Wish list and features. Totally tentative, but nothing set in stone.
Passport integration. Performance.
Making Plugin API. Integrate websockets:
let server = require('server');
let { socket } = server.router;
server({}, [
// These come from user-events
socket('join', ctx => ctx.io.emit('join', ctx.data)),
socket('message', ctx => ctx.io.emit('message', ctx.data)),
// These are from the native events
socket('connect', ctx => { /* ... */ }),
socket('disconnect', ctx => { /* ... */ })
This will require some serious handling, but in exchange will make websockets easily accessible to everyone.
This is being rushed because NPM asked me to publish 1.x as there were already 0.x version from other person, so version 1.0 will be published with few alphas/betas
Retrieve the old functionality of Express to make it easy to launch a server in Node.js
- Testing testing and more testing
- Good documentation and tutorials in Libre University
- Include all of the libraries
- Created the base
- Implemented some of the libraries
- Use it in real-world projects
- Make sure that the express-session is secure with the secret (session usage depend on whether the token is provided or not)