These scripts can be used as subcommands for kubectl to serve a specific purpose
sudo cp ./kubectl-* /usr/local/bin/
This oneliner shows you the resource limits/requests for pods in a namespace or all namespaces
Usage example:
# Supports --all-namespaces
kubectl resources
This oneliner shows you the associated containerids for kubernetes pods. It can be used to debug a container directly on the node. The containerId matches the ID on the node itsself
Usage example:
# Supports --all-namespaces
kubectl containerids
This oneliner shows all (and by that it means every resource/cr) in a namespace. It requires an argument which is the name of the namespace in question.
It may be used to debug a namespace stuck in terminating state to find out which resources remain.
Usage exmaple:
kubectl geteverything my-namespace
This is a dangerous script but sometimes necessary to get rid of a namespace which is stuck in Terminating state
Run this script with extrem caution!
Usage example:
kubectl finalize namespace some-namespace --yes-i-really-mean-it