Anzu Futaba, is a discord bot with roleplaying functions, written for Node.js, using the discord.js library. She has a lot of functions to use with Roleplaying purposes, and she has a lot of functions and settings to personalize Anzu to your likings.
There are a lot of command that you can use, and they can be quite confusing if you never used a discord bot before. If you wanna know more about to use and setup Anzu? Make sure to check out the documentations. You can find the documentations here
- Ashley Muis - Head Developer - Kawaaii
See also the list of Team Members who participated in this project.
- discord.js - Discord Node.js Module.
- request in combination with request-promise.
- mysql2 - MySQL wrapper to make a MySQL Database connection/executions (promised).
- weeb.js - Weeb Services wrapper (can only be used if partnered).
- ffmpeg-binaries and node-opus - Used to play music through Discord
- listenmoe.js - wrapper to get current track from
- Visual Studio Code to write and edit the code.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details