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Release new version of Gazebo unofficial wrappers

Quick commands

  1. bloom in the osrf/ repository
   $ BLOOM_RELEASE_REPO_BASE= bloom-release --no-pull-request --rosdistro <ros_distro> --track <ros_distro> gazeboX_ros[2]_pkgs

   $ BLOOM_RELEASE_REPO_BASE= bloom-release --no-pull-request --rosdistro foxy --track foxy gazebo11_ros2_pkgs
  1. Trigger Jenkins jobs with
   $ ros_gazebo_pkgs-release. <version <release_repo> <ros_distro> <token> 'other arguments used in'*

   $ 3.4.4 foxy xxx -r 1 --dry-run


Each ROS release defines one version of Gazebo supported officially through all the ROS packages. The different combinations of ROS <-> Gazebo can be found in the REP-3. Some examples:

  • ROS Kinetic: Gazebo 7
  • ROS Lunar: Gazebo 7
  • ROS Melodic: Gazebo 9

Some use cases require the use of alternative combinations of ROS and Gazebo versions. The gazebo_ros_pkgs code is usually prepared to be compatible with different versions of Gazebo, especially the latest ones.

To release a modified version of gazebo_ros_pkgs which supports a different major version of gazebo, before running bloom some actions need to be taken:

  1. Make the system resolve the Ubuntu package gazebo as gazeboX.
  2. Fork and modify the official gbp -release repo.
  3. Run bloom on the modified release repository.
  4. Custom infrastructure to create .deb packages.

We'll go over these steps in more detail below.

Upstream versions released using this tutorial

The gbp -release repository hosts the latest version released by the maintainers of gazebo_ros_pkgs. When using these instructions to release a new custom version the version of gazebo_ros_pkgs released will be the latest one existing in the official gbp -release repository. The version would be the same but the release number will be one above since bloom needs to be run on top of the modified -release repository.

Create a new gazeboX_{ros,ros2}_pkgs repository

For a new official wrappers the notation used below correspond to: gazeboX_rosY_pkgs (X is major version in Gazebo, Y is 1 or 2 for ROS)

  1. Create new repo under organization named:

  2. Run initial_info_for_new_release_repo.bash It will import all branches and tags from official gbp into the new repo

    • Usage: $ initial_info_for_new_release_repo X rosY
  3. Clone the new repo, go to the directory and run rename-gazebo-ros-pkgs.bash

    • Usage: $ rename-gazebo-ros-pkgs.bash X

Make the system resolve gazeboX

To have gazebo packages be resolved to gazeboX in the local machine where bloom-release will be run, rosdep should be configured accordingly.

The repository hosts different sets of custom rosdep keys that can be deployed in a system in order to override the default configuration of resolving gazebo packages.

At /etc/ros/rosdep/sources.list.d there should be a default file named 20-default.list. To change the default keys by a custom version of gazebo packages, the desired 00-gazeboX.list from the previously indicated repository needs to be download to the same directory.

Update the rosdep cache:

$ rosdep update

To double check: run rosdep resolve, it should resolve to right major versions:

$ rosdep resolve gazebo
$ rosdep resolve gazebo_ros

Run Bloom on the custom -release repository

The point of this last step is to generate the ubuntu packaging metadata from bloom templates since they were modified. The metadata will be uploaded to branches in the custom fork created before.

bloom-release needs to be executed once per each desired ROS_DISTRO to generate metadata from. The name gazeboX_ros_pkgs is just a stub to avoid use the official name:

bloom-release --track ${ROS_DISTRO} --ros-distro ${ROS_DISTRO} gazeboX_ros_pkgs --edit

Bloom will stop at some points asking for the user input:

  • Release repository url [press enter to abort]: the URL of the forked github repo needs to be set here
  • Repository Name: gazeboX_ros_pkgs (being X the custom gazebo major version)
  • The other options can be set to default just by pressing enter

Bloom must be stopped after generating and pushing the new tags and branches.

Example Releasing Gazebo8 for Kinetic

$ bloom-release --track kinetic --ros-distro kinetic gazeboX_ros_pkgs --edit

Specified repository 'gazeboX_ros_pkgs' is not in the distribution file located at ''
Did you mean one of these: 'gazebo_ros_pkgs'?
Could not determine release repository url for repository 'gazeboX_ros_pkgs' of distro 'kinetic'
You can continue the release process by manually specifying the location of the RELEASE repository.
To be clear this is the url of the RELEASE repository not the upstream repository.
For release repositories on github, you should provide the `https://` url which should end in `.git`.
Release repository url [press enter to abort]: [email protected]:osrf/gazebo8_ros_pkgs-release.git
The release repository url you provided is not a `https://` address.
Would you like to enter the address again?
Continue [Y/n]? n
Very well, the address '[email protected]:osrf/gazebo8_ros_pkgs-release.git' will be used as is.
==> Fetching 'gazeboX_ros_pkgs' repository from '[email protected]:osrf/gazebo8_ros_pkgs-release.git'
Cloning into '/tmp/tmpRGYh76'...
remote: Counting objects: 16388, done.
remote: Total 16388 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
Receiving objects: 100% (16388/16388), 4.02 MiB | 954.00 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (4232/4232), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
Track 'kinetic' exists, editing...
Repository Name:
Default value, leave this as upstream if you are unsure
Name of the repository (used in the archive name)
Upstream Repository URI:
Any valid URI. This variable can be templated, for example an svn url
can be templated as such: "{version}"
where the :{version} token will be replaced with the version for this release.
Upstream VCS Type:
Upstream URI is a svn repository
Upstream URI is a git repository
Upstream URI is a hg repository
Upstream URI is a tarball
This means that the user will be prompted for the version each release.
This also means that the upstream devel will be ignored.
This means the version will be guessed from the devel branch.
This means that the devel branch must be set, the devel branch must exist,
and there must be a valid package.xml in the upstream devel branch.
This will be the version used.
It must be updated for each new upstream version.
Release Tag:
For svn and tar only you can set the release tag to :{none}, so that
it is ignored.  For svn this means no revision number is used.
This means the user will be prompted for the release tag on each release.
This means that the release tag will match the :{version} tag.
This can be further templated, for example: "foo-:{version}" or "v:{version}"

This can describe any vcs reference. For git that means {tag, branch, hash},
for hg that means {tag, branch, hash}, for svn that means a revision number.
For tar this value doubles as the sub directory (if the repository is
in foo/ of the tar ball, putting foo here will cause the contents of
foo/ to be imported to upstream instead of foo itself).
Upstream Devel Branch:
  <vcs reference>
Branch in upstream repository on which to search for the version.
This is used only when version is set to ':{auto}'.
ROS Distro:
  <ROS distro>
This can be any valid ROS distro, e.g. groovy, hydro
Patches Directory:
Use this if you want to disable overlaying of files.
  <path in bloom branch>
This can be any valid relative path in the bloom branch. The contents
of this folder will be overlaid onto the upstream branch after each
import-upstream.  Additionally, any package.xml files found in the
overlay will have the :{version} string replaced with the current
version being released.
Release Repository Push URL:
This indicates that the default release url should be used.
(optional) Used when pushing to remote release repositories. This is only
needed when the release uri which is in the rosdistro file is not writable.
This is useful, for example, when a releaser would like to use a ssh url
to push rather than a https:// url.
Saving 'kinetic' track.

... (all bloom output while generating) ...

<== Pushed tags successfully
==> Generating pull request to distro file located at ''
Would you like to add documentation information for this repository? [Y/n]?


Custom infrastructure to create .deb packages

All the previous steps are designed to generate the appropriate Ubuntu metadata inside the forked -prerelease repository. The metadata is being hosted in git tags following the schema:


The debian/... tag contains the upstream code together with the debian/ metadata repository ready to be build using debbuild or any other debian generation tool.

For reference, the OSRF buildfarm is using this script