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Building A Jank UART to USB Cable From Scavenged Parts

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@francisrstokes francisrstokes released this 03 Mar 07:29
· 26 commits to main since this release

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My home "lab" is, unfortunately, a manifestation of the unwinnable, uphill battle against entropy. The latest victim to the sprawl of boards, prototypes, and other miscellanea was my little Adafruit CP2104 USB to serial converter. As far as I can tell, it has literally dropped off the face of the earth. This is particularly irritating as I'm in the middle of another project for an upcoming video on the channel, and needed that exact serial converter to test the implementation of a vital component in a system I'm building.

Of course, the first thing I did was hop online to order a new converter. Shortly thereafter, however, I came to the sudden realisation that this is something I should be able to make myself. I mean, whats the point in having a lab in the first place if you're not going to use it for this kind of thing! This is a yak that simply needs to be shaved.