is cancelled, ignore it.\n return;\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfFailedRequests;\n --$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests;\n --$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[request.serverKey];\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestCompletedEvent.raiseEvent(error);\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).FAILED;\n request.deferred.reject(error);\n };\n}\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$startRequest(request) {\n const promise = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$issueRequest(request);\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ACTIVE;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.push(request);\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests;\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequestsEver;\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[request.serverKey];\n request.requestFunction().then($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$getRequestReceivedFunction(request)).catch($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$getRequestFailedFunction(request));\n return promise;\n}\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(request) {\n const active = request.state === (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ACTIVE;\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).CANCELLED;\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledRequests;\n // check that deferred has not been cleared since cancelRequest can be called\n // on a finished request, e.g. by clearForSpecs during tests\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(request.deferred)) {\n const deferred = request.deferred;\n request.deferred = undefined;\n deferred.reject();\n }\n if (active) {\n --$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests;\n --$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[request.serverKey];\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledActiveRequests;\n }\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(request.cancelFunction)) request.cancelFunction();\n}\n/**\n * Sort requests by priority and start requests.\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.update = function() {\n let i;\n let request;\n // Loop over all active requests. Cancelled, failed, or received requests are removed from the array to make room for new requests.\n let removeCount = 0;\n const activeLength = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.length;\n for(i = 0; i < activeLength; ++i){\n request = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests[i];\n if (request.cancelled) // Request was explicitly cancelled\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(request);\n if (request.state !== (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ACTIVE) {\n // Request is no longer active, remove from array\n ++removeCount;\n continue;\n }\n if (removeCount > 0) // Shift back to fill in vacated slots from completed requests\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests[i - removeCount] = request;\n }\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.length -= removeCount;\n // Update priority of issued requests and resort the heap\n const issuedRequests = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.internalArray;\n const issuedLength = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.length;\n for(i = 0; i < issuedLength; ++i)$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$updatePriority(issuedRequests[i]);\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.resort();\n // Get the number of open slots and fill with the highest priority requests.\n // Un-throttled requests are automatically added to activeRequests, so activeRequests.length may exceed maximumRequests\n const openSlots = Math.max($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.maximumRequests - $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.length, 0);\n let filledSlots = 0;\n while(filledSlots < openSlots && $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.length > 0){\n // Loop until all open slots are filled or the heap becomes empty\n request = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.pop();\n if (request.cancelled) {\n // Request was explicitly cancelled\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(request);\n continue;\n }\n if (request.throttleByServer && !$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.serverHasOpenSlots(request.serverKey)) {\n // Open slots are available, but the request is throttled by its server. Cancel and try again later.\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(request);\n continue;\n }\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$startRequest(request);\n ++filledSlots;\n }\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$updateStatistics();\n};\n/**\n * Get the server key from a given url.\n *\n * @param {string} url The url.\n * @returns {string} The server key.\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.getServerKey = function(url) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.string(\"url\", url);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let uri = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(url);\n if (uri.scheme() === \"\") {\n uri = uri.absoluteTo($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$pageUri);\n uri.normalize();\n }\n let serverKey = uri.authority();\n if (!/:/.test(serverKey)) // If the authority does not contain a port number, add port 443 for https or port 80 for http\n serverKey = `${serverKey}:${uri.scheme() === \"https\" ? \"443\" : \"80\"}`;\n const length = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[serverKey];\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(length)) $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[serverKey] = 0;\n return serverKey;\n};\n/**\n * Issue a request. If request.throttle is false, the request is sent immediately. Otherwise the request will be\n * queued and sorted by priority before being sent.\n *\n * @param {Request} request The request object.\n *\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} A Promise for the requested data, or undefined if this request does not have high enough priority to be issued.\n *\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.request = function(request) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"request\", request);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.string(\"request.url\", request.url);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.func(\"request.requestFunction\", request.requestFunction);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if ((0, $841116c25509708f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(request.url) || (0, $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(request.url)) {\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestCompletedEvent.raiseEvent();\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).RECEIVED;\n return request.requestFunction();\n }\n ++$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfAttemptedRequests;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(request.serverKey)) request.serverKey = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.getServerKey(request.url);\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.throttleRequests && request.throttleByServer && !$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.serverHasOpenSlots(request.serverKey)) // Server is saturated. Try again later.\n return undefined;\n if (!$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.throttleRequests || !request.throttle) return $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$startRequest(request);\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.length >= $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.maximumRequests) // Active requests are saturated. Try again later.\n return undefined;\n // Insert into the priority heap and see if a request was bumped off. If this request is the lowest\n // priority it will be returned.\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$updatePriority(request);\n const removedRequest = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.insert(request);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(removedRequest)) {\n if (removedRequest === request) // Request does not have high enough priority to be issued\n return undefined;\n // A previously issued request has been bumped off the priority heap, so cancel it\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(removedRequest);\n }\n return $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$issueRequest(request);\n};\nfunction $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$updateStatistics() {\n if (!$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.debugShowStatistics) return;\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests === 0 && $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.lastNumberOfActiveRequests > 0) {\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfAttemptedRequests > 0) {\n console.log(`Number of attempted requests: ${$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfAttemptedRequests}`);\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfAttemptedRequests = 0;\n }\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledRequests > 0) {\n console.log(`Number of cancelled requests: ${$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledRequests}`);\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledRequests = 0;\n }\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledActiveRequests > 0) {\n console.log(`Number of cancelled active requests: ${$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledActiveRequests}`);\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledActiveRequests = 0;\n }\n if ($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfFailedRequests > 0) {\n console.log(`Number of failed requests: ${$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfFailedRequests}`);\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfFailedRequests = 0;\n }\n }\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.lastNumberOfActiveRequests = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests;\n}\n/**\n * For testing only. Clears any requests that may not have completed from previous tests.\n *\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.clearForSpecs = function() {\n while($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.length > 0){\n const request = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap.pop();\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest(request);\n }\n const length = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.length;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)$e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$cancelRequest($e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests[i]);\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$activeRequests.length = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer = {};\n // Clear stats\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfAttemptedRequests = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequests = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledRequests = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfCancelledActiveRequests = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfFailedRequests = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.numberOfActiveRequestsEver = 0;\n $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$statistics.lastNumberOfActiveRequests = 0;\n};\n/**\n * For testing only.\n *\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.numberOfActiveRequestsByServer = function(serverKey) {\n return $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$numberOfActiveRequestsByServer[serverKey];\n};\n/**\n * For testing only.\n *\n * @private\n */ $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler.requestHeap = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$requestHeap;\nvar $e92abbd1ca5229e9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $e92abbd1ca5229e9$var$RequestScheduler;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A singleton that contains all of the servers that are trusted. Credentials will be sent with\n * any requests to these servers.\n *\n * @namespace TrustedServers\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n */ const $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$TrustedServers = {};\nlet $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers = {};\n/**\n * Adds a trusted server to the registry\n *\n * @param {string} host The host to be added.\n * @param {number} port The port used to access the host.\n *\n * @example\n * // Add a trusted server\n * TrustedServers.add('', 80);\n */ $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$TrustedServers.add = function(host, port) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(host)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"host is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(port) || port <= 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"port is required to be greater than 0.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const authority = `${host.toLowerCase()}:${port}`;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers[authority])) $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers[authority] = true;\n};\n/**\n * Removes a trusted server from the registry\n *\n * @param {string} host The host to be removed.\n * @param {number} port The port used to access the host.\n *\n * @example\n * // Remove a trusted server\n * TrustedServers.remove('', 80);\n */ $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$TrustedServers.remove = function(host, port) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(host)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"host is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(port) || port <= 0) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"port is required to be greater than 0.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const authority = `${host.toLowerCase()}:${port}`;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers[authority])) delete $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers[authority];\n};\nfunction $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$getAuthority(url) {\n const uri = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(url);\n uri.normalize();\n // Removes username:password@ so we just have host[:port]\n let authority = uri.authority();\n if (authority.length === 0) return undefined; // Relative URL\n uri.authority(authority);\n if (authority.indexOf(\"@\") !== -1) {\n const parts = authority.split(\"@\");\n authority = parts[1];\n }\n // If the port is missing add one based on the scheme\n if (authority.indexOf(\":\") === -1) {\n let scheme = uri.scheme();\n if (scheme.length === 0) {\n scheme = window.location.protocol;\n scheme = scheme.substring(0, scheme.length - 1);\n }\n if (scheme === \"http\") authority += \":80\";\n else if (scheme === \"https\") authority += \":443\";\n else return undefined;\n }\n return authority;\n}\n/**\n * Tests whether a server is trusted or not. The server must have been added with the port if it is included in the url.\n *\n * @param {string} url The url to be tested against the trusted list\n *\n * @returns {boolean} Returns true if url is trusted, false otherwise.\n *\n * @example\n * // Add server\n * TrustedServers.add('', 81);\n *\n * // Check if server is trusted\n * if (TrustedServers.contains('')) {\n * // is trusted\n * }\n * if (TrustedServers.contains('')) {\n * // isn't trusted\n * }\n */ $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$TrustedServers.contains = function(url) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(url)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"url is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const authority = $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$getAuthority(url);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(authority) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers[authority])) return true;\n return false;\n};\n/**\n * Clears the registry\n *\n * @example\n * // Remove a trusted server\n * TrustedServers.clear();\n */ $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$TrustedServers.clear = function() {\n $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$_servers = {};\n};\nvar $3d553cf32903d8d6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $3d553cf32903d8d6$var$TrustedServers;\n\n\n\nvar $kjyEk = parcelRequire(\"kjyEk\");\nvar $a825789b92016078$require$Buffer = $kjyEk.Buffer;\nconst $a825789b92016078$var$xhrBlobSupported = function() {\n try {\n const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n\"GET\", \"#\", true);\n xhr.responseType = \"blob\";\n return xhr.responseType === \"blob\";\n } catch (e) {\n return false;\n }\n}();\n/**\n * @typedef {object} Resource.ConstructorOptions\n *\n * Initialization options for the Resource constructor\n *\n * @property {string} url The url of the resource.\n * @property {object} [queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @property {object} [templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @property {object} [headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @property {Proxy} [proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @property {Resource.RetryCallback} [retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @property {number} [retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @property {Request} [request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @property {boolean} [parseUrl=true] If true, parse the url for query parameters; otherwise store the url without change\n */ /**\n * A resource that includes the location and any other parameters we need to retrieve it or create derived resources. It also provides the ability to retry requests.\n *\n * @alias Resource\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {string|Resource.ConstructorOptions} options A url or an object describing initialization options\n *\n * @example\n * function refreshTokenRetryCallback(resource, error) {\n * if (error.statusCode === 403) {\n * // 403 status code means a new token should be generated\n * return getNewAccessToken()\n * .then(function(token) {\n * resource.queryParameters.access_token = token;\n * return true;\n * })\n * .catch(function() {\n * return false;\n * });\n * }\n *\n * return false;\n * }\n *\n * const resource = new Resource({\n * url: '',\n * proxy: new DefaultProxy('/proxy/'),\n * headers: {\n * 'X-My-Header': 'valueOfHeader'\n * },\n * queryParameters: {\n * 'access_token': '123-435-456-000'\n * },\n * retryCallback: refreshTokenRetryCallback,\n * retryAttempts: 1\n * });\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options) {\n options = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n if (typeof options === \"string\") options = {\n url: options\n };\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.string(\"options.url\", options.url);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n this._url = undefined;\n this._templateValues = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options.templateValues, {});\n this._queryParameters = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options.queryParameters, {});\n /**\n * Additional HTTP headers that will be sent with the request.\n *\n * @type {object}\n */ this.headers = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options.headers, {});\n /**\n * A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n *\n * @type {Request}\n */ this.request = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.request, new (0, $f2013c378894cc8f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)());\n /**\n * A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n *\n * @type {Proxy}\n */ this.proxy = options.proxy;\n /**\n * Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true or a Promise that resolves to true, the request will be retried.\n *\n * @type {Function}\n */ this.retryCallback = options.retryCallback;\n /**\n * The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n *\n * @type {number}\n */ this.retryAttempts = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.retryAttempts, 0);\n this._retryCount = 0;\n const parseUrl = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.parseUrl, true);\n if (parseUrl) this.parseUrl(options.url, true, true);\n else this._url = options.url;\n this._credits = options.credits;\n}\n/**\n * Clones a value if it is defined, otherwise returns the default value\n *\n * @param {object} [value] The value to clone.\n * @param {object} [defaultValue] The default value.\n *\n * @returns {object} A clone of value or the defaultValue.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(value, defaultValue) {\n return (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value) ? (0, $5a9e6edaa73590ad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value) : defaultValue;\n}\n/**\n * A helper function to create a resource depending on whether we have a String or a Resource\n *\n * @param {Resource|string} resource A Resource or a String to use when creating a new Resource.\n *\n * @returns {Resource} If resource is a String, a Resource constructed with the url and options. Otherwise the resource parameter is returned.\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.createIfNeeded = function(resource) {\n if (resource instanceof $a825789b92016078$var$Resource) // Keep existing request object. This function is used internally to duplicate a Resource, so that it can't\n // be modified outside of a class that holds it (eg. an imagery or terrain provider). Since the Request objects\n // are managed outside of the providers, by the tile loading code, we want to keep the request property the same so if it is changed\n // in the underlying tiling code the requests for this resource will use it.\n return resource.getDerivedResource({\n request: resource.request\n });\n if (typeof resource !== \"string\") return resource;\n return new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource({\n url: resource\n });\n};\nlet $a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise;\n/**\n * A helper function to check whether createImageBitmap supports passing ImageBitmapOptions.\n *\n * @returns {Promise} A promise that resolves to true if this browser supports creating an ImageBitmap with options.\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.supportsImageBitmapOptions = function() {\n // Until the HTML folks figure out what to do about this, we need to actually try loading an image to\n // know if this browser supports passing options to the createImageBitmap function.\n //\n //\n // We also need to check whether the colorSpaceConversion option is supported.\n // We do this by loading a PNG with an embedded color profile, first with\n // colorSpaceConversion: \"none\" and then with colorSpaceConversion: \"default\".\n // If the pixel color is different then we know the option is working.\n // As of Webkit 17612. the createImageBitmap promise resolves but the\n // option is not actually supported.\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise)) return $a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise;\n if (typeof createImageBitmap !== \"function\") {\n $a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise = Promise.resolve(false);\n return $a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise;\n }\n const imageDataUri = \"\";\n $a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchBlob({\n url: imageDataUri\n }).then(function(blob) {\n const imageBitmapOptions = {\n imageOrientation: \"flipY\",\n premultiplyAlpha: \"none\",\n colorSpaceConversion: \"none\"\n };\n return Promise.all([\n createImageBitmap(blob, imageBitmapOptions),\n createImageBitmap(blob)\n ]);\n }).then(function(imageBitmaps) {\n // Check whether the colorSpaceConversion option had any effect on the green channel\n const colorWithOptions = (0, $d2d5f1e625397aae$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(imageBitmaps[0]);\n const colorWithDefaults = (0, $d2d5f1e625397aae$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(imageBitmaps[1]);\n return colorWithOptions[1] !== colorWithDefaults[1];\n }).catch(function() {\n return false;\n });\n return $a825789b92016078$var$supportsImageBitmapOptionsPromise;\n};\nObject.defineProperties($a825789b92016078$var$Resource, {\n /**\n * Returns true if blobs are supported.\n *\n * @memberof Resource\n * @type {boolean}\n *\n * @readonly\n */ isBlobSupported: {\n get: function() {\n return $a825789b92016078$var$xhrBlobSupported;\n }\n }\n});\nObject.defineProperties($a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype, {\n /**\n * Query parameters appended to the url.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {object}\n *\n * @readonly\n */ queryParameters: {\n get: function() {\n return this._queryParameters;\n }\n },\n /**\n * The key/value pairs used to replace template parameters in the url.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {object}\n *\n * @readonly\n */ templateValues: {\n get: function() {\n return this._templateValues;\n }\n },\n /**\n * The url to the resource with template values replaced, query string appended and encoded by proxy if one was set.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {string}\n */ url: {\n get: function() {\n return this.getUrlComponent(true, true);\n },\n set: function(value) {\n this.parseUrl(value, false, false);\n }\n },\n /**\n * The file extension of the resource.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {string}\n *\n * @readonly\n */ extension: {\n get: function() {\n return (0, $66f81ca0d8f70d88$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._url);\n }\n },\n /**\n * True if the Resource refers to a data URI.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {boolean}\n */ isDataUri: {\n get: function() {\n return (0, $841116c25509708f$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._url);\n }\n },\n /**\n * True if the Resource refers to a blob URI.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {boolean}\n */ isBlobUri: {\n get: function() {\n return (0, $7fd45a9b01c99eb7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._url);\n }\n },\n /**\n * True if the Resource refers to a cross origin URL.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {boolean}\n */ isCrossOriginUrl: {\n get: function() {\n return (0, $ea5c6961bd50f859$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._url);\n }\n },\n /**\n * True if the Resource has request headers. This is equivalent to checking if the headers property has any keys.\n *\n * @memberof Resource.prototype\n * @type {boolean}\n */ hasHeaders: {\n get: function() {\n return Object.keys(this.headers).length > 0;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets the credits required for attribution of an asset.\n * @private\n */ credits: {\n get: function() {\n return this._credits;\n }\n }\n});\n/**\n * Override Object#toString so that implicit string conversion gives the\n * complete URL represented by this Resource.\n *\n * @returns {string} The URL represented by this Resource\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.toString = function() {\n return this.getUrlComponent(true, true);\n};\n/**\n * Parse a url string, and store its info\n *\n * @param {string} url The input url string.\n * @param {boolean} merge If true, we'll merge with the resource's existing queryParameters. Otherwise they will be replaced.\n * @param {boolean} preserveQuery If true duplicate parameters will be concatenated into an array. If false, keys in url will take precedence.\n * @param {string} [baseUrl] If supplied, and input url is a relative url, it will be made absolute relative to baseUrl\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.parseUrl = function(url, merge, preserveQuery, baseUrl) {\n let uri = new (0, (/*@__PURE__*/$parcel$interopDefault($4e56c98ff011f544$exports)))(url);\n const query = $a825789b92016078$var$parseQueryString(uri.query());\n this._queryParameters = merge ? $a825789b92016078$var$combineQueryParameters(query, this.queryParameters, preserveQuery) : query;\n // Remove unneeded info from the Uri\n\"\");\n uri.fragment(\"\");\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(baseUrl) && uri.scheme() === \"\") uri = uri.absoluteTo((0, $cb06eae585ff1af6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(baseUrl));\n this._url = uri.toString();\n};\n/**\n * Parses a query string and returns the object equivalent.\n *\n * @param {string} queryString The query string\n * @returns {object}\n *\n * @private\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$parseQueryString(queryString) {\n if (queryString.length === 0) return {};\n // Special case where the querystring is just a string, not key/value pairs\n if (queryString.indexOf(\"=\") === -1) return {\n [queryString]: undefined\n };\n return (0, $97f7d8dbbdeb2d93$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(queryString);\n}\n/**\n * This combines a map of query parameters.\n *\n * @param {object} q1 The first map of query parameters. Values in this map will take precedence if preserveQueryParameters is false.\n * @param {object} q2 The second map of query parameters.\n * @param {boolean} preserveQueryParameters If true duplicate parameters will be concatenated into an array. If false, keys in q1 will take precedence.\n *\n * @returns {object} The combined map of query parameters.\n *\n * @example\n * const q1 = {\n * a: 1,\n * b: 2\n * };\n * const q2 = {\n * a: 3,\n * c: 4\n * };\n * const q3 = {\n * b: [5, 6],\n * d: 7\n * }\n *\n * // Returns\n * // {\n * // a: [1, 3],\n * // b: 2,\n * // c: 4\n * // };\n * combineQueryParameters(q1, q2, true);\n *\n * // Returns\n * // {\n * // a: 1,\n * // b: 2,\n * // c: 4\n * // };\n * combineQueryParameters(q1, q2, false);\n *\n * // Returns\n * // {\n * // a: 1,\n * // b: [2, 5, 6],\n * // d: 7\n * // };\n * combineQueryParameters(q1, q3, true);\n *\n * // Returns\n * // {\n * // a: 1,\n * // b: 2,\n * // d: 7\n * // };\n * combineQueryParameters(q1, q3, false);\n *\n * @private\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$combineQueryParameters(q1, q2, preserveQueryParameters) {\n if (!preserveQueryParameters) return (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(q1, q2);\n const result = (0, $5a9e6edaa73590ad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(q1, true);\n for(const param in q2)if (q2.hasOwnProperty(param)) {\n let value = result[param];\n const q2Value = q2[param];\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value)) {\n if (!Array.isArray(value)) value = result[param] = [\n value\n ];\n result[param] = value.concat(q2Value);\n } else result[param] = Array.isArray(q2Value) ? q2Value.slice() : q2Value;\n }\n return result;\n}\n/**\n * Returns the url, optional with the query string and processed by a proxy.\n *\n * @param {boolean} [query=false] If true, the query string is included.\n * @param {boolean} [proxy=false] If true, the url is processed by the proxy object, if defined.\n *\n * @returns {string} The url with all the requested components.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.getUrlComponent = function(query, proxy) {\n if (this.isDataUri) return this._url;\n let url = this._url;\n if (query) url = `${url}${$a825789b92016078$var$stringifyQuery(this.queryParameters)}`;\n // Restore the placeholders, which may have been escaped in objectToQuery or elsewhere\n url = url.replace(/%7B/g, \"{\").replace(/%7D/g, \"}\");\n const templateValues = this._templateValues;\n if (Object.keys(templateValues).length > 0) url = url.replace(/{(.*?)}/g, function(match, key) {\n const replacement = templateValues[key];\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(replacement)) // use the replacement value from templateValues if there is one...\n return encodeURIComponent(replacement);\n // otherwise leave it unchanged\n return match;\n });\n if (proxy && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.proxy)) url = this.proxy.getURL(url);\n return url;\n};\n/**\n * Converts a query object into a string.\n *\n * @param {object} queryObject The object with query parameters\n * @returns {string}\n *\n * @private\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$stringifyQuery(queryObject) {\n const keys = Object.keys(queryObject);\n if (keys.length === 0) return \"\";\n if (keys.length === 1 && !(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(queryObject[keys[0]])) // We have 1 key with an undefined value, so this is just a string, not key/value pairs\n return `?${keys[0]}`;\n return `?${(0, $cf8fb919a8e05b5b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(queryObject)}`;\n}\n/**\n * Combines the specified object and the existing query parameters. This allows you to add many parameters at once,\n * as opposed to adding them one at a time to the queryParameters property. If a value is already set, it will be replaced with the new value.\n *\n * @param {object} params The query parameters\n * @param {boolean} [useAsDefault=false] If true the params will be used as the default values, so they will only be set if they are undefined.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.setQueryParameters = function(params, useAsDefault) {\n if (useAsDefault) this._queryParameters = $a825789b92016078$var$combineQueryParameters(this._queryParameters, params, false);\n else this._queryParameters = $a825789b92016078$var$combineQueryParameters(params, this._queryParameters, false);\n};\n/**\n * Combines the specified object and the existing query parameters. This allows you to add many parameters at once,\n * as opposed to adding them one at a time to the queryParameters property.\n *\n * @param {object} params The query parameters\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.appendQueryParameters = function(params) {\n this._queryParameters = $a825789b92016078$var$combineQueryParameters(params, this._queryParameters, true);\n};\n/**\n * Combines the specified object and the existing template values. This allows you to add many values at once,\n * as opposed to adding them one at a time to the templateValues property. If a value is already set, it will become an array and the new value will be appended.\n *\n * @param {object} template The template values\n * @param {boolean} [useAsDefault=false] If true the values will be used as the default values, so they will only be set if they are undefined.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.setTemplateValues = function(template, useAsDefault) {\n if (useAsDefault) this._templateValues = (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._templateValues, template);\n else this._templateValues = (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(template, this._templateValues);\n};\n/**\n * Returns a resource relative to the current instance. All properties remain the same as the current instance unless overridden in options.\n *\n * @param {object} options An object with the following properties\n * @param {string} [options.url] The url that will be resolved relative to the url of the current instance.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be combined with those of the current instance.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}). These will be combined with those of the current instance.\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The function to call when loading the resource fails.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {boolean} [options.preserveQueryParameters=false] If true, this will keep all query parameters from the current resource and derived resource. If false, derived parameters will replace those of the current resource.\n *\n * @returns {Resource} The resource derived from the current one.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.getDerivedResource = function(options) {\n const resource = this.clone();\n resource._retryCount = 0;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.url)) {\n const preserveQuery = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.preserveQueryParameters, false);\n resource.parseUrl(options.url, true, preserveQuery, this._url);\n }\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.queryParameters)) resource._queryParameters = (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.queryParameters, resource.queryParameters);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.templateValues)) resource._templateValues = (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.templateValues, resource.templateValues);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.headers)) resource.headers = (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.headers, resource.headers);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.proxy)) resource.proxy = options.proxy;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.request)) resource.request = options.request;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.retryCallback)) resource.retryCallback = options.retryCallback;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.retryAttempts)) resource.retryAttempts = options.retryAttempts;\n return resource;\n};\n/**\n * Called when a resource fails to load. This will call the retryCallback function if defined until retryAttempts is reached.\n *\n * @param {RequestErrorEvent} [error] The error that was encountered.\n *\n * @returns {Promise} A promise to a boolean, that if true will cause the resource request to be retried.\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.retryOnError = function(error) {\n const retryCallback = this.retryCallback;\n if (typeof retryCallback !== \"function\" || this._retryCount >= this.retryAttempts) return Promise.resolve(false);\n const that = this;\n return Promise.resolve(retryCallback(this, error)).then(function(result) {\n ++that._retryCount;\n return result;\n });\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Resource instance.\n *\n * @param {Resource} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n *\n * @returns {Resource} The modified result parameter or a new Resource instance if one was not provided.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource({\n url: this._url,\n queryParameters: this.queryParameters,\n templateValues: this.templateValues,\n headers: this.headers,\n proxy: this.proxy,\n retryCallback: this.retryCallback,\n retryAttempts: this.retryAttempts,\n request: this.request.clone(),\n parseUrl: false,\n credits: (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.credits) ? this.credits.slice() : undefined\n });\n result._url = this._url;\n result._queryParameters = (0, $5a9e6edaa73590ad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._queryParameters);\n result._templateValues = (0, $5a9e6edaa73590ad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._templateValues);\n result.headers = (0, $5a9e6edaa73590ad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.headers);\n result.proxy = this.proxy;\n result.retryCallback = this.retryCallback;\n result.retryAttempts = this.retryAttempts;\n result._retryCount = 0;\n result.request = this.request.clone();\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Returns the base path of the Resource.\n *\n * @param {boolean} [includeQuery = false] Whether or not to include the query string and fragment form the uri\n *\n * @returns {string} The base URI of the resource\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.getBaseUri = function(includeQuery) {\n return (0, $1bc5e6f241601679$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this.getUrlComponent(includeQuery), includeQuery);\n};\n/**\n * Appends a forward slash to the URL.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.appendForwardSlash = function() {\n this._url = (0, $0b8f8e4324c94031$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._url);\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the resource as raw binary data. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * an ArrayBuffer once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n * @example\n * // load a single URL asynchronously\n * resource.fetchArrayBuffer().then(function(arrayBuffer) {\n * // use the data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchArrayBuffer = function() {\n return this.fetch({\n responseType: \"arraybuffer\"\n });\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource and calls fetchArrayBuffer() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchArrayBuffer = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchArrayBuffer();\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the given resource as a blob. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * a Blob once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n * @example\n * // load a single URL asynchronously\n * resource.fetchBlob().then(function(blob) {\n * // use the data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchBlob = function() {\n return this.fetch({\n responseType: \"blob\"\n });\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource and calls fetchBlob() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchBlob = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchBlob();\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the given image resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * an {@link|ImageBitmap} if preferImageBitmap
is true and the browser supports createImageBitmap
or otherwise an\n * {@link|Image} once loaded, or reject if the image failed to load.\n *\n * @param {object} [options] An object with the following properties.\n * @param {boolean} [options.preferBlob=false] If true, we will load the image via a blob.\n * @param {boolean} [options.preferImageBitmap=false] If true, image will be decoded during fetch and an ImageBitmap
is returned.\n * @param {boolean} [options.flipY=false] If true, image will be vertically flipped during decode. Only applies if the browser supports createImageBitmap
.\n * @param {boolean} [options.skipColorSpaceConversion=false] If true, any custom gamma or color profiles in the image will be ignored. Only applies if the browser supports createImageBitmap
.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // load a single image asynchronously\n * resource.fetchImage().then(function(image) {\n * // use the loaded image\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * // load several images in parallel\n * Promise.all([resource1.fetchImage(), resource2.fetchImage()]).then(function(images) {\n * // images is an array containing all the loaded images\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchImage = function(options) {\n options = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n const preferImageBitmap = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.preferImageBitmap, false);\n const preferBlob = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.preferBlob, false);\n const flipY = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.flipY, false);\n const skipColorSpaceConversion = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.skipColorSpaceConversion, false);\n $a825789b92016078$var$checkAndResetRequest(this.request);\n // We try to load the image normally if\n // 1. Blobs aren't supported\n // 2. It's a data URI\n // 3. It's a blob URI\n // 4. It doesn't have request headers and we preferBlob is false\n if (!$a825789b92016078$var$xhrBlobSupported || this.isDataUri || this.isBlobUri || !this.hasHeaders && !preferBlob) return $a825789b92016078$var$fetchImage({\n resource: this,\n flipY: flipY,\n skipColorSpaceConversion: skipColorSpaceConversion,\n preferImageBitmap: preferImageBitmap\n });\n const blobPromise = this.fetchBlob();\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(blobPromise)) return;\n let supportsImageBitmap;\n let useImageBitmap;\n let generatedBlobResource;\n let generatedBlob;\n return $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.supportsImageBitmapOptions().then(function(result) {\n supportsImageBitmap = result;\n useImageBitmap = supportsImageBitmap && preferImageBitmap;\n return blobPromise;\n }).then(function(blob) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(blob)) return;\n generatedBlob = blob;\n if (useImageBitmap) return $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.createImageBitmapFromBlob(blob, {\n flipY: flipY,\n premultiplyAlpha: false,\n skipColorSpaceConversion: skipColorSpaceConversion\n });\n const blobUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob);\n generatedBlobResource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource({\n url: blobUrl\n });\n return $a825789b92016078$var$fetchImage({\n resource: generatedBlobResource,\n flipY: flipY,\n skipColorSpaceConversion: skipColorSpaceConversion,\n preferImageBitmap: false\n });\n }).then(function(image) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(image)) return;\n // The blob object may be needed for use by a TileDiscardPolicy,\n // so attach it to the image.\n image.blob = generatedBlob;\n if (useImageBitmap) return image;\n window.URL.revokeObjectURL(generatedBlobResource.url);\n return image;\n }).catch(function(error) {\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(generatedBlobResource)) window.URL.revokeObjectURL(generatedBlobResource.url);\n // If the blob load succeeded but the image decode failed, attach the blob\n // to the error object for use by a TileDiscardPolicy.\n // In particular, BingMapsImageryProvider uses this to detect the\n // zero-length response that is returned when a tile is not available.\n error.blob = generatedBlob;\n return Promise.reject(error);\n });\n};\n/**\n * Fetches an image and returns a promise to it.\n *\n * @param {object} [options] An object with the following properties.\n * @param {Resource} [options.resource] Resource object that points to an image to fetch.\n * @param {boolean} [options.preferImageBitmap] If true, image will be decoded during fetch and an ImageBitmap
is returned.\n * @param {boolean} [options.flipY] If true, image will be vertically flipped during decode. Only applies if the browser supports createImageBitmap
.\n * @param {boolean} [options.skipColorSpaceConversion=false] If true, any custom gamma or color profiles in the image will be ignored. Only applies if the browser supports createImageBitmap
.\n * @private\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$fetchImage(options) {\n const resource = options.resource;\n const flipY = options.flipY;\n const skipColorSpaceConversion = options.skipColorSpaceConversion;\n const preferImageBitmap = options.preferImageBitmap;\n const request = resource.request;\n request.url = resource.url;\n request.requestFunction = function() {\n let crossOrigin = false;\n // data URIs can't have crossorigin set.\n if (!resource.isDataUri && !resource.isBlobUri) crossOrigin = resource.isCrossOriginUrl;\n const deferred = (0, $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.createImage(request, crossOrigin, deferred, flipY, skipColorSpaceConversion, preferImageBitmap);\n return deferred.promise;\n };\n const promise = (0, $e92abbd1ca5229e9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).request(request);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(promise)) return;\n return promise.catch(function(e) {\n // Don't retry cancelled or otherwise aborted requests\n if (request.state !== (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).FAILED) return Promise.reject(e);\n return resource.retryOnError(e).then(function(retry) {\n if (retry) {\n // Reset request so it can try again\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED;\n request.deferred = undefined;\n return $a825789b92016078$var$fetchImage({\n resource: resource,\n flipY: flipY,\n skipColorSpaceConversion: skipColorSpaceConversion,\n preferImageBitmap: preferImageBitmap\n });\n }\n return Promise.reject(e);\n });\n });\n}\n/**\n * Creates a Resource and calls fetchImage() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {boolean} [options.flipY=false] Whether to vertically flip the image during fetch and decode. Only applies when requesting an image and the browser supports createImageBitmap
.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {boolean} [options.preferBlob=false] If true, we will load the image via a blob.\n * @param {boolean} [options.preferImageBitmap=false] If true, image will be decoded during fetch and an ImageBitmap
is returned.\n * @param {boolean} [options.skipColorSpaceConversion=false] If true, any custom gamma or color profiles in the image will be ignored. Only applies when requesting an image and the browser supports createImageBitmap
.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchImage = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchImage({\n flipY: options.flipY,\n skipColorSpaceConversion: options.skipColorSpaceConversion,\n preferBlob: options.preferBlob,\n preferImageBitmap: options.preferImageBitmap\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the given resource as text. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * a String once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n * @example\n * // load text from a URL, setting a custom header\n * const resource = new Resource({\n * url: '',\n * headers: {\n * 'X-Custom-Header' : 'some value'\n * }\n * });\n * resource.fetchText().then(function(text) {\n * // Do something with the text\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|XMLHttpRequest}\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchText = function() {\n return this.fetch({\n responseType: \"text\"\n });\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource and calls fetchText() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchText = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchText();\n};\n// note: */* below is */* but that ends the comment block early\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the given resource as JSON. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * a JSON object once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled. This function\n * adds 'Accept: application/json,*/*;q=0.01' to the request headers, if not\n * already specified.\n *\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.fetchJson().then(function(jsonData) {\n * // Do something with the JSON object\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchJson = function() {\n const promise = this.fetch({\n responseType: \"text\",\n headers: {\n Accept: \"application/json,*/*;q=0.01\"\n }\n });\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(promise)) return undefined;\n return promise.then(function(value) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(value)) return;\n return JSON.parse(value);\n });\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource and calls fetchJson() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchJson = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchJson();\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the given resource as XML. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * an XML Document once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // load XML from a URL, setting a custom header\n * Cesium.loadXML('', {\n * 'X-Custom-Header' : 'some value'\n * }).then(function(document) {\n * // Do something with the document\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|XMLHttpRequest}\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchXML = function() {\n return this.fetch({\n responseType: \"document\",\n overrideMimeType: \"text/xml\"\n });\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource and calls fetchXML() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchXML = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchXML();\n};\n/**\n * Requests a resource using JSONP.\n *\n * @param {string} [callbackParameterName='callback'] The callback parameter name that the server expects.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // load a data asynchronously\n * resource.fetchJsonp().then(function(data) {\n * // use the loaded data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetchJsonp = function(callbackParameterName) {\n callbackParameterName = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(callbackParameterName, \"callback\");\n $a825789b92016078$var$checkAndResetRequest(this.request);\n //generate a unique function name\n let functionName;\n do functionName = `loadJsonp${(0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).nextRandomNumber().toString().substring(2, 8)}`;\n while ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(window[functionName]));\n return $a825789b92016078$var$fetchJsonp(this, callbackParameterName, functionName);\n};\nfunction $a825789b92016078$var$fetchJsonp(resource, callbackParameterName, functionName) {\n const callbackQuery = {};\n callbackQuery[callbackParameterName] = functionName;\n resource.setQueryParameters(callbackQuery);\n const request = resource.request;\n const url = resource.url;\n request.url = url;\n request.requestFunction = function() {\n const deferred = (0, $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n //assign a function with that name in the global scope\n window[functionName] = function(data) {\n deferred.resolve(data);\n try {\n delete window[functionName];\n } catch (e) {\n window[functionName] = undefined;\n }\n };\n $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadAndExecuteScript(url, functionName, deferred);\n return deferred.promise;\n };\n const promise = (0, $e92abbd1ca5229e9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).request(request);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(promise)) return;\n return promise.catch(function(e) {\n if (request.state !== (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).FAILED) return Promise.reject(e);\n return resource.retryOnError(e).then(function(retry) {\n if (retry) {\n // Reset request so it can try again\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED;\n request.deferred = undefined;\n return $a825789b92016078$var$fetchJsonp(resource, callbackParameterName, functionName);\n }\n return Promise.reject(e);\n });\n });\n}\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls fetchJsonp() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.callbackParameterName='callback'] The callback parameter name that the server expects.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetchJsonp = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetchJsonp(options.callbackParameterName);\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype._makeRequest = function(options) {\n const resource = this;\n $a825789b92016078$var$checkAndResetRequest(resource.request);\n const request = resource.request;\n const url = resource.url;\n request.url = url;\n request.requestFunction = function() {\n const responseType = options.responseType;\n const headers = (0, $b03296475dc1d09c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.headers, resource.headers);\n const overrideMimeType = options.overrideMimeType;\n const method = options.method;\n const data =;\n const deferred = (0, $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n const xhr = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadWithXhr(url, responseType, method, data, headers, deferred, overrideMimeType);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr.abort)) request.cancelFunction = function() {\n xhr.abort();\n };\n return deferred.promise;\n };\n const promise = (0, $e92abbd1ca5229e9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).request(request);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(promise)) return;\n return promise.then(function(data) {\n // explicitly set to undefined to ensure GC of request response data. See #8843\n request.cancelFunction = undefined;\n return data;\n }).catch(function(e) {\n request.cancelFunction = undefined;\n if (request.state !== (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).FAILED) return Promise.reject(e);\n return resource.retryOnError(e).then(function(retry) {\n if (retry) {\n // Reset request so it can try again\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED;\n request.deferred = undefined;\n return resource.fetch(options);\n }\n return Promise.reject(e);\n });\n });\n};\n/**\n * Checks to make sure the Resource isn't already being requested.\n *\n * @param {Request} request The request to check.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $a825789b92016078$var$checkAndResetRequest(request) {\n if (request.state === (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ISSUED || request.state === (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ACTIVE) throw new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"The Resource is already being fetched.\");\n request.state = (0, $cb3f5b0eda324a94$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNISSUED;\n request.deferred = undefined;\n}\nconst $a825789b92016078$var$dataUriRegex = /^data:(.*?)(;base64)?,(.*)$/;\nfunction $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriText(isBase64, data) {\n const result = decodeURIComponent(data);\n if (isBase64) return atob(result);\n return result;\n}\nfunction $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriArrayBuffer(isBase64, data) {\n const byteString = $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriText(isBase64, data);\n const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(byteString.length);\n const view = new Uint8Array(buffer);\n for(let i = 0; i < byteString.length; i++)view[i] = byteString.charCodeAt(i);\n return buffer;\n}\nfunction $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUri(dataUriRegexResult, responseType) {\n responseType = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(responseType, \"\");\n const mimeType = dataUriRegexResult[1];\n const isBase64 = !!dataUriRegexResult[2];\n const data = dataUriRegexResult[3];\n let buffer;\n let parser;\n switch(responseType){\n case \"\":\n case \"text\":\n return $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriText(isBase64, data);\n case \"arraybuffer\":\n return $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriArrayBuffer(isBase64, data);\n case \"blob\":\n buffer = $a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriArrayBuffer(isBase64, data);\n return new Blob([\n buffer\n ], {\n type: mimeType\n });\n case \"document\":\n parser = new DOMParser();\n return parser.parseFromString($a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriText(isBase64, data), mimeType);\n case \"json\":\n return JSON.parse($a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUriText(isBase64, data));\n default:\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Unhandled responseType: ${responseType}`);\n }\n}\n/**\n * Asynchronously loads the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled. It's recommended that you use\n * the more specific functions eg. fetchJson, fetchBlob, etc.\n *\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.fetch()\n * .then(function(body) {\n * // use the data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.fetch = function(options) {\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"GET\";\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls fetch() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.fetch = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.fetch({\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to fetch\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously deletes the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.delete()\n * .then(function(body) {\n * // use the data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.delete = function(options) {\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"DELETE\";\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls delete() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [] Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.delete = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.delete({\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to fetch\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType,\n data:\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously gets headers the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.head()\n * .then(function(headers) {\n * // use the data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.head = function(options) {\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"HEAD\";\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls head() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.head = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.head({\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to fetch\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously gets options the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.options()\n * .then(function(headers) {\n * // use the data\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.options = function(options) {\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"OPTIONS\";\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls options() on it.\n *\n * @param {string|object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.options = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.options({\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to fetch\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously posts data to the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} data Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {object} [] Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n *\n * .then(function(result) {\n * // use the result\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$ = function(data, options) {\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"data\", data);\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"POST\";\n = data;\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls post() on it.\n *\n * @param {object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$ = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return, {\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to post\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously puts data to the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} data Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.put(data)\n * .then(function(result) {\n * // use the result\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.put = function(data, options) {\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"data\", data);\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"PUT\";\n = data;\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls put() on it.\n *\n * @param {object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.put = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.put(, {\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to post\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously patches data to the given resource. Returns a promise that will resolve to\n * the result once loaded, or reject if the resource failed to load. The data is loaded\n * using XMLHttpRequest, which means that in order to make requests to another origin,\n * the server must have Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) headers enabled.\n *\n * @param {object} data Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {object} [options.headers] Additional HTTP headers to send with the request, if any.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * resource.patch(data)\n * .then(function(result) {\n * // use the result\n * }).catch(function(error) {\n * // an error occurred\n * });\n *\n * @see {@link|Cross-Origin Resource Sharing}\n * @see {@link|CommonJS Promises/A}\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.prototype.patch = function(data, options) {\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"data\", data);\n options = $a825789b92016078$var$defaultClone(options, {});\n options.method = \"PATCH\";\n = data;\n return this._makeRequest(options);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a Resource from a URL and calls patch() on it.\n *\n * @param {object} options A url or an object with the following properties\n * @param {string} options.url The url of the resource.\n * @param {object} Data that is posted with the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.queryParameters] An object containing query parameters that will be sent when retrieving the resource.\n * @param {object} [options.templateValues] Key/Value pairs that are used to replace template values (eg. {x}).\n * @param {object} [options.headers={}] Additional HTTP headers that will be sent.\n * @param {Proxy} [options.proxy] A proxy to be used when loading the resource.\n * @param {Resource.RetryCallback} [options.retryCallback] The Function to call when a request for this resource fails. If it returns true, the request will be retried.\n * @param {number} [options.retryAttempts=0] The number of times the retryCallback should be called before giving up.\n * @param {Request} [options.request] A Request object that will be used. Intended for internal use only.\n * @param {string} [options.responseType] The type of response. This controls the type of item returned.\n * @param {string} [options.overrideMimeType] Overrides the MIME type returned by the server.\n * @returns {Promise|undefined} a promise that will resolve to the requested data when loaded. Returns undefined if request.throttle
is true and the request does not have high enough priority.\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.patch = function(options) {\n const resource = new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource(options);\n return resource.patch(, {\n // Make copy of just the needed fields because headers can be passed to both the constructor and to post\n responseType: options.responseType,\n overrideMimeType: options.overrideMimeType\n });\n};\n/**\n * Contains implementations of functions that can be replaced for testing\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations = {};\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadImageElement = function(url, crossOrigin, deferred) {\n const image = new Image();\n image.onload = function() {\n // work-around a known issue with Firefox and dimensionless SVG, see:\n // -\n // -\n if (image.naturalWidth === 0 && image.naturalHeight === 0 && image.width === 0 && image.height === 0) {\n // these values affect rasterization and will likely mar the content\n // until Firefox takes a stance on the issue, marred content is better than no content\n // Chromium uses a more refined heuristic about its choice given nil viewBox, and a better stance and solution is\n // proposed later in the original issue thread:\n // - Chromium behavior:\n // - Cesium's stance/solve:\n image.width = 300;\n image.height = 150;\n }\n deferred.resolve(image);\n };\n image.onerror = function(e) {\n deferred.reject(e);\n };\n if (crossOrigin) {\n if ((0, $3d553cf32903d8d6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).contains(url)) image.crossOrigin = \"use-credentials\";\n else image.crossOrigin = \"\";\n }\n image.src = url;\n};\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.createImage = function(request, crossOrigin, deferred, flipY, skipColorSpaceConversion, preferImageBitmap) {\n const url = request.url;\n // Passing an Image to createImageBitmap will force it to run on the main thread\n // since DOM elements don't exist on workers. We convert it to a blob so it's non-blocking.\n // See:\n //\n //\n $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.supportsImageBitmapOptions().then(function(supportsImageBitmap) {\n // We can only use ImageBitmap if we can flip on decode.\n // See:\n if (!(supportsImageBitmap && preferImageBitmap)) {\n $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadImageElement(url, crossOrigin, deferred);\n return;\n }\n const responseType = \"blob\";\n const method = \"GET\";\n const xhrDeferred = (0, $a3f5d19ee5159cfb$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n const xhr = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadWithXhr(url, responseType, method, undefined, undefined, xhrDeferred, undefined, undefined, undefined);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr.abort)) request.cancelFunction = function() {\n xhr.abort();\n };\n return xhrDeferred.promise.then(function(blob) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(blob)) {\n deferred.reject(new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Successfully retrieved ${url} but it contained no content.`));\n return;\n }\n return $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.createImageBitmapFromBlob(blob, {\n flipY: flipY,\n premultiplyAlpha: false,\n skipColorSpaceConversion: skipColorSpaceConversion\n });\n }).then(function(image) {\n deferred.resolve(image);\n });\n }).catch(function(e) {\n deferred.reject(e);\n });\n};\n/**\n * Wrapper for createImageBitmap\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.createImageBitmapFromBlob = function(blob, options) {\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"options\", options);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.bool(\"options.flipY\", options.flipY);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.bool(\"options.premultiplyAlpha\", options.premultiplyAlpha);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.bool(\"options.skipColorSpaceConversion\", options.skipColorSpaceConversion);\n return createImageBitmap(blob, {\n imageOrientation: options.flipY ? \"flipY\" : \"none\",\n premultiplyAlpha: options.premultiplyAlpha ? \"premultiply\" : \"none\",\n colorSpaceConversion: options.skipColorSpaceConversion ? \"none\" : \"default\"\n });\n};\nfunction $a825789b92016078$var$decodeResponse(loadWithHttpResponse, responseType) {\n switch(responseType){\n case \"text\":\n return loadWithHttpResponse.toString(\"utf8\");\n case \"json\":\n return JSON.parse(loadWithHttpResponse.toString(\"utf8\"));\n default:\n return new Uint8Array(loadWithHttpResponse).buffer;\n }\n}\n\n\n\n\nfunction $a825789b92016078$var$loadWithHttpRequest(url, responseType, method, data, headers, deferred, overrideMimeType) {\n // Note: only the 'json' and 'text' responseTypes transforms the loaded buffer\n let URL;\n let zlib;\n Promise.all([\n Promise.resolve((parcelRequire(\"kjyEk\"))),\n Promise.resolve((parcelRequire(\"kjyEk\")))\n ]).then(([urlImport, zlibImport])=>{\n URL = urlImport.parse(url);\n zlib = zlibImport;\n return URL.protocol === \"https:\" ? Promise.resolve((parcelRequire(\"kjyEk\"))) : Promise.resolve((parcelRequire(\"kjyEk\")));\n }).then((http)=>{\n const options = {\n protocol: URL.protocol,\n hostname: URL.hostname,\n port: URL.port,\n path: URL.path,\n query: URL.query,\n method: method,\n headers: headers\n };\n http.request(options).on(\"response\", function(res) {\n if (res.statusCode < 200 || res.statusCode >= 300) {\n deferred.reject(new (0, $c77b85ff93281bd0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(res.statusCode, res, res.headers));\n return;\n }\n const chunkArray = [];\n res.on(\"data\", function(chunk) {\n chunkArray.push(chunk);\n });\n res.on(\"end\", function() {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n const result = $a825789b92016078$require$Buffer.concat(chunkArray);\n if (res.headers[\"content-encoding\"] === \"gzip\") zlib.gunzip(result, function(error, resultUnzipped) {\n if (error) deferred.reject(new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Error decompressing response.\"));\n else deferred.resolve($a825789b92016078$var$decodeResponse(resultUnzipped, responseType));\n });\n else deferred.resolve($a825789b92016078$var$decodeResponse(result, responseType));\n });\n }).on(\"error\", function(e) {\n deferred.reject(new (0, $c77b85ff93281bd0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)());\n }).end();\n });\n}\nconst $a825789b92016078$var$noXMLHttpRequest = typeof XMLHttpRequest === \"undefined\";\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadWithXhr = function(url, responseType, method, data, headers, deferred, overrideMimeType) {\n const dataUriRegexResult = $a825789b92016078$var$dataUriRegex.exec(url);\n if (dataUriRegexResult !== null) {\n deferred.resolve($a825789b92016078$var$decodeDataUri(dataUriRegexResult, responseType));\n return;\n }\n if ($a825789b92016078$var$noXMLHttpRequest) {\n $a825789b92016078$var$loadWithHttpRequest(url, responseType, method, data, headers, deferred, overrideMimeType);\n return;\n }\n const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();\n if ((0, $3d553cf32903d8d6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).contains(url)) xhr.withCredentials = true;\n, url, true);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(overrideMimeType) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr.overrideMimeType)) xhr.overrideMimeType(overrideMimeType);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(headers)) {\n for(const key in headers)if (headers.hasOwnProperty(key)) xhr.setRequestHeader(key, headers[key]);\n }\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(responseType)) xhr.responseType = responseType;\n // While non-standard, file protocol always returns a status of 0 on success\n let localFile = false;\n if (typeof url === \"string\") localFile = url.indexOf(\"file://\") === 0 || typeof window !== \"undefined\" && window.location.origin === \"file://\";\n xhr.onload = function() {\n if ((xhr.status < 200 || xhr.status >= 300) && !(localFile && xhr.status === 0)) {\n deferred.reject(new (0, $c77b85ff93281bd0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr.status, xhr.response, xhr.getAllResponseHeaders()));\n return;\n }\n const response = xhr.response;\n const browserResponseType = xhr.responseType;\n if (method === \"HEAD\" || method === \"OPTIONS\") {\n const responseHeaderString = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders();\n const splitHeaders = responseHeaderString.trim().split(/[\\r\\n]+/);\n const responseHeaders = {};\n splitHeaders.forEach(function(line) {\n const parts = line.split(\": \");\n const header = parts.shift();\n responseHeaders[header] = parts.join(\": \");\n });\n deferred.resolve(responseHeaders);\n return;\n }\n //All modern browsers will go into either the first or second if block or last else block.\n //Other code paths support older browsers that either do not support the supplied responseType\n //or do not support the xhr.response property.\n if (xhr.status === 204) // accept no content\n deferred.resolve();\n else if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(response) && (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(responseType) || browserResponseType === responseType)) deferred.resolve(response);\n else if (responseType === \"json\" && typeof response === \"string\") try {\n deferred.resolve(JSON.parse(response));\n } catch (e) {\n deferred.reject(e);\n }\n else if ((browserResponseType === \"\" || browserResponseType === \"document\") && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr.responseXML) && xhr.responseXML.hasChildNodes()) deferred.resolve(xhr.responseXML);\n else if ((browserResponseType === \"\" || browserResponseType === \"text\") && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xhr.responseText)) deferred.resolve(xhr.responseText);\n else deferred.reject(new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Invalid XMLHttpRequest response type.\"));\n };\n xhr.onerror = function(e) {\n deferred.reject(new (0, $c77b85ff93281bd0$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)());\n };\n xhr.send(data);\n return xhr;\n};\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadAndExecuteScript = function(url, functionName, deferred) {\n return (0, $7d7296ec5489b457$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(url, functionName).catch(function(e) {\n deferred.reject(e);\n });\n};\n/**\n * The default implementations\n *\n * @private\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._DefaultImplementations = {};\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._DefaultImplementations.createImage = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.createImage;\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._DefaultImplementations.loadWithXhr = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadWithXhr;\n$a825789b92016078$var$Resource._DefaultImplementations.loadAndExecuteScript = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource._Implementations.loadAndExecuteScript;\n/**\n * A resource instance initialized to the current browser location\n *\n * @type {Resource}\n * @constant\n */ $a825789b92016078$var$Resource.DEFAULT = Object.freeze(new $a825789b92016078$var$Resource({\n url: typeof document === \"undefined\" ? \"\" : document.location.href.split(\"?\")[0]\n}));\nvar /**\n * A function that returns the value of the property.\n * @callback Resource.RetryCallback\n *\n * @param {Resource} [resource] The resource that failed to load.\n * @param {RequestErrorEvent} [error] The error that occurred during the loading of the resource.\n * @returns {boolean|Promise} If true or a promise that resolved to true, the resource will be retried. Otherwise the failure will be returned.\n */ $a825789b92016078$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $a825789b92016078$var$Resource;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * Specifies Earth polar motion coordinates and the difference between UT1 and UTC.\n * These Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) are primarily used in the transformation from\n * the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) to the International Terrestrial\n * Reference Frame (ITRF).\n * This object is normally not instantiated directly, use {@link EarthOrientationParameters.fromUrl}.\n *\n * @alias EarthOrientationParameters\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {object} [] The actual EOP data. If neither this\n * parameter nor is specified, all EOP values are assumed\n * to be 0.0.\n * @param {boolean} [options.addNewLeapSeconds=true] True if leap seconds that\n * are specified in the EOP data but not in {@link JulianDate.leapSeconds}\n * should be added to {@link JulianDate.leapSeconds}. False if\n * new leap seconds should be handled correctly in the context\n * of the EOP data but otherwise ignored.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$EarthOrientationParameters(options) {\n options = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n this._dates = undefined;\n this._samples = undefined;\n this._dateColumn = -1;\n this._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn = -1;\n this._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn = -1;\n this._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn = -1;\n this._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = -1;\n this._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = -1;\n this._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn = -1;\n this._columnCount = 0;\n this._lastIndex = -1;\n this._addNewLeapSeconds = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.addNewLeapSeconds, true);\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)( // Use supplied EOP data.\n $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$onDataReady(this,;\n else // Use all zeros for EOP data.\n $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$onDataReady(this, {\n columnNames: [\n \"dateIso8601\",\n \"modifiedJulianDateUtc\",\n \"xPoleWanderRadians\",\n \"yPoleWanderRadians\",\n \"ut1MinusUtcSeconds\",\n \"lengthOfDayCorrectionSeconds\",\n \"xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians\",\n \"yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians\",\n \"taiMinusUtcSeconds\"\n ],\n samples: []\n });\n}\n/**\n *\n * @param {Resource|string} [url] The URL from which to obtain EOP data. If neither this\n * parameter nor is specified, all EOP values are assumed\n * to be 0.0. If is specified, this parameter is\n * ignored.\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {boolean} [options.addNewLeapSeconds=true] True if leap seconds that\n * are specified in the EOP data but not in {@link JulianDate.leapSeconds}\n * should be added to {@link JulianDate.leapSeconds}. False if\n * new leap seconds should be handled correctly in the context\n * of the EOP data but otherwise ignored.\n *\n * @example\n * // An example EOP data file, EOP.json:\n * {\n * \"columnNames\" : [\"dateIso8601\",\"modifiedJulianDateUtc\",\"xPoleWanderRadians\",\"yPoleWanderRadians\",\"ut1MinusUtcSeconds\",\"lengthOfDayCorrectionSeconds\",\"xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians\",\"yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians\",\"taiMinusUtcSeconds\"],\n * \"samples\" : [\n * \"2011-07-01T00:00:00Z\",55743.0,2.117957047295119e-7,2.111518721609984e-6,-0.2908948,-2.956e-4,3.393695767766752e-11,3.3452143996557983e-10,34.0,\n * \"2011-07-02T00:00:00Z\",55744.0,2.193297093339541e-7,2.115460256837405e-6,-0.29065,-1.824e-4,-8.241832578862112e-11,5.623838700870617e-10,34.0,\n * \"2011-07-03T00:00:00Z\",55745.0,2.262286080161428e-7,2.1191157519929706e-6,-0.2905572,1.9e-6,-3.490658503988659e-10,6.981317007977318e-10,34.0\n * ]\n * }\n *\n * @example\n * // Loading the EOP data\n * const eop = await Cesium.EarthOrientationParameters.fromUrl('Data/EOP.json');\n * Cesium.Transforms.earthOrientationParameters = eop;\n */ $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$EarthOrientationParameters.fromUrl = async function(url, options) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"url\", url);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n options = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n const resource = (0, $a825789b92016078$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).createIfNeeded(url);\n // Download EOP data.\n let eopData;\n try {\n eopData = await resource.fetchJson();\n } catch (e) {\n throw new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`An error occurred while retrieving the EOP data from the URL ${resource.url}.`);\n }\n return new $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$EarthOrientationParameters({\n addNewLeapSeconds: options.addNewLeapSeconds,\n data: eopData\n });\n};\n/**\n * A default {@link EarthOrientationParameters} instance that returns zero for all EOP values.\n */ $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$EarthOrientationParameters.NONE = Object.freeze({\n compute: function(date, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $c6bc344ed2a8d712$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n else {\n result.xPoleWander = 0.0;\n result.yPoleWander = 0.0;\n result.xPoleOffset = 0.0;\n result.yPoleOffset = 0.0;\n result.ut1MinusUtc = 0.0;\n }\n return result;\n }\n});\n/**\n * Computes the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) for a given date by interpolating.\n * If the EOP data has not yet been download, this method returns undefined.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} date The date for each to evaluate the EOP.\n * @param {EarthOrientationParametersSample} [result] The instance to which to copy the result.\n * If this parameter is undefined, a new instance is created and returned.\n * @returns {EarthOrientationParametersSample} The EOP evaluated at the given date, or\n * undefined if the data necessary to evaluate EOP at the date has not yet been\n * downloaded.\n *\n * @exception {RuntimeError} The loaded EOP data has an error and cannot be used.\n *\n * @see EarthOrientationParameters#fromUrl\n */ $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$EarthOrientationParameters.prototype.compute = function(date, result) {\n // We cannot compute until the samples are available.\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._samples)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $c6bc344ed2a8d712$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n if (this._samples.length === 0) {\n result.xPoleWander = 0.0;\n result.yPoleWander = 0.0;\n result.xPoleOffset = 0.0;\n result.yPoleOffset = 0.0;\n result.ut1MinusUtc = 0.0;\n return result;\n }\n const dates = this._dates;\n const lastIndex = this._lastIndex;\n let before = 0;\n let after = 0;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(lastIndex)) {\n const previousIndexDate = dates[lastIndex];\n const nextIndexDate = dates[lastIndex + 1];\n const isAfterPrevious = (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).lessThanOrEquals(previousIndexDate, date);\n const isAfterLastSample = !(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(nextIndexDate);\n const isBeforeNext = isAfterLastSample || (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).greaterThanOrEquals(nextIndexDate, date);\n if (isAfterPrevious && isBeforeNext) {\n before = lastIndex;\n if (!isAfterLastSample && nextIndexDate.equals(date)) ++before;\n after = before + 1;\n $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$interpolate(this, dates, this._samples, date, before, after, result);\n return result;\n }\n }\n let index = (0, $3c02e867661a47f1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(dates, date, (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).compare, this._dateColumn);\n if (index >= 0) {\n // If the next entry is the same date, use the later entry. This way, if two entries\n // describe the same moment, one before a leap second and the other after, then we will use\n // the post-leap second data.\n if (index < dates.length - 1 && dates[index + 1].equals(date)) ++index;\n before = index;\n after = index;\n } else {\n after = ~index;\n before = after - 1;\n // Use the first entry if the date requested is before the beginning of the data.\n if (before < 0) before = 0;\n }\n this._lastIndex = before;\n $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$interpolate(this, dates, this._samples, date, before, after, result);\n return result;\n};\nfunction $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$compareLeapSecondDates(leapSecond, dateToFind) {\n return (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).compare(leapSecond.julianDate, dateToFind);\n}\nfunction $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$onDataReady(eop, eopData) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(eopData.columnNames)) throw new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Error in loaded EOP data: The columnNames property is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(eopData.samples)) throw new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Error in loaded EOP data: The samples property is required.\");\n const dateColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"modifiedJulianDateUtc\");\n const xPoleWanderRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"xPoleWanderRadians\");\n const yPoleWanderRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"yPoleWanderRadians\");\n const ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"ut1MinusUtcSeconds\");\n const xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians\");\n const yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians\");\n const taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn = eopData.columnNames.indexOf(\"taiMinusUtcSeconds\");\n if (dateColumn < 0 || xPoleWanderRadiansColumn < 0 || yPoleWanderRadiansColumn < 0 || ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn < 0 || xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn < 0 || yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn < 0 || taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn < 0) throw new (0, $e06ba60060738bd3$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Error in loaded EOP data: The columnNames property must include modifiedJulianDateUtc, xPoleWanderRadians, yPoleWanderRadians, ut1MinusUtcSeconds, xCelestialPoleOffsetRadians, yCelestialPoleOffsetRadians, and taiMinusUtcSeconds columns\");\n const samples = eop._samples = eopData.samples;\n const dates = eop._dates = [];\n eop._dateColumn = dateColumn;\n eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn = xPoleWanderRadiansColumn;\n eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn = yPoleWanderRadiansColumn;\n eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn = ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn;\n eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn;\n eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn = yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn;\n eop._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn = taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn;\n eop._columnCount = eopData.columnNames.length;\n eop._lastIndex = undefined;\n let lastTaiMinusUtc;\n const addNewLeapSeconds = eop._addNewLeapSeconds;\n // Convert the ISO8601 dates to JulianDates.\n for(let i = 0, len = samples.length; i < len; i += eop._columnCount){\n const mjd = samples[i + dateColumn];\n const taiMinusUtc = samples[i + taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn];\n const day = mjd + (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).MODIFIED_JULIAN_DATE_DIFFERENCE;\n const date = new (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(day, taiMinusUtc, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI);\n dates.push(date);\n if (addNewLeapSeconds) {\n if (taiMinusUtc !== lastTaiMinusUtc && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(lastTaiMinusUtc)) {\n // We crossed a leap second boundary, so add the leap second\n // if it does not already exist.\n const leapSeconds = (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).leapSeconds;\n const leapSecondIndex = (0, $3c02e867661a47f1$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(leapSeconds, date, $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$compareLeapSecondDates);\n if (leapSecondIndex < 0) {\n const leapSecond = new (0, $eb09697204b30d0b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(date, taiMinusUtc);\n leapSeconds.splice(~leapSecondIndex, 0, leapSecond);\n }\n }\n lastTaiMinusUtc = taiMinusUtc;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$fillResultFromIndex(eop, samples, index, columnCount, result) {\n const start = index * columnCount;\n result.xPoleWander = samples[start + eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn];\n result.yPoleWander = samples[start + eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn];\n result.xPoleOffset = samples[start + eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn];\n result.yPoleOffset = samples[start + eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn];\n result.ut1MinusUtc = samples[start + eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn];\n}\nfunction $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$linearInterp(dx, y1, y2) {\n return y1 + dx * (y2 - y1);\n}\nfunction $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$interpolate(eop, dates, samples, date, before, after, result) {\n const columnCount = eop._columnCount;\n // First check the bounds on the EOP data\n // If we are after the bounds of the data, return zeros.\n // The 'before' index should never be less than zero.\n if (after > dates.length - 1) {\n result.xPoleWander = 0;\n result.yPoleWander = 0;\n result.xPoleOffset = 0;\n result.yPoleOffset = 0;\n result.ut1MinusUtc = 0;\n return result;\n }\n const beforeDate = dates[before];\n const afterDate = dates[after];\n if (beforeDate.equals(afterDate) || date.equals(beforeDate)) {\n $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$fillResultFromIndex(eop, samples, before, columnCount, result);\n return result;\n } else if (date.equals(afterDate)) {\n $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$fillResultFromIndex(eop, samples, after, columnCount, result);\n return result;\n }\n const factor = (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).secondsDifference(date, beforeDate) / (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).secondsDifference(afterDate, beforeDate);\n const startBefore = before * columnCount;\n const startAfter = after * columnCount;\n // Handle UT1 leap second edge case\n let beforeUt1MinusUtc = samples[startBefore + eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn];\n let afterUt1MinusUtc = samples[startAfter + eop._ut1MinusUtcSecondsColumn];\n const offsetDifference = afterUt1MinusUtc - beforeUt1MinusUtc;\n if (offsetDifference > 0.5 || offsetDifference < -0.5) {\n // The absolute difference between the values is more than 0.5, so we may have\n // crossed a leap second. Check if this is the case and, if so, adjust the\n // afterValue to account for the leap second. This way, our interpolation will\n // produce reasonable results.\n const beforeTaiMinusUtc = samples[startBefore + eop._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn];\n const afterTaiMinusUtc = samples[startAfter + eop._taiMinusUtcSecondsColumn];\n if (beforeTaiMinusUtc !== afterTaiMinusUtc) {\n if (afterDate.equals(date)) // If we are at the end of the leap second interval, take the second value\n // Otherwise, the interpolation below will yield the wrong side of the\n // discontinuity\n // At the end of the leap second, we need to start accounting for the jump\n beforeUt1MinusUtc = afterUt1MinusUtc;\n else // Otherwise, remove the leap second so that the interpolation is correct\n afterUt1MinusUtc -= afterTaiMinusUtc - beforeTaiMinusUtc;\n }\n }\n result.xPoleWander = $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._xPoleWanderRadiansColumn]);\n result.yPoleWander = $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._yPoleWanderRadiansColumn]);\n result.xPoleOffset = $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._xCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn]);\n result.yPoleOffset = $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$linearInterp(factor, samples[startBefore + eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn], samples[startAfter + eop._yCelestialPoleOffsetRadiansColumn]);\n result.ut1MinusUtc = $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$linearInterp(factor, beforeUt1MinusUtc, afterUt1MinusUtc);\n return result;\n}\nvar $5b576fbba5e3b788$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $5b576fbba5e3b788$var$EarthOrientationParameters;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nfunction $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$initialize(ellipsoid, x, y, z) {\n x = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x, 0.0);\n y = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(y, 0.0);\n z = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(z, 0.0);\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"x\", x, 0.0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"y\", y, 0.0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThanOrEquals(\"z\", z, 0.0);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n ellipsoid._radii = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x, y, z);\n ellipsoid._radiiSquared = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x * x, y * y, z * z);\n ellipsoid._radiiToTheFourth = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x * x * x * x, y * y * y * y, z * z * z * z);\n ellipsoid._oneOverRadii = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x === 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / x, y === 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / y, z === 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / z);\n ellipsoid._oneOverRadiiSquared = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x === 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / (x * x), y === 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / (y * y), z === 0.0 ? 0.0 : 1.0 / (z * z));\n ellipsoid._minimumRadius = Math.min(x, y, z);\n ellipsoid._maximumRadius = Math.max(x, y, z);\n ellipsoid._centerToleranceSquared = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON1;\n if (ellipsoid._radiiSquared.z !== 0) ellipsoid._squaredXOverSquaredZ = ellipsoid._radiiSquared.x / ellipsoid._radiiSquared.z;\n}\n/**\n * A quadratic surface defined in Cartesian coordinates by the equation\n * (x / a)^2 + (y / b)^2 + (z / c)^2 = 1
. Primarily used\n * by Cesium to represent the shape of planetary bodies.\n *\n * Rather than constructing this object directly, one of the provided\n * constants is normally used.\n * @alias Ellipsoid\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [x=0] The radius in the x direction.\n * @param {number} [y=0] The radius in the y direction.\n * @param {number} [z=0] The radius in the z direction.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} All radii components must be greater than or equal to zero.\n *\n * @see Ellipsoid.fromCartesian3\n * @see Ellipsoid.WGS84\n * @see Ellipsoid.UNIT_SPHERE\n */ function $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid(x, y, z) {\n this._radii = undefined;\n this._radiiSquared = undefined;\n this._radiiToTheFourth = undefined;\n this._oneOverRadii = undefined;\n this._oneOverRadiiSquared = undefined;\n this._minimumRadius = undefined;\n this._maximumRadius = undefined;\n this._centerToleranceSquared = undefined;\n this._squaredXOverSquaredZ = undefined;\n $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$initialize(this, x, y, z);\n}\nObject.defineProperties($a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype, {\n /**\n * Gets the radii of the ellipsoid.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @readonly\n */ radii: {\n get: function() {\n return this._radii;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets the squared radii of the ellipsoid.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @readonly\n */ radiiSquared: {\n get: function() {\n return this._radiiSquared;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets the radii of the ellipsoid raise to the fourth power.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @readonly\n */ radiiToTheFourth: {\n get: function() {\n return this._radiiToTheFourth;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets one over the radii of the ellipsoid.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @readonly\n */ oneOverRadii: {\n get: function() {\n return this._oneOverRadii;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets one over the squared radii of the ellipsoid.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {Cartesian3}\n * @readonly\n */ oneOverRadiiSquared: {\n get: function() {\n return this._oneOverRadiiSquared;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets the minimum radius of the ellipsoid.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {number}\n * @readonly\n */ minimumRadius: {\n get: function() {\n return this._minimumRadius;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Gets the maximum radius of the ellipsoid.\n * @memberof Ellipsoid.prototype\n * @type {number}\n * @readonly\n */ maximumRadius: {\n get: function() {\n return this._maximumRadius;\n }\n }\n});\n/**\n * Duplicates an Ellipsoid instance.\n *\n * @param {Ellipsoid} ellipsoid The ellipsoid to duplicate.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [result] The object onto which to store the result, or undefined if a new\n * instance should be created.\n * @returns {Ellipsoid} The cloned Ellipsoid. (Returns undefined if ellipsoid is undefined)\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.clone = function(ellipsoid, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid)) return undefined;\n const radii = ellipsoid._radii;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid(radii.x, radii.y, radii.z);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(radii, result._radii);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(ellipsoid._radiiSquared, result._radiiSquared);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(ellipsoid._radiiToTheFourth, result._radiiToTheFourth);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(ellipsoid._oneOverRadii, result._oneOverRadii);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(ellipsoid._oneOverRadiiSquared, result._oneOverRadiiSquared);\n result._minimumRadius = ellipsoid._minimumRadius;\n result._maximumRadius = ellipsoid._maximumRadius;\n result._centerToleranceSquared = ellipsoid._centerToleranceSquared;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes an Ellipsoid from a Cartesian specifying the radii in x, y, and z directions.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} [cartesian=Cartesian3.ZERO] The ellipsoid's radius in the x, y, and z directions.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [result] The object onto which to store the result, or undefined if a new\n * instance should be created.\n * @returns {Ellipsoid} A new Ellipsoid instance.\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} All radii components must be greater than or equal to zero.\n *\n * @see Ellipsoid.WGS84\n * @see Ellipsoid.UNIT_SPHERE\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.fromCartesian3 = function(cartesian, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid();\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian)) return result;\n $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$initialize(result, cartesian.x, cartesian.y, cartesian.z);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * An Ellipsoid instance initialized to the WGS84 standard.\n *\n * @type {Ellipsoid}\n * @constant\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.WGS84 = Object.freeze(new $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid(6378137.0, 6378137.0, 6356752.3142451793));\n/**\n * An Ellipsoid instance initialized to radii of (1.0, 1.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Ellipsoid}\n * @constant\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.UNIT_SPHERE = Object.freeze(new $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid(1.0, 1.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * An Ellipsoid instance initialized to a sphere with the lunar radius.\n *\n * @type {Ellipsoid}\n * @constant\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.MOON = Object.freeze(new $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid((0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).LUNAR_RADIUS, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).LUNAR_RADIUS, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).LUNAR_RADIUS));\n/**\n * Duplicates an Ellipsoid instance.\n *\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [result] The object onto which to store the result, or undefined if a new\n * instance should be created.\n * @returns {Ellipsoid} The cloned Ellipsoid.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.packedLength = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).packedLength;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Ellipsoid} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).pack(value._radii, array, startingIndex);\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Ellipsoid} The modified result parameter or a new Ellipsoid instance if one was not provided.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n const radii = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack(array, startingIndex);\n return $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.fromCartesian3(radii, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the unit vector directed from the center of this ellipsoid toward the provided Cartesian position.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian for which to to determine the geocentric normal.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.geocentricSurfaceNormal = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize;\n/**\n * Computes the normal of the plane tangent to the surface of the ellipsoid at the provided position.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} cartographic The cartographic position for which to to determine the geodetic normal.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.geodeticSurfaceNormalCartographic = function(cartographic, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartographic\", cartographic);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const longitude = cartographic.longitude;\n const latitude = cartographic.latitude;\n const cosLatitude = Math.cos(latitude);\n const x = cosLatitude * Math.cos(longitude);\n const y = cosLatitude * Math.sin(longitude);\n const z = Math.sin(latitude);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(result, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the normal of the plane tangent to the surface of the ellipsoid at the provided position.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian position for which to to determine the surface normal.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided, or undefined if a normal cannot be found.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.geodeticSurfaceNormal = function(cartesian, result) {\n if ((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(cartesian, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON14)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n result = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyComponents(cartesian, this._oneOverRadiiSquared, result);\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(result, result);\n};\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartographicToCartesianNormal = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartographicToCartesianK = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Converts the provided cartographic to Cartesian representation.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic} cartographic The cartographic position.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * //Create a Cartographic and determine it's Cartesian representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid.\n * const position = new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78), 5000);\n * const cartesianPosition = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicToCartesian(position);\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.cartographicToCartesian = function(cartographic, result) {\n //`cartographic is required` is thrown from geodeticSurfaceNormalCartographic.\n const n = $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartographicToCartesianNormal;\n const k = $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartographicToCartesianK;\n this.geodeticSurfaceNormalCartographic(cartographic, n);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyComponents(this._radiiSquared, n, k);\n const gamma = Math.sqrt((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).dot(n, k));\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).divideByScalar(k, gamma, k);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(n, cartographic.height, n);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).add(k, n, result);\n};\n/**\n * Converts the provided array of cartographics to an array of Cartesians.\n *\n * @param {Cartographic[]} cartographics An array of cartographic positions.\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3[]} The modified result parameter or a new Array instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * //Convert an array of Cartographics and determine their Cartesian representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid.\n * const positions = [new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78), 0),\n * new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21.321), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78.123), 100),\n * new Cesium.Cartographic(Cesium.Math.toRadians(21.645), Cesium.Math.toRadians(78.456), 250)];\n * const cartesianPositions = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartographicArrayToCartesianArray(positions);\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.cartographicArrayToCartesianArray = function(cartographics, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"cartographics\", cartographics);\n //>>includeEnd('debug')\n const length = cartographics.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length);\n else result.length = length;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; i++)result[i] = this.cartographicToCartesian(cartographics[i], result[i]);\n return result;\n};\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartesianToCartographicN = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartesianToCartographicP = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartesianToCartographicH = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Converts the provided cartesian to cartographic representation.\n * The cartesian is undefined at the center of the ellipsoid.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian position to convert to cartographic representation.\n * @param {Cartographic} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic} The modified result parameter, new Cartographic instance if none was provided, or undefined if the cartesian is at the center of the ellipsoid.\n *\n * @example\n * //Create a Cartesian and determine it's Cartographic representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid.\n * const position = new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.12, 83234.52, 952313.73);\n * const cartographicPosition = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianToCartographic(position);\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.cartesianToCartographic = function(cartesian, result) {\n //`cartesian is required.` is thrown from scaleToGeodeticSurface\n const p = this.scaleToGeodeticSurface(cartesian, $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartesianToCartographicP);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(p)) return undefined;\n const n = this.geodeticSurfaceNormal(p, $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartesianToCartographicN);\n const h = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).subtract(cartesian, p, $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$cartesianToCartographicH);\n const longitude = Math.atan2(n.y, n.x);\n const latitude = Math.asin(n.z);\n const height = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).sign((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).dot(h, cartesian)) * (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(h);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new (0, $e040e5b1d35c2bea$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(longitude, latitude, height);\n result.longitude = longitude;\n result.latitude = latitude;\n result.height = height;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Converts the provided array of cartesians to an array of cartographics.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3[]} cartesians An array of Cartesian positions.\n * @param {Cartographic[]} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartographic[]} The modified result parameter or a new Array instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * //Create an array of Cartesians and determine their Cartographic representation on a WGS84 ellipsoid.\n * const positions = [new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.12, 83234.52, 952313.73),\n * new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.13, 83234.53, 952313.73),\n * new Cesium.Cartesian3(17832.14, 83234.54, 952313.73)]\n * const cartographicPositions = Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84.cartesianArrayToCartographicArray(positions);\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.cartesianArrayToCartographicArray = function(cartesians, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"cartesians\", cartesians);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const length = cartesians.length;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new Array(length);\n else result.length = length;\n for(let i = 0; i < length; ++i)result[i] = this.cartesianToCartographic(cartesians[i], result[i]);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Scales the provided Cartesian position along the geodetic surface normal\n * so that it is on the surface of this ellipsoid. If the position is\n * at the center of the ellipsoid, this function returns undefined.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian position to scale.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter, a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided, or undefined if the position is at the center.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.scaleToGeodeticSurface = function(cartesian, result) {\n return (0, $3a2539b6c278a461$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cartesian, this._oneOverRadii, this._oneOverRadiiSquared, this._centerToleranceSquared, result);\n};\n/**\n * Scales the provided Cartesian position along the geocentric surface normal\n * so that it is on the surface of this ellipsoid.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The Cartesian position to scale.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian3 instance if none was provided.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.scaleToGeocentricSurface = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n const positionX = cartesian.x;\n const positionY = cartesian.y;\n const positionZ = cartesian.z;\n const oneOverRadiiSquared = this._oneOverRadiiSquared;\n const beta = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(positionX * positionX * oneOverRadiiSquared.x + positionY * positionY * oneOverRadiiSquared.y + positionZ * positionZ * oneOverRadiiSquared.z);\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(cartesian, beta, result);\n};\n/**\n * Transforms a Cartesian X, Y, Z position to the ellipsoid-scaled space by multiplying\n * its components by the result of {@link Ellipsoid#oneOverRadii}.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} position The position to transform.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The position to which to copy the result, or undefined to create and\n * return a new instance.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The position expressed in the scaled space. The returned instance is the\n * one passed as the result parameter if it is not undefined, or a new instance of it is.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.transformPositionToScaledSpace = function(position, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyComponents(position, this._oneOverRadii, result);\n};\n/**\n * Transforms a Cartesian X, Y, Z position from the ellipsoid-scaled space by multiplying\n * its components by the result of {@link Ellipsoid#radii}.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} position The position to transform.\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The position to which to copy the result, or undefined to create and\n * return a new instance.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The position expressed in the unscaled space. The returned instance is the\n * one passed as the result parameter if it is not undefined, or a new instance of it is.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.transformPositionFromScaledSpace = function(position, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyComponents(position, this._radii, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this Ellipsoid against the provided Ellipsoid componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [right] The other Ellipsoid.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return this === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equals(this._radii, right._radii);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this Ellipsoid in the format '(radii.x, radii.y, radii.z)'.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing this ellipsoid in the format '(radii.x, radii.y, radii.z)'.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.toString = function() {\n return this._radii.toString();\n};\n/**\n * Computes a point which is the intersection of the surface normal with the z-axis.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} position the position. must be on the surface of the ellipsoid.\n * @param {number} [buffer = 0.0] A buffer to subtract from the ellipsoid size when checking if the point is inside the ellipsoid.\n * In earth case, with common earth datums, there is no need for this buffer since the intersection point is always (relatively) very close to the center.\n * In WGS84 datum, intersection point is at max z = +-42841.31151331382 (0.673% of z-axis).\n * Intersection point could be outside the ellipsoid if the ratio of MajorAxis / AxisOfRotation is bigger than the square root of 2\n * @param {Cartesian3} [result] The cartesian to which to copy the result, or undefined to create and\n * return a new instance.\n * @returns {Cartesian3 | undefined} the intersection point if it's inside the ellipsoid, undefined otherwise\n *\n * @exception {DeveloperError} position is required.\n * @exception {DeveloperError} Ellipsoid must be an ellipsoid of revolution (radii.x == radii.y).\n * @exception {DeveloperError} Ellipsoid.radii.z must be greater than 0.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.getSurfaceNormalIntersectionWithZAxis = function(position, buffer, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"position\", position);\n if (!(0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(this._radii.x, this._radii.y, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON15)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Ellipsoid must be an ellipsoid of revolution (radii.x == radii.y)\");\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number.greaterThan(\"Ellipsoid.radii.z\", this._radii.z, 0);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n buffer = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(buffer, 0.0);\n const squaredXOverSquaredZ = this._squaredXOverSquaredZ;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n result.x = 0.0;\n result.y = 0.0;\n result.z = position.z * (1 - squaredXOverSquaredZ);\n if (Math.abs(result.z) >= this._radii.z - buffer) return undefined;\n return result;\n};\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$abscissas = [\n 0.14887433898163,\n 0.43339539412925,\n 0.67940956829902,\n 0.86506336668898,\n 0.97390652851717,\n 0.0\n];\nconst $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$weights = [\n 0.29552422471475,\n 0.26926671930999,\n 0.21908636251598,\n 0.14945134915058,\n 0.066671344308684,\n 0.0\n];\n/**\n * Compute the 10th order Gauss-Legendre Quadrature of the given definite integral.\n *\n * @param {number} a The lower bound for the integration.\n * @param {number} b The upper bound for the integration.\n * @param {Ellipsoid~RealValuedScalarFunction} func The function to integrate.\n * @returns {number} The value of the integral of the given function over the given domain.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$gaussLegendreQuadrature(a, b, func) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"a\", a);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"b\", b);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.func(\"func\", func);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n // The range is half of the normal range since the five weights add to one (ten weights add to two).\n // The values of the abscissas are multiplied by two to account for this.\n const xMean = 0.5 * (b + a);\n const xRange = 0.5 * (b - a);\n let sum = 0.0;\n for(let i = 0; i < 5; i++){\n const dx = xRange * $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$abscissas[i];\n sum += $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$weights[i] * (func(xMean + dx) + func(xMean - dx));\n }\n // Scale the sum to the range of x.\n sum *= xRange;\n return sum;\n}\n/**\n * A real valued scalar function.\n * @callback Ellipsoid~RealValuedScalarFunction\n *\n * @param {number} x The value used to evaluate the function.\n * @returns {number} The value of the function at x.\n *\n * @private\n */ /**\n * Computes an approximation of the surface area of a rectangle on the surface of an ellipsoid using\n * Gauss-Legendre 10th order quadrature.\n *\n * @param {Rectangle} rectangle The rectangle used for computing the surface area.\n * @returns {number} The approximate area of the rectangle on the surface of this ellipsoid.\n */ $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid.prototype.surfaceArea = function(rectangle) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"rectangle\", rectangle);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const minLongitude = rectangle.west;\n let maxLongitude = rectangle.east;\n const minLatitude = rectangle.south;\n const maxLatitude = rectangle.north;\n while(maxLongitude < minLongitude)maxLongitude += (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TWO_PI;\n const radiiSquared = this._radiiSquared;\n const a2 = radiiSquared.x;\n const b2 = radiiSquared.y;\n const c2 = radiiSquared.z;\n const a2b2 = a2 * b2;\n return $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$gaussLegendreQuadrature(minLatitude, maxLatitude, function(lat) {\n // phi represents the angle measured from the north pole\n // sin(phi) = sin(pi / 2 - lat) = cos(lat), cos(phi) is similar\n const sinPhi = Math.cos(lat);\n const cosPhi = Math.sin(lat);\n return Math.cos(lat) * $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$gaussLegendreQuadrature(minLongitude, maxLongitude, function(lon) {\n const cosTheta = Math.cos(lon);\n const sinTheta = Math.sin(lon);\n return Math.sqrt(a2b2 * cosPhi * cosPhi + c2 * (b2 * cosTheta * cosTheta + a2 * sinTheta * sinTheta) * sinPhi * sinPhi);\n });\n });\n};\nvar $a4f08fcd181f389e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $a4f08fcd181f389e$var$Ellipsoid;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A rotation expressed as a heading, pitch, and roll. Heading is the rotation about the\n * negative z axis. Pitch is the rotation about the negative y axis. Roll is the rotation about\n * the positive x axis.\n * @alias HeadingPitchRoll\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [heading=0.0] The heading component in radians.\n * @param {number} [pitch=0.0] The pitch component in radians.\n * @param {number} [roll=0.0] The roll component in radians.\n */ function $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll) {\n /**\n * Gets or sets the heading.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.heading = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(heading, 0.0);\n /**\n * Gets or sets the pitch.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.pitch = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(pitch, 0.0);\n /**\n * Gets or sets the roll.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.roll = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(roll, 0.0);\n}\n/**\n * Computes the heading, pitch and roll from a quaternion (see )\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion from which to retrieve heading, pitch, and roll, all expressed in radians.\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object in which to store the result. If not provided, a new instance is created and returned.\n * @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if one was not provided.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.fromQuaternion = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(quaternion)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"quaternion is required\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll();\n const test = 2 * (quaternion.w * quaternion.y - quaternion.z * quaternion.x);\n const denominatorRoll = 1 - 2 * (quaternion.x * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.y);\n const numeratorRoll = 2 * (quaternion.w * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.z);\n const denominatorHeading = 1 - 2 * (quaternion.y * quaternion.y + quaternion.z * quaternion.z);\n const numeratorHeading = 2 * (quaternion.w * quaternion.z + quaternion.x * quaternion.y);\n result.heading = -Math.atan2(numeratorHeading, denominatorHeading);\n result.roll = Math.atan2(numeratorRoll, denominatorRoll);\n result.pitch = -(0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).asinClamped(test);\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Returns a new HeadingPitchRoll instance from angles given in degrees.\n *\n * @param {number} heading the heading in degrees\n * @param {number} pitch the pitch in degrees\n * @param {number} roll the heading in degrees\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object in which to store the result. If not provided, a new instance is created and returned.\n * @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} A new HeadingPitchRoll instance\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.fromDegrees = function(heading, pitch, roll, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(heading)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"heading is required\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(pitch)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"pitch is required\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(roll)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"roll is required\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll();\n result.heading = heading * (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;\n result.pitch = pitch * (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;\n result.roll = roll * (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).RADIANS_PER_DEGREE;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a HeadingPitchRoll instance.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The HeadingPitchRoll to duplicate.\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if headingPitchRoll is undefined)\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.clone = function(headingPitchRoll, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(headingPitchRoll)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll(headingPitchRoll.heading, headingPitchRoll.pitch, headingPitchRoll.roll);\n result.heading = headingPitchRoll.heading;\n result.pitch = headingPitchRoll.pitch;\n result.roll = headingPitchRoll.roll;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided HeadingPitchRolls componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [left] The first HeadingPitchRoll.\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The second HeadingPitchRoll.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.heading === right.heading && left.pitch === right.pitch && left.roll === right.roll;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided HeadingPitchRolls componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [left] The first HeadingPitchRoll.\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The second HeadingPitchRoll.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.heading, right.heading, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.pitch, right.pitch, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(left.roll, right.roll, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates this HeadingPitchRoll instance.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if one was not provided.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this HeadingPitchRoll against the provided HeadingPitchRoll componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The right hand side HeadingPitchRoll.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this HeadingPitchRoll against the provided HeadingPitchRoll componentwise and returns\n * true
if they pass an absolute or relative tolerance test,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [right] The right hand side HeadingPitchRoll.\n * @param {number} [relativeEpsilon=0] The relative epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @param {number} [absoluteEpsilon=relativeEpsilon] The absolute epsilon tolerance to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if they are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon) {\n return $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.equalsEpsilon(this, right, relativeEpsilon, absoluteEpsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Creates a string representing this HeadingPitchRoll in the format '(heading, pitch, roll)' in radians.\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing the provided HeadingPitchRoll in the format '(heading, pitch, roll)'.\n */ $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this.heading}, ${this.pitch}, ${this.roll})`;\n};\nvar $0dd5d99d9f33241c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $0dd5d99d9f33241c$var$HeadingPitchRoll;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/*global CESIUM_BASE_URL,define,require*/ const $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$cesiumScriptRegex = /((?:.*\\/)|^)Cesium\\.js(?:\\?|\\#|$)/;\nfunction $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$getBaseUrlFromCesiumScript() {\n const scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(\"script\");\n for(let i = 0, len = scripts.length; i < len; ++i){\n const src = scripts[i].getAttribute(\"src\");\n const result = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$cesiumScriptRegex.exec(src);\n if (result !== null) return result[1];\n }\n return undefined;\n}\nlet $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a;\nfunction $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$tryMakeAbsolute(url) {\n if (typeof document === \"undefined\") //Node.js and Web Workers. In both cases, the URL will already be absolute.\n return url;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a)) $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a = document.createElement(\"a\");\n $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a.href = url;\n // IE only absolutizes href on get, not set\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-assign\n $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a.href = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a.href;\n return $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$a.href;\n}\nlet $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource;\nfunction $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$getCesiumBaseUrl() {\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource)) return $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource;\n let baseUrlString;\n if (typeof CESIUM_BASE_URL !== \"undefined\") baseUrlString = CESIUM_BASE_URL;\n else if (typeof define === \"object\" && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(define.amd) && !define.amd.toUrlUndefined && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(undefined)) baseUrlString = (0, $cb06eae585ff1af6$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"..\", $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl(\"Core/buildModuleUrl.js\"));\n else baseUrlString = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$getBaseUrlFromCesiumScript();\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(baseUrlString)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"Unable to determine Cesium base URL automatically, try defining a global variable called CESIUM_BASE_URL.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource = new (0, $a825789b92016078$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)({\n url: $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$tryMakeAbsolute(baseUrlString)\n });\n $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource.appendForwardSlash();\n return $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource;\n}\nfunction $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrlFromRequireToUrl(moduleID) {\n //moduleID will be non-relative, so require it relative to this module, in Core.\n return $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$tryMakeAbsolute(undefined(`../${moduleID}`));\n}\nfunction $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrlFromBaseUrl(moduleID) {\n const resource = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$getCesiumBaseUrl().getDerivedResource({\n url: moduleID\n });\n return resource.url;\n}\nlet $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$implementation;\n/**\n * Given a relative URL under the Cesium base URL, returns an absolute URL.\n * @function\n *\n * @param {string} relativeUrl The relative path.\n * @returns {string} The absolutely URL representation of the provided path.\n *\n * @example\n * const viewer = new Cesium.Viewer(\"cesiumContainer\", {\n * baseLayer: Cesium.ImageryLayer.fromProviderAsync(\n * Cesium.TileMapServiceImageryProvider.fromUrl(\n * Cesium.buildModuleUrl(\"Assets/Textures/NaturalEarthII\"),\n * )),\n * baseLayerPicker: false,\n * });\n */ function $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl(relativeUrl) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$implementation)) {\n //select implementation\n if (typeof define === \"object\" && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(define.amd) && !define.amd.toUrlUndefined && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(undefined)) $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$implementation = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrlFromRequireToUrl;\n else $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$implementation = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrlFromBaseUrl;\n }\n const url = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$implementation(relativeUrl);\n return url;\n}\n// exposed for testing\n$bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl._cesiumScriptRegex = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$cesiumScriptRegex;\n$bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl._buildModuleUrlFromBaseUrl = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrlFromBaseUrl;\n$bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl._clearBaseResource = function() {\n $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource = undefined;\n};\n/**\n * Sets the base URL for resolving modules.\n * @param {string} value The new base URL.\n */ $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl.setBaseUrl = function(value) {\n $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$baseResource = (0, $a825789b92016078$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).DEFAULT.getDerivedResource({\n url: value\n });\n};\n/**\n * Gets the base URL for resolving modules.\n *\n * @function\n * @returns {string} The configured base URL\n */ $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl.getCesiumBaseUrl = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$getCesiumBaseUrl;\nvar $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$var$buildModuleUrl;\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * An IAU 2006 XYS value sampled at a particular time.\n *\n * @alias Iau2006XysSample\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} x The X value.\n * @param {number} y The Y value.\n * @param {number} s The S value.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $b5d0c8aa588cd45e$var$Iau2006XysSample(x, y, s) {\n /**\n * The X value.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.x = x;\n /**\n * The Y value.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.y = y;\n /**\n * The S value.\n * @type {number}\n */ this.s = s;\n}\nvar $b5d0c8aa588cd45e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $b5d0c8aa588cd45e$var$Iau2006XysSample;\n\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A set of IAU2006 XYS data that is used to evaluate the transformation between the International\n * Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) and the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).\n *\n * @alias Iau2006XysData\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {object} [options] Object with the following properties:\n * @param {Resource|string} [options.xysFileUrlTemplate='Assets/IAU2006_XYS/IAU2006_XYS_{0}.json'] A template URL for obtaining the XYS data. In the template,\n * `{0}` will be replaced with the file index.\n * @param {number} [options.interpolationOrder=9] The order of interpolation to perform on the XYS data.\n * @param {number} [options.sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate=2442396.5] The Julian ephemeris date (JED) of the\n * first XYS sample.\n * @param {number} [options.stepSizeDays=1.0] The step size, in days, between successive XYS samples.\n * @param {number} [options.samplesPerXysFile=1000] The number of samples in each XYS file.\n * @param {number} [options.totalSamples=27426] The total number of samples in all XYS files.\n *\n * @private\n */ function $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$Iau2006XysData(options) {\n options = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options, (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EMPTY_OBJECT);\n this._xysFileUrlTemplate = (0, $a825789b92016078$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).createIfNeeded(options.xysFileUrlTemplate);\n this._interpolationOrder = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.interpolationOrder, 9);\n this._sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate, 2442396.5);\n this._sampleZeroDateTT = new (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(this._sampleZeroJulianEphemerisDate, 0.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI);\n this._stepSizeDays = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.stepSizeDays, 1.0);\n this._samplesPerXysFile = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.samplesPerXysFile, 1000);\n this._totalSamples = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(options.totalSamples, 27426);\n this._samples = new Array(this._totalSamples * 3);\n this._chunkDownloadsInProgress = [];\n const order = this._interpolationOrder;\n // Compute denominators and X values for interpolation.\n const denom = this._denominators = new Array(order + 1);\n const xTable = this._xTable = new Array(order + 1);\n const stepN = Math.pow(this._stepSizeDays, order);\n for(let i = 0; i <= order; ++i){\n denom[i] = stepN;\n xTable[i] = i * this._stepSizeDays;\n for(let j = 0; j <= order; ++j)if (j !== i) denom[i] *= i - j;\n denom[i] = 1.0 / denom[i];\n }\n // Allocate scratch arrays for interpolation.\n this._work = new Array(order + 1);\n this._coef = new Array(order + 1);\n}\nconst $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$julianDateScratch = new (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0, 0.0, (0, $283148558cce80f2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TAI);\nfunction $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$getDaysSinceEpoch(xys, dayTT, secondTT) {\n const dateTT = $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$julianDateScratch;\n dateTT.dayNumber = dayTT;\n dateTT.secondsOfDay = secondTT;\n return (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).daysDifference(dateTT, xys._sampleZeroDateTT);\n}\n/**\n * Preloads XYS data for a specified date range.\n *\n * @param {number} startDayTT The Julian day number of the beginning of the interval to preload, expressed in\n * the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.\n * @param {number} startSecondTT The seconds past noon of the beginning of the interval to preload, expressed in\n * the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.\n * @param {number} stopDayTT The Julian day number of the end of the interval to preload, expressed in\n * the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.\n * @param {number} stopSecondTT The seconds past noon of the end of the interval to preload, expressed in\n * the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.\n * @returns {Promise} A promise that, when resolved, indicates that the requested interval has been\n * preloaded.\n */ $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$Iau2006XysData.prototype.preload = function(startDayTT, startSecondTT, stopDayTT, stopSecondTT) {\n const startDaysSinceEpoch = $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$getDaysSinceEpoch(this, startDayTT, startSecondTT);\n const stopDaysSinceEpoch = $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$getDaysSinceEpoch(this, stopDayTT, stopSecondTT);\n let startIndex = startDaysSinceEpoch / this._stepSizeDays - this._interpolationOrder / 2 | 0;\n if (startIndex < 0) startIndex = 0;\n let stopIndex = stopDaysSinceEpoch / this._stepSizeDays - this._interpolationOrder / 2 | 0 + this._interpolationOrder;\n if (stopIndex >= this._totalSamples) stopIndex = this._totalSamples - 1;\n const startChunk = startIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile | 0;\n const stopChunk = stopIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile | 0;\n const promises = [];\n for(let i = startChunk; i <= stopChunk; ++i)promises.push($35a080b36f3a53ac$var$requestXysChunk(this, i));\n return Promise.all(promises);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the XYS values for a given date by interpolating. If the required data is not yet downloaded,\n * this method will return undefined.\n *\n * @param {number} dayTT The Julian day number for which to compute the XYS value, expressed in\n * the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.\n * @param {number} secondTT The seconds past noon of the date for which to compute the XYS value, expressed in\n * the Terrestrial Time (TT) time standard.\n * @param {Iau2006XysSample} [result] The instance to which to copy the interpolated result. If this parameter\n * is undefined, a new instance is allocated and returned.\n * @returns {Iau2006XysSample} The interpolated XYS values, or undefined if the required data for this\n * computation has not yet been downloaded.\n *\n * @see Iau2006XysData#preload\n */ $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$Iau2006XysData.prototype.computeXysRadians = function(dayTT, secondTT, result) {\n const daysSinceEpoch = $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$getDaysSinceEpoch(this, dayTT, secondTT);\n if (daysSinceEpoch < 0.0) // Can't evaluate prior to the epoch of the data.\n return undefined;\n const centerIndex = daysSinceEpoch / this._stepSizeDays | 0;\n if (centerIndex >= this._totalSamples) // Can't evaluate after the last sample in the data.\n return undefined;\n const degree = this._interpolationOrder;\n let firstIndex = centerIndex - (degree / 2 | 0);\n if (firstIndex < 0) firstIndex = 0;\n let lastIndex = firstIndex + degree;\n if (lastIndex >= this._totalSamples) {\n lastIndex = this._totalSamples - 1;\n firstIndex = lastIndex - degree;\n if (firstIndex < 0) firstIndex = 0;\n }\n // Are all the samples we need present?\n // We can assume so if the first and last are present\n let isDataMissing = false;\n const samples = this._samples;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(samples[firstIndex * 3])) {\n $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$requestXysChunk(this, firstIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile | 0);\n isDataMissing = true;\n }\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(samples[lastIndex * 3])) {\n $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$requestXysChunk(this, lastIndex / this._samplesPerXysFile | 0);\n isDataMissing = true;\n }\n if (isDataMissing) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $b5d0c8aa588cd45e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\n else {\n result.x = 0.0;\n result.y = 0.0;\n result.s = 0.0;\n }\n const x = daysSinceEpoch - firstIndex * this._stepSizeDays;\n const work = this._work;\n const denom = this._denominators;\n const coef = this._coef;\n const xTable = this._xTable;\n let i, j;\n for(i = 0; i <= degree; ++i)work[i] = x - xTable[i];\n for(i = 0; i <= degree; ++i){\n coef[i] = 1.0;\n for(j = 0; j <= degree; ++j)if (j !== i) coef[i] *= work[j];\n coef[i] *= denom[i];\n let sampleIndex = (firstIndex + i) * 3;\n result.x += coef[i] * samples[sampleIndex++];\n result.y += coef[i] * samples[sampleIndex++];\n result.s += coef[i] * samples[sampleIndex];\n }\n return result;\n};\nfunction $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$requestXysChunk(xysData, chunkIndex) {\n if (xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex]) // Chunk has already been requested.\n return xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex];\n let chunkUrl;\n const xysFileUrlTemplate = xysData._xysFileUrlTemplate;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xysFileUrlTemplate)) chunkUrl = xysFileUrlTemplate.getDerivedResource({\n templateValues: {\n 0: chunkIndex\n }\n });\n else chunkUrl = new (0, $a825789b92016078$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)({\n url: (0, $bd7189ad5c36c4d4$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(`Assets/IAU2006_XYS/IAU2006_XYS_${chunkIndex}.json`)\n });\n const promise = chunkUrl.fetchJson().then(function(chunk) {\n xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex] = false;\n const samples = xysData._samples;\n const newSamples = chunk.samples;\n const startIndex = chunkIndex * xysData._samplesPerXysFile * 3;\n for(let i = 0, len = newSamples.length; i < len; ++i)samples[startIndex + i] = newSamples[i];\n });\n xysData._chunkDownloadsInProgress[chunkIndex] = promise;\n return promise;\n}\nvar $35a080b36f3a53ac$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $35a080b36f3a53ac$var$Iau2006XysData;\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nlet $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen;\nconst $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names = {\n requestFullscreen: undefined,\n exitFullscreen: undefined,\n fullscreenEnabled: undefined,\n fullscreenElement: undefined,\n fullscreenchange: undefined,\n fullscreenerror: undefined\n};\n/**\n * Browser-independent functions for working with the standard fullscreen API.\n *\n * @namespace Fullscreen\n *\n * @see {@link|W3C Fullscreen Living Specification}\n */ const $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen = {};\nObject.defineProperties($9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen, {\n /**\n * The element that is currently fullscreen, if any. To simply check if the\n * browser is in fullscreen mode or not, use {@link Fullscreen#fullscreen}.\n * @memberof Fullscreen\n * @type {object}\n * @readonly\n */ element: {\n get: function() {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return undefined;\n return document[$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenElement];\n }\n },\n /**\n * The name of the event on the document that is fired when fullscreen is\n * entered or exited. This event name is intended for use with addEventListener.\n * In your event handler, to determine if the browser is in fullscreen mode or not,\n * use {@link Fullscreen#fullscreen}.\n * @memberof Fullscreen\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ changeEventName: {\n get: function() {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return undefined;\n return $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenchange;\n }\n },\n /**\n * The name of the event that is fired when a fullscreen error\n * occurs. This event name is intended for use with addEventListener.\n * @memberof Fullscreen\n * @type {string}\n * @readonly\n */ errorEventName: {\n get: function() {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return undefined;\n return $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenerror;\n }\n },\n /**\n * Determine whether the browser will allow an element to be made fullscreen, or not.\n * For example, by default, iframes cannot go fullscreen unless the containing page\n * adds an \"allowfullscreen\" attribute (or prefixed equivalent).\n * @memberof Fullscreen\n * @type {boolean}\n * @readonly\n */ enabled: {\n get: function() {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return undefined;\n return document[$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenEnabled];\n }\n },\n /**\n * Determines if the browser is currently in fullscreen mode.\n * @memberof Fullscreen\n * @type {boolean}\n * @readonly\n */ fullscreen: {\n get: function() {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return undefined;\n return $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.element !== null;\n }\n }\n});\n/**\n * Detects whether the browser supports the standard fullscreen API.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true
if the browser supports the standard fullscreen API,\n * false
otherwise.\n */ $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen = function() {\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen)) return $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen;\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen = false;\n const body = document.body;\n if (typeof body.requestFullscreen === \"function\") {\n // go with the unprefixed, standard set of names\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.requestFullscreen = \"requestFullscreen\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.exitFullscreen = \"exitFullscreen\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenEnabled = \"fullscreenEnabled\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenElement = \"fullscreenElement\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenchange = \"fullscreenchange\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenerror = \"fullscreenerror\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen = true;\n return $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen;\n }\n //check for the correct combination of prefix plus the various names that browsers use\n const prefixes = [\n \"webkit\",\n \"moz\",\n \"o\",\n \"ms\",\n \"khtml\"\n ];\n let name;\n for(let i = 0, len = prefixes.length; i < len; ++i){\n const prefix = prefixes[i];\n // casing of Fullscreen differs across browsers\n name = `${prefix}RequestFullscreen`;\n if (typeof body[name] === \"function\") {\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.requestFullscreen = name;\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen = true;\n } else {\n name = `${prefix}RequestFullScreen`;\n if (typeof body[name] === \"function\") {\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.requestFullscreen = name;\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen = true;\n }\n }\n // disagreement about whether it's \"exit\" as per spec, or \"cancel\"\n name = `${prefix}ExitFullscreen`;\n if (typeof document[name] === \"function\") $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.exitFullscreen = name;\n else {\n name = `${prefix}CancelFullScreen`;\n if (typeof document[name] === \"function\") $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.exitFullscreen = name;\n }\n // casing of Fullscreen differs across browsers\n name = `${prefix}FullscreenEnabled`;\n if (document[name] !== undefined) $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenEnabled = name;\n else {\n name = `${prefix}FullScreenEnabled`;\n if (document[name] !== undefined) $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenEnabled = name;\n }\n // casing of Fullscreen differs across browsers\n name = `${prefix}FullscreenElement`;\n if (document[name] !== undefined) $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenElement = name;\n else {\n name = `${prefix}FullScreenElement`;\n if (document[name] !== undefined) $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenElement = name;\n }\n // thankfully, event names are all lowercase per spec\n name = `${prefix}fullscreenchange`;\n // event names do not have 'on' in the front, but the property on the document does\n if (document[`on${name}`] !== undefined) {\n //except on IE\n if (prefix === \"ms\") name = \"MSFullscreenChange\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenchange = name;\n }\n name = `${prefix}fullscreenerror`;\n if (document[`on${name}`] !== undefined) {\n //except on IE\n if (prefix === \"ms\") name = \"MSFullscreenError\";\n $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.fullscreenerror = name;\n }\n }\n return $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_supportsFullscreen;\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously requests the browser to enter fullscreen mode on the given element.\n * If fullscreen mode is not supported by the browser, does nothing.\n *\n * @param {object} element The HTML element which will be placed into fullscreen mode.\n * @param {object} [vrDevice] The HMDVRDevice device.\n *\n * @example\n * // Put the entire page into fullscreen.\n * Cesium.Fullscreen.requestFullscreen(document.body)\n *\n * // Place only the Cesium canvas into fullscreen.\n * Cesium.Fullscreen.requestFullscreen(scene.canvas)\n */ $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.requestFullscreen = function(element, vrDevice) {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return;\n element[$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.requestFullscreen]({\n vrDisplay: vrDevice\n });\n};\n/**\n * Asynchronously exits fullscreen mode. If the browser is not currently\n * in fullscreen, or if fullscreen mode is not supported by the browser, does nothing.\n */ $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.exitFullscreen = function() {\n if (!$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen.supportsFullscreen()) return;\n document[$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names.exitFullscreen]();\n};\n//For unit tests\n$9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen._names = $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$_names;\nvar $9ab73e8323a6422d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $9ab73e8323a6422d$var$Fullscreen;\n\n\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator;\nif (typeof navigator !== \"undefined\") $8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator = navigator;\nelse $8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator = {};\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(versionString) {\n const parts = versionString.split(\".\");\n for(let i = 0, len = parts.length; i < len; ++i)parts[i] = parseInt(parts[i], 10);\n return parts;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChromeResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$chromeVersionResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChrome() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isChromeResult)) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChromeResult = false;\n // Edge contains Chrome in the user agent too\n if (!$8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdge()) {\n const fields = / Chrome\\/([\\.0-9]+)/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChromeResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$chromeVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n }\n }\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChromeResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$chromeVersion() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChrome() && $8af62db2b337619b$var$chromeVersionResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafariResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$safariVersionResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafari() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafariResult)) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafariResult = false;\n // Chrome and Edge contain Safari in the user agent too\n if (!$8af62db2b337619b$var$isChrome() && !$8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdge() && / Safari\\/[\\.0-9]+/.test($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent)) {\n const fields = / Version\\/([\\.0-9]+)/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafariResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$safariVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n }\n }\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafariResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$safariVersion() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafari() && $8af62db2b337619b$var$safariVersionResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkitResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$webkitVersionResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkit() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkitResult)) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkitResult = false;\n const fields = / AppleWebKit\\/([\\.0-9]+)(\\+?)/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkitResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$webkitVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$webkitVersionResult.isNightly = !!fields[2];\n }\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkitResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$webkitVersion() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkit() && $8af62db2b337619b$var$webkitVersionResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorerResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$internetExplorerVersionResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorer() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorerResult)) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorerResult = false;\n let fields;\n if ($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.appName === \"Microsoft Internet Explorer\") {\n fields = /MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\\.0-9]{0,})/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorerResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$internetExplorerVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n }\n } else if ($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.appName === \"Netscape\") {\n fields = /Trident\\/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\\.0-9]{0,})/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorerResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$internetExplorerVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n }\n }\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorerResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$internetExplorerVersion() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorer() && $8af62db2b337619b$var$internetExplorerVersionResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdgeResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$edgeVersionResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdge() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdgeResult)) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdgeResult = false;\n const fields = / Edg\\/([\\.0-9]+)/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdgeResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$edgeVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n }\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdgeResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$edgeVersion() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdge() && $8af62db2b337619b$var$edgeVersionResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefoxResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$firefoxVersionResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefox() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefoxResult)) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefoxResult = false;\n const fields = /Firefox\\/([\\.0-9]+)/.exec($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.userAgent);\n if (fields !== null) {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefoxResult = true;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$firefoxVersionResult = $8af62db2b337619b$var$extractVersion(fields[1]);\n }\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefoxResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWindowsResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWindows() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isWindowsResult)) $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWindowsResult = /Windows/i.test($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.appVersion);\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWindowsResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$isIPadOrIOSResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$isIPadOrIOS() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$isIPadOrIOSResult)) $8af62db2b337619b$var$isIPadOrIOSResult = navigator.platform === \"iPhone\" || navigator.platform === \"iPod\" || navigator.platform === \"iPad\";\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isIPadOrIOSResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$firefoxVersion() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefox() && $8af62db2b337619b$var$firefoxVersionResult;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$hasPointerEvents;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsPointerEvents() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$hasPointerEvents)) //While navigator.pointerEnabled is deprecated in the W3C specification\n //we still need to use it if it exists in order to support browsers\n //that rely on it, such as the Windows WebBrowser control which defines\n //PointerEvent but sets navigator.pointerEnabled to false.\n //Firefox disabled because of\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$hasPointerEvents = !$8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefox() && typeof PointerEvent !== \"undefined\" && (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.pointerEnabled) || $8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.pointerEnabled);\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$hasPointerEvents;\n}\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$imageRenderingValueResult;\nlet $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelatedResult;\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelated() {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelatedResult)) {\n const canvas = document.createElement(\"canvas\");\n canvas.setAttribute(\"style\", \"image-rendering: -moz-crisp-edges;image-rendering: pixelated;\");\n // will be undefined, null or an empty string on unsupported browsers.\n const tmp =;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelatedResult = (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(tmp) && tmp !== \"\";\n if ($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelatedResult) $8af62db2b337619b$var$imageRenderingValueResult = tmp;\n }\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelatedResult;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$imageRenderingValue() {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelated() ? $8af62db2b337619b$var$imageRenderingValueResult : undefined;\n}\nfunction $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP() {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!$8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP.initialized) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"You must call FeatureDetection.supportsWebP.initialize and wait for the promise to resolve before calling FeatureDetection.supportsWebP\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result;\n}\n$8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._promise = undefined;\n$8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result = undefined;\n$8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP.initialize = function() {\n // From\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._promise)) return $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._promise;\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._promise = new Promise((resolve)=>{\n const image = new Image();\n image.onload = function() {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result = image.width > 0 && image.height > 0;\n resolve($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result);\n };\n image.onerror = function() {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result = false;\n resolve($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result);\n };\n image.src = \"\";\n });\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._promise;\n};\nObject.defineProperties($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP, {\n initialized: {\n get: function() {\n return (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP._result);\n }\n }\n});\nconst $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes = [];\nif (typeof ArrayBuffer !== \"undefined\") {\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes.push(Int8Array, Uint8Array, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array);\n if (typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== \"undefined\") $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes.push(Uint8ClampedArray);\n if (typeof Uint8ClampedArray !== \"undefined\") $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes.push(Uint8ClampedArray);\n if (typeof BigInt64Array !== \"undefined\") // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes.push(BigInt64Array);\n if (typeof BigUint64Array !== \"undefined\") // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes.push(BigUint64Array);\n}\n/**\n * A set of functions to detect whether the current browser supports\n * various features.\n *\n * @namespace FeatureDetection\n */ const $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection = {\n isChrome: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isChrome,\n chromeVersion: $8af62db2b337619b$var$chromeVersion,\n isSafari: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isSafari,\n safariVersion: $8af62db2b337619b$var$safariVersion,\n isWebkit: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWebkit,\n webkitVersion: $8af62db2b337619b$var$webkitVersion,\n isInternetExplorer: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isInternetExplorer,\n internetExplorerVersion: $8af62db2b337619b$var$internetExplorerVersion,\n isEdge: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isEdge,\n edgeVersion: $8af62db2b337619b$var$edgeVersion,\n isFirefox: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isFirefox,\n firefoxVersion: $8af62db2b337619b$var$firefoxVersion,\n isWindows: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isWindows,\n isIPadOrIOS: $8af62db2b337619b$var$isIPadOrIOS,\n hardwareConcurrency: (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($8af62db2b337619b$var$theNavigator.hardwareConcurrency, 3),\n supportsPointerEvents: $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsPointerEvents,\n supportsImageRenderingPixelated: $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsImageRenderingPixelated,\n supportsWebP: $8af62db2b337619b$var$supportsWebP,\n imageRenderingValue: $8af62db2b337619b$var$imageRenderingValue,\n typedArrayTypes: $8af62db2b337619b$var$typedArrayTypes\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports Basis Universal textures and the web assembly modules needed to transcode them.\n *\n * @param {Scene} scene\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports web assembly modules and the scene supports Basis Universal textures, false if not.\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsBasis = function(scene) {\n return $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsWebAssembly() && scene.context.supportsBasis;\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports the full screen standard.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports the full screen standard, false if not.\n *\n * @see Fullscreen\n * @see {@link|W3C Fullscreen Living Specification}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsFullscreen = function() {\n return (0, $9ab73e8323a6422d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).supportsFullscreen();\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports typed arrays.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports typed arrays, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link|Typed Array Specification}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsTypedArrays = function() {\n return typeof ArrayBuffer !== \"undefined\";\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports BigInt64Array typed arrays.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports BigInt64Array typed arrays, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link|Typed Array Specification}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsBigInt64Array = function() {\n return typeof BigInt64Array !== \"undefined\";\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports BigUint64Array typed arrays.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports BigUint64Array typed arrays, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link|Typed Array Specification}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsBigUint64Array = function() {\n return typeof BigUint64Array !== \"undefined\";\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports BigInt.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports BigInt, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link|BigInt Specification}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsBigInt = function() {\n return typeof BigInt !== \"undefined\";\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports Web Workers.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browsers supports Web Workers, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsWebWorkers = function() {\n return typeof Worker !== \"undefined\";\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports Web Assembly.\n *\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browsers supports Web Assembly, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsWebAssembly = function() {\n return typeof WebAssembly !== \"undefined\";\n};\n/**\n * Detects whether the current browser supports a WebGL2 rendering context for the specified scene.\n *\n * @param {Scene} scene the Cesium scene specifying the rendering context\n * @returns {boolean} true if the browser supports a WebGL2 rendering context, false if not.\n *\n * @see {@link|WebGL2RenderingContext}\n */ $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection.supportsWebgl2 = function(scene) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"scene\", scene);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return scene.context.webgl2;\n};\nvar $8af62db2b337619b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $8af62db2b337619b$var$FeatureDetection;\n\n\n\n\n/**\n * A set of 4-dimensional coordinates used to represent rotation in 3-dimensional space.\n * @alias Quaternion\n * @constructor\n *\n * @param {number} [x=0.0] The X component.\n * @param {number} [y=0.0] The Y component.\n * @param {number} [z=0.0] The Z component.\n * @param {number} [w=0.0] The W component.\n *\n * @see PackableForInterpolation\n */ function $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion(x, y, z, w) {\n /**\n * The X component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.x = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(x, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Y component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.y = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(y, 0.0);\n /**\n * The Z component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.z = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(z, 0.0);\n /**\n * The W component.\n * @type {number}\n * @default 0.0\n */ this.w = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(w, 0.0);\n}\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromAxisAngleScratch = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a quaternion representing a rotation around an axis.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} axis The axis of rotation.\n * @param {number} angle The angle in radians to rotate around the axis.\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromAxisAngle = function(axis, angle, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"axis\", axis);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"angle\", angle);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const halfAngle = angle / 2.0;\n const s = Math.sin(halfAngle);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromAxisAngleScratch = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(axis, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromAxisAngleScratch);\n const x = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromAxisAngleScratch.x * s;\n const y = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromAxisAngleScratch.y * s;\n const z = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromAxisAngleScratch.z * s;\n const w = Math.cos(halfAngle);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion(x, y, z, w);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromRotationMatrixNext = [\n 1,\n 2,\n 0\n];\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromRotationMatrixQuat = new Array(3);\n/**\n * Computes a Quaternion from the provided Matrix3 instance.\n *\n * @param {Matrix3} matrix The rotation matrix.\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.\n *\n * @see Matrix3.fromQuaternion\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromRotationMatrix = function(matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"matrix\", matrix);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let root;\n let x;\n let y;\n let z;\n let w;\n const m00 = matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN0ROW0];\n const m11 = matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN1ROW1];\n const m22 = matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN2ROW2];\n const trace = m00 + m11 + m22;\n if (trace > 0.0) {\n // |w| > 1/2, may as well choose w > 1/2\n root = Math.sqrt(trace + 1.0); // 2w\n w = 0.5 * root;\n root = 0.5 / root; // 1/(4w)\n x = (matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN1ROW2] - matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN2ROW1]) * root;\n y = (matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN2ROW0] - matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN0ROW2]) * root;\n z = (matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN0ROW1] - matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).COLUMN1ROW0]) * root;\n } else {\n // |w| <= 1/2\n const next = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromRotationMatrixNext;\n let i = 0;\n if (m11 > m00) i = 1;\n if (m22 > m00 && m22 > m11) i = 2;\n const j = next[i];\n const k = next[j];\n root = Math.sqrt(matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(i, i)] - matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(j, j)] - matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(k, k)] + 1.0);\n const quat = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fromRotationMatrixQuat;\n quat[i] = 0.5 * root;\n root = 0.5 / root;\n w = (matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(k, j)] - matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(j, k)]) * root;\n quat[j] = (matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(j, i)] + matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(i, j)]) * root;\n quat[k] = (matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(k, i)] + matrix[(0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getElementIndex(i, k)]) * root;\n x = -quat[0];\n y = -quat[1];\n z = -quat[2];\n }\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion(x, y, z, w);\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchHPRQuaternion = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchHeadingQuaternion = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchPitchQuaternion = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchRollQuaternion = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n/**\n * Computes a rotation from the given heading, pitch and roll angles. Heading is the rotation about the\n * negative z axis. Pitch is the rotation about the negative y axis. Roll is the rotation about\n * the positive x axis.\n *\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The rotation expressed as a heading, pitch and roll.\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if none was provided.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromHeadingPitchRoll = function(headingPitchRoll, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"headingPitchRoll\", headingPitchRoll);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchRollQuaternion = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromAxisAngle((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNIT_X, headingPitchRoll.roll, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchHPRQuaternion);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchPitchQuaternion = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromAxisAngle((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNIT_Y, -headingPitchRoll.pitch, result);\n result = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply($67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchPitchQuaternion, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchRollQuaternion, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchPitchQuaternion);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchHeadingQuaternion = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromAxisAngle((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNIT_Z, -headingPitchRoll.heading, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchHPRQuaternion);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply($67ef79ebddcea845$var$scratchHeadingQuaternion, result, result);\n};\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionAxis = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionRotation = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0 = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n/**\n * The number of elements used to pack the object into an array.\n * @type {number}\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.packedLength = 4;\n/**\n * Stores the provided instance into the provided array.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} value The value to pack.\n * @param {number[]} array The array to pack into.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index into the array at which to start packing the elements.\n *\n * @returns {number[]} The array that was packed into\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.pack = function(value, array, startingIndex) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"value\", value);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n array[startingIndex++] = value.x;\n array[startingIndex++] = value.y;\n array[startingIndex++] = value.z;\n array[startingIndex] = value.w;\n return array;\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The starting index of the element to be unpacked.\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.unpack = function(array, startingIndex, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"array\", array);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n startingIndex = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(startingIndex, 0);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n result.x = array[startingIndex];\n result.y = array[startingIndex + 1];\n result.z = array[startingIndex + 2];\n result.w = array[startingIndex + 3];\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * The number of elements used to store the object into an array in its interpolatable form.\n * @type {number}\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.packedInterpolationLength = 3;\n/**\n * Converts a packed array into a form suitable for interpolation.\n *\n * @param {number[]} packedArray The packed array.\n * @param {number} [startingIndex=0] The index of the first element to be converted.\n * @param {number} [lastIndex=packedArray.length] The index of the last element to be converted.\n * @param {number[]} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.convertPackedArrayForInterpolation = function(packedArray, startingIndex, lastIndex, result) {\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.unpack(packedArray, lastIndex * 4, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.conjugate($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate);\n for(let i = 0, len = lastIndex - startingIndex + 1; i < len; i++){\n const offset = i * 3;\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.unpack(packedArray, (startingIndex + i) * 4, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0Conjugate, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);\n if ($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion.w < 0) $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.negate($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.computeAxis($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionAxis);\n const angle = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.computeAngle($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = [];\n result[offset] = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionAxis.x * angle;\n result[offset + 1] = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionAxis.y * angle;\n result[offset + 2] = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionAxis.z * angle;\n }\n};\n/**\n * Retrieves an instance from a packed array converted with {@link convertPackedArrayForInterpolation}.\n *\n * @param {number[]} array The array previously packed for interpolation.\n * @param {number[]} sourceArray The original packed array.\n * @param {number} [firstIndex=0] The firstIndex used to convert the array.\n * @param {number} [lastIndex=packedArray.length] The lastIndex used to convert the array.\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object into which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.unpackInterpolationResult = function(array, sourceArray, firstIndex, lastIndex, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromArray(array, 0, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionRotation);\n const magnitude = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionRotation);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.unpack(sourceArray, lastIndex * 4, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0);\n if (magnitude === 0) $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.clone($67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.IDENTITY, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);\n else $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fromAxisAngle($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionRotation, magnitude, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply($67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionTempQuaternion, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$sampledQuaternionQuaternion0, result);\n};\n/**\n * Duplicates a Quaternion instance.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to duplicate.\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided. (Returns undefined if quaternion is undefined)\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.clone = function(quaternion, result) {\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(quaternion)) return undefined;\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion(quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w);\n result.x = quaternion.x;\n result.y = quaternion.y;\n result.z = quaternion.z;\n result.w = quaternion.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the conjugate of the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to conjugate.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.conjugate = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = -quaternion.x;\n result.y = -quaternion.y;\n result.z = -quaternion.z;\n result.w = quaternion.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes magnitude squared for the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to conjugate.\n * @returns {number} The magnitude squared.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.magnitudeSquared = function(quaternion) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return quaternion.x * quaternion.x + quaternion.y * quaternion.y + quaternion.z * quaternion.z + quaternion.w * quaternion.w;\n};\n/**\n * Computes magnitude for the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to conjugate.\n * @returns {number} The magnitude.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.magnitude = function(quaternion) {\n return Math.sqrt($67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.magnitudeSquared(quaternion));\n};\n/**\n * Computes the normalized form of the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to normalize.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.normalize = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const inverseMagnitude = 1.0 / $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.magnitude(quaternion);\n const x = quaternion.x * inverseMagnitude;\n const y = quaternion.y * inverseMagnitude;\n const z = quaternion.z * inverseMagnitude;\n const w = quaternion.w * inverseMagnitude;\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the inverse of the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to normalize.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.inverse = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const magnitudeSquared = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.magnitudeSquared(quaternion);\n result = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.conjugate(quaternion, result);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(result, 1.0 / magnitudeSquared, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise sum of two quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.add = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x + right.x;\n result.y = left.y + right.y;\n result.z = left.z + right.z;\n result.w = left.w + right.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the componentwise difference of two quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.subtract = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = left.x - right.x;\n result.y = left.y - right.y;\n result.z = left.z - right.z;\n result.w = left.w - right.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Negates the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to be negated.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.negate = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = -quaternion.x;\n result.y = -quaternion.y;\n result.z = -quaternion.z;\n result.w = -quaternion.w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the dot (scalar) product of two quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.\n * @returns {number} The dot product.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$ = function(left, right) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n return left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y + left.z * right.z + left.w * right.w;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the product of two quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} left The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} right The second quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply = function(left, right, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"left\", left);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"right\", right);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const leftX = left.x;\n const leftY = left.y;\n const leftZ = left.z;\n const leftW = left.w;\n const rightX = right.x;\n const rightY = right.y;\n const rightZ = right.z;\n const rightW = right.w;\n const x = leftW * rightX + leftX * rightW + leftY * rightZ - leftZ * rightY;\n const y = leftW * rightY - leftX * rightZ + leftY * rightW + leftZ * rightX;\n const z = leftW * rightZ + leftX * rightY - leftY * rightX + leftZ * rightW;\n const w = leftW * rightW - leftX * rightX - leftY * rightY - leftZ * rightZ;\n result.x = x;\n result.y = y;\n result.z = z;\n result.w = w;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Multiplies the provided quaternion componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to be scaled.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to multiply with.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar = function(quaternion, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = quaternion.x * scalar;\n result.y = quaternion.y * scalar;\n result.z = quaternion.z * scalar;\n result.w = quaternion.w * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Divides the provided quaternion componentwise by the provided scalar.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to be divided.\n * @param {number} scalar The scalar to divide by.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.divideByScalar = function(quaternion, scalar, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"scalar\", scalar);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n result.x = quaternion.x / scalar;\n result.y = quaternion.y / scalar;\n result.z = quaternion.z / scalar;\n result.w = quaternion.w / scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the axis of rotation of the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to use.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.computeAxis = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const w = quaternion.w;\n if (Math.abs(w - 1.0) < (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON6) {\n result.x = result.y = result.z = 0;\n return result;\n }\n const scalar = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(1.0 - w * w);\n result.x = quaternion.x * scalar;\n result.y = quaternion.y * scalar;\n result.z = quaternion.z * scalar;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * Computes the angle of rotation of the provided quaternion.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The quaternion to use.\n * @returns {number} The angle of rotation.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.computeAngle = function(quaternion) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (Math.abs(quaternion.w - 1.0) < (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON6) return 0.0;\n return 2.0 * Math.acos(quaternion.w);\n};\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$lerpScratch = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n/**\n * Computes the linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.\n * @param {Quaternion} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.\n * @param {number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.lerp = function(start, end, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"start\", start);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"end\", end);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$lerpScratch = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(end, t, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$lerpScratch);\n result = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(start, 1.0 - t, result);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.add($67ef79ebddcea845$var$lerpScratch, result, result);\n};\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpEndNegated = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledP = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nlet $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledR = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n/**\n * Computes the spherical linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.\n * @param {Quaternion} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.\n * @param {number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Quaternion#fastSlerp\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.slerp = function(start, end, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"start\", start);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"end\", end);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let dot = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$, end);\n // The angle between start must be acute. Since q and -q represent\n // the same rotation, negate q to get the acute angle.\n let r = end;\n if (dot < 0.0) {\n dot = -dot;\n r = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpEndNegated = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.negate(end, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpEndNegated);\n }\n // dot > 0, as the dot product approaches 1, the angle between the\n // quaternions vanishes. use linear interpolation.\n if (1.0 - dot < (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON6) return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.lerp(start, r, t, result);\n const theta = Math.acos(dot);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledP = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(start, Math.sin((1 - t) * theta), $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledP);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledR = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(r, Math.sin(t * theta), $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledR);\n result = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.add($67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledP, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$slerpScaledR, result);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(result, 1.0 / Math.sin(theta), result);\n};\n/**\n * The logarithmic quaternion function.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} quaternion The unit quaternion.\n * @param {Cartesian3} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian3} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.log = function(quaternion, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"quaternion\", quaternion);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const theta = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).acosClamped(quaternion.w);\n let thetaOverSinTheta = 0.0;\n if (theta !== 0.0) thetaOverSinTheta = theta / Math.sin(theta);\n return (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(quaternion, thetaOverSinTheta, result);\n};\n/**\n * The exponential quaternion function.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} cartesian The cartesian.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.exp = function(cartesian, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"cartesian\", cartesian);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const theta = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(cartesian);\n let sinThetaOverTheta = 0.0;\n if (theta !== 0.0) sinThetaOverTheta = Math.sin(theta) / theta;\n result.x = cartesian.x * sinThetaOverTheta;\n result.y = cartesian.y * sinThetaOverTheta;\n result.z = cartesian.z * sinThetaOverTheta;\n result.w = Math.cos(theta);\n return result;\n};\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchCartesian0 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchCartesian1 = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion0 = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1 = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n/**\n * Computes an inner quadrangle point.\n * This will compute quaternions that ensure a squad curve is C1.
\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} q0 The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} q1 The second quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} q2 The third quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Quaternion#squad\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle = function(q0, q1, q2, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q0\", q0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q1\", q1);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q2\", q2);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const qInv = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.conjugate(q1, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion0);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply(qInv, q2, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1);\n const cart0 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.log($67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchCartesian0);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply(qInv, q0, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1);\n const cart1 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.log($67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchCartesian1);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).add(cart0, cart1, cart0);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(cart0, 0.25, cart0);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).negate(cart0, cart0);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.exp(cart0, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion0);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiply(q1, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion0, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the spherical quadrangle interpolation between quaternions.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} q0 The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} q1 The second quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} s0 The first inner quadrangle.\n * @param {Quaternion} s1 The second inner quadrangle.\n * @param {number} t The time in [0,1] used to interpolate.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // 1. compute the squad interpolation between two quaternions on a curve\n * const s0 = Cesium.Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle(quaternions[i - 1], quaternions[i], quaternions[i + 1], new Cesium.Quaternion());\n * const s1 = Cesium.Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle(quaternions[i], quaternions[i + 1], quaternions[i + 2], new Cesium.Quaternion());\n * const q = Cesium.Quaternion.squad(quaternions[i], quaternions[i + 1], s0, s1, t, new Cesium.Quaternion());\n *\n * // 2. compute the squad interpolation as above but where the first quaternion is a end point.\n * const s1 = Cesium.Quaternion.computeInnerQuadrangle(quaternions[0], quaternions[1], quaternions[2], new Cesium.Quaternion());\n * const q = Cesium.Quaternion.squad(quaternions[0], quaternions[1], quaternions[0], s1, t, new Cesium.Quaternion());\n *\n * @see Quaternion#computeInnerQuadrangle\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.squad = function(q0, q1, s0, s1, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q0\", q0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q1\", q1);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"s0\", s0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"s1\", s1);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const slerp0 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.slerp(q0, q1, t, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion0);\n const slerp1 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.slerp(s0, s1, t, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.slerp(slerp0, slerp1, 2.0 * t * (1.0 - t), result);\n};\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fastSlerpScratchQuaternion = new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion();\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-loss-of-precision\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$opmu = 1.90110745351730037;\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$u = (0, $8af62db2b337619b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$v = (0, $8af62db2b337619b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT = (0, $8af62db2b337619b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];\nconst $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD = (0, $8af62db2b337619b$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).supportsTypedArrays() ? new Float32Array(8) : [];\nfor(let i = 0; i < 7; ++i){\n const s = i + 1.0;\n const t = 2.0 * s + 1.0;\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$u[i] = 1.0 / (s * t);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$v[i] = s / t;\n}\n$67ef79ebddcea845$var$u[7] = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$opmu / 136;\n$67ef79ebddcea845$var$v[7] = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$opmu * 8.0 / 17.0;\n/**\n * Computes the spherical linear interpolation or extrapolation at t using the provided quaternions.\n * This implementation is faster than {@link Quaternion#slerp}, but is only accurate up to 10-6.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} start The value corresponding to t at 0.0.\n * @param {Quaternion} end The value corresponding to t at 1.0.\n * @param {number} t The point along t at which to interpolate.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter.\n *\n * @see Quaternion#slerp\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fastSlerp = function(start, end, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"start\", start);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"end\", end);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n let x = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$, end);\n let sign;\n if (x >= 0) sign = 1.0;\n else {\n sign = -1;\n x = -x;\n }\n const xm1 = x - 1.0;\n const d = 1.0 - t;\n const sqrT = t * t;\n const sqrD = d * d;\n for(let i = 7; i >= 0; --i){\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[i] = ($67ef79ebddcea845$var$u[i] * sqrT - $67ef79ebddcea845$var$v[i]) * xm1;\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[i] = ($67ef79ebddcea845$var$u[i] * sqrD - $67ef79ebddcea845$var$v[i]) * xm1;\n }\n const cT = sign * t * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[0] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[1] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[2] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[3] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[4] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[5] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[6] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bT[7]))))))));\n const cD = d * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[0] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[1] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[2] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[3] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[4] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[5] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[6] * (1.0 + $67ef79ebddcea845$var$bD[7]))))))));\n const temp = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(start, cD, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$fastSlerpScratchQuaternion);\n $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.multiplyByScalar(end, cT, result);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.add(temp, result, result);\n};\n/**\n * Computes the spherical quadrangle interpolation between quaternions.\n * An implementation that is faster than {@link Quaternion#squad}, but less accurate.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} q0 The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} q1 The second quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} s0 The first inner quadrangle.\n * @param {Quaternion} s1 The second inner quadrangle.\n * @param {number} t The time in [0,1] used to interpolate.\n * @param {Quaternion} result The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @see Quaternion#squad\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fastSquad = function(q0, q1, s0, s1, t, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q0\", q0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"q1\", q1);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"s0\", s0);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"s1\", s1);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.number(\"t\", t);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"result\", result);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const slerp0 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fastSlerp(q0, q1, t, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion0);\n const slerp1 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fastSlerp(s0, s1, t, $67ef79ebddcea845$var$squadScratchQuaternion1);\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.fastSlerp(slerp0, slerp1, 2.0 * t * (1.0 - t), result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided quaternions componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} [left] The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} [right] The second quaternion.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.equals = function(left, right) {\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && left.x === right.x && left.y === right.y && left.z === right.z && left.w === right.w;\n};\n/**\n * Compares the provided quaternions componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} [left] The first quaternion.\n * @param {Quaternion} [right] The second quaternion.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.equalsEpsilon = function(left, right, epsilon) {\n epsilon = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(epsilon, 0);\n return left === right || (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(left) && (0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(right) && Math.abs(left.x - right.x) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left.y - right.y) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left.z - right.z) <= epsilon && Math.abs(left.w - right.w) <= epsilon;\n};\n/**\n * An immutable Quaternion instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0).\n *\n * @type {Quaternion}\n * @constant\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.ZERO = Object.freeze(new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));\n/**\n * An immutable Quaternion instance initialized to (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0).\n *\n * @type {Quaternion}\n * @constant\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.IDENTITY = Object.freeze(new $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0));\n/**\n * Duplicates this Quaternion instance.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if one was not provided.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.prototype.clone = function(result) {\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.clone(this, result);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this and the provided quaternion componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are equal, false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} [right] The right hand side quaternion.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are equal, false
otherwise.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.prototype.equals = function(right) {\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.equals(this, right);\n};\n/**\n * Compares this and the provided quaternion componentwise and returns\n * true
if they are within the provided epsilon,\n * false
otherwise.\n *\n * @param {Quaternion} [right] The right hand side quaternion.\n * @param {number} [epsilon=0] The epsilon to use for equality testing.\n * @returns {boolean} true
if left and right are within the provided epsilon, false
otherwise.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.prototype.equalsEpsilon = function(right, epsilon) {\n return $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.equalsEpsilon(this, right, epsilon);\n};\n/**\n * Returns a string representing this quaternion in the format (x, y, z, w).\n *\n * @returns {string} A string representing this Quaternion.\n */ $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion.prototype.toString = function() {\n return `(${this.x}, ${this.y}, ${this.z}, ${this.w})`;\n};\nvar $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $67ef79ebddcea845$var$Quaternion;\n\n\n\n/**\n * Contains functions for transforming positions to various reference frames.\n *\n * @namespace Transforms\n */ const $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms = {};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$vectorProductLocalFrame = {\n up: {\n south: \"east\",\n north: \"west\",\n west: \"south\",\n east: \"north\"\n },\n down: {\n south: \"west\",\n north: \"east\",\n west: \"north\",\n east: \"south\"\n },\n south: {\n up: \"west\",\n down: \"east\",\n west: \"down\",\n east: \"up\"\n },\n north: {\n up: \"east\",\n down: \"west\",\n west: \"up\",\n east: \"down\"\n },\n west: {\n up: \"north\",\n down: \"south\",\n north: \"down\",\n south: \"up\"\n },\n east: {\n up: \"south\",\n down: \"north\",\n north: \"up\",\n south: \"down\"\n }\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame = {\n north: [\n -1,\n 0,\n 0\n ],\n east: [\n 0,\n 1,\n 0\n ],\n up: [\n 0,\n 0,\n 1\n ],\n south: [\n 1,\n 0,\n 0\n ],\n west: [\n 0,\n -1,\n 0\n ],\n down: [\n 0,\n 0,\n -1\n ]\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$localFrameToFixedFrameCache = {};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian = {\n east: new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(),\n north: new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(),\n up: new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(),\n west: new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(),\n south: new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(),\n down: new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)()\n};\nlet $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nlet $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nlet $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Generates a function that computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.\n * @param {string} firstAxis name of the first axis of the local reference frame. Must be\n * 'east', 'north', 'up', 'west', 'south' or 'down'.\n * @param {string} secondAxis name of the second axis of the local reference frame. Must be\n * 'east', 'north', 'up', 'west', 'south' or 'down'.\n * @return {Transforms.LocalFrameToFixedFrame} The function that will computes a\n * 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame, with first axis and second axis compliant with the parameters,\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator = function(firstAxis, secondAxis) {\n if (!$2f24a46b71179aca$var$vectorProductLocalFrame.hasOwnProperty(firstAxis) || !$2f24a46b71179aca$var$vectorProductLocalFrame[firstAxis].hasOwnProperty(secondAxis)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"firstAxis and secondAxis must be east, north, up, west, south or down.\");\n const thirdAxis = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$vectorProductLocalFrame[firstAxis][secondAxis];\n /**\n * Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.\n * @callback Transforms.LocalFrameToFixedFrame\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.\n */ let resultat;\n const hashAxis = firstAxis + secondAxis;\n if ((0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)($2f24a46b71179aca$var$localFrameToFixedFrameCache[hashAxis])) resultat = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$localFrameToFixedFrameCache[hashAxis];\n else {\n resultat = function(origin, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(origin)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"origin is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n if ((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(origin, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON14)) {\n // If x, y, and z are zero, use the degenerate local frame, which is a special case\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack($2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame[firstAxis], 0, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack($2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame[secondAxis], 0, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack($2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame[thirdAxis], 0, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian);\n } else if ((0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(origin.x, 0.0, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON14) && (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(origin.y, 0.0, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON14)) {\n // If x and y are zero, assume origin is at a pole, which is a special case.\n const sign = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).sign(origin.z);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack($2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame[firstAxis], 0, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian);\n if (firstAxis !== \"east\" && firstAxis !== \"west\") (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar($2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian, sign, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack($2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame[secondAxis], 0, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian);\n if (secondAxis !== \"east\" && secondAxis !== \"west\") (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar($2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian, sign, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).unpack($2f24a46b71179aca$var$degeneratePositionLocalFrame[thirdAxis], 0, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian);\n if (thirdAxis !== \"east\" && thirdAxis !== \"west\") (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar($2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian, sign, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian);\n } else {\n ellipsoid = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid, (0, $a4f08fcd181f389e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).WGS84);\n ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(origin, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.up);\n const up = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.up;\n const east = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.east;\n east.x = -origin.y;\n east.y = origin.x;\n east.z = 0.0;\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(east, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.east);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).cross(up, east, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.north);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar($2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.up, -1, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.down);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar($2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.east, -1, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.west);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar($2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.north, -1, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian.south);\n $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian[firstAxis];\n $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian[secondAxis];\n $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCalculateCartesian[thirdAxis];\n }\n result[0] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian.x;\n result[1] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian.y;\n result[2] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFirstCartesian.z;\n result[3] = 0.0;\n result[4] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian.x;\n result[5] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian.y;\n result[6] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchSecondCartesian.z;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian.x;\n result[9] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian.y;\n result[10] = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchThirdCartesian.z;\n result[11] = 0.0;\n result[12] = origin.x;\n result[13] = origin.y;\n result[14] = origin.z;\n result[15] = 1.0;\n return result;\n };\n $2f24a46b71179aca$var$localFrameToFixedFrameCache[hashAxis] = resultat;\n }\n return resultat;\n};\n/**\n * Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an east-north-up axes\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.\n * The local axes are defined as:\n * \n * - The
axis points in the local east direction. \n * - The
axis points in the local north direction. \n * - The
axis points in the direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position. \n *
\n *\n * @function\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Get the transform from local east-north-up at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.\n * const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const transform = Cesium.Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(center);\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator(\"east\", \"north\");\n/**\n * Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an north-east-down axes\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.\n * The local axes are defined as:\n * \n * - The
axis points in the local north direction. \n * - The
axis points in the local east direction. \n * - The
axis points in the opposite direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position. \n *
\n *\n * @function\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Get the transform from local north-east-down at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.\n * const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const transform = Cesium.Transforms.northEastDownToFixedFrame(center);\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.northEastDownToFixedFrame = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator(\"north\", \"east\");\n/**\n * Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an north-up-east axes\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.\n * The local axes are defined as:\n * \n * - The
axis points in the local north direction. \n * - The
axis points in the direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position. \n * - The
axis points in the local east direction. \n *
\n *\n * @function\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Get the transform from local north-up-east at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.\n * const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const transform = Cesium.Transforms.northUpEastToFixedFrame(center);\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.northUpEastToFixedFrame = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator(\"north\", \"up\");\n/**\n * Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with an north-west-up axes\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame.\n * The local axes are defined as:\n * \n * - The
axis points in the local north direction. \n * - The
axis points in the local west direction. \n * - The
axis points in the direction of the ellipsoid surface normal which passes through the position. \n *
\n *\n * @function\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Get the transform from local north-West-Up at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.\n * const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const transform = Cesium.Transforms.northWestUpToFixedFrame(center);\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.northWestUpToFixedFrame = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.localFrameToFixedFrameGenerator(\"north\", \"west\");\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchHPRQuaternion = new (0, $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchScale = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchHPRMatrix4 = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a 4x4 transformation matrix from a reference frame with axes computed from the heading-pitch-roll angles\n * centered at the provided origin to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame. Heading is the rotation from the local north\n * direction where a positive angle is increasing eastward. Pitch is the rotation from the local east-north plane. Positive pitch angles\n * are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. Roll is the first rotation applied about the local east axis.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The heading, pitch, and roll.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Transforms.LocalFrameToFixedFrame} [fixedFrameTransform=Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame] A 4x4 transformation\n * matrix from a reference frame to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame\n * @param {Matrix4} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix4} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix4 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Get the transform from local heading-pitch-roll at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.\n * const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const heading = -Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_TWO;\n * const pitch = Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_FOUR;\n * const roll = 0.0;\n * const hpr = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);\n * const transform = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(center, hpr);\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame = function(origin, headingPitchRoll, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"HeadingPitchRoll\", headingPitchRoll);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n fixedFrameTransform = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(fixedFrameTransform, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame);\n const hprQuaternion = (0, $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromHeadingPitchRoll(headingPitchRoll, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchHPRQuaternion);\n const hprMatrix = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromTranslationQuaternionRotationScale((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO, hprQuaternion, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchScale, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchHPRMatrix4);\n result = fixedFrameTransform(origin, ellipsoid, result);\n return (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply(result, hprMatrix, result);\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchENUMatrix4 = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchHPRMatrix3 = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a quaternion from a reference frame with axes computed from the heading-pitch-roll angles\n * centered at the provided origin. Heading is the rotation from the local north\n * direction where a positive angle is increasing eastward. Pitch is the rotation from the local east-north plane. Positive pitch angles\n * are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. Roll is the first rotation applied about the local east axis.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} origin The center point of the local reference frame.\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} headingPitchRoll The heading, pitch, and roll.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Transforms.LocalFrameToFixedFrame} [fixedFrameTransform=Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame] A 4x4 transformation\n * matrix from a reference frame to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame\n * @param {Quaternion} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Quaternion} The modified result parameter or a new Quaternion instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * // Get the quaternion from local heading-pitch-roll at cartographic (0.0, 0.0) to Earth's fixed frame.\n * const center = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const heading = -Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_TWO;\n * const pitch = Cesium.Math.PI_OVER_FOUR;\n * const roll = 0.0;\n * const hpr = new HeadingPitchRoll(heading, pitch, roll);\n * const quaternion = Cesium.Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion(center, hpr);\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.headingPitchRollQuaternion = function(origin, headingPitchRoll, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).typeOf.object(\"HeadingPitchRoll\", headingPitchRoll);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const transform = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.headingPitchRollToFixedFrame(origin, headingPitchRoll, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchENUMatrix4);\n const rotation = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getMatrix3(transform, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchHPRMatrix3);\n return (0, $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromRotationMatrix(rotation, result);\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$noScale = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprCenterScratch = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ffScratch = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprTransformScratch = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprRotationScratch = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprQuaternionScratch = new (0, $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes heading-pitch-roll angles from a transform in a particular reference frame. Heading is the rotation from the local north\n * direction where a positive angle is increasing eastward. Pitch is the rotation from the local east-north plane. Positive pitch angles\n * are above the plane. Negative pitch angles are below the plane. Roll is the first rotation applied about the local east axis.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} transform The transform\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Transforms.LocalFrameToFixedFrame} [fixedFrameTransform=Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame] A 4x4 transformation\n * matrix from a reference frame to the provided ellipsoid's fixed reference frame\n * @param {HeadingPitchRoll} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {HeadingPitchRoll} The modified result parameter or a new HeadingPitchRoll instance if none was provided.\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.fixedFrameToHeadingPitchRoll = function(transform, ellipsoid, fixedFrameTransform, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n (0, $664f63160187b926$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).defined(\"transform\", transform);\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n ellipsoid = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid, (0, $a4f08fcd181f389e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).WGS84);\n fixedFrameTransform = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(fixedFrameTransform, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $0dd5d99d9f33241c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n const center = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getTranslation(transform, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprCenterScratch);\n if ((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equals(center, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO)) {\n result.heading = 0;\n result.pitch = 0;\n result.roll = 0;\n return result;\n }\n let toFixedFrame = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).inverseTransformation(fixedFrameTransform(center, ellipsoid, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ffScratch), $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ffScratch);\n let transformCopy = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).setScale(transform, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$noScale, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprTransformScratch);\n transformCopy = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).setTranslation(transformCopy, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO, transformCopy);\n toFixedFrame = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply(toFixedFrame, transformCopy, toFixedFrame);\n let quaternionRotation = (0, $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromRotationMatrix((0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getMatrix3(toFixedFrame, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprRotationScratch), $2f24a46b71179aca$var$hprQuaternionScratch);\n quaternionRotation = (0, $67ef79ebddcea845$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(quaternionRotation, quaternionRotation);\n return (0, $0dd5d99d9f33241c$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromQuaternion(quaternionRotation, result);\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant0 = 24110.54841;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant1 = 8640184.812866;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant2 = 0.093104;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant3 = -0.0000062;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rateCoef = 1.1772758384668e-19;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$wgs84WRPrecessing = 7.2921158553e-5;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$twoPiOverSecondsInDay = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TWO_PI / 86400.0;\nlet $2f24a46b71179aca$var$dateInUtc = new (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a rotation matrix to transform a point or vector from True Equator Mean Equinox (TEME) axes to the\n * pseudo-fixed axes at a given time. This method treats the UT1 time standard as equivalent to UTC.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} date The time at which to compute the rotation matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if none was provided.\n *\n * @example\n * //Set the view to the inertial frame.\n * scene.postUpdate.addEventListener(function(scene, time) {\n * const now =;\n * const offset = Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(camera.transform, camera.position, new Cesium.Cartesian3());\n * const transform = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(Cesium.Transforms.computeTemeToPseudoFixedMatrix(now));\n * const inverseTransform = Cesium.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(transform, new Cesium.Matrix4());\n * Cesium.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(inverseTransform, offset, offset);\n * camera.lookAtTransform(transform, offset);\n * });\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.computeTemeToPseudoFixedMatrix = function(date, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(date)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"date is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n // GMST is actually computed using UT1. We're using UTC as an approximation of UT1.\n // We do not want to use the function like convertTaiToUtc in JulianDate because\n // we explicitly do not want to fail when inside the leap second.\n $2f24a46b71179aca$var$dateInUtc = (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).addSeconds(date, -(0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).computeTaiMinusUtc(date), $2f24a46b71179aca$var$dateInUtc);\n const utcDayNumber = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$dateInUtc.dayNumber;\n const utcSecondsIntoDay = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$dateInUtc.secondsOfDay;\n let t;\n const diffDays = utcDayNumber - 2451545;\n if (utcSecondsIntoDay >= 43200.0) t = (diffDays + 0.5) / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY;\n else t = (diffDays - 0.5) / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).DAYS_PER_JULIAN_CENTURY;\n const gmst0 = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant0 + t * ($2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant1 + t * ($2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant2 + t * $2f24a46b71179aca$var$gmstConstant3));\n const angle = gmst0 * $2f24a46b71179aca$var$twoPiOverSecondsInDay % (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TWO_PI;\n const ratio = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$wgs84WRPrecessing + $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rateCoef * (utcDayNumber - 2451545.5);\n const secondsSinceMidnight = (utcSecondsIntoDay + (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY * 0.5) % (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n const gha = angle + ratio * secondsSinceMidnight;\n const cosGha = Math.cos(gha);\n const sinGha = Math.sin(gha);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) return new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(cosGha, sinGha, 0.0, -sinGha, cosGha, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n result[0] = cosGha;\n result[1] = -sinGha;\n result[2] = 0.0;\n result[3] = sinGha;\n result[4] = cosGha;\n result[5] = 0.0;\n result[6] = 0.0;\n result[7] = 0.0;\n result[8] = 1.0;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * The source of IAU 2006 XYS data, used for computing the transformation between the\n * Fixed and ICRF axes.\n * @type {Iau2006XysData}\n *\n * @see Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix\n * @see Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix\n *\n * @private\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.iau2006XysData = new (0, $35a080b36f3a53ac$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * The source of Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP) data, used for computing the transformation\n * between the Fixed and ICRF axes. By default, zero values are used for all EOP values,\n * yielding a reasonable but not completely accurate representation of the ICRF axes.\n * @type {EarthOrientationParameters}\n *\n * @see Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix\n * @see Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix\n *\n * @private\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.earthOrientationParameters = (0, $5b576fbba5e3b788$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).NONE;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ttMinusTai = 32.184;\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$j2000ttDays = 2451545.0;\n/**\n * Preloads the data necessary to transform between the ICRF and Fixed axes, in either\n * direction, over a given interval. This function returns a promise that, when resolved,\n * indicates that the preload has completed.\n *\n * @param {TimeInterval} timeInterval The interval to preload.\n * @returns {Promise} A promise that, when resolved, indicates that the preload has completed\n * and evaluation of the transformation between the fixed and ICRF axes will\n * no longer return undefined for a time inside the interval.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * const interval = new Cesium.TimeInterval(...);\n * await Cesium.Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed(interval));\n * // the data is now loaded\n *\n * @see Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix\n * @see Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed = function(timeInterval) {\n const startDayTT = timeInterval.start.dayNumber;\n const startSecondTT = timeInterval.start.secondsOfDay + $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ttMinusTai;\n const stopDayTT = timeInterval.stop.dayNumber;\n const stopSecondTT = timeInterval.stop.secondsOfDay + $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ttMinusTai;\n return $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.iau2006XysData.preload(startDayTT, startSecondTT, stopDayTT, stopSecondTT);\n};\n/**\n * Computes a rotation matrix to transform a point or vector from the International Celestial\n * Reference Frame (GCRF/ICRF) inertial frame axes to the Earth-Fixed frame axes (ITRF)\n * at a given time. This function may return undefined if the data necessary to\n * do the transformation is not yet loaded.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} date The time at which to compute the rotation matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result. If this parameter is\n * not specified, a new instance is created and returned.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The rotation matrix, or undefined if the data necessary to do the\n * transformation is not yet loaded.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * scene.postUpdate.addEventListener(function(scene, time) {\n * // View in ICRF.\n * const icrfToFixed = Cesium.Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix(time);\n * if (Cesium.defined(icrfToFixed)) {\n * const offset = Cesium.Cartesian3.clone(camera.position);\n * const transform = Cesium.Matrix4.fromRotationTranslation(icrfToFixed);\n * camera.lookAtTransform(transform, offset);\n * }\n * });\n *\n * @see Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix = function(date, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(date)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"date is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n const fixedToIcrfMtx = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix(date, result);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(fixedToIcrfMtx)) return undefined;\n return (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).transpose(fixedToIcrfMtx, result);\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$xysScratch = new (0, $b5d0c8aa588cd45e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$eopScratch = new (0, $c6bc344ed2a8d712$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation1Scratch = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation2Scratch = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Computes a rotation matrix to transform a point or vector from the Earth-Fixed frame axes (ITRF)\n * to the International Celestial Reference Frame (GCRF/ICRF) inertial frame axes\n * at a given time. This function may return undefined if the data necessary to\n * do the transformation is not yet loaded.\n *\n * @param {JulianDate} date The time at which to compute the rotation matrix.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result. If this parameter is\n * not specified, a new instance is created and returned.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The rotation matrix, or undefined if the data necessary to do the\n * transformation is not yet loaded.\n *\n *\n * @example\n * // Transform a point from the ICRF axes to the Fixed axes.\n * const now =;\n * const pointInFixed = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees(0.0, 0.0);\n * const fixedToIcrf = Cesium.Transforms.computeIcrfToFixedMatrix(now);\n * let pointInInertial = new Cesium.Cartesian3();\n * if (Cesium.defined(fixedToIcrf)) {\n * pointInInertial = Cesium.Matrix3.multiplyByVector(fixedToIcrf, pointInFixed, pointInInertial);\n * }\n *\n * @see Transforms.preloadIcrfFixed\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.computeFixedToIcrfMatrix = function(date, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(date)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"date is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n // Compute pole wander\n const eop = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.earthOrientationParameters.compute(date, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$eopScratch);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(eop)) return undefined;\n // There is no external conversion to Terrestrial Time (TT).\n // So use International Atomic Time (TAI) and convert using offsets.\n // Here we are assuming that dayTT and secondTT are positive\n const dayTT = date.dayNumber;\n // It's possible here that secondTT could roll over 86400\n // This does not seem to affect the precision (unit tests check for this)\n const secondTT = date.secondsOfDay + $2f24a46b71179aca$var$ttMinusTai;\n const xys = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.iau2006XysData.computeXysRadians(dayTT, secondTT, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$xysScratch);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(xys)) return undefined;\n const x = xys.x + eop.xPoleOffset;\n const y = xys.y + eop.yPoleOffset;\n // Compute XYS rotation\n const a = 1.0 / (1.0 + Math.sqrt(1.0 - x * x - y * y));\n const rotation1 = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation1Scratch;\n rotation1[0] = 1.0 - a * x * x;\n rotation1[3] = -a * x * y;\n rotation1[6] = x;\n rotation1[1] = -a * x * y;\n rotation1[4] = 1 - a * y * y;\n rotation1[7] = y;\n rotation1[2] = -x;\n rotation1[5] = -y;\n rotation1[8] = 1 - a * (x * x + y * y);\n const rotation2 = (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromRotationZ(-xys.s, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation2Scratch);\n const matrixQ = (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply(rotation1, rotation2, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation1Scratch);\n // Similar to TT conversions above\n // It's possible here that secondTT could roll over 86400\n // This does not seem to affect the precision (unit tests check for this)\n const dateUt1day = date.dayNumber;\n const dateUt1sec = date.secondsOfDay - (0, $29901a0ec51782c2$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).computeTaiMinusUtc(date) + eop.ut1MinusUtc;\n // Compute Earth rotation angle\n // The IERS standard for era is\n // era = 0.7790572732640 + 1.00273781191135448 * Tu\n // where\n // Tu = JulianDateInUt1 - 2451545.0\n // However, you get much more precision if you make the following simplification\n // era = a + (1 + b) * (JulianDayNumber + FractionOfDay - 2451545)\n // era = a + (JulianDayNumber - 2451545) + FractionOfDay + b (JulianDayNumber - 2451545 + FractionOfDay)\n // era = a + FractionOfDay + b (JulianDayNumber - 2451545 + FractionOfDay)\n // since (JulianDayNumber - 2451545) represents an integer number of revolutions which will be discarded anyway.\n const daysSinceJ2000 = dateUt1day - 2451545;\n const fractionOfDay = dateUt1sec / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n let era = 0.779057273264 + fractionOfDay + 0.00273781191135448 * (daysSinceJ2000 + fractionOfDay);\n era = era % 1.0 * (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).TWO_PI;\n const earthRotation = (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromRotationZ(era, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation2Scratch);\n // pseudoFixed to ICRF\n const pfToIcrf = (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply(matrixQ, earthRotation, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation1Scratch);\n // Compute pole wander matrix\n const cosxp = Math.cos(eop.xPoleWander);\n const cosyp = Math.cos(eop.yPoleWander);\n const sinxp = Math.sin(eop.xPoleWander);\n const sinyp = Math.sin(eop.yPoleWander);\n let ttt = dayTT - $2f24a46b71179aca$var$j2000ttDays + secondTT / (0, $c1e33fed0e36ebc9$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).SECONDS_PER_DAY;\n ttt /= 36525.0;\n // approximate sp value in rad\n const sp = -0.000047 * ttt * (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).RADIANS_PER_DEGREE / 3600.0;\n const cossp = Math.cos(sp);\n const sinsp = Math.sin(sp);\n const fToPfMtx = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rotation2Scratch;\n fToPfMtx[0] = cosxp * cossp;\n fToPfMtx[1] = cosxp * sinsp;\n fToPfMtx[2] = sinxp;\n fToPfMtx[3] = -cosyp * sinsp + sinyp * sinxp * cossp;\n fToPfMtx[4] = cosyp * cossp + sinyp * sinxp * sinsp;\n fToPfMtx[5] = -sinyp * cosxp;\n fToPfMtx[6] = -sinyp * sinsp - cosyp * sinxp * cossp;\n fToPfMtx[7] = sinyp * cossp - cosyp * sinxp * sinsp;\n fToPfMtx[8] = cosyp * cosxp;\n return (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply(pfToIcrf, fToPfMtx, result);\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$pointToWindowCoordinatesTemp = new (0, $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Transform a point from model coordinates to window coordinates.\n *\n * @param {Matrix4} modelViewProjectionMatrix The 4x4 model-view-projection matrix.\n * @param {Matrix4} viewportTransformation The 4x4 viewport transformation.\n * @param {Cartesian3} point The point to transform.\n * @param {Cartesian2} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Cartesian2} The modified result parameter or a new Cartesian2 instance if none was provided.\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.pointToWindowCoordinates = function(modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewportTransformation, point, result) {\n result = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.pointToGLWindowCoordinates(modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewportTransformation, point, result);\n result.y = 2.0 * viewportTransformation[5] - result.y;\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.pointToGLWindowCoordinates = function(modelViewProjectionMatrix, viewportTransformation, point, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(modelViewProjectionMatrix)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"modelViewProjectionMatrix is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(viewportTransformation)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"viewportTransformation is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(point)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"point is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n const tmp = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$pointToWindowCoordinatesTemp;\n (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByVector(modelViewProjectionMatrix, (0, $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(point.x, point.y, point.z, 1, tmp), tmp);\n (0, $7e990740bae2c0e7$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByScalar(tmp, 1.0 / tmp.w, tmp);\n (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByVector(viewportTransformation, tmp, tmp);\n return (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromCartesian4(tmp, result);\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$normalScratch = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rightScratch = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$upScratch = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * Transform a position and velocity to a rotation matrix.\n *\n * @param {Cartesian3} position The position to transform.\n * @param {Cartesian3} velocity The velocity vector to transform.\n * @param {Ellipsoid} [ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid whose fixed frame is used in the transformation.\n * @param {Matrix3} [result] The object onto which to store the result.\n * @returns {Matrix3} The modified result parameter or a new Matrix3 instance if none was provided.\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.rotationMatrixFromPositionVelocity = function(position, velocity, ellipsoid, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(position)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"position is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(velocity)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"velocity is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const normal = (0, $85edf67cf80da6be$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(ellipsoid, (0, $a4f08fcd181f389e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).WGS84).geodeticSurfaceNormal(position, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$normalScratch);\n let right = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).cross(velocity, normal, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$rightScratch);\n if ((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).equalsEpsilon(right, (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).ZERO, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON6)) right = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNIT_X, right);\n const up = (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).cross(right, velocity, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$upScratch);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(up, up);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).cross(velocity, up, right);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).negate(right, right);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).normalize(right, right);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) result = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n result[0] = velocity.x;\n result[1] = velocity.y;\n result[2] = velocity.z;\n result[3] = right.x;\n result[4] = right.y;\n result[5] = right.z;\n result[6] = up.x;\n result[7] = up.y;\n result[8] = up.z;\n return result;\n};\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$swizzleMatrix = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCartographic = new (0, $e040e5b1d35c2bea$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCartesian3Projection = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCenter = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchRotation = new (0, $7c7546cf90115481$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFromENU = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchToENU = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\n/**\n * @private\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.basisTo2D = function(projection, matrix, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(projection)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"projection is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(matrix)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"matrix is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"result is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const rtcCenter = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getTranslation(matrix, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCenter);\n const ellipsoid = projection.ellipsoid;\n // Get the 2D Center\n const cartographic = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(rtcCenter, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCartographic);\n const projectedPosition = projection.project(cartographic, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCartesian3Projection);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(projectedPosition.z, projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y, projectedPosition);\n // Assuming the instance are positioned in WGS84, invert the WGS84 transform to get the local transform and then convert to 2D\n const fromENU = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(rtcCenter, ellipsoid, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFromENU);\n const toENU = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).inverseTransformation(fromENU, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchToENU);\n const rotation = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).getMatrix3(matrix, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchRotation);\n const local = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiplyByMatrix3(toENU, rotation, result);\n (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply($2f24a46b71179aca$var$swizzleMatrix, local, result); // Swap x, y, z for 2D\n (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).setTranslation(result, projectedPosition, result); // Use the projected center\n return result;\n};\n/**\n * @private\n */ $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.wgs84To2DModelMatrix = function(projection, center, result) {\n //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(projection)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"projection is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(center)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"center is required.\");\n if (!(0, $4bda098dc5059749$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(result)) throw new (0, $dca07d6e1f5c2b9d$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)(\"result is required.\");\n //>>includeEnd('debug');\n const ellipsoid = projection.ellipsoid;\n const fromENU = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(center, ellipsoid, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFromENU);\n const toENU = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).inverseTransformation(fromENU, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchToENU);\n const cartographic = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(center, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCartographic);\n const projectedPosition = projection.project(cartographic, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchCartesian3Projection);\n (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromElements(projectedPosition.z, projectedPosition.x, projectedPosition.y, projectedPosition);\n const translation = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).fromTranslation(projectedPosition, $2f24a46b71179aca$var$scratchFromENU);\n (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply($2f24a46b71179aca$var$swizzleMatrix, toENU, result);\n (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).multiply(translation, result, result);\n return result;\n};\nvar $2f24a46b71179aca$export$2e2bcd8739ae039 = $2f24a46b71179aca$var$Transforms;\n\n\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$vectorScratch = new (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$windowPositionScratch = new (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch = new (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$centerScratch = new (0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$oldTransformScratch = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$newTransformScratch = new (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$pickRayScratch = new (0, $a2dcad89bd72cdad$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)();\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$nominalTotalRadius = 145;\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$nominalGyroRadius = 50;\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$outerRingSvg = (0, $a3bb79dace25759f$export$7ed1367e7fa1ad68)``;\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$innerRingSvg = (0, $a3bb79dace25759f$export$7ed1367e7fa1ad68)``;\nconst $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$rotationMarkerSvg = (0, $a3bb79dace25759f$export$7ed1367e7fa1ad68)``;\nclass $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$CesiumCompass extends (0, $a7439be731263355$export$3f2f9f5909897157) {\n static get properties() {\n return {\n scene: {\n type: Object\n },\n clock: {\n type: Object\n },\n ready: {\n type: Boolean\n },\n heading: {\n type: Number\n },\n orbitCursorAngle: {\n type: Number\n },\n orbitCursorOpacity: {\n type: Number\n },\n resetSpeed: {\n type: Number\n }\n };\n }\n static get styles() {\n return (0, $63850552e16e65df$export$dbf350e5966cf602)`\n :host * {\n box-sizing: content-box;\n }\n .compass {\n position: absolute;\n right: 0;\n top: 0;\n width: 95px;\n height: 95px;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n .outer-ring-background {\n position: absolute;\n top: 14px;\n left: 14px;\n width: 44px;\n height: 44px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n border: 12px solid var(--cesium-compass-fill-color);\n }\n .inner-ring-background {\n position: absolute;\n top: 30px;\n left: 30px;\n width: 33px;\n height: 33px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n background-color: var(--cesium-compass-fill-color);\n border: 1px solid var(--cesium-compass-stroke-color);\n }\n .rotation-marker, .outer-ring {\n will-change: opacity, transform;\n }\n .rotation-marker, .outer-ring, .inner-ring {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n width: 95px;\n height: 95px;\n fill: var(--cesium-compass-stroke-color);\n }\n .rotation-marker svg, .outer-ring svg, .inner-ring svg {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n `;\n }\n constructor(){\n super();\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Scene}\n */ this.scene;\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Clock}\n */ this.clock = undefined;\n /**\n * @type {boolean}\n */ this.ready = false;\n /**\n * @type {number}\n */ this.resetSpeed = Math.PI / 100;\n /**\n * @type {boolean}\n */ this.rotateClick = undefined;\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Event.RemoveCallback}\n */ this.unlistenFromPostRender = null;\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Event.RemoveCallback}\n */ this.unlistenFromClockTick = null;\n /**\n * @type {number}\n */ this.orbitCursorOpacity = 0;\n this.handleRotatePointerMoveFunction = this.handleRotatePointerMove.bind(this);\n this.handleRotatePointerUpFunction = this.handleRotatePointerUp.bind(this);\n this.handleOrbitPointerMoveFunction = this.handleOrbitPointerMove.bind(this);\n this.handleOrbitPointerUpFunction = this.handleOrbitPointerUp.bind(this);\n this.handleOrbitTickFunction = this.handleOrbitTick.bind(this);\n this.context = {};\n }\n updated() {\n if (this.scene && this.clock && !this.unlistenFromPostRender) {\n this.unlistenFromPostRender = this.scene.postRender.addEventListener(()=>{\n this.heading =;\n });\n this.ready = true;\n }\n }\n get outerRingStyle() {\n return {\n transform: `rotate(-${this.heading}rad)`\n };\n }\n get rotationMarkerStyle() {\n return {\n transform: `rotate(-${this.orbitCursorAngle}rad)`,\n opacity: `${this.orbitCursorOpacity}`\n };\n }\n disconnectedCallback() {\n if (this.unlistenFromPostRender) this.unlistenFromPostRender();\n super.disconnectedCallback();\n }\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */ handlePointerDown(event) {\n const camera =;\n const compassElement = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ event.currentTarget;\n this.context.compassRectangle = compassElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n this.context.compassCenter = new (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039)((this.context.compassRectangle.right - this.context.compassRectangle.left) / 2, (this.context.compassRectangle.bottom - / 2);\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch.x = event.clientX - this.context.compassRectangle.left;\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch.y = event.clientY -;\n const vector = (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).subtract($0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch, this.context.compassCenter, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$vectorScratch);\n const distanceFromCenter = (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(vector);\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$windowPositionScratch.x = this.scene.canvas.clientWidth / 2;\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$windowPositionScratch.y = this.scene.canvas.clientHeight / 2;\n const ray = camera.getPickRay($0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$windowPositionScratch, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$pickRayScratch);\n this.context.viewCenter = this.scene.globe.pick(ray, this.scene, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$centerScratch);\n this.context.frame = (0, $2f24a46b71179aca$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(this.context.viewCenter ? this.context.viewCenter : camera.positionWC, (0, $a4f08fcd181f389e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).WGS84, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$newTransformScratch);\n const maxDistance = this.context.compassRectangle.width / 2;\n const distanceFraction = distanceFromCenter / maxDistance;\n if (distanceFraction < $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$nominalGyroRadius / $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$nominalTotalRadius) this.orbit(vector);\n else if (distanceFraction < 1) this.rotate(vector);\n event.stopPropagation();\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n /**\n * @param {Cartesian2} cursorVector\n */ rotate(cursorVector) {\n const camera =;\n this.context.rotateInitialCursorAngle = Math.atan2(-cursorVector.y, cursorVector.x);\n const oldTransform = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(camera.transform, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n this.context.rotateInitialCameraAngle = Math.atan2(camera.position.y, camera.position.x);\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n this.rotateClick = true;\n document.addEventListener(\"pointermove\", this.handleRotatePointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.addEventListener(\"pointerup\", this.handleRotatePointerUpFunction, false);\n }\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */ handleRotatePointerMove(event) {\n if (this.moveUpIfTooCloseToTerrain()) return;\n const camera =;\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch.x = event.clientX - this.context.compassRectangle.left;\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch.y = event.clientY -;\n const vector = (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).subtract($0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch, this.context.compassCenter, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$vectorScratch);\n const angle = Math.atan2(-vector.y, vector.x);\n const angleDifference = angle - this.context.rotateInitialCursorAngle;\n const newCameraAngle = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).zeroToTwoPi(this.context.rotateInitialCameraAngle - angleDifference);\n const oldTransform = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(camera.transform, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n const currentCameraAngle = Math.atan2(camera.position.y, camera.position.x);\n camera.rotateRight(newCameraAngle - currentCameraAngle);\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n this.rotateClick = false;\n }\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */ handleRotatePointerUp(event) {\n document.removeEventListener(\"pointermove\", this.handleRotatePointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.removeEventListener(\"pointerup\", this.handleRotatePointerUpFunction, false);\n if (this.rotateClick) this.resetToNorth();\n }\n resetToNorth() {\n const camera =;\n const oldTransform = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(camera.transform, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n const newCameraAngle = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).negativePiToPi((0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).PI_OVER_TWO + Math.atan2(camera.position.y, camera.position.x));\n const duration = Math.abs(newCameraAngle) / this.resetSpeed;\n let prevProgress = 0;\n const start =;\n const step = ()=>{\n const elapsed = - start;\n const progress = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clamp(elapsed / duration, 0, 1);\n camera.rotateLeft((progress - prevProgress) * newCameraAngle);\n prevProgress = progress;\n if (progress < 1) window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\n else camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n };\n window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\n }\n /**\n * @param {Cartesian2} cursorVector\n */ orbit(cursorVector) {\n this.context.orbitIsLook = !this.context.viewCenter;\n this.context.orbitLastTimestamp =;\n document.addEventListener(\"pointermove\", this.handleOrbitPointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.addEventListener(\"pointerup\", this.handleOrbitPointerUpFunction, false);\n this.unlistenFromClockTick = this.clock.onTick.addEventListener(this.handleOrbitTickFunction);\n this.updateAngleAndOpacity(cursorVector, this.context.compassRectangle.width);\n }\n handleOrbitTick() {\n if (this.moveUpIfTooCloseToTerrain()) return;\n const camera =;\n const timestamp =;\n const deltaT = timestamp - this.context.orbitLastTimestamp;\n const rate = (this.orbitCursorOpacity - 0.5) * 2.5 / 1000;\n const distance = deltaT * rate;\n const angle = this.orbitCursorAngle + (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).PI_OVER_TWO;\n const x = Math.cos(angle) * distance;\n const y = Math.sin(angle) * distance;\n const oldTransform = (0, $1ed80860ba50ad97$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).clone(camera.transform, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n if (this.context.orbitIsLook) {\n camera.look((0, $62ea896bcccdf635$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).UNIT_Z, -x);\n camera.look(camera.right, -y);\n } else {\n camera.rotateLeft(x);\n camera.rotateUp(y);\n }\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n this.context.orbitLastTimestamp = timestamp;\n }\n distanceToTerrain() {\n const camera =;\n const height = this.scene.globe.getHeight(camera.positionCartographic);\n return camera.positionCartographic.height - height;\n }\n moveUpIfTooCloseToTerrain() {\n const controller = this.scene.screenSpaceCameraController;\n if (!controller.enableCollisionDetection) return false;\n const distanceDiff = this.distanceToTerrain() - controller.minimumZoomDistance;\n if ((0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).lessThan(distanceDiff, 0.0, (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).EPSILON1)) {\n;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n /**\n * @param {Cartesian2} vector\n * @param {number} compassWidth\n */ updateAngleAndOpacity(vector, compassWidth) {\n const angle = Math.atan2(-vector.y, vector.x);\n this.orbitCursorAngle = (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).zeroToTwoPi(angle - (0, $52df5921d0d74e2e$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).PI_OVER_TWO);\n const distance = (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).magnitude(vector);\n const maxDistance = compassWidth / 2.0;\n const distanceFraction = Math.min(distance / maxDistance, 1.0);\n this.orbitCursorOpacity = 0.5 * distanceFraction * distanceFraction + 0.5;\n }\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */ handleOrbitPointerMove(event) {\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch.x = event.clientX - this.context.compassRectangle.left;\n $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch.y = event.clientY -;\n const cursorVector = (0, $52f162a7ce89e814$export$2e2bcd8739ae039).subtract($0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$clickLocationScratch, this.context.compassCenter, $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$vectorScratch);\n this.updateAngleAndOpacity(cursorVector, this.context.compassRectangle.width);\n }\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */ handleOrbitPointerUp(event) {\n document.removeEventListener(\"pointermove\", this.handleOrbitPointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.removeEventListener(\"pointerup\", this.handleOrbitPointerUpFunction, false);\n this.unlistenFromClockTick();\n this.orbitCursorOpacity = 0;\n }\n render() {\n if (this.ready) return (0, $a3bb79dace25759f$export$c0bb0b647f701bb5)`\n \n \n ${$0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$outerRingSvg}\n \n ${$0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$innerRingSvg}\n ${$0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$rotationMarkerSvg}\n \n `;\n else return (0, $a3bb79dace25759f$export$c0bb0b647f701bb5)``;\n }\n}\ncustomElements.define(\"cesium-compass\", $0ad68ca5cf1aea2c$var$CesiumCompass);\n\n\n//#\n","\"use strict\";","/*! v1.4.0 by @mathias */\n;(function(root) {\n\n\t/** Detect free variables */\n\tvar freeExports = typeof exports == 'object' && exports &&\n\t\t!exports.nodeType && exports;\n\tvar freeModule = typeof module == 'object' && module &&\n\t\t!module.nodeType && module;\n\tvar freeGlobal = typeof global == 'object' && global;\n\tif (\n\t\ === freeGlobal ||\n\t\tfreeGlobal.window === freeGlobal ||\n\t\tfreeGlobal.self === freeGlobal\n\t) {\n\t\troot = freeGlobal;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * The `punycode` object.\n\t * @name punycode\n\t * @type Object\n\t */\n\tvar punycode,\n\n\t/** Highest positive signed 32-bit float value */\n\tmaxInt = 2147483647, // aka. 0x7FFFFFFF or 2^31-1\n\n\t/** Bootstring parameters */\n\tbase = 36,\n\ttMin = 1,\n\ttMax = 26,\n\tskew = 38,\n\tdamp = 700,\n\tinitialBias = 72,\n\tinitialN = 128, // 0x80\n\tdelimiter = '-', // '\\x2D'\n\n\t/** Regular expressions */\n\tregexPunycode = /^xn--/,\n\tregexNonASCII = /[^\\x20-\\x7E]/, // unprintable ASCII chars + non-ASCII chars\n\tregexSeparators = /[\\x2E\\u3002\\uFF0E\\uFF61]/g, // RFC 3490 separators\n\n\t/** Error messages */\n\terrors = {\n\t\t'overflow': 'Overflow: input needs wider integers to process',\n\t\t'not-basic': 'Illegal input >= 0x80 (not a basic code point)',\n\t\t'invalid-input': 'Invalid input'\n\t},\n\n\t/** Convenience shortcuts */\n\tbaseMinusTMin = base - tMin,\n\tfloor = Math.floor,\n\tstringFromCharCode = String.fromCharCode,\n\n\t/** Temporary variable */\n\tkey;\n\n\t/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\t/**\n\t * A generic error utility function.\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {String} type The error type.\n\t * @returns {Error} Throws a `RangeError` with the applicable error message.\n\t */\n\tfunction error(type) {\n\t\tthrow new RangeError(errors[type]);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * A generic `Array#map` utility function.\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {Array} array The array to iterate over.\n\t * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every array\n\t * item.\n\t * @returns {Array} A new array of values returned by the callback function.\n\t */\n\tfunction map(array, fn) {\n\t\tvar length = array.length;\n\t\tvar result = [];\n\t\twhile (length--) {\n\t\t\tresult[length] = fn(array[length]);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn result;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * A simple `Array#map`-like wrapper to work with domain name strings or email\n\t * addresses.\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {String} domain The domain name or email address.\n\t * @param {Function} callback The function that gets called for every\n\t * character.\n\t * @returns {Array} A new string of characters returned by the callback\n\t * function.\n\t */\n\tfunction mapDomain(string, fn) {\n\t\tvar parts = string.split('@');\n\t\tvar result = '';\n\t\tif (parts.length > 1) {\n\t\t\t// In email addresses, only the domain name should be punycoded. Leave\n\t\t\t// the local part (i.e. everything up to `@`) intact.\n\t\t\tresult = parts[0] + '@';\n\t\t\tstring = parts[1];\n\t\t}\n\t\t// Avoid `split(regex)` for IE8 compatibility. See #17.\n\t\tstring = string.replace(regexSeparators, '\\x2E');\n\t\tvar labels = string.split('.');\n\t\tvar encoded = map(labels, fn).join('.');\n\t\treturn result + encoded;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates an array containing the numeric code points of each Unicode\n\t * character in the string. While JavaScript uses UCS-2 internally,\n\t * this function will convert a pair of surrogate halves (each of which\n\t * UCS-2 exposes as separate characters) into a single code point,\n\t * matching UTF-16.\n\t * @see `punycode.ucs2.encode`\n\t * @see \n\t * @memberOf punycode.ucs2\n\t * @name decode\n\t * @param {String} string The Unicode input string (UCS-2).\n\t * @returns {Array} The new array of code points.\n\t */\n\tfunction ucs2decode(string) {\n\t\tvar output = [],\n\t\t counter = 0,\n\t\t length = string.length,\n\t\t value,\n\t\t extra;\n\t\twhile (counter < length) {\n\t\t\tvalue = string.charCodeAt(counter++);\n\t\t\tif (value >= 0xD800 && value <= 0xDBFF && counter < length) {\n\t\t\t\t// high surrogate, and there is a next character\n\t\t\t\textra = string.charCodeAt(counter++);\n\t\t\t\tif ((extra & 0xFC00) == 0xDC00) { // low surrogate\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(((value & 0x3FF) << 10) + (extra & 0x3FF) + 0x10000);\n\t\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\t\t// unmatched surrogate; only append this code unit, in case the next\n\t\t\t\t\t// code unit is the high surrogate of a surrogate pair\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(value);\n\t\t\t\t\tcounter--;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\toutput.push(value);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn output;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Creates a string based on an array of numeric code points.\n\t * @see `punycode.ucs2.decode`\n\t * @memberOf punycode.ucs2\n\t * @name encode\n\t * @param {Array} codePoints The array of numeric code points.\n\t * @returns {String} The new Unicode string (UCS-2).\n\t */\n\tfunction ucs2encode(array) {\n\t\treturn map(array, function(value) {\n\t\t\tvar output = '';\n\t\t\tif (value > 0xFFFF) {\n\t\t\t\tvalue -= 0x10000;\n\t\t\t\toutput += stringFromCharCode(value >>> 10 & 0x3FF | 0xD800);\n\t\t\t\tvalue = 0xDC00 | value & 0x3FF;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\toutput += stringFromCharCode(value);\n\t\t\treturn output;\n\t\t}).join('');\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a basic code point into a digit/integer.\n\t * @see `digitToBasic()`\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {Number} codePoint The basic numeric code point value.\n\t * @returns {Number} The numeric value of a basic code point (for use in\n\t * representing integers) in the range `0` to `base - 1`, or `base` if\n\t * the code point does not represent a value.\n\t */\n\tfunction basicToDigit(codePoint) {\n\t\tif (codePoint - 48 < 10) {\n\t\t\treturn codePoint - 22;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (codePoint - 65 < 26) {\n\t\t\treturn codePoint - 65;\n\t\t}\n\t\tif (codePoint - 97 < 26) {\n\t\t\treturn codePoint - 97;\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn base;\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a digit/integer into a basic code point.\n\t * @see `basicToDigit()`\n\t * @private\n\t * @param {Number} digit The numeric value of a basic code point.\n\t * @returns {Number} The basic code point whose value (when used for\n\t * representing integers) is `digit`, which needs to be in the range\n\t * `0` to `base - 1`. If `flag` is non-zero, the uppercase form is\n\t * used; else, the lowercase form is used. The behavior is undefined\n\t * if `flag` is non-zero and `digit` has no uppercase form.\n\t */\n\tfunction digitToBasic(digit, flag) {\n\t\t// 0..25 map to ASCII a..z or A..Z\n\t\t// 26..35 map to ASCII 0..9\n\t\treturn digit + 22 + 75 * (digit < 26) - ((flag != 0) << 5);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Bias adaptation function as per section 3.4 of RFC 3492.\n\t *\n\t * @private\n\t */\n\tfunction adapt(delta, numPoints, firstTime) {\n\t\tvar k = 0;\n\t\tdelta = firstTime ? floor(delta / damp) : delta >> 1;\n\t\tdelta += floor(delta / numPoints);\n\t\tfor (/* no initialization */; delta > baseMinusTMin * tMax >> 1; k += base) {\n\t\t\tdelta = floor(delta / baseMinusTMin);\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn floor(k + (baseMinusTMin + 1) * delta / (delta + skew));\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols to a string of Unicode\n\t * symbols.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.\n\t * @returns {String} The resulting string of Unicode symbols.\n\t */\n\tfunction decode(input) {\n\t\t// Don't use UCS-2\n\t\tvar output = [],\n\t\t inputLength = input.length,\n\t\t out,\n\t\t i = 0,\n\t\t n = initialN,\n\t\t bias = initialBias,\n\t\t basic,\n\t\t j,\n\t\t index,\n\t\t oldi,\n\t\t w,\n\t\t k,\n\t\t digit,\n\t\t t,\n\t\t /** Cached calculation results */\n\t\t baseMinusT;\n\n\t\t// Handle the basic code points: let `basic` be the number of input code\n\t\t// points before the last delimiter, or `0` if there is none, then copy\n\t\t// the first basic code points to the output.\n\n\t\tbasic = input.lastIndexOf(delimiter);\n\t\tif (basic < 0) {\n\t\t\tbasic = 0;\n\t\t}\n\n\t\tfor (j = 0; j < basic; ++j) {\n\t\t\t// if it's not a basic code point\n\t\t\tif (input.charCodeAt(j) >= 0x80) {\n\t\t\t\terror('not-basic');\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t\toutput.push(input.charCodeAt(j));\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Main decoding loop: start just after the last delimiter if any basic code\n\t\t// points were copied; start at the beginning otherwise.\n\n\t\tfor (index = basic > 0 ? basic + 1 : 0; index < inputLength; /* no final expression */) {\n\n\t\t\t// `index` is the index of the next character to be consumed.\n\t\t\t// Decode a generalized variable-length integer into `delta`,\n\t\t\t// which gets added to `i`. The overflow checking is easier\n\t\t\t// if we increase `i` as we go, then subtract off its starting\n\t\t\t// value at the end to obtain `delta`.\n\t\t\tfor (oldi = i, w = 1, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) {\n\n\t\t\t\tif (index >= inputLength) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('invalid-input');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tdigit = basicToDigit(input.charCodeAt(index++));\n\n\t\t\t\tif (digit >= base || digit > floor((maxInt - i) / w)) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\ti += digit * w;\n\t\t\t\tt = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias);\n\n\t\t\t\tif (digit < t) {\n\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tbaseMinusT = base - t;\n\t\t\t\tif (w > floor(maxInt / baseMinusT)) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tw *= baseMinusT;\n\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tout = output.length + 1;\n\t\t\tbias = adapt(i - oldi, out, oldi == 0);\n\n\t\t\t// `i` was supposed to wrap around from `out` to `0`,\n\t\t\t// incrementing `n` each time, so we'll fix that now:\n\t\t\tif (floor(i / out) > maxInt - n) {\n\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tn += floor(i / out);\n\t\t\ti %= out;\n\n\t\t\t// Insert `n` at position `i` of the output\n\t\t\toutput.splice(i++, 0, n);\n\n\t\t}\n\n\t\treturn ucs2encode(output);\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a string of Unicode symbols (e.g. a domain name label) to a\n\t * Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The string of Unicode symbols.\n\t * @returns {String} The resulting Punycode string of ASCII-only symbols.\n\t */\n\tfunction encode(input) {\n\t\tvar n,\n\t\t delta,\n\t\t handledCPCount,\n\t\t basicLength,\n\t\t bias,\n\t\t j,\n\t\t m,\n\t\t q,\n\t\t k,\n\t\t t,\n\t\t currentValue,\n\t\t output = [],\n\t\t /** `inputLength` will hold the number of code points in `input`. */\n\t\t inputLength,\n\t\t /** Cached calculation results */\n\t\t handledCPCountPlusOne,\n\t\t baseMinusT,\n\t\t qMinusT;\n\n\t\t// Convert the input in UCS-2 to Unicode\n\t\tinput = ucs2decode(input);\n\n\t\t// Cache the length\n\t\tinputLength = input.length;\n\n\t\t// Initialize the state\n\t\tn = initialN;\n\t\tdelta = 0;\n\t\tbias = initialBias;\n\n\t\t// Handle the basic code points\n\t\tfor (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {\n\t\t\tcurrentValue = input[j];\n\t\t\tif (currentValue < 0x80) {\n\t\t\t\toutput.push(stringFromCharCode(currentValue));\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\n\t\thandledCPCount = basicLength = output.length;\n\n\t\t// `handledCPCount` is the number of code points that have been handled;\n\t\t// `basicLength` is the number of basic code points.\n\n\t\t// Finish the basic string - if it is not empty - with a delimiter\n\t\tif (basicLength) {\n\t\t\toutput.push(delimiter);\n\t\t}\n\n\t\t// Main encoding loop:\n\t\twhile (handledCPCount < inputLength) {\n\n\t\t\t// All non-basic code points < n have been handled already. Find the next\n\t\t\t// larger one:\n\t\t\tfor (m = maxInt, j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrentValue = input[j];\n\t\t\t\tif (currentValue >= n && currentValue < m) {\n\t\t\t\t\tm = currentValue;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t// Increase `delta` enough to advance the decoder's state to ,\n\t\t\t// but guard against overflow\n\t\t\thandledCPCountPlusOne = handledCPCount + 1;\n\t\t\tif (m - n > floor((maxInt - delta) / handledCPCountPlusOne)) {\n\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\tdelta += (m - n) * handledCPCountPlusOne;\n\t\t\tn = m;\n\n\t\t\tfor (j = 0; j < inputLength; ++j) {\n\t\t\t\tcurrentValue = input[j];\n\n\t\t\t\tif (currentValue < n && ++delta > maxInt) {\n\t\t\t\t\terror('overflow');\n\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\tif (currentValue == n) {\n\t\t\t\t\t// Represent delta as a generalized variable-length integer\n\t\t\t\t\tfor (q = delta, k = base; /* no condition */; k += base) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\tt = k <= bias ? tMin : (k >= bias + tMax ? tMax : k - bias);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tif (q < t) {\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tbreak;\n\t\t\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\t\t\tqMinusT = q - t;\n\t\t\t\t\t\tbaseMinusT = base - t;\n\t\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tstringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(t + qMinusT % baseMinusT, 0))\n\t\t\t\t\t\t);\n\t\t\t\t\t\tq = floor(qMinusT / baseMinusT);\n\t\t\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t\t\toutput.push(stringFromCharCode(digitToBasic(q, 0)));\n\t\t\t\t\tbias = adapt(delta, handledCPCountPlusOne, handledCPCount == basicLength);\n\t\t\t\t\tdelta = 0;\n\t\t\t\t\t++handledCPCount;\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t}\n\n\t\t\t++delta;\n\t\t\t++n;\n\n\t\t}\n\t\treturn output.join('');\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a Punycode string representing a domain name or an email address\n\t * to Unicode. Only the Punycoded parts of the input will be converted, i.e.\n\t * it doesn't matter if you call it on a string that has already been\n\t * converted to Unicode.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The Punycoded domain name or email address to\n\t * convert to Unicode.\n\t * @returns {String} The Unicode representation of the given Punycode\n\t * string.\n\t */\n\tfunction toUnicode(input) {\n\t\treturn mapDomain(input, function(string) {\n\t\t\treturn regexPunycode.test(string)\n\t\t\t\t? decode(string.slice(4).toLowerCase())\n\t\t\t\t: string;\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t/**\n\t * Converts a Unicode string representing a domain name or an email address to\n\t * Punycode. Only the non-ASCII parts of the domain name will be converted,\n\t * i.e. it doesn't matter if you call it with a domain that's already in\n\t * ASCII.\n\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t * @param {String} input The domain name or email address to convert, as a\n\t * Unicode string.\n\t * @returns {String} The Punycode representation of the given domain name or\n\t * email address.\n\t */\n\tfunction toASCII(input) {\n\t\treturn mapDomain(input, function(string) {\n\t\t\treturn regexNonASCII.test(string)\n\t\t\t\t? 'xn--' + encode(string)\n\t\t\t\t: string;\n\t\t});\n\t}\n\n\t/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/\n\n\t/** Define the public API */\n\tpunycode = {\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * A string representing the current Punycode.js version number.\n\t\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t\t * @type String\n\t\t */\n\t\t'version': '1.3.2',\n\t\t/**\n\t\t * An object of methods to convert from JavaScript's internal character\n\t\t * representation (UCS-2) to Unicode code points, and back.\n\t\t * @see \n\t\t * @memberOf punycode\n\t\t * @type Object\n\t\t */\n\t\t'ucs2': {\n\t\t\t'decode': ucs2decode,\n\t\t\t'encode': ucs2encode\n\t\t},\n\t\t'decode': decode,\n\t\t'encode': encode,\n\t\t'toASCII': toASCII,\n\t\t'toUnicode': toUnicode\n\t};\n\n\t/** Expose `punycode` */\n\t// Some AMD build optimizers, like r.js, check for specific condition patterns\n\t// like the following:\n\tif (\n\t\ttypeof define == 'function' &&\n\t\ttypeof define.amd == 'object' &&\n\t\tdefine.amd\n\t) {\n\t\tdefine('punycode', function() {\n\t\t\treturn punycode;\n\t\t});\n\t} else if (freeExports && freeModule) {\n\t\tif (module.exports == freeExports) {\n\t\t\t// in Node.js, io.js, or RingoJS v0.8.0+\n\t\t\tfreeModule.exports = punycode;\n\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t// in Narwhal or RingoJS v0.7.0-\n\t\t\tfor (key in punycode) {\n\t\t\t\tpunycode.hasOwnProperty(key) && (freeExports[key] = punycode[key]);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t} else {\n\t\t// in Rhino or a web browser\n\t\troot.punycode = punycode;\n\t}\n\n}(this));\n","/*!\n * URI.js - Mutating URLs\n * IPv6 Support\n *\n * Version: 1.19.11\n *\n * Author: Rodney Rehm\n * Web:\n *\n * Licensed under\n * MIT License\n *\n */\n\n(function (root, factory) {\n 'use strict';\n //\n if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {\n // Node\n module.exports = factory();\n } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.\n define(factory);\n } else {\n // Browser globals (root is window)\n root.IPv6 = factory(root);\n }\n}(this, function (root) {\n 'use strict';\n\n /*\n var _in = \"fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156\";\n var _out =;\n var _expected = \"fe80::204:61ff:fe9d:f156\";\n\n console.log(_in, _out, _expected, _out === _expected);\n */\n\n // save current IPv6 variable, if any\n var _IPv6 = root && root.IPv6;\n\n function bestPresentation(address) {\n // based on:\n // Javascript to test an IPv6 address for proper format, and to\n // present the \"best text representation\" according to IETF Draft RFC at\n //\n // 8 Feb 2010 Rich Brown, Dartware, LLC\n // Please feel free to use this code as long as you provide a link to\n //\n //\n //\n\n var _address = address.toLowerCase();\n var segments = _address.split(':');\n var length = segments.length;\n var total = 8;\n\n // trim colons (:: or ::a:b:c… or …a:b:c::)\n if (segments[0] === '' && segments[1] === '' && segments[2] === '') {\n // must have been ::\n // remove first two items\n segments.shift();\n segments.shift();\n } else if (segments[0] === '' && segments[1] === '') {\n // must have been ::xxxx\n // remove the first item\n segments.shift();\n } else if (segments[length - 1] === '' && segments[length - 2] === '') {\n // must have been xxxx::\n segments.pop();\n }\n\n length = segments.length;\n\n // adjust total segments for IPv4 trailer\n if (segments[length - 1].indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n // found a \".\" which means IPv4\n total = 7;\n }\n\n // fill empty segments them with \"0000\"\n var pos;\n for (pos = 0; pos < length; pos++) {\n if (segments[pos] === '') {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n if (pos < total) {\n segments.splice(pos, 1, '0000');\n while (segments.length < total) {\n segments.splice(pos, 0, '0000');\n }\n }\n\n // strip leading zeros\n var _segments;\n for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) {\n _segments = segments[i].split('');\n for (var j = 0; j < 3 ; j++) {\n if (_segments[0] === '0' && _segments.length > 1) {\n _segments.splice(0,1);\n } else {\n break;\n }\n }\n\n segments[i] = _segments.join('');\n }\n\n // find longest sequence of zeroes and coalesce them into one segment\n var best = -1;\n var _best = 0;\n var _current = 0;\n var current = -1;\n var inzeroes = false;\n // i; already declared\n\n for (i = 0; i < total; i++) {\n if (inzeroes) {\n if (segments[i] === '0') {\n _current += 1;\n } else {\n inzeroes = false;\n if (_current > _best) {\n best = current;\n _best = _current;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (segments[i] === '0') {\n inzeroes = true;\n current = i;\n _current = 1;\n }\n }\n }\n\n if (_current > _best) {\n best = current;\n _best = _current;\n }\n\n if (_best > 1) {\n segments.splice(best, _best, '');\n }\n\n length = segments.length;\n\n // assemble remaining segments\n var result = '';\n if (segments[0] === '') {\n result = ':';\n }\n\n for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n result += segments[i];\n if (i === length - 1) {\n break;\n }\n\n result += ':';\n }\n\n if (segments[length - 1] === '') {\n result += ':';\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n\n function noConflict() {\n /*jshint validthis: true */\n if (root.IPv6 === this) {\n root.IPv6 = _IPv6;\n }\n\n return this;\n }\n\n return {\n best: bestPresentation,\n noConflict: noConflict\n };\n}));\n","/*!\n * URI.js - Mutating URLs\n * Second Level Domain (SLD) Support\n *\n * Version: 1.19.11\n *\n * Author: Rodney Rehm\n * Web:\n *\n * Licensed under\n * MIT License\n *\n */\n\n(function (root, factory) {\n 'use strict';\n //\n if (typeof module === 'object' && module.exports) {\n // Node\n module.exports = factory();\n } else if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {\n // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.\n define(factory);\n } else {\n // Browser globals (root is window)\n root.SecondLevelDomains = factory(root);\n }\n}(this, function (root) {\n 'use strict';\n\n // save current SecondLevelDomains variable, if any\n var _SecondLevelDomains = root && root.SecondLevelDomains;\n\n var SLD = {\n // list of known Second Level Domains\n // converted list of SLDs from\n // ----\n // is more current and actually used by a couple of browsers internally.\n // downside is it also contains domains like \"\" - which is fine for the security\n // issues browser have to deal with (SOP for cookies, etc) - but is way overboard for URI.js\n // ----\n list: {\n 'ac':' com gov mil net org ',\n 'ae':' ac co gov mil name net org pro sch ',\n 'af':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'al':' com edu gov mil net org ',\n 'ao':' co ed gv it og pb ',\n 'ar':' com edu gob gov int mil net org tur ',\n 'at':' ac co gv or ',\n 'au':' asn com csiro edu gov id net org ',\n 'ba':' co com edu gov mil net org rs unbi unmo unsa untz unze ',\n 'bb':' biz co com edu gov info net org store tv ',\n 'bh':' biz cc com edu gov info net org ',\n 'bn':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'bo':' com edu gob gov int mil net org tv ',\n 'br':' adm adv agr am arq art ato b bio blog bmd cim cng cnt com coop ecn edu eng esp etc eti far flog fm fnd fot fst g12 ggf gov imb ind inf jor jus lel mat med mil mus net nom not ntr odo org ppg pro psc psi qsl rec slg srv tmp trd tur tv vet vlog wiki zlg ',\n 'bs':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'bz':' du et om ov rg ',\n 'ca':' ab bc mb nb nf nl ns nt nu on pe qc sk yk ',\n 'ck':' biz co edu gen gov info net org ',\n 'cn':' ac ah bj com cq edu fj gd gov gs gx gz ha hb he hi hl hn jl js jx ln mil net nm nx org qh sc sd sh sn sx tj tw xj xz yn zj ',\n 'co':' com edu gov mil net nom org ',\n 'cr':' ac c co ed fi go or sa ',\n 'cy':' ac biz com ekloges gov ltd name net org parliament press pro tm ',\n 'do':' art com edu gob gov mil net org sld web ',\n 'dz':' art asso com edu gov net org pol ',\n 'ec':' com edu fin gov info med mil net org pro ',\n 'eg':' com edu eun gov mil name net org sci ',\n 'er':' com edu gov ind mil net org rochest w ',\n 'es':' com edu gob nom org ',\n 'et':' biz com edu gov info name net org ',\n 'fj':' ac biz com info mil name net org pro ',\n 'fk':' ac co gov net nom org ',\n 'fr':' asso com f gouv nom prd presse tm ',\n 'gg':' co net org ',\n 'gh':' com edu gov mil org ',\n 'gn':' ac com gov net org ',\n 'gr':' com edu gov mil net org ',\n 'gt':' com edu gob ind mil net org ',\n 'gu':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'hk':' com edu gov idv net org ',\n 'hu':' 2000 agrar bolt casino city co erotica erotika film forum games hotel info ingatlan jogasz konyvelo lakas media news org priv reklam sex shop sport suli szex tm tozsde utazas video ',\n 'id':' ac co go mil net or sch web ',\n 'il':' ac co gov idf k12 muni net org ',\n 'in':' ac co edu ernet firm gen gov i ind mil net nic org res ',\n 'iq':' com edu gov i mil net org ',\n 'ir':' ac co dnssec gov i id net org sch ',\n 'it':' edu gov ',\n 'je':' co net org ',\n 'jo':' com edu gov mil name net org sch ',\n 'jp':' ac ad co ed go gr lg ne or ',\n 'ke':' ac co go info me mobi ne or sc ',\n 'kh':' com edu gov mil net org per ',\n 'ki':' biz com de edu gov info mob net org tel ',\n 'km':' asso com coop edu gouv k medecin mil nom notaires pharmaciens presse tm veterinaire ',\n 'kn':' edu gov net org ',\n 'kr':' ac busan chungbuk chungnam co daegu daejeon es gangwon go gwangju gyeongbuk gyeonggi gyeongnam hs incheon jeju jeonbuk jeonnam k kg mil ms ne or pe re sc seoul ulsan ',\n 'kw':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'ky':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'kz':' com edu gov mil net org ',\n 'lb':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'lk':' assn com edu gov grp hotel int ltd net ngo org sch soc web ',\n 'lr':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'lv':' asn com conf edu gov id mil net org ',\n 'ly':' com edu gov id med net org plc sch ',\n 'ma':' ac co gov m net org press ',\n 'mc':' asso tm ',\n 'me':' ac co edu gov its net org priv ',\n 'mg':' com edu gov mil nom org prd tm ',\n 'mk':' com edu gov inf name net org pro ',\n 'ml':' com edu gov net org presse ',\n 'mn':' edu gov org ',\n 'mo':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'mt':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'mv':' aero biz com coop edu gov info int mil museum name net org pro ',\n 'mw':' ac co com coop edu gov int museum net org ',\n 'mx':' com edu gob net org ',\n 'my':' com edu gov mil name net org sch ',\n 'nf':' arts com firm info net other per rec store web ',\n 'ng':' biz com edu gov mil mobi name net org sch ',\n 'ni':' ac co com edu gob mil net nom org ',\n 'np':' com edu gov mil net org ',\n 'nr':' biz com edu gov info net org ',\n 'om':' ac biz co com edu gov med mil museum net org pro sch ',\n 'pe':' com edu gob mil net nom org sld ',\n 'ph':' com edu gov i mil net ngo org ',\n 'pk':' biz com edu fam gob gok gon gop gos gov net org web ',\n 'pl':' art bialystok biz com edu gda gdansk gorzow gov info katowice krakow lodz lublin mil net ngo olsztyn org poznan pwr radom slupsk szczecin torun warszawa waw wroc wroclaw zgora ',\n 'pr':' ac biz com edu est gov info isla name net org pro prof ',\n 'ps':' com edu gov net org plo sec ',\n 'pw':' belau co ed go ne or ',\n 'ro':' arts com firm info nom nt org rec store tm www ',\n 'rs':' ac co edu gov in org ',\n 'sb':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'sc':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'sh':' co com edu gov net nom org ',\n 'sl':' com edu gov net org ',\n 'st':' co com consulado edu embaixada gov mil net org principe saotome store ',\n 'sv':' com edu gob org red ',\n 'sz':' ac co org ',\n 'tr':' av bbs bel biz com dr edu gen gov info k12 name net org pol tel tsk tv web ',\n 'tt':' aero biz cat co com coop edu gov info int jobs mil mobi museum name net org pro tel travel ',\n 'tw':' club com ebiz edu game gov idv mil net org ',\n 'mu':' ac co com gov net or org ',\n 'mz':' ac co edu gov org ',\n 'na':' co com ',\n 'nz':' ac co cri geek gen govt health iwi maori mil net org parliament school ',\n 'pa':' abo ac com edu gob ing med net nom org sld ',\n 'pt':' com edu gov int net nome org publ ',\n 'py':' com edu gov mil net org ',\n 'qa':' com edu gov mil net org ',\n 're':' asso com nom ',\n 'ru':' ac adygeya altai amur arkhangelsk astrakhan bashkiria belgorod bir bryansk buryatia cbg chel chelyabinsk chita chukotka chuvashia com dagestan e-burg edu gov grozny int irkutsk ivanovo izhevsk jar joshkar-ola kalmykia kaluga kamchatka karelia kazan kchr kemerovo khabarovsk khakassia khv kirov koenig komi kostroma kranoyarsk kuban kurgan kursk lipetsk magadan mari mari-el marine mil mordovia mosreg msk murmansk nalchik net nnov nov novosibirsk nsk omsk orenburg org oryol penza perm pp pskov ptz rnd ryazan sakhalin samara saratov simbirsk smolensk spb stavropol stv surgut tambov tatarstan tom tomsk tsaritsyn tsk tula tuva tver tyumen udm udmurtia ulan-ude vladikavkaz vladimir vladivostok volgograd vologda voronezh vrn vyatka yakutia yamal yekaterinburg yuzhno-sakhalinsk ',\n 'rw':' ac co com edu gouv gov int mil net ',\n 'sa':' com edu gov med net org pub sch ',\n 'sd':' com edu gov info med net org tv ',\n 'se':' a ac b bd c d e f g h i k l m n o org p parti pp press r s t tm u w x y z ',\n 'sg':' com edu gov idn net org per ',\n 'sn':' art com edu gouv org perso univ ',\n 'sy':' com edu gov mil net news org ',\n 'th':' ac co go in mi net or ',\n 'tj':' ac biz co com edu go gov info int mil name net nic org test web ',\n 'tn':' agrinet com defense edunet ens fin gov ind info intl mincom nat net org perso rnrt rns rnu tourism ',\n 'tz':' ac co go ne or ',\n 'ua':' biz cherkassy chernigov chernovtsy ck cn co com crimea cv dn dnepropetrovsk donetsk dp edu gov if in ivano-frankivsk kh kharkov kherson khmelnitskiy kiev kirovograd km kr ks kv lg lugansk lutsk lviv me mk net nikolaev od odessa org pl poltava pp rovno rv sebastopol sumy te ternopil uzhgorod vinnica vn zaporizhzhe zhitomir zp zt ',\n 'ug':' ac co go ne or org sc ',\n 'uk':' ac bl british-library co cym gov govt icnet jet lea ltd me mil mod national-library-scotland nel net nhs nic nls org orgn parliament plc police sch scot soc ',\n 'us':' dni fed isa kids nsn ',\n 'uy':' com edu gub mil net org ',\n 've':' co com edu gob info mil net org web ',\n 'vi':' co com k12 net org ',\n 'vn':' ac biz com edu gov health info int name net org pro ',\n 'ye':' co com gov ltd me net org plc ',\n 'yu':' ac co edu gov org ',\n 'za':' ac agric alt bourse city co cybernet db edu gov grondar iaccess imt inca landesign law mil net ngo nis nom olivetti org pix school tm web ',\n 'zm':' ac co com edu gov net org sch ',\n //\n 'com': 'ar br cn de eu gb gr hu jpn kr no qc ru sa se uk us uy za ',\n 'net': 'gb jp se uk ',\n 'org': 'ae',\n 'de': 'com '\n },\n // gorhill 2013-10-25: Using indexOf() instead Regexp(). Significant boost\n // in both performance and memory footprint. No initialization required.\n //\n // Following methods use lastIndexOf() rather than array.split() in order\n // to avoid any memory allocations.\n has: function(domain) {\n var tldOffset = domain.lastIndexOf('.');\n if (tldOffset <= 0 || tldOffset >= (domain.length-1)) {\n return false;\n }\n var sldOffset = domain.lastIndexOf('.', tldOffset-1);\n if (sldOffset <= 0 || sldOffset >= (tldOffset-1)) {\n return false;\n }\n var sldList = SLD.list[domain.slice(tldOffset+1)];\n if (!sldList) {\n return false;\n }\n return sldList.indexOf(' ' + domain.slice(sldOffset+1, tldOffset) + ' ') >= 0;\n },\n is: function(domain) {\n var tldOffset = domain.lastIndexOf('.');\n if (tldOffset <= 0 || tldOffset >= (domain.length-1)) {\n return false;\n }\n var sldOffset = domain.lastIndexOf('.', tldOffset-1);\n if (sldOffset >= 0) {\n return false;\n }\n var sldList = SLD.list[domain.slice(tldOffset+1)];\n if (!sldList) {\n return false;\n }\n return sldList.indexOf(' ' + domain.slice(0, tldOffset) + ' ') >= 0;\n },\n get: function(domain) {\n var tldOffset = domain.lastIndexOf('.');\n if (tldOffset <= 0 || tldOffset >= (domain.length-1)) {\n return null;\n }\n var sldOffset = domain.lastIndexOf('.', tldOffset-1);\n if (sldOffset <= 0 || sldOffset >= (tldOffset-1)) {\n return null;\n }\n var sldList = SLD.list[domain.slice(tldOffset+1)];\n if (!sldList) {\n return null;\n }\n if (sldList.indexOf(' ' + domain.slice(sldOffset+1, tldOffset) + ' ') < 0) {\n return null;\n }\n return domain.slice(sldOffset+1);\n },\n noConflict: function(){\n if (root.SecondLevelDomains === this) {\n root.SecondLevelDomains = _SecondLevelDomains;\n }\n return this;\n }\n };\n\n return SLD;\n}));\n","// Original code from TerriaJS\n//\n\n// SVG images from (with permission from Cesium)\n\nimport {LitElement, css, svg, html} from 'lit';\nimport {styleMap} from 'lit/directives/style-map.js';\n\nimport {Cartesian2, Cartesian3, Matrix4, Transforms, Ellipsoid, Ray, Math as CesiumMath} from 'cesium';\n\nconst vectorScratch = new Cartesian2();\nconst windowPositionScratch = new Cartesian2();\nconst clickLocationScratch = new Cartesian2();\nconst centerScratch = new Cartesian3();\nconst oldTransformScratch = new Matrix4();\nconst newTransformScratch = new Matrix4();\n\nconst pickRayScratch = new Ray();\n\nconst nominalTotalRadius = 145;\nconst nominalGyroRadius = 50;\n\n\nconst outerRingSvg = svg``;\nconst innerRingSvg = svg``;\nconst rotationMarkerSvg = svg``;\n\nclass CesiumCompass extends LitElement {\n\n static get properties() {\n return {\n scene: {type: Object},\n clock: {type: Object},\n ready: {type: Boolean},\n heading: {type: Number},\n orbitCursorAngle: {type: Number},\n orbitCursorOpacity: {type: Number},\n resetSpeed: {type: Number},\n };\n }\n\n static get styles() {\n return css`\n :host * {\n box-sizing: content-box;\n }\n .compass {\n position: absolute;\n right: 0;\n top: 0;\n width: 95px;\n height: 95px;\n cursor: pointer;\n }\n .outer-ring-background {\n position: absolute;\n top: 14px;\n left: 14px;\n width: 44px;\n height: 44px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n border: 12px solid var(--cesium-compass-fill-color);\n }\n .inner-ring-background {\n position: absolute;\n top: 30px;\n left: 30px;\n width: 33px;\n height: 33px;\n border-radius: 100%;\n background-color: var(--cesium-compass-fill-color);\n border: 1px solid var(--cesium-compass-stroke-color);\n }\n .rotation-marker, .outer-ring {\n will-change: opacity, transform;\n }\n .rotation-marker, .outer-ring, .inner-ring {\n position: absolute;\n top: 0;\n width: 95px;\n height: 95px;\n fill: var(--cesium-compass-stroke-color);\n }\n .rotation-marker svg, .outer-ring svg, .inner-ring svg {\n width: 100%;\n height: 100%;\n }\n `;\n }\n\n constructor() {\n super();\n\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Scene}\n */\n this.scene;\n\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Clock}\n */\n this.clock = undefined;\n\n /**\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.ready = false;\n\n /**\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.resetSpeed = Math.PI / 100;\n\n /**\n * @type {boolean}\n */\n this.rotateClick = undefined;\n\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Event.RemoveCallback}\n */\n this.unlistenFromPostRender = null;\n\n /**\n * @type {import('cesium').Event.RemoveCallback}\n */\n this.unlistenFromClockTick = null;\n\n /**\n * @type {number}\n */\n this.orbitCursorOpacity = 0;\n\n this.handleRotatePointerMoveFunction = this.handleRotatePointerMove.bind(this);\n this.handleRotatePointerUpFunction = this.handleRotatePointerUp.bind(this);\n\n this.handleOrbitPointerMoveFunction = this.handleOrbitPointerMove.bind(this);\n this.handleOrbitPointerUpFunction = this.handleOrbitPointerUp.bind(this);\n this.handleOrbitTickFunction = this.handleOrbitTick.bind(this);\n\n this.context = {};\n }\n\n updated() {\n if (this.scene && this.clock && !this.unlistenFromPostRender) {\n this.unlistenFromPostRender = this.scene.postRender.addEventListener(() => {\n this.heading =;\n });\n this.ready = true;\n }\n }\n\n get outerRingStyle() {\n return {\n transform: `rotate(-${this.heading}rad)`\n };\n }\n\n get rotationMarkerStyle() {\n return {\n transform: `rotate(-${this.orbitCursorAngle}rad)`,\n opacity: `${this.orbitCursorOpacity}`\n };\n }\n\n disconnectedCallback() {\n if (this.unlistenFromPostRender) {\n this.unlistenFromPostRender();\n }\n super.disconnectedCallback();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */\n handlePointerDown(event) {\n const camera =;\n const compassElement = /** @type {HTMLDivElement} */ (event.currentTarget);\n this.context.compassRectangle = compassElement.getBoundingClientRect();\n this.context.compassCenter = new Cartesian2(\n (this.context.compassRectangle.right - this.context.compassRectangle.left) / 2,\n (this.context.compassRectangle.bottom - / 2\n );\n clickLocationScratch.x = event.clientX - this.context.compassRectangle.left;\n clickLocationScratch.y = event.clientY -;\n const vector = Cartesian2.subtract(clickLocationScratch, this.context.compassCenter, vectorScratch);\n const distanceFromCenter = Cartesian2.magnitude(vector);\n\n windowPositionScratch.x = this.scene.canvas.clientWidth / 2;\n windowPositionScratch.y = this.scene.canvas.clientHeight / 2;\n const ray = camera.getPickRay(windowPositionScratch, pickRayScratch);\n this.context.viewCenter = this.scene.globe.pick(ray, this.scene, centerScratch);\n\n this.context.frame = Transforms.eastNorthUpToFixedFrame(\n this.context.viewCenter ? this.context.viewCenter : camera.positionWC,\n Ellipsoid.WGS84,\n newTransformScratch\n );\n\n const maxDistance = this.context.compassRectangle.width / 2;\n const distanceFraction = distanceFromCenter / maxDistance;\n\n if (distanceFraction < nominalGyroRadius / nominalTotalRadius) {\n this.orbit(vector);\n } else if (distanceFraction < 1) {\n this.rotate(vector);\n }\n event.stopPropagation();\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Cartesian2} cursorVector\n */\n rotate(cursorVector) {\n const camera =;\n\n this.context.rotateInitialCursorAngle = Math.atan2(-cursorVector.y, cursorVector.x);\n\n const oldTransform = Matrix4.clone(camera.transform, oldTransformScratch);\n\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n this.context.rotateInitialCameraAngle = Math.atan2(camera.position.y, camera.position.x);\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n\n this.rotateClick = true;\n\n document.addEventListener('pointermove', this.handleRotatePointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.addEventListener('pointerup', this.handleRotatePointerUpFunction, false);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */\n handleRotatePointerMove(event) {\n if (this.moveUpIfTooCloseToTerrain()) {\n return;\n }\n const camera =;\n clickLocationScratch.x = event.clientX - this.context.compassRectangle.left;\n clickLocationScratch.y = event.clientY -;\n const vector = Cartesian2.subtract(clickLocationScratch, this.context.compassCenter, vectorScratch);\n const angle = Math.atan2(-vector.y, vector.x);\n\n const angleDifference = angle - this.context.rotateInitialCursorAngle;\n const newCameraAngle = CesiumMath.zeroToTwoPi(\n this.context.rotateInitialCameraAngle - angleDifference\n );\n\n const oldTransform = Matrix4.clone(camera.transform, oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n const currentCameraAngle = Math.atan2(camera.position.y, camera.position.x);\n camera.rotateRight(newCameraAngle - currentCameraAngle);\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n\n this.rotateClick = false;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */\n handleRotatePointerUp(event) {\n document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this.handleRotatePointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this.handleRotatePointerUpFunction, false);\n\n if (this.rotateClick) {\n this.resetToNorth();\n }\n }\n\n resetToNorth() {\n const camera =;\n const oldTransform = Matrix4.clone(camera.transform, oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n const newCameraAngle = CesiumMath.negativePiToPi(\n CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO + Math.atan2(camera.position.y, camera.position.x)\n );\n const duration = Math.abs(newCameraAngle) / this.resetSpeed;\n\n let prevProgress = 0;\n const start =;\n const step = () => {\n const elapsed = - start;\n const progress = CesiumMath.clamp(elapsed / duration, 0, 1);\n\n camera.rotateLeft((progress - prevProgress) * newCameraAngle);\n\n prevProgress = progress;\n if (progress < 1) {\n window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\n } else {\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n }\n };\n window.requestAnimationFrame(step);\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Cartesian2} cursorVector\n */\n orbit(cursorVector) {\n this.context.orbitIsLook = !this.context.viewCenter;\n this.context.orbitLastTimestamp =;\n\n document.addEventListener('pointermove', this.handleOrbitPointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.addEventListener('pointerup', this.handleOrbitPointerUpFunction, false);\n\n this.unlistenFromClockTick = this.clock.onTick.addEventListener(this.handleOrbitTickFunction);\n\n this.updateAngleAndOpacity(cursorVector, this.context.compassRectangle.width);\n }\n\n handleOrbitTick() {\n if (this.moveUpIfTooCloseToTerrain()) {\n return;\n }\n const camera =;\n const timestamp =;\n\n const deltaT = timestamp - this.context.orbitLastTimestamp;\n const rate = ((this.orbitCursorOpacity - 0.5) * 2.5) / 1000;\n const distance = deltaT * rate;\n\n const angle = this.orbitCursorAngle + CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO;\n const x = Math.cos(angle) * distance;\n const y = Math.sin(angle) * distance;\n\n const oldTransform = Matrix4.clone(camera.transform, oldTransformScratch);\n camera.lookAtTransform(this.context.frame);\n if (this.context.orbitIsLook) {\n camera.look(Cartesian3.UNIT_Z, -x);\n camera.look(camera.right, -y);\n } else {\n camera.rotateLeft(x);\n camera.rotateUp(y);\n }\n camera.lookAtTransform(oldTransform);\n\n this.context.orbitLastTimestamp = timestamp;\n }\n\n distanceToTerrain() {\n const camera =;\n const height = this.scene.globe.getHeight(camera.positionCartographic);\n return camera.positionCartographic.height - height;\n }\n\n moveUpIfTooCloseToTerrain() {\n const controller = this.scene.screenSpaceCameraController;\n if (!controller.enableCollisionDetection) {\n return false;\n }\n const distanceDiff = this.distanceToTerrain() - controller.minimumZoomDistance;\n if (CesiumMath.lessThan(distanceDiff, 0.0, CesiumMath.EPSILON1)) {\n;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {Cartesian2} vector\n * @param {number} compassWidth\n */\n updateAngleAndOpacity(vector, compassWidth) {\n const angle = Math.atan2(-vector.y, vector.x);\n this.orbitCursorAngle = CesiumMath.zeroToTwoPi(angle - CesiumMath.PI_OVER_TWO);\n\n const distance = Cartesian2.magnitude(vector);\n const maxDistance = compassWidth / 2.0;\n const distanceFraction = Math.min(distance / maxDistance, 1.0);\n this.orbitCursorOpacity = 0.5 * distanceFraction * distanceFraction + 0.5;\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */\n handleOrbitPointerMove(event) {\n clickLocationScratch.x = event.clientX - this.context.compassRectangle.left;\n clickLocationScratch.y = event.clientY -;\n const cursorVector = Cartesian2.subtract(clickLocationScratch, this.context.compassCenter, vectorScratch);\n this.updateAngleAndOpacity(cursorVector, this.context.compassRectangle.width);\n\n }\n\n /**\n * @param {PointerEvent} event\n */\n handleOrbitPointerUp(event) {\n document.removeEventListener('pointermove', this.handleOrbitPointerMoveFunction, false);\n document.removeEventListener('pointerup', this.handleOrbitPointerUpFunction, false);\n this.unlistenFromClockTick();\n this.orbitCursorOpacity = 0;\n }\n\n render() {\n if (this.ready) {\n return html`\n \n \n ${outerRingSvg}\n \n ${innerRingSvg}\n ${rotationMarkerSvg}\n \n `;\n } else {\n return html``;\n }\n }\n}\n\ncustomElements.define('cesium-compass', CesiumCompass);\n","import{getCompatibleStyle as t,adoptStyles as i}from\"./css-tag.js\";export{CSSResult,adoptStyles,css,getCompatibleStyle,supportsAdoptingStyleSheets,unsafeCSS}from\"./css-tag.js\";\n/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */var s;const e=window,r=e.trustedTypes,h=r?r.emptyScript:\"\",o=e.reactiveElementPolyfillSupport,n={toAttribute(t,i){switch(i){case Boolean:t=t?h:null;break;case Object:case Array:t=null==t?t:JSON.stringify(t)}return t},fromAttribute(t,i){let s=t;switch(i){case Boolean:s=null!==t;break;case Number:s=null===t?null:Number(t);break;case Object:case Array:try{s=JSON.parse(t)}catch(t){s=null}}return s}},a=(t,i)=>i!==t&&(i==i||t==t),l={attribute:!0,type:String,converter:n,reflect:!1,hasChanged:a},d=\"finalized\";class u extends HTMLElement{constructor(){super(),this._$Ei=new Map,this.isUpdatePending=!1,this.hasUpdated=!1,this._$El=null,this.u()}static addInitializer(t){var i;this.finalize(),(null!==(i=this.h)&&void 0!==i?i:this.h=[]).push(t)}static get observedAttributes(){this.finalize();const t=[];return this.elementProperties.forEach(((i,s)=>{const e=this._$Ep(s,i);void 0!==e&&(this._$Ev.set(e,s),t.push(e))})),t}static createProperty(t,i=l){if(i.state&&(i.attribute=!1),this.finalize(),this.elementProperties.set(t,i),!i.noAccessor&&!this.prototype.hasOwnProperty(t)){const s=\"symbol\"==typeof t?Symbol():\"__\"+t,e=this.getPropertyDescriptor(t,s,i);void 0!==e&&Object.defineProperty(this.prototype,t,e)}}static getPropertyDescriptor(t,i,s){return{get(){return this[i]},set(e){const r=this[t];this[i]=e,this.requestUpdate(t,r,s)},configurable:!0,enumerable:!0}}static getPropertyOptions(t){return this.elementProperties.get(t)||l}static finalize(){if(this.hasOwnProperty(d))return!1;this[d]=!0;const t=Object.getPrototypeOf(this);if(t.finalize(),void 0!==t.h&&(this.h=[...t.h]),this.elementProperties=new Map(t.elementProperties),this._$Ev=new Map,this.hasOwnProperty(\"properties\")){const,i=[...Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t),...Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(t)];for(const s of i)this.createProperty(s,t[s])}return this.elementStyles=this.finalizeStyles(this.styles),!0}static finalizeStyles(i){const s=[];if(Array.isArray(i)){const e=new Set(i.flat(1/0).reverse());for(const i of e)s.unshift(t(i))}else void 0!==i&&s.push(t(i));return s}static _$Ep(t,i){const s=i.attribute;return!1===s?void 0:\"string\"==typeof s?s:\"string\"==typeof t?t.toLowerCase():void 0}u(){var t;this._$E_=new Promise((t=>this.enableUpdating=t)),this._$AL=new Map,this._$Eg(),this.requestUpdate(),null===(t=this.constructor.h)||void 0===t||t.forEach((t=>t(this)))}addController(t){var i,s;(null!==(i=this._$ES)&&void 0!==i?i:this._$ES=[]).push(t),void 0!==this.renderRoot&&this.isConnected&&(null===(s=t.hostConnected)||void 0===s||}removeController(t){var i;null===(i=this._$ES)||void 0===i||i.splice(this._$ES.indexOf(t)>>>0,1)}_$Eg(){this.constructor.elementProperties.forEach(((t,i)=>{this.hasOwnProperty(i)&&(this._$Ei.set(i,this[i]),delete this[i])}))}createRenderRoot(){var t;const s=null!==(t=this.shadowRoot)&&void 0!==t?t:this.attachShadow(this.constructor.shadowRootOptions);return i(s,this.constructor.elementStyles),s}connectedCallback(){var t;void 0===this.renderRoot&&(this.renderRoot=this.createRenderRoot()),this.enableUpdating(!0),null===(t=this._$ES)||void 0===t||t.forEach((t=>{var i;return null===(i=t.hostConnected)||void 0===i?void}))}enableUpdating(t){}disconnectedCallback(){var t;null===(t=this._$ES)||void 0===t||t.forEach((t=>{var i;return null===(i=t.hostDisconnected)||void 0===i?void}))}attributeChangedCallback(t,i,s){this._$AK(t,s)}_$EO(t,i,s=l){var e;const r=this.constructor._$Ep(t,s);if(void 0!==r&&!0===s.reflect){const h=(void 0!==(null===(e=s.converter)||void 0===e?void 0:e.toAttribute)?s.converter:n).toAttribute(i,s.type);this._$El=t,null==h?this.removeAttribute(r):this.setAttribute(r,h),this._$El=null}}_$AK(t,i){var s;const e=this.constructor,r=e._$Ev.get(t);if(void 0!==r&&this._$El!==r){const t=e.getPropertyOptions(r),h=\"function\"==typeof t.converter?{fromAttribute:t.converter}:void 0!==(null===(s=t.converter)||void 0===s?void 0:s.fromAttribute)?t.converter:n;this._$El=r,this[r]=h.fromAttribute(i,t.type),this._$El=null}}requestUpdate(t,i,s){let e=!0;void 0!==t&&(((s=s||this.constructor.getPropertyOptions(t)).hasChanged||a)(this[t],i)?(this._$AL.has(t)||this._$AL.set(t,i),!0===s.reflect&&this._$El!==t&&(void 0===this._$EC&&(this._$EC=new Map),this._$EC.set(t,s))):e=!1),!this.isUpdatePending&&e&&(this._$E_=this._$Ej())}async _$Ej(){this.isUpdatePending=!0;try{await this._$E_}catch(t){Promise.reject(t)}const t=this.scheduleUpdate();return null!=t&&await t,!this.isUpdatePending}scheduleUpdate(){return this.performUpdate()}performUpdate(){var t;if(!this.isUpdatePending)return;this.hasUpdated,this._$Ei&&(this._$Ei.forEach(((t,i)=>this[i]=t)),this._$Ei=void 0);let i=!1;const s=this._$AL;try{i=this.shouldUpdate(s),i?(this.willUpdate(s),null===(t=this._$ES)||void 0===t||t.forEach((t=>{var i;return null===(i=t.hostUpdate)||void 0===i?void})),this.update(s)):this._$Ek()}catch(t){throw i=!1,this._$Ek(),t}i&&this._$AE(s)}willUpdate(t){}_$AE(t){var i;null===(i=this._$ES)||void 0===i||i.forEach((t=>{var i;return null===(i=t.hostUpdated)||void 0===i?void})),this.hasUpdated||(this.hasUpdated=!0,this.firstUpdated(t)),this.updated(t)}_$Ek(){this._$AL=new Map,this.isUpdatePending=!1}get updateComplete(){return this.getUpdateComplete()}getUpdateComplete(){return this._$E_}shouldUpdate(t){return!0}update(t){void 0!==this._$EC&&(this._$EC.forEach(((t,i)=>this._$EO(i,this[i],t))),this._$EC=void 0),this._$Ek()}updated(t){}firstUpdated(t){}}u[d]=!0,u.elementProperties=new Map,u.elementStyles=[],u.shadowRootOptions={mode:\"open\"},null==o||o({ReactiveElement:u}),(null!==(s=e.reactiveElementVersions)&&void 0!==s?s:e.reactiveElementVersions=[]).push(\"1.6.2\");export{u as ReactiveElement,n as defaultConverter,a as notEqual};\n//#\n","/**\n * @license\n * Copyright 2017 Google LLC\n * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause\n */\n\n/**\n * Use this module if you want to create your own base class extending\n * {@link ReactiveElement}.\n * @packageDocumentation\n */\n\nimport {\n getCompatibleStyle,\n adoptStyles,\n CSSResultGroup,\n CSSResultOrNative,\n} from './css-tag.js';\nimport type {\n ReactiveController,\n ReactiveControllerHost,\n} from './reactive-controller.js';\n\n// In the Node build, this import will be injected by Rollup:\n// import {HTMLElement, customElements} from '@lit-labs/ssr-dom-shim';\n\nexport * from './css-tag.js';\nexport type {\n ReactiveController,\n ReactiveControllerHost,\n} from './reactive-controller.js';\n\nconst NODE_MODE = false;\nconst global = NODE_MODE ? globalThis : window;\n\nif (NODE_MODE) {\n global.customElements ??= customElements;\n}\n\nconst DEV_MODE = true;\n\nlet requestUpdateThenable: (name: string) => {\n then: (\n onfulfilled?: (value: boolean) => void,\n _onrejected?: () => void\n ) => void;\n};\n\nlet issueWarning: (code: string, warning: string) => void;\n\nconst trustedTypes = (global as unknown as {trustedTypes?: {emptyScript: ''}})\n .trustedTypes;\n\n// Temporary workaround for\n// Currently, any attribute starting with \"on\" is considered to be a\n// TrustedScript source. Such boolean attributes must be set to the equivalent\n// trusted emptyScript value.\nconst emptyStringForBooleanAttribute = trustedTypes\n ? (trustedTypes.emptyScript as unknown as '')\n : '';\n\nconst polyfillSupport = DEV_MODE\n ? global.reactiveElementPolyfillSupportDevMode\n : global.reactiveElementPolyfillSupport;\n\nif (DEV_MODE) {\n // Ensure warnings are issued only 1x, even if multiple versions of Lit\n // are loaded.\n const issuedWarnings: Set = (global.litIssuedWarnings ??=\n new Set());\n\n // Issue a warning, if we haven't already.\n issueWarning = (code: string, warning: string) => {\n warning += ` See${code} for more information.`;\n if (!issuedWarnings.has(warning)) {\n console.warn(warning);\n issuedWarnings.add(warning);\n }\n };\n\n issueWarning(\n 'dev-mode',\n `Lit is in dev mode. Not recommended for production!`\n );\n\n // Issue polyfill support warning.\n if (global.ShadyDOM?.inUse && polyfillSupport === undefined) {\n issueWarning(\n 'polyfill-support-missing',\n `Shadow DOM is being polyfilled via \\`ShadyDOM\\` but ` +\n `the \\`polyfill-support\\` module has not been loaded.`\n );\n }\n\n requestUpdateThenable = (name) => ({\n then: (\n onfulfilled?: (value: boolean) => void,\n _onrejected?: () => void\n ) => {\n issueWarning(\n 'request-update-promise',\n `The \\`requestUpdate\\` method should no longer return a Promise but ` +\n `does so on \\`${name}\\`. Use \\`updateComplete\\` instead.`\n );\n if (onfulfilled !== undefined) {\n onfulfilled(false);\n }\n },\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Contains types that are part of the unstable debug API.\n *\n * Everything in this API is not stable and may change or be removed in the future,\n * even on patch releases.\n */\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace\nexport namespace ReactiveUnstable {\n /**\n * When Lit is running in dev mode and `window.emitLitDebugLogEvents` is true,\n * we will emit 'lit-debug' events to window, with live details about the update and render\n * lifecycle. These can be useful for writing debug tooling and visualizations.\n *\n * Please be aware that running with window.emitLitDebugLogEvents has performance overhead,\n * making certain operations that are normally very cheap (like a no-op render) much slower,\n * because we must copy data and dispatch events.\n */\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace\n export namespace DebugLog {\n export type Entry = Update;\n export interface Update {\n kind: 'update';\n }\n }\n}\n\ninterface DebugLoggingWindow {\n // Even in dev mode, we generally don't want to emit these events, as that's\n // another level of cost, so only emit them when DEV_MODE is true _and_ when\n // window.emitLitDebugEvents is true.\n emitLitDebugLogEvents?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Useful for visualizing and logging insights into what the Lit template system is doing.\n *\n * Compiled out of prod mode builds.\n */\nconst debugLogEvent = DEV_MODE\n ? (event: ReactiveUnstable.DebugLog.Entry) => {\n const shouldEmit = (global as unknown as DebugLoggingWindow)\n .emitLitDebugLogEvents;\n if (!shouldEmit) {\n return;\n }\n global.dispatchEvent(\n new CustomEvent('lit-debug', {\n detail: event,\n })\n );\n }\n : undefined;\n\n/*\n * When using Closure Compiler, JSCompiler_renameProperty(property, object) is\n * replaced at compile time by the munged name for object[property]. We cannot\n * alias this function, so we have to use a small shim that has the same\n * behavior when not compiling.\n */\n/*@__INLINE__*/\nconst JSCompiler_renameProperty = (\n prop: P,\n _obj: unknown\n): P => prop;\n\n/**\n * Converts property values to and from attribute values.\n */\nexport interface ComplexAttributeConverter {\n /**\n * Called to convert an attribute value to a property\n * value.\n */\n fromAttribute?(value: string | null, type?: TypeHint): Type;\n\n /**\n * Called to convert a property value to an attribute\n * value.\n *\n * It returns unknown instead of string, to be compatible with\n * (and similar efforts).\n */\n toAttribute?(value: Type, type?: TypeHint): unknown;\n}\n\ntype AttributeConverter =\n | ComplexAttributeConverter\n | ((value: string | null, type?: TypeHint) => Type);\n\n/**\n * Defines options for a property accessor.\n */\nexport interface PropertyDeclaration {\n /**\n * When set to `true`, indicates the property is internal private state. The\n * property should not be set by users. When using TypeScript, this property\n * should be marked as `private` or `protected`, and it is also a common\n * practice to use a leading `_` in the name. The property is not added to\n * `observedAttributes`.\n */\n readonly state?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Indicates how and whether the property becomes an observed attribute.\n * If the value is `false`, the property is not added to `observedAttributes`.\n * If true or absent, the lowercased property name is observed (e.g. `fooBar`\n * becomes `foobar`). If a string, the string value is observed (e.g\n * `attribute: 'foo-bar'`).\n */\n readonly attribute?: boolean | string;\n\n /**\n * Indicates the type of the property. This is used only as a hint for the\n * `converter` to determine how to convert the attribute\n * to/from a property.\n */\n readonly type?: TypeHint;\n\n /**\n * Indicates how to convert the attribute to/from a property. If this value\n * is a function, it is used to convert the attribute value a the property\n * value. If it's an object, it can have keys for `fromAttribute` and\n * `toAttribute`. If no `toAttribute` function is provided and\n * `reflect` is set to `true`, the property value is set directly to the\n * attribute. A default `converter` is used if none is provided; it supports\n * `Boolean`, `String`, `Number`, `Object`, and `Array`. Note,\n * when a property changes and the converter is used to update the attribute,\n * the property is never updated again as a result of the attribute changing,\n * and vice versa.\n */\n readonly converter?: AttributeConverter;\n\n /**\n * Indicates if the property should reflect to an attribute.\n * If `true`, when the property is set, the attribute is set using the\n * attribute name determined according to the rules for the `attribute`\n * property option and the value of the property converted using the rules\n * from the `converter` property option.\n */\n readonly reflect?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * A function that indicates if a property should be considered changed when\n * it is set. The function should take the `newValue` and `oldValue` and\n * return `true` if an update should be requested.\n */\n hasChanged?(value: Type, oldValue: Type): boolean;\n\n /**\n * Indicates whether an accessor will be created for this property. By\n * default, an accessor will be generated for this property that requests an\n * update when set. If this flag is `true`, no accessor will be created, and\n * it will be the user's responsibility to call\n * `this.requestUpdate(propertyName, oldValue)` to request an update when\n * the property changes.\n */\n readonly noAccessor?: boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Map of properties to PropertyDeclaration options. For each property an\n * accessor is made, and the property is processed according to the\n * PropertyDeclaration options.\n */\nexport interface PropertyDeclarations {\n readonly [key: string]: PropertyDeclaration;\n}\n\ntype PropertyDeclarationMap = Map;\n\ntype AttributeMap = Map;\n\n/**\n * A Map of property keys to values.\n *\n * Takes an optional type parameter T, which when specified as a non-any,\n * non-unknown type, will make the Map more strongly-typed, associating the map\n * keys with their corresponding value type on T.\n *\n * Use `PropertyValues` when overriding ReactiveElement.update() and\n * other lifecycle methods in order to get stronger type-checking on keys\n * and values.\n */\n// This type is conditional so that if the parameter T is not specified, or\n// is `any`, the type will include `Map`. Since T is not\n// given in the uses of PropertyValues in this file, all uses here fallback to\n// meaning `Map`, but if a developer uses\n// `PropertyValues` (or any other value for T) they will get a\n// strongly-typed Map type.\n// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any\nexport type PropertyValues = T extends object\n ? PropertyValueMap\n : Map;\n\n/**\n * Do not use, instead prefer {@linkcode PropertyValues}.\n */\n// This type must be exported such that JavaScript generated by the Google\n// Closure Compiler can import a type reference.\nexport interface PropertyValueMap extends Map {\n get(k: K): T[K];\n set(key: K, value: T[K]): this;\n has(k: K): boolean;\n delete(k: K): boolean;\n}\n\nexport const defaultConverter: ComplexAttributeConverter = {\n toAttribute(value: unknown, type?: unknown): unknown {\n switch (type) {\n case Boolean:\n value = value ? emptyStringForBooleanAttribute : null;\n break;\n case Object:\n case Array:\n // if the value is `null` or `undefined` pass this through\n // to allow removing/no change behavior.\n value = value == null ? value : JSON.stringify(value);\n break;\n }\n return value;\n },\n\n fromAttribute(value: string | null, type?: unknown) {\n let fromValue: unknown = value;\n switch (type) {\n case Boolean:\n fromValue = value !== null;\n break;\n case Number:\n fromValue = value === null ? null : Number(value);\n break;\n case Object:\n case Array:\n // Do *not* generate exception when invalid JSON is set as elements\n // don't normally complain on being mis-configured.\n // TODO(sorvell): Do generate exception in *dev mode*.\n try {\n // Assert to adhere to Bazel's \"must type assert JSON parse\" rule.\n fromValue = JSON.parse(value!) as unknown;\n } catch (e) {\n fromValue = null;\n }\n break;\n }\n return fromValue;\n },\n};\n\nexport interface HasChanged {\n (value: unknown, old: unknown): boolean;\n}\n\n/**\n * Change function that returns true if `value` is different from `oldValue`.\n * This method is used as the default for a property's `hasChanged` function.\n */\nexport const notEqual: HasChanged = (value: unknown, old: unknown): boolean => {\n // This ensures (old==NaN, value==NaN) always returns false\n return old !== value && (old === old || value === value);\n};\n\nconst defaultPropertyDeclaration: PropertyDeclaration = {\n attribute: true,\n type: String,\n converter: defaultConverter,\n reflect: false,\n hasChanged: notEqual,\n};\n\n/**\n * The Closure JS Compiler doesn't currently have good support for static\n * property semantics where \"this\" is dynamic (e.g.\n * and others) so we use\n * this hack to bypass any rewriting by the compiler.\n */\nconst finalized = 'finalized';\n\n/**\n * A string representing one of the supported dev mode warning categories.\n */\nexport type WarningKind = 'change-in-update' | 'migration';\n\nexport type Initializer = (element: ReactiveElement) => void;\n\n/**\n * Base element class which manages element properties and attributes. When\n * properties change, the `update` method is asynchronously called. This method\n * should be supplied by subclassers to render updates as desired.\n * @noInheritDoc\n */\nexport abstract class ReactiveElement\n // In the Node build, this `extends` clause will be substituted with\n // `(globalThis.HTMLElement ?? HTMLElement)`.\n //\n // This way, we will first prefer any global `HTMLElement` polyfill that the\n // user has assigned, and then fall back to the `HTMLElement` shim which has\n // been imported (see note at the top of this file about how this import is\n // generated by Rollup). Note that the `HTMLElement` variable has been\n // shadowed by this import, so it no longer refers to the global.\n extends HTMLElement\n implements ReactiveControllerHost\n{\n // Note: these are patched in only in DEV_MODE.\n /**\n * Read or set all the enabled warning categories for this class.\n *\n * This property is only used in development builds.\n *\n * @nocollapse\n * @category dev-mode\n */\n static enabledWarnings?: WarningKind[];\n\n /**\n * Enable the given warning category for this class.\n *\n * This method only exists in development builds, so it should be accessed\n * with a guard like:\n *\n * ```ts\n * // Enable for all ReactiveElement subclasses\n * ReactiveElement.enableWarning?.('migration');\n *\n * // Enable for only MyElement and subclasses\n * MyElement.enableWarning?.('migration');\n * ```\n *\n * @nocollapse\n * @category dev-mode\n */\n static enableWarning?: (warningKind: WarningKind) => void;\n\n /**\n * Disable the given warning category for this class.\n *\n * This method only exists in development builds, so it should be accessed\n * with a guard like:\n *\n * ```ts\n * // Disable for all ReactiveElement subclasses\n * ReactiveElement.disableWarning?.('migration');\n *\n * // Disable for only MyElement and subclasses\n * MyElement.disableWarning?.('migration');\n * ```\n *\n * @nocollapse\n * @category dev-mode\n */\n static disableWarning?: (warningKind: WarningKind) => void;\n\n /**\n * Adds an initializer function to the class that is called during instance\n * construction.\n *\n * This is useful for code that runs against a `ReactiveElement`\n * subclass, such as a decorator, that needs to do work for each\n * instance, such as setting up a `ReactiveController`.\n *\n * ```ts\n * const myDecorator = (target: typeof ReactiveElement, key: string) => {\n * target.addInitializer((instance: ReactiveElement) => {\n * // This is run during construction of the element\n * new MyController(instance);\n * });\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Decorating a field will then cause each instance to run an initializer\n * that adds a controller:\n *\n * ```ts\n * class MyElement extends LitElement {\n * @myDecorator foo;\n * }\n * ```\n *\n * Initializers are stored per-constructor. Adding an initializer to a\n * subclass does not add it to a superclass. Since initializers are run in\n * constructors, initializers will run in order of the class hierarchy,\n * starting with superclasses and progressing to the instance's class.\n *\n * @nocollapse\n */\n static addInitializer(initializer: Initializer) {\n this.finalize();\n (this._initializers ??= []).push(initializer);\n }\n\n static _initializers?: Initializer[];\n\n /*\n * Due to closure compiler ES6 compilation bugs, @nocollapse is required on\n * all static methods and properties with initializers. Reference:\n * -\n */\n\n /**\n * Maps attribute names to properties; for example `foobar` attribute to\n * `fooBar` property. Created lazily on user subclasses when finalizing the\n * class.\n * @nocollapse\n */\n private static __attributeToPropertyMap: AttributeMap;\n\n /**\n * Marks class as having finished creating properties.\n */\n protected static [finalized] = true;\n\n /**\n * Memoized list of all element properties, including any superclass properties.\n * Created lazily on user subclasses when finalizing the class.\n * @nocollapse\n * @category properties\n */\n static elementProperties: PropertyDeclarationMap = new Map();\n\n /**\n * User-supplied object that maps property names to `PropertyDeclaration`\n * objects containing options for configuring reactive properties. When\n * a reactive property is set the element will update and render.\n *\n * By default properties are public fields, and as such, they should be\n * considered as primarily settable by element users, either via attribute or\n * the property itself.\n *\n * Generally, properties that are changed by the element should be private or\n * protected fields and should use the `state: true` option. Properties\n * marked as `state` do not reflect from the corresponding attribute\n *\n * However, sometimes element code does need to set a public property. This\n * should typically only be done in response to user interaction, and an event\n * should be fired informing the user; for example, a checkbox sets its\n * `checked` property when clicked and fires a `changed` event. Mutating\n * public properties should typically not be done for non-primitive (object or\n * array) properties. In other cases when an element needs to manage state, a\n * private property set with the `state: true` option should be used. When\n * needed, state properties can be initialized via public properties to\n * facilitate complex interactions.\n * @nocollapse\n * @category properties\n */\n static properties: PropertyDeclarations;\n\n /**\n * Memoized list of all element styles.\n * Created lazily on user subclasses when finalizing the class.\n * @nocollapse\n * @category styles\n */\n static elementStyles: Array = [];\n\n /**\n * Array of styles to apply to the element. The styles should be defined\n * using the {@linkcode css} tag function, via constructible stylesheets, or\n * imported from native CSS module scripts.\n *\n * Note on Content Security Policy:\n *\n * Element styles are implemented with `