Websocket client using tokio tungstenite (https://github.com/snapview/tokio-tungstenite) used for subscribing to pending transactions towards addresses on Ethereum mainnet. Supports subscribing to multiple addresses at the same time.
Requires Alchemy account which can be obtained here: https://www.alchemy.com/
WEB3_WS - Should be set to URL from Alchemy. For example wss://eth-mainnet.ws.alchemyapi.io/ws/12345678901234567890123456789012
RUST_LOG - Set up to use logging towards standard output. Set for example to info.
cargo run --example opensea_example
Please see examples folder for full source code.
// Create atomic bool which is used to tell connection if it should keep running.
// This is exposed so it can be shared between multiple processes
let keep_alive = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true));
// Create connection
let connection = AlchemyPendingTransactionsWebsocket::connect(web3_ws_uri,keep_alive.clone()).await?;
// Subscribe to address
// Poll for any new notifications
let poll_result:Result<Option<Transaction>> = connection.poll_next();
// Unsubscribe to address
// Disconnect from websocket