Dog finder is a fun way to view photos of various dogs, and learn about their breeds & sub-breeds. Users load a random image of a dog, provided by the Dog API, and click the Breed or Sub-breed button to see their information. Users can choose their favorite dog and navigate to the favorites tab to see a table view of their dogs and breeds. Utilizes CoreData to persist photo data on device, UIKit, UITableView, & Fetch Requests.
This app is my capstone project for Udacity's iOS Nanodegree Program.
- No pre-work needed. Just build and run (use Master branch).
- Upon launch, a random dog photo will load. Click the reload button to show another random dog photo.
- Click the Breed or Sub-breed button to view information about the current dog photo.
- Add current dog to a list of favorites by clicking the heart shaped button. You can also remove the current dog from your list of favorites by clicking on the heart shaped button again.
- Click the "Favorites" tab to view a table collection of favorited dogs. Swipe to delete dogs from your Favorites list.
This app utilizes the Ashley Mills Reachability solution, to determine if user's device has lost connectivity.