diff --git a/example/ios/FulaExample.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist b/example/ios/FulaExample.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18d9810
--- /dev/null
+++ b/example/ios/FulaExample.xcworkspace/xcshareddata/IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ IDEDidComputeMac32BitWarning
diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile b/example/ios/Podfile
index c476ece..92addb0 100644
--- a/example/ios/Podfile
+++ b/example/ios/Podfile
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ require Pod::Executable.execute_command('node', ['-p',
{paths: [process.argv[1]]},
)', __dir__]).strip
-platform :ios, '13.0'
+platform :ios, '14.0'
# If you are using a `react-native-flipper` your iOS build will fail when `NO_FLIPPER=1` is set.
diff --git a/example/ios/Podfile.lock b/example/ios/Podfile.lock
index 7e356ed..64ad9b1 100644
--- a/example/ios/Podfile.lock
+++ b/example/ios/Podfile.lock
@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ PODS:
- React-jsinspector (0.72.3)
- React-logger (0.72.3):
- glog
- - react-native-fula (1.14.2):
+ - react-native-fula (1.14.6):
- CryptoSwift (~> 1.7.1)
- Fula (~> 1.0.0)
- RCT-Folly (= 2021.07.22.00)
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
React-jsiexecutor: 59d1eb03af7d30b7d66589c410f13151271e8006
React-jsinspector: b511447170f561157547bc0bef3f169663860be7
React-logger: c5b527272d5f22eaa09bb3c3a690fee8f237ae95
- react-native-fula: f7df65e1d0931640568e9e19eb048ce40fd348f9
+ react-native-fula: 17a71317faa0b12fdb5d77c4d4560972be871ec7
React-NativeModulesApple: c57f3efe0df288a6532b726ad2d0322a9bf38472
React-perflogger: 6bd153e776e6beed54c56b0847e1220a3ff92ba5
React-RCTActionSheet: c0b62af44e610e69d9a2049a682f5dba4e9dff17
@@ -737,6 +737,6 @@ SPEC CHECKSUMS:
Yoga: 8796b55dba14d7004f980b54bcc9833ee45b28ce
YogaKit: f782866e155069a2cca2517aafea43200b01fd5a
-PODFILE CHECKSUM: 18e6e42feb52b2840969de671a351f681edeffed
+PODFILE CHECKSUM: 894d220cf9833d2e19f55138952974df1c3d2b30
-COCOAPODS: 1.12.0
+COCOAPODS: 1.12.1
diff --git a/ios/Cryptography.swift b/ios/Cryptography.swift
index a154866..527f572 100644
--- a/ios/Cryptography.swift
+++ b/ios/Cryptography.swift
@@ -1,13 +1,26 @@
import Foundation
import CommonCrypto
import CryptoSwift
+import os.log
public class Cryptography: NSObject {
public static func encryptMsg(_ message: Array, _ secretKey: Array)
throws -> String {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptMsg started for \(message)")
let aes = try! AES(key: secretKey, blockMode: ECB(), padding: .pkcs5)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptMsg aes")
let encrypted = try! aes.encrypt(message)
- return Data(encrypted).base64EncodedString()
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptMsg encrypted")
+ do{
+ let data = Data(encrypted).base64EncodedString()
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptMsg: \(data)")
+ return data
+ } catch let error {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptMsg error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
+ throw error
+ }
public static func decryptMsg(_ cipherText: String, _ secretKey: Array)
diff --git a/ios/Fula.mm b/ios/Fula.mm
index 05689e2..f0cf77e 100644
--- a/ios/Fula.mm
+++ b/ios/Fula.mm
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
@interface RCT_EXTERN_MODULE(FulaModule, NSObject)
-RCT_EXTERN_METHOD(checkConnection: (NSNumber *) timeout
+RCT_EXTERN_METHOD(checkConnection: (nonnull NSNumber *) timeout
diff --git a/ios/Fula.swift b/ios/Fula.swift
index 0103e60..a82d848 100644
--- a/ios/Fula.swift
+++ b/ios/Fula.swift
@@ -3,6 +3,32 @@ import Foundation.NSDate // for TimeInterval
import CommonCrypto
import Wnfs
import Fula
+import os.log
+extension OSLog {
+ private static var subsystem = Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!
+ /// Logs the view cycles like a view that appeared.
+ static let viewCycle = OSLog(subsystem: subsystem, category: "viewcycle")
+ /// All logs related to tracking and analytics.
+ static let statistics = OSLog(subsystem: subsystem, category: "statistics")
+extension OSLog {
+ func info(_ msg: String, _ args: CVarArg...) {
+ os_log("%{public}@", log: self, type: .info, msg)
+ }
+ func error(_ msg: String, _ args: CVarArg...) {
+ os_log("%{public}@", log: self, type: .error, msg)
+ }
+ // ... (more methods for different log levels, if needed)
class FulaModule: NSObject {
@@ -110,28 +136,33 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
- func checkConnection(timeout: Int, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
- print("ReactNative", "checkConnection started")
- if (fula != nil) {
- do {
- // FIXME: run with timeout
- // Task {
- // try await withTimeout(seconds: TimeInterval(timeout)) { [weak self] in
- // guard let weakSelf = self else { return false }
- // try weakSelf.checkConnectionInternal()
- // callback(BOOL(true))
- // }
- // }
- resolve(try self.checkConnectionInternal())
- }
- catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "checkConnection failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
- // callback(BOOL(false))
- resolve(false)
+ func checkConnection(timeout: NSNumber, resolve: @escaping RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: @escaping RCTPromiseRejectBlock) {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnection started with timeout=\(timeout)")
+ if let timeoutInt = timeout as? Int {
+ if fula != nil {
+ DispatchQueue.global(qos: .default).async {
+ do {
+ let connectionStatus = try self.checkConnectionInternal(timeout: timeoutInt)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnection ended \(connectionStatus)")
+ resolve(connectionStatus)
+ }
+ catch let error {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnection failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
+ resolve(false)
+ }
+ } else {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnection fula is null")
+ resolve(false)
+ } else {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.error("ReactNative checkConnection - invalid timeout value")
+ reject("ERR_INVALID_TIMEOUT", "Invalid timeout value", nil)
+ }
func newClient(identityString: String, storePath: String, bloxAddr: String, exchange: String, autoFlush: Bool, useRelay: Bool, refresh: Bool, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) -> Void {
print("ReactNative", "newClient storePath= " , storePath , " bloxAddr= " , bloxAddr , " exchange= " , exchange , " autoFlush= " , autoFlush , " useRelay= " , useRelay , " refresh= " , refresh);
@@ -174,22 +205,24 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
// function to be compatible with the android version.
func initFula(identityString: String, storePath: String, bloxAddr: String, exchange: String, autoFlush: Bool, rootConfig: String, useRelay: Bool, refresh: Bool, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock,reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) -> Void {
- print("ReactNative", "init started")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative - init started")
do {
var resultData = Dictionary()
- print("ReactNative", "init storePath= ", storePath)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative init storePath= \(storePath)")
let identity = self.toByte(identityString)
- print("ReactNative", "init identity= ", identityString)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative init identity= \(identityString)")
let obj = try initInternal(identity: identity, storePath: storePath, bloxAddr: bloxAddr, exchange: exchange, autoFlush: autoFlush, _rootCid: rootConfig, useRelay: useRelay, refresh: refresh)
- print("ReactNative", "init object created: [ " + obj[0] + ", " + obj[1] + ", " + obj[2] + " ]")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative init object created: [ \(obj[0]), \(obj[1]), \(obj[2]) ]")
resultData["peerId"] = obj[0]
resultData["rootCid"] = obj[1]
resultData["wnfs_key"] = obj[2]
resolve(resultData as NSDictionary)
} catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "init failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative init failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
reject("ERR_FULA", "init failed", error)
@@ -212,85 +245,108 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
- func checkConnectionInternal() throws {
- print("ReactNative", "checkConnectionInternal started")
- if (fula != nil) {
- do {
- print("ReactNative", "connectToBlox started")
- try fula?.connectToBlox()
- } catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "checkConnectionInternal failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
- throw error
+ func checkConnectionInternal(timeout: Int) throws -> Bool {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnectionInternal started with timeout: \(timeout)")
+ var connectionStatus = false
+ if let fula = self.fula {
+ let semaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 0)
+ let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "com.yourapp.checkConnection", attributes: .concurrent)
+ queue.async {
+ do {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative connectToBlox started")
+ try fula.connectToBlox()
+ connectionStatus = true
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnectionInternal succeeded")
+ semaphore.signal()
+ } catch let error {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnectionInternal failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
+ semaphore.signal()
+ }
+ }
+ let timeoutResult = semaphore.wait(timeout: .now() + .seconds(timeout))
+ switch timeoutResult {
+ case .timedOut:
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnectionInternal timed out")
+ return false
+ case .success:
+ return connectionStatus
} else {
- print("ReactNative", "checkConnectionInternal failed because fula is not initialized ")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkConnectionInternal failed because fula is not initialized")
+ return false
- @objc(checkFailedActions:withResolver:withRejecter:)
- func checkFailedActions(retry: Bool, resolve:RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject:RCTPromiseRejectBlock) -> Void{
- do {
- if (fula != nil) {
- if (!retry) {
- print("ReactNative", "checkFailedActions without retry")
- let failedLinks = try fula!.listFailedPushes()
- if (failedLinks.hasNext()) {
- print("ReactNative", "checkFailedActions found: ", try failedLinks.next().toHex())
+ @objc(checkFailedActions:withTimeout:withResolver:withRejecter:)
+ func checkFailedActions(retry: Bool, timeout: Int, resolve: RCTPromiseResolveBlock, reject: RCTPromiseRejectBlock) -> Void {
+ do {
+ guard let fula = fula else {
+ throw NSError(domain: "ERR_FULA", code: 1001, userInfo: [NSLocalizedDescriptionKey: "Fula is not initialized"])
+ }
+ if !retry {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkFailedActions without retry")
+ let failedLinks = try fula.listFailedPushes()
+ let nextFailedLink = try failedLinks.next()
+ if nextFailedLink != nil {
+ // Assuming nextFailedLink is of type Data; replace `toHex()` with an appropriate method to convert Data to a hex string
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkFailedActions found")
} else {
} else {
- print("ReactNative", "checkFailedActions with retry")
- let retryResults = try retryFailedActionsInternal()
- resolve(!retryResults)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkFailedActions with retry")
+ let retryResults = try retryFailedActionsInternal(timeout: timeout) // Ensure retryFailedActionsInternal accepts a timeout parameter
+ resolve(!retryResults)
- } else {
- reject("ERR_FULA", "Fula is not initialized", nil)
+ } catch let error {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative checkFailedActions failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
+ reject("ERR_FULA", "CheckFailedActions failed", error)
- } catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "checkFailedActions failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
- reject("ERR_FULA", "CheckFailedActions failed", error)
- }
- func retryFailedActionsInternal() throws -> Bool {
- print("ReactNative", "retryFailedActionsInternal started")
- if (fula != nil) {
- //Fula is initialized
- do {
- try checkConnectionInternal()
+ func retryFailedActionsInternal(timeout: Int) throws -> Bool {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative retryFailedActionsInternal started")
+ guard let fula = fula else {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative retryFailedActionsInternal failed because fula is not initialized")
+ return false
+ }
+ do {
+ let connectionCheck = try checkConnectionInternal(timeout: timeout)
+ if connectionCheck {
do {
- print("ReactNative", "retryFailedPushes started")
- try fula?.retryFailedPushes()
- print("ReactNative", "flush started")
- try fula?.flush()
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative retryFailedPushes started")
+ try fula.retryFailedPushes()
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative flush started")
+ try fula.flush()
return true
- }
- catch let error {
- try fula?.flush()
- print("ReactNative", "retryFailedActionsInternal failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
+ } catch let error {
+ try fula.flush()
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative retryFailedActionsInternal failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
- }
- catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "retryFailedActions failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
+ } else {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative retryFailedActionsInternal failed because blox is offline")
return false
- } else {
- print("ReactNative", "retryFailedActions failed because fula is not initialized")
- //Fula is not initialized
+ } catch let error {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative retryFailedActionsInternal failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
return false
func createPeerIdentity(privateKey: Data) throws -> Data {
do {
// 1: First: create public key from provided private key
@@ -331,31 +387,44 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
try encryptAndStoreConfig()
- func loadWnfs(_ wnfsKey: Data , _ _rootCid: String) throws {
- print("ReactNative", "loadWnfs called: rootCid=", _rootCid)
- let hash32 = wnfsKey.sha256()
- print("ReactNative", "wnfsKey=" , wnfsKey.toHex() , "; hash32 = " , hash32.toHex());
+ func loadWnfs(_ _wnfsKey: Data , _ _rootCid: String) throws {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative loadWnfs called: rootCid=\(_rootCid)")
+ let hash32 = _wnfsKey.sha256()
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative wnfsKey= \(_wnfsKey.toHex()) ; hash32 = \(hash32.toHex())");
try wnfs?.LoadWithWNFSKey(wnfsKey: hash32, cid: _rootCid)
rootCid = _rootCid
+ wnfsKey = _wnfsKey
if (fula != nil) {
try fula?.flush()
- print("ReactNative", "loadWnfs completed")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative loadWnfs completed")
try encryptAndStoreConfig()
func encryptAndStoreConfig() throws {
do {
- if(identityEncryptedGlobal != nil) {
- let cid_encrypted = try Cryptography.encryptMsg(rootCid!.toUint8Array(), secretKeyGlobal!)
- let wnfs_key_encrypted = try Cryptography.encryptMsg(wnfsKey!.toUint8Array(), secretKeyGlobal!)
- userDataHelper.add("cid_encrypted_" + identityEncryptedGlobal!, cid_encrypted)
- userDataHelper.add("wnfs_key_encrypted_" + identityEncryptedGlobal!, wnfs_key_encrypted)
+ if let identityEncryptedGlobalUnwrapped = identityEncryptedGlobal {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptAndStoreConfig started")
+ if let rootCidUnwrapped = rootCid, let wnfsKeyUnwrapped = wnfsKey, let secretKeyGlobalUnwrapped = secretKeyGlobal {
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptAndStoreConfig started with rootCid: \(rootCidUnwrapped.toUint8Array()) and wnfsKey:\(wnfsKeyUnwrapped)")
+ let cid_encrypted = try Cryptography.encryptMsg(rootCidUnwrapped.toUint8Array(), secretKeyGlobalUnwrapped)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptAndStoreConfig cid_encrypted: \(cid_encrypted)")
+ let wnfs_key_encrypted = try Cryptography.encryptMsg(wnfsKeyUnwrapped.toUint8Array(), secretKeyGlobalUnwrapped)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptAndStoreConfig wnfs_key_encrypted: \(wnfs_key_encrypted)")
+ userDataHelper.add("cid_encrypted_" + identityEncryptedGlobalUnwrapped, cid_encrypted)
+ userDataHelper.add("wnfs_key_encrypted_" + identityEncryptedGlobalUnwrapped, wnfs_key_encrypted)
+ } else {
+ // Handle the case where rootCid, wnfsKey, or secretKeyGlobal is nil
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptAndStoreConfig failed because one of the values is nil")
+ }
} catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "encryptAndStoreConfig failed with Error: ", error.localizedDescription)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative encryptAndStoreConfig failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
throw error
@@ -443,7 +512,7 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
do {
if (fula == nil || refresh) {
try newClientInternal(identity: identity, storePath: storePath, bloxAddr: bloxAddr, exchange: exchange, autoFlush: autoFlush, useRelay: useRelay, refresh: refresh)
- print("ReactNative", "fula initialized: " + fula!.id_())
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative fula initialized: \(self.fula!.id_())")
if(client == nil || refresh) {
client = Client(clientInput: fula!)
@@ -458,7 +527,7 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
return try c.get(cid)
- print("ReactNative", "wnfs initialized")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative wnfs initialized")
let secretKey = try Cryptography.generateKey(identity)
@@ -467,35 +536,35 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
secretKeyGlobal = secretKey
if (rootCid == nil || rootCid!.isEmpty) {
- print("ReactNative", "rootCid is empty.")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative rootCid is empty.")
//Load from keystore
let cid_encrypted_fetched = userDataHelper.getValue("cid_encrypted_"+identity_encrypted)
- print("ReactNative", "Here1")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative Here1")
var cid: Array? = nil
if(cid_encrypted_fetched != nil && !cid_encrypted_fetched!.isEmpty) {
- print("ReactNative", "decrypting cid="+cid_encrypted_fetched!+" with secret="+secretKey.toHex())
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative decrypting cid= \(cid_encrypted_fetched!) with secret \(secretKey.toHex())")
cid = try Cryptography.decryptMsg(cid_encrypted_fetched!, secretKey)
print("ReactNative", "Here2")
//print("ReactNative", "Attempted to fetch cid from keystore cid="+cid+" & wnfs_key="+wnfs_key)
if(cid == nil || cid!.isEmpty){
- print("ReactNative", "cid or wnfs key was not found")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative cid or wnfs key was not found")
- print("ReactNative", "Re-setting cid from input: "+_rootCid)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative Re-setting cid from input: \(_rootCid)")
cid = _rootCid.toUint8Array()
if(cid == nil || cid!.isEmpty){
- print("ReactNative", "Tried to recover cid but was not successful. Creating ones")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative Tried to recover cid but was not successful. Creating ones")
try createNewrootCid(identity: identity)
} else {
- print("ReactNative", "Found cid and wnfs key in keychain store")
- print("ReactNative", "Recovered cid and private ref from keychain store. cid=",cid!," & wnfs_key=",identity)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative Found cid and wnfs key in keychain store")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative Recovered cid and private ref from keychain store. cid=\(cid!) & wnfs_key=\(identity)")
try loadWnfs(identity, cid!.toData().toUTF8String()!)
- print("ReactNative", "creating/reloading rootCid completed")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative creating/reloading rootCid completed")
byte[] testbyte = convertStringToByte("-104,40,24,-93,24,100,24,114,24,111,24,111,24,116,24,-126,24,-126,0,0,24,-128,24,103,24,118,24,101,24,114,24,115,24,105,24,111,24,110,24,101,24,48,24,46,24,49,24,46,24,48,24,105,24,115,24,116,24,114,24,117,24,99,24,116,24,117,24,114,24,101,24,100,24,104,24,97,24,109,24,116")
@@ -508,22 +577,22 @@ class FulaModule: NSObject {
- print("ReactNative", "rootCid is created: cid=" , rootCid!,"& wnfs_key=",wnfsKey!.toHex())
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative rootCid is created: cid=\(self.rootCid!) & wnfs_key=\(self.wnfsKey!.toHex())")
} else {
- print("ReactNative", "rootCid existed: cid=" , rootCid!," & wnfs_key=",wnfsKey!.toHex())
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative rootCid existed: cid=\(self.rootCid!) & wnfs_key=\(self.wnfsKey!.toHex())")
let peerId = fula!.id_()
var obj = [String]()
- print("ReactNative", "initInternal is completed successfully")
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative initInternal is completed successfully")
if (fula != nil) {
try fula?.flush()
return obj
} catch let error {
- print("ReactNative", "init internal failed with Error: " , error.localizedDescription)
+ OSLog.viewCycle.info("ReactNative init internal failed with Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
throw error
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 1ca48fd..d232b15 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@functionland/react-native-fula",
- "version": "1.14.6",
+ "version": "1.14.7",
"description": "This package is a bridge to use the Fula libp2p protocols in the react-native which is using wnfs",
"main": "lib/commonjs/index",
"module": "lib/module/index",