Convert an RSS/Atom feed into an object containing all entries and metadata for the feed using node.js and the FeedParser Library. While This acts similarly to the now-deprecated Google Feeds API, it functions slightly differently. If you need a drop in replacement for that, please see the feednami project, which functions very similarly to mmt-rss-reader, but has an option for google feed api formatting.
This can function as a free alternative to feednami (the returned object is identical to that of the non-google feednami return). If you choose to utilize this tool, you may test using the below request url, but please use your own hosting for production use. Feel free to deploy a copy to your own heroku instance, or copy the contents of app.js to your own Node.js server.
This is based loosely on the rss2js project found here: and the feednami project found here:
Just make an HTTP GET request to
Please only use the above url for testing purposes. For production use, please deploy the app on your own heroku instance: