(version 1.1 - November 2021)
Bots exist to perform a variety of automation tasks. Usually they take as input a message from a human and respond performing some task. Bots might ask for additional input, verify the input, and respond with completion. They come in many shapes and sizes. Bots might be implemented using Amazon Lex or might be implemented using other toolsets. A great example is the Nutritionix bot where you can tell the bot what you've had for breakfast and it will respond with nutrition information.
With so many bots coming into existence, how can an enterprise maximize the value across an organization?
The solution adopted by QnABot is to coordinate (route) bot requests to the appropriate Bot based on questions or tasks the bot can answer. The Bot performing the routing is known as a supervisory Bot.
Content designers associate questions or tasks (qid's) that identify a BotRouter to target for the question. This is performed using the QnABot UI Designer. Once configured, if a user asks a question or directs the bot with some instruction, QnABot responds with an answer and sets up a channel to communicate with the specialty Bot. From that point forward messages / responses from the user are delivered to the specialty Bot. Specialty Bots respond to actions and QnABot delivers the answers.
This flow continues until one of several events occur.
- The user cancels the conversation with the specialty Bot by uttering "exit", "quit", "bye", or a configurable phrase defined in the settings configuration of QnABot.
- The specialty BotRouter (custom code) responds with a message indicating the conversation should discontinue. (QNABOT_END_ROUTING)
- The specialty Bot is a LexBot (non QnABot) that indicates fulfillment is complete.
- If the target Bot is another QnABot, session attributes can be set by the specialty QnABot set indicating the conversation should discontinue. (QNABOT_END_ROUTING)
Specialty Bots can be developed for specific parts of an organization like IT, or Finance, or Project Management, or Documentation. A supervisory Bot at an enterprise level can direct users to answers from any of their Bots.
Configuration is simple. Each question in QnAbot now contains an optional section which allows configuration of a BotRouter.
Note: This is optional. Please leave empty and QnABot will not act as a BotRouter for the question being edited.
Bot Name or Lambda - You can configure and existing Lex Bot or configure a specialty BotRouter implemented via a Lambda function. QnABot route requests to a Lex Version 1 or Version 2 bot. The syntax is different depending on the target version. For Lex version 2 bots use the syntax lexv2::BotId/BotAliasId/LocaleId. For Lex version 1 bots use just the BotName. Note that QnABot can be installed as either Lex V1 or Lex V2 bot. It is important to check your QnABot configuration and select the appropriate identifiers when you want to use QnABot as a specialty bot.
Simple name - A short string that we expect web User Interfaces to use as a breadcrumb to identify where in an enterprise the user is interacting.
Lex Alias - If your specialty bot is a Lex version 1 bot, specify the Lex version 1 alias used to communicate with the target bot.
Lex session attributes to forward to the specialty bot. A comma separated list of session attribute names can be specified. The session attributes will be passed on each request to the specialty bot. They will override any session attributes which might have been returned from the specialty bot on the prior request.
The example image shows an integration we've developed which communicates with the Nutritionix Bot.
Note: when integrating with other Lex Bots or Lambdas, the permission to communicate with the target Lex bot or with a new BotRouter (Lambda) need to be added to the QnABot's fulfillment lambda role.
The input json payload to the target Lambda will be the following:
req: {
request: "message",
inputText: <String>,
sessionAttributes: <Object>),
userId: <String>
The expected response payload from the target lambda is the following:
{ response: "message",
status: "success", "failed"
message: <String>,
messageFormat: "PlainText", "CustomPayload", "SSML", "Composite"
sessionAttributes: Object,
sessionAttributes.appContext.altMessages.ssml: <String>,
sessionAttributes.appContext.altMessages.markdown: <String>,
sessionAttributes.QNABOT_END_ROUTING: <AnyValue>
responseCard: <standard Lex Response Card Object>
The Nutritionix nodejs based sample BotRouter is provided in the github repo as a zip file at sample bot router. To use this sample you'll need to provision an API account with Nutritionix and configure the source to use your own x-app-id and x-app-key from Nutritionix.
'x-app-id': process.env.xAppId,
'x-app-key': process.env.xAppKey
Next build and deploy the code into Lambda using your favorite techniques and grant permission within the QnABot Fulfillment Lambda Role using IAM to invoke this Lambda. Hint: If you name the lambda starting with 'qna', QnABot is already configured with permissions to invoke this Lambda.