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Jordan Davidson edited this page Jun 28, 2017 · 3 revisions

In wyre you react to things that happen on the server or client with callbacks. Everything in the event listening is configured through the function on.

(server||client).on(event [, type], callback)

configures the current event listener for event with the callback.


depending on what you put in for event the event listener will be called at different times.

Event: 'connection'

Is called whenever a new client connects to the server. This event is only fired on the serverside as the connect() function handles the connection with the client.


server.on('connection', function(connection) {
  console.log('new client connected!',;

connection: a Connection object that is created by wyre for contextual information purposes

Event: 'message'

Is called on either the server or the client whenever a message is recieved with a direction property that is either undefined or 'MESSAGE'


server.on('message', function(context) {
  console.log('recieved a new message', context.message);

context : a MessageContext object that is created by wyre for contextual information.

Event: 'request'

Is called on either the server or the client whenever a request is recieved with a direction property that is 'REQUEST'


server.on('message', function(context) {
  console.log('recieved a new message', context.message);

context : a MessageContext object that is created by wyre for contextual information.

Event: 'close'

Is called on both the server and client side when either side closes the connection.


client.on('close', function(code, reason, connection) {
    console.log('client with id',, 'closed because of', reason, code);

code: one of the websocket close codes specified in the RFC for websockets.

reason: any string as defined in the RFC for websockets.

connection: a Connection object that is created by wyre for contextual information.

Event: 'error'

Is called whenever an uncaught erorr is thrown.


client.on('error', function(error) {
    console.log('there was a websocket error', error);

error : An Error object.

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