Before you begin, make sure you have installed all the dependencies necessary for your operating system as described in the README.
You can deploy Algo non-interactively by running the Ansible playbooks directly with ansible-playbook
accepts "tags" via the -t
options. You can pass tags as a list of comma separated values. Ansible will only run plays (install roles) with the specified tags.
accepts variables via the -e
or --extra-vars
option. You can pass variables as space separated key=value pairs. Algo requires certain variables that are listed below.
Here is a full example for DigitalOcean:
ansible-playbook deploy.yml -t digitalocean,vpn,cloud -e 'do_access_token=my_secret_token do_server_name=algo.local do_region=ams2'
Required tags:
- cloud
Cloud roles:
- role: cloud-digitalocean, tags: digitalocean
- role: cloud-ec2, tags: ec2
- role: cloud-gce, tags: gce
Server roles:
- role: vpn, tags: vpn
- role: dns_adblocking, tags: dns, adblock
- role: security, tags: security
- role: ssh_tunneling, tags: ssh_tunneling
Note: The vpn
role generates Apple profiles with On-Demand Wifi and Cellular if you pass the following variables:
- OnDemandEnabled_WIFI=Y
- OnDemandEnabled_WIFI_EXCLUDE=HomeNet
- OnDemandEnabled_Cellular=Y
Required tags:
- local
Required variables:
- server_ip
- server_user
- IP_subject_alt_name
Required variables:
- do_access_token
- do_server_name
- do_region
Possible options for do_region
- ams2
- ams3
- fra1
- lon1
- nyc1
- nyc2
- nyc3
- sfo1
- sfo2
- sgp1
- tor1
- blr1
Required variables:
- aws_access_key
- aws_secret_key
- aws_server_name
- ssh_public_key
- region
Possible options for region
- us-east-1
- us-east-2
- us-west-1
- us-west-2
- ap-south-1
- ap-northeast-2
- ap-southeast-1
- ap-southeast-2
- ap-northeast-1
- eu-central-1
- eu-west-1
- eu-west-2
Additional tags:
- encrypted (enabled by default)
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Sid": "PreDeployment",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "DeployCloudFormationStack",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
"Sid": "CloudFormationEC2Access",
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": [
"Resource": [
Required variables:
- credentials_file
- server_name
- ssh_public_key
- zone
Possible options for zone
- us-central1-a
- us-central1-b
- us-central1-c
- us-central1-f
- us-east1-b
- us-east1-c
- us-east1-d
- europe-west1-b
- europe-west1-c
- europe-west1-d
- asia-east1-a
- asia-east1-b
- asia-east1-c