-import logging
-import math
-import numpy as np
-import random
-from scipy import ndimage
-from .batch_filter import BatchFilter
-from gunpowder.batch_request import BatchRequest
-from gunpowder.coordinate import Coordinate
-from gunpowder.ext import augment
-from gunpowder.roi import Roi
-from gunpowder.array import ArrayKey
-logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-[docs]class ElasticAugment(BatchFilter):
"""Elasticly deform a batch. Requests larger batches upstream to avoid data
loss due to rotation and jitter.
control_point_spacing (``tuple`` of ``int``):
Distance between control points for the elastic deformation, in
voxels per dimension.
jitter_sigma (``tuple`` of ``float``):
Standard deviation of control point jitter distribution, in voxels
per dimension.
rotation_interval (``tuple`` of two ``floats``):
Interval to randomly sample rotation angles from (0, 2PI).
prob_slip (``float``):
Probability of a section to "slip", i.e., be independently moved in
prob_shift (``float``):
Probability of a section and all following sections to move in x-y.
max_misalign (``int``):
Maximal voxels to shift in x and y. Samples will be drawn
uniformly. Used if ``prob_slip + prob_shift`` > 0.
subsample (``int``):
Instead of creating an elastic transformation on the full
resolution, create one subsampled by the given factor, and linearly
interpolate to obtain the full resolution transformation. This can
significantly speed up this node, at the expense of having visible
piecewise linear deformations for large factors. Usually, a factor
of 4 can savely by used without noticable changes. However, the
default is 1 (i.e., no subsampling).
spatial_dims (``int``):
The number of spatial dimensions in arrays. Spatial dimensions are
assumed to be the last ones and cannot be more than 3 (default).
Set this value here to avoid treating channels as spacial
dimension. If, for example, your array is indexed as ``(c,y,x)``
(2D plus channels), you would want to set ``spatial_dims=2`` to
perform the elastic deformation only on x and y.
use_fast_points_transform (``bool``):
By solving for all of your points simultaneously with the following
3 step proceedure:
1) Rasterize nodes into numpy array
2) Apply elastic transform to array
3) Read out nodes via center of mass of transformed points
You can gain substantial speed up as opposed to calculating the
elastic transform for each point individually. However this may
lead to nodes being lost during the transform.
recompute_missing_points (``bool``):
Whether or not to compute the elastic transform node wise for nodes
that were lossed during the fast elastic transform process.
def __init__(
self.control_point_spacing = control_point_spacing
self.jitter_sigma = jitter_sigma
self.rotation_start = rotation_interval[0]
self.rotation_max_amount = rotation_interval[1] - rotation_interval[0]
self.prob_slip = prob_slip
self.prob_shift = prob_shift
self.max_misalign = max_misalign
self.subsample = subsample
self.spatial_dims = spatial_dims
self.use_fast_points_transform = use_fast_points_transform
self.recompute_missing_points = recompute_missing_points
def prepare(self, request):
seed = request.random_seed
# augment uses numpy for its randomness
# get the voxel size
self.voxel_size = self.__get_common_voxel_size(request)
# get the total ROI of all requests
total_roi = request.get_total_roi()
logger.debug("total ROI is %s" % total_roi)
# First, get the total ROI of the request in spatial dimensions only.
# Channels and time don't matter. This is our master ROI.
# get master ROI
master_roi = Roi(
total_roi.get_begin()[-self.spatial_dims :],
total_roi.get_shape()[-self.spatial_dims :],
self.spatial_dims = master_roi.dims()
logger.debug("master ROI is %s" % master_roi)
# make sure the master ROI aligns with the voxel size
master_roi = master_roi.snap_to_grid(self.voxel_size, mode="grow")
logger.debug("master ROI aligned with voxel size is %s" % master_roi)
# get master roi in voxels
master_roi_voxels = master_roi / self.voxel_size
logger.debug("master ROI in voxels is %s" % master_roi_voxels)
# Second, create a master transformation. This is a transformation that
# covers all voxels of the all requested ROIs. The master transformation
# is zero-based.
# create a transformation with the size of the master ROI in voxels
self.master_transformation = self.__create_transformation(
# Third, crop out parts of the master transformation for each of the
# smaller requested ROIs. Since these ROIs now have to align with the
# voxel size (which for points does not have to be the case), we also
# remember these smaller ROIs as target_rois in global world units.
# crop the parts corresponding to the requested ROIs
self.transformations = {}
self.target_rois = {}
deps = BatchRequest()
for key, spec in request.items():
spec = spec.copy()
if spec.roi is None:
target_roi = Roi(
spec.roi.get_begin()[-self.spatial_dims :],
spec.roi.get_shape()[-self.spatial_dims :],
logger.debug("downstream request spatial ROI for %s is %s", key, target_roi)
# make sure the target ROI aligns with the voxel grid (which might
# not be the case for points)
target_roi = target_roi.snap_to_grid(self.voxel_size, mode="grow")
"downstream request spatial ROI aligned with voxel grid for %s "
"is %s",
# remember target ROI (this is where the transformation will project
# to)
self.target_rois[key] = target_roi
# get ROI in voxels
target_roi_voxels = target_roi / self.voxel_size
# get ROI relative to master ROI
target_roi_in_master_roi_voxels = (
target_roi_voxels - master_roi_voxels.get_begin()
# crop out relevant part of transformation for this request
transformation = np.copy(
(slice(None),) + target_roi_in_master_roi_voxels.get_bounding_box()
self.transformations[key] = transformation
# get ROI of all voxels necessary to perfrom transformation
# for that we follow the same transformations to get from the
# request ROI to the target ROI in master ROI in voxels, just in
# reverse
source_roi_in_master_roi_voxels = self.__get_source_roi(transformation)
source_roi_voxels = (
source_roi_in_master_roi_voxels + master_roi_voxels.get_begin()
source_roi = source_roi_voxels * self.voxel_size
# transformation is still defined on voxels relative to master ROI
# in voxels (i.e., lowest source coordinate could be 5, but data
# array we get later starts at 0).
# shift transformation to be indexed relative to beginning of
# source_roi_voxels
-source_roi_in_master_roi_voxels.get_begin(), transformation
# update upstream request
spec.roi = Roi(
spec.roi.get_begin()[: -self.spatial_dims]
+ source_roi.get_begin()[-self.spatial_dims :],
spec.roi.get_shape()[: -self.spatial_dims]
+ source_roi.get_shape()[-self.spatial_dims :],
deps[key] = spec
logger.debug("upstream request roi for %s = %s" % (key, spec.roi))
return deps
def process(self, batch, request):
for (array_key, array) in batch.arrays.items():
if array_key not in self.target_rois:
# for arrays, the target ROI and the requested ROI should be the
# same in spatial coordinates
assert (
== request[array_key].roi.get_begin()[-self.spatial_dims :]
), "Target roi offset {} does not match request roi offset {}".format(
request[array_key].roi.get_begin()[-self.spatial_dims :],
assert (
== request[array_key].roi.get_shape()[-self.spatial_dims :]
), "Target roi offset {} does not match request roi offset {}".format(
request[array_key].roi.get_shape()[-self.spatial_dims :],
# reshape array data into (channels,) + spatial dims
shape = array.data.shape
channel_shape = shape[: -self.spatial_dims]
data = array.data.reshape((-1,) + shape[-self.spatial_dims :])
# apply transformation on each channel
data = np.array(
for c in range(data.shape[0])
data_roi = request[array_key].roi/self.spec[array_key].voxel_size
array.data = data.reshape(channel_shape + data_roi.get_shape()[-self.spatial_dims:])
# restore original ROIs
array.spec.roi = request[array_key].roi
for (graph_key, graph) in batch.graphs.items():
nodes = list(graph.nodes)
if self.use_fast_points_transform:
missed_nodes = self.__fast_point_projection(
if not self.recompute_missing_points:
for node in set(missed_nodes):
graph.remove_node(node, retain_connectivity=True)
missed_nodes = []
missed_nodes = nodes
for node in missed_nodes:
# logger.debug("projecting %s", node.location)
# get location relative to beginning of upstream ROI
location = node.location - graph.spec.roi.get_begin()
logger.debug("relative to upstream ROI: %s", location)
# get spatial coordinates of node in voxels
location_voxels = location[-self.spatial_dims :] / self.voxel_size
# get projected location in transformation data space, this
# yields voxel coordinates relative to target ROI
projected_voxels = self.__project(
self.transformations[graph_key], location_voxels
"projected in voxels, relative to target ROI: %s", projected_voxels
if projected_voxels is None:
logger.debug("node outside of target, skipping")
graph.remove_node(node, retain_connectivity=True)
# convert to world units (now in float again)
projected = projected_voxels * np.array(self.voxel_size)
"projected in world units, relative to target ROI: %s",
# get global coordinates
projected += np.array(self.target_rois[graph_key].get_begin())
# update spatial coordinates of node location
node.location[-self.spatial_dims:] = projected
logger.debug("final location: %s", node.location)
# finally, it can happen that a node no longer is contained in
# the requested ROI (because larger ROIs than necessary have
# been requested upstream)
if not request[graph_key].roi.contains(node.location):
logger.debug("node outside of target, skipping")
graph.remove_node(node, retain_connectivity=True)
# restore original ROIs
graph.spec.roi = request[graph_key].roi
def __get_common_voxel_size(self, request):
voxel_size = None
prev = None
for array_key in request.array_specs.keys():
if voxel_size is None:
voxel_size = self.spec[array_key].voxel_size[-self.spatial_dims:]
elif self.spec[array_key].voxel_size is not None:
assert voxel_size == self.spec[array_key].voxel_size[-self.spatial_dims:], \
"ElasticAugment can only be used with arrays of same voxel sizes, " \
"but %s has %s, and %s has %s."%(
array_key, self.spec[array_key].voxel_size,
prev, self.spec[prev].voxel_size)
prev = array_key
if voxel_size is None:
raise RuntimeError("voxel size must not be None")
return voxel_size
def __create_transformation(self, target_shape):
transformation = augment.create_identity_transformation(
target_shape, subsample=self.subsample
if sum(self.jitter_sigma) > 0:
transformation += augment.create_elastic_transformation(
rotation = random.random() * self.rotation_max_amount + self.rotation_start
if rotation != 0:
transformation += augment.create_rotation_transformation(
target_shape, rotation, subsample=self.subsample
if self.subsample > 1:
transformation = augment.upscale_transformation(
transformation, target_shape
if self.prob_slip + self.prob_shift > 0:
return transformation
def __fast_point_projection(
self, transformation, nodes, source_roi, target_roi
if len(nodes) < 1:
return []
# rasterize the points into an array
ids, locs = zip(
(np.floor(node.location).astype(int) - source_roi.get_begin())
// self.voxel_size,
for node in nodes
if source_roi.contains(node.location)
ids, locs = np.array(ids), tuple(zip(*locs))
points_array = np.zeros(
source_roi.get_shape() / self.voxel_size, dtype=np.int64
points_array[locs] = ids
# reshape array data into (channels,) + spatial dims
shape = points_array.shape
data = points_array.reshape((-1,) + shape[-self.spatial_dims :])
# apply transformation on each channel
data = np.array(
data[c], transformation, interpolate="nearest"
for c in range(data.shape[0])
missing_points = []
projected_locs = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(data > 0, data, ids)
projected_locs = [
np.array(loc[-self.spatial_dims :]) * self.voxel_size
+ target_roi.get_begin()
for loc in projected_locs
node_dict = {node.id:node for node in nodes}
for point_id, proj_loc in zip(ids, projected_locs):
point = node_dict.pop(point_id)
if not any([np.isnan(x) for x in proj_loc]):
assert (
len(proj_loc) == self.spatial_dims
), "projected location has wrong number of dimensions: {}, expected: {}".format(
len(proj_loc), self.spatial_dims
point.location[-self.spatial_dims :] = proj_loc
for node in node_dict.values():
"{} of {} points lost in fast points projection".format(
len(missing_points), len(ids)
return missing_points
def __project(self, transformation, location):
"""Find the projection of location given by transformation. Returns None
if projection lies outside of transformation."""
dims = len(location)
# subtract location from transformation
diff = transformation.copy()
for d in range(dims):
diff[d] -= location[d]
# square
diff2 = diff * diff
# sum
dist = diff2.sum(axis=0)
# find grid point closes to location
center_grid = Coordinate(np.unravel_index(dist.argmin(), dist.shape))
center_source = self.__source_at(transformation, center_grid)
logger.debug("projecting %s onto grid", location)
logger.debug("grid shape: %s", transformation.shape[1:])
logger.debug("grid projection: %s", center_grid)
logger.debug("dist shape: %s", dist.shape)
logger.debug("dist.argmin(): %s", dist.argmin())
logger.debug("dist[argmin]: %s", dist[center_grid])
logger.debug("transform[argmin]: %s",
transformation[(slice(None),) + center_grid])
logger.debug("min dist: %s", dist.min())
logger.debug("center source: %s", center_source)
# inspect grid edges incident to center_grid
for d in range(dims):
# nothing to do for dimensions without spatial extent
if transformation.shape[1 + d] == 1:
dim_vector = tuple(1 if dd == d else 0 for dd in range(dims))
pos_grid = center_grid + dim_vector
neg_grid = center_grid - dim_vector
logger.debug("interpolating along %s", dim_vector)
pos_u = -1
neg_u = -1
if pos_grid[d] < transformation.shape[1 + d]:
pos_source = self.__source_at(transformation, pos_grid)
logger.debug("pos source: %s", pos_source)
pos_dist = pos_source[d] - center_source[d]
loc_dist = location[d] - center_source[d]
if pos_dist != 0:
pos_u = loc_dist / pos_dist
pos_u = 0
if neg_grid[d] >= 0:
neg_source = self.__source_at(transformation, neg_grid)
logger.debug("neg source: %s", neg_source)
neg_dist = neg_source[d] - center_source[d]
loc_dist = location[d] - center_source[d]
if neg_dist != 0:
neg_u = loc_dist / neg_dist
neg_u = 0
logger.debug("pos u/neg u: %s/%s", pos_u, neg_u)
# if a point only falls behind edges, it lies outside of the grid
if pos_u < 0 and neg_u < 0:
return None
return np.array(center_grid, dtype=np.float32)
def __source_at(self, transformation, index):
"""Read the source point of a transformation at index."""
slices = (slice(None),) + tuple(slice(i, i + 1) for i in index)
return transformation[slices].flatten()
def __get_source_roi(self, transformation):
dims = transformation.shape[0]
# get bounding box of needed data for transformation
bb_min = Coordinate(
int(math.floor(transformation[d].min())) for d in range(dims)
bb_max = Coordinate(
int(math.ceil(transformation[d].max())) + 1 for d in range(dims)
# create roi sufficiently large to feed transformation
source_roi = Roi(bb_min, bb_max - bb_min)
return source_roi
def __shift_transformation(self, shift, transformation):
for d in range(transformation.shape[0]):
transformation[d] += shift[d]
def __misalign(self, transformation):
assert (
transformation.shape[0] == 3
), "misalign can only be applied to 3D volumes"
num_sections = transformation[0].shape[0]
shifts = [Coordinate((0, 0, 0))] * num_sections
for z in range(num_sections):
r = random.random()
if r <= self.prob_slip:
shifts[z] = self.__random_offset()
elif r <= self.prob_slip + self.prob_shift:
offset = self.__random_offset()
for zp in range(z, num_sections):
shifts[zp] += offset
logger.debug("misaligning sections with " + str(shifts))
dims = 3
bb_min = tuple(int(math.floor(transformation[d].min())) for d in range(dims))
bb_max = tuple(int(math.ceil(transformation[d].max())) + 1 for d in range(dims))
logger.debug("min/max of transformation: " + str(bb_min) + "/" + str(bb_max))
for z in range(num_sections):
transformation[1][z, :, :] += shifts[z][1]
transformation[2][z, :, :] += shifts[z][2]
bb_min = tuple(int(math.floor(transformation[d].min())) for d in range(dims))
bb_max = tuple(int(math.ceil(transformation[d].max())) + 1 for d in range(dims))
"min/max of transformation after misalignment: "
+ str(bb_min)
+ "/"
+ str(bb_max)
def __random_offset(self):
return Coordinate(
+ tuple(
self.max_misalign - random.randint(0, 2 * int(self.max_misalign))
for d in range(2)