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Development of the Xtensions Library

This chapter gives an overview over how to get stated on development of the Xtensions library.

Setting up the IDE

The repository contains the Eclipse Oomph setup file Xtensions.setup for the Eclipse IDE.

Start the Eclipse installer, then switch to advanced mode (hamburger menu in the top-right corner). Select the "Eclipse IDE for Java Development" and press "Next >". On the next page press the green plus button and select the catalog "Github Projects" and paste the URL of the setup file above into the "Resource URIs" text field. Then select the checkbox next to the "Xtensions" entry and press "Next >". Enter the installation details as preferred, press "Next >", then press "Finish". The Eclipse IDE will be installed and configured. It may need to restart one ore more times.

For the most relevant maven builds, run configurations are checked into the repositories, open the "Run > Run Configurations" dialog from the main menu to browse and start a build. If you want to start a build from the command line, read the next chapter.


The build is based on maven tycho, the wrapper script mvnw in the root directory of the repository takes care of the maven installation. On Linux and Mac you might need to call chmod +x mvnw.

To build the libraries from source, simply drop into the root directory and call

./mvnw clean package

Afterwards, the main library will be located in bundles/de.fhg.fokus.xtensions/target

The p2 update site containing the library is located in directory p2/de.fhg.fokus.xtensions.p2/target/repository.

Have a look at the .travis.yml file on how snapshot builds (on every commit) and release builds and deployments (when a tag is pushed to GitHub, see Performing a Release) are done.

Building Incubation Bundles

To build incubation bundles, enable the maven profile "incubation".

Code Coverage

To produce a Jacoco covarage report (how much library code is covered by the test cases) enable the maven profile coverage-report. The result of the report is located in the directory releng/

To push the results of the code coverage report to, define the system property coveralls, this will automatically enable profile coverage-report as well, it does not have to be activated separately. This can be done by passing parameter -Dcoveralls when invoking maven.

Be aware that the coverage report misses all inlined Xtension library methods. This includes most of the methods of the class de.fhg.fokus.xtensions.datetime.DurationExtensions.

Skipping Test Project Compilation

To skip the compilation of the test project, pass the system property "release" to the maven build, e.g. passing parameter -Drelease. This does not actually trigger a release to bintray, it just skips compiling the test project. Have a look at the .travis.yml file to see how a release deployment is performed on Travis CI.

Documentation Build

The documentation is written in AsciiDoc and written in a way so HTML can be generated via GitBook.

To use GitBook, first install npm your preferred way. To install the GitBook tooling call

npm install gitbook-cli -g

To prepare the build of the documentation, switch to the root directory of the repository and call

gitbook install

To actually generate the HTML, call the following command in the root repository location

gitbook build

The result of the generation should then be located in the _book directory.

To start a web server providing a view on the documentation that should update itself whenever the AsciiDoc sources change, call the following command in the root repository path.

gitbook serve

External Contributions

Please have a look at the contribution guide.

Performing a Release

On every push to the GitHub repository a build is triggered and a snapshot is deployed to the JFrog Artifactory maven snapshot repository. This requires no process. However, performing a release of a stable version requires several steps.

Releasing a new version of the Xtensions library is mostly automated. To trigger a release, a new tag has to be created in the GitHub project. This tag must be a valid sem-ver version number major.minor.patch.

Here is a checklist of steps to perform (in this order). Ideally the first three steps are already done directly after a previous release.

  • ❏ Update the version of root pom.xml (keep the -SNAPSHOT suffix, it will be removed during the build).

  • ❏ Update the version of every bundle and feature project (see folders bundles, features, tests, bundles-incubation, and tests-incubation)

  • ❏ Adjust the .travis/bintray-deploy.json file declaring the new version

  • ❏ Update the README.adoc file

  • ❏ Update the CHANGES.adoc file (add release date)

  • ❏ Push commit of changes to branch latest_release

  • ❏ Create/push the tag of the new version number

  • ❏ Check if p2 deployment to bintray worked

  • ❏ Log into bintray to promote the release to maven central

  • ❏ If release is available on maven central and javadoc available via, push release commit to master

  • ❏ Upload jar, sources jar, javadoc jar, and zipped p2 to GitHub releases page