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336 lines (280 loc) · 11.5 KB

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336 lines (280 loc) · 11.5 KB

Remove psalm-pure and psalm-immutable

Before v5 all data structures and most function was pure. Since v5 @psalm-pure and @psalm-immutable has been removed. It has many false positives, and it's to difficult use in the real applications.

Some examples with useful code (but with false positives):

Discussion of the problem: vimeo/psalm#8116

This code is invalid since v5:

 * @param ArrayList<int> $list
 * @return ArrayList<int>
 * @psalm-pure
function pureFn(ArrayList $list): ArrayList
    // ERROR: ImpureMethodCall
    return $list->map(fn($i) => $i + 2);

Removing @psalm-pure from the pureFn fix that problem.

Functions BC

  • All collection functions with $callback/$predicate params does not allow key as second parameter anymore. To use key in the map, filter and other collection functions use *KV combinators. Each collection function with $callback/$predicate has *KV version:
- \Fp\Collection\map(fn($value, $key) => new Row(id: $key, data: $value));
+ \Fp\Collection\mapKV(fn($key, $value) => new Row(id: $key, data: $value));
  • Parameter $preserveKeys of Fp\Collection\filter has been removed. Type of input array will be preserved:
- \Fp\Collection\filter(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], fn($value) => $value !== 1, preserveKeys: true);  // result is ['b' => 2]
+ \Fp\Collection\filter(['a' => 1, 'b' => 2], fn($value) => $value !== 1); // result is ['b' => 2]
- \Fp\Collection\filter([1, 2], fn($value) => $value !== 1, preserveKeys: true);  // result is [2]
+ \Fp\Collection\filter([1, 2], fn($value) => $value !== 1); // result is [2]
  • Fp\Collection\existsOf has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\exists instead:
- \Fp\Collection\existsOf($collection, Foo::class)
+ \Fp\Collection\exists($collection, fn(mixed $i) => $i instanceof Foo);
  • Fp\Collection\everyOf has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\every instead:
- \Fp\Collection\everyOf($collection, Foo::class)
+ \Fp\Collection\every($collection, fn(mixed $i) => $i instanceof Foo);
  • Fp\Collection\firstOf has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\firstMap and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Collection\firstOf($collection, Foo::class)
+ \Fp\Collection\firstMap($collection, of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Collection\lastOf has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\lastMap and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Collection\lastOf($collection, Foo::class)
+ \Fp\Collection\lastMap($collection, of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Collection\filterOf has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\filterMap and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Collection\filterOf($collection, Foo::class)
+ \Fp\Collection\filterMap($collection, of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Collection\everyMap has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\traverseOption:
- \Fp\Collection\everyMap($collection, fn($i) => Option::when($i % 2, fn() => $i));
+ \Fp\Collection\traverseOption($collection, fn($i) => Option::when($i % 2, fn() => $i));
  • Fp\Collection\reduce has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\fold:
- \Fp\Collection\reduce($collection, fn($acc, $cur) => $acc + $cur)->getOrElse(0);
+ \Fp\Collection\fold($collection, 0)(fn($acc, $cur) => $acc + $cur);
  • Fp\Collection\partitionOf has been removed. Use Fp\Collection\partitionT:
- \Fp\Collection\partitionOf($collection, Foo::class, Bar::class);
+ \Fp\Collection\partitionT($collection, fn($i) => $i instanceof Foo, fn($i) => $i instanceof Bar);
  • Fp\Evidence\proveListOf has been removed. Use Fp\Evidence\proveList and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Evidence\proveListOf(getMixed(), Foo::class);
+ \Fp\Evidence\proveList(getMixed(), of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyListOf has been removed. Use Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyList and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyListOf(getMixed(), Foo::class);
+ \Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyList(getMixed(), of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Evidence\proveArrayOf has been removed. Use Fp\Evidence\proveList and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Evidence\proveArrayOf(getMixed(), Foo::class);
+ \Fp\Evidence\proveArray(getMixed(), vType: of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyArrayOf has been removed. Use Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyList and Fp\Evidence\of:
- \Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyArrayOf(getMixed(), Foo::class);
+ \Fp\Evidence\proveNonEmptyArray(getMixed(), vType: of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Json\jsonDecode moved to Fp\Util\jsonDecode:
- \Fp\Json\jsonDecode('[1,2,3]');
+ \Fp\Util\jsonDecode('[1,2,3]');
  • Fp\String\regExpMatch moved to Fp\Util\regExpMatch:
- \Fp\String\regExpMatch('/[a-z]+(?<num>[0-9]+)/', 'aa1123');
+ \Fp\Util\regExpMatch('/[a-z]+(?<num>[0-9]+)/', 'aa1123');
  • Fp\Reflection\getReflectionClass has been removed without replacement.
  • Fp\Reflection\getReflectionProperty has been removed without replacement.

Option BC

  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::filterOf has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::flatMap and Fp\Evidence\of:
- $option->filterOf(Foo::class);
+ $option->flatMap(of(Foo::class));
  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::getOrThrow has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::getOrCall:
- $option->getOrThrow(fn() => new RuntimeExeption());
+ $option->getOrCall(fn() => throw new RuntimeExeption());
  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::isEmpty has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::isNone:
- $option->isEmpty();
+ $option->isNone();
  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::isNonEmpty has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::isSome:
- $option->isNonEmpty();
+ $option->isSome();
  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::cond has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::when:
- \Fp\Functional\Option\Option::cond(getTrue(), doSomething());
+ \Fp\Functional\Option\Option::when(getTrue(), fn() => doSomething());
  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::unless has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::when:
- \Fp\Functional\Option\Option::unless(getFalse(), fn() => doSomething());
+ \Fp\Functional\Option\Option::when(!getFalse(), fn() => doSomething());
  • Fp\Functional\Option\Option::condLazy has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Option\Option::when:
- \Fp\Functional\Option\Option::condLazy(getTrue(), fn() => doSomething());
+ \Fp\Functional\Option\Option::when(getTrue(), fn() => doSomething());
  • Order of Fp\Functional\Option\Option::fold params was changed:
- $option->fold(fn($some) => doSomethingWhenSome($some) fn() => doSomethingWhenNone());
+ $option->fold(fn() => doSomethingWhenNone(), fn($some) => doSomethingWhenSome($some));

Either BC

  • Fp\Functional\Either\Either::condLazy has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Either\Either::when:
- \Fp\Functional\Either\Either::condLazy(getBool(), fn() => trueToRight(), fn() => falseToLeft());
+ \Fp\Functional\Either\Either::when(getBool(), fn() => trueToRight(), fn() => falseToLeft());
  • Fp\Functional\Either\Either::cond has been removed. Use Fp\Functional\Either\Either::when:
- \Fp\Functional\Either\Either::cond(getBool(), trueToRight(), falseToLeft());
+ \Fp\Functional\Either\Either::when(getBool(), fn() => trueToRight(), fn() => falseToLeft());
  • Order of Fp\Functional\Either\Either::fold params has been changed:
- $either->fold(fn($right) => doSomethingWhenRight($right), fn($left) => doSomethingWhenLeft($left));
+ $either->fold(fn($left) => doSomethingWhenLeft($left), fn($right) => doSomethingWhenRight($right));

Seq BC

  • Fp\Collections\Seq::unique has been removed. Use Fp\Collections\Seq::uniqueBy instead:
- $seq->unique(fn(Foo $foo) => $foo->a);
+ $seq->uniqueBy(fn(Foo $foo) => $foo->a);

Map BC

  • Fp\Collections\Entry has been removed. To use key in the map, filter and other Fp\Collections\Map operations use *KV combinators:
- $map->map(fn(Entry $kv) => new Row(id: $kv->key, data: $kv->value));
+ $map->mapKV(fn(string $key, array $row) => new Row(id: $key, data: $row));

Each Fp\Collections\Map operation has *KV version.

  • Iteration with foreach has been changed:
- foreach($map as [$k, $v]) {}
+ foreach($map as $k => $v) {}
  • Fp\Collections\Map::toAssocArray has been removed. Use Fp\Collections\Map::toArray instead:
- $map->toAssocArray()->getOrElse([]);
+ $map->toArray();

Fp\Collections\Map::toArray has @psalm-if-this-is annotation. It impossibly to call this method if Map key is not array-key subtype.

  • Fp\Collections\Map::mapKeys has been removed. Use Fp\Collections\Map::reindex instead:
- $map->mapKeys(fn(Entry $kv) => $kv->value->a);
+ $map->reindex(fn(Foo $foo) => $foo->a);
  • Alias Fp\Collections\Map::mapValues has been removed. Use Fp\Collections\Map::map instead:
- $map->mapValues(fn(Entry $kv) => $kv->value->a);
+ $map->map(fn(Foo $foo) => $foo->a);
  • Method Fp\Collections\Map::updated has been renamed to Fp\Collections\Map::appended.
- $map->updated($key, $value);
+ $map->appended($key, $value);

Set BC

  • Fp\Collections\Set::updated has been removed. Use Fp\Collections\Set::appended:
- $set->updated(new Foo(a: 42));
+ $set->appended(new Foo(a: 42));

Stream BC

  • Fp\Streams\Stream::toAssocArray has been removed. Use Fp\Streams\Stream::toArray instead:
- $stream->toAssocArray();
+ $stream->toArray();
  • Fp\Streams\Stream::repeatN has been removed. Use Fp\Streams\Stream::repeat with $times parameter:
- $stream->repeatN(2);
+ $stream->repeat(2);
  • Fp\Streams\Stream::sorted has been removed. This method was hide all elements loading to the memory. Alternative:
+ $stream->sorted(fn($l, $r) => $l <=> $r);
+ $stream->toArrayList()->sorted(fn($l, $r) => $l <=> $r)->toStream();

Collection common BC

  • Method filterOf has been removed. Use filterMap method and Fp\Evidence\of function:
- $seq->filterOf(Foo::class);
+ $seq->filterMap(of(Foo::class));
  • Method firstOf has been removed. Use firstMap method and Fp\Evidence\of function:
- $seq->firstOf(Foo::class);
+ $seq->firstMap(of(Foo::class));
  • Method lastOf has been removed. Use lastMap method and Fp\Evidence\of function:
- $seq->lastOf(Foo::class);
+ $seq->lastMap(of(Foo::class));
  • Method reduce has been removed. Use fold method:
- $seq->reduce(fn($acc, $cur) => $acc + $cur)->getOrElse(0);
+ $seq->fold(0)(fn($acc, $cur) => $acc + $cur);
  • Method everyMap has been removed. Use traverseOption method:
- $seq->everyMap(fn($i) => Option::when(is_numeric($i), fn() => (int) $i));
+ $seq->traverseOption(fn($i) => Option::when(is_numeric($i), fn() => (int) $i));
  • Method existsOf has been removed. Use exists method with predicate:
- $seq->existsOf(Foo::class);
+ $seq->exists(fn($i) => $i instanceof Foo);
  • Method everyOf has been removed. Use every method with predicate:
- $seq->everyOf(Foo::class);
+ $seq->every(fn($i) => $i instanceof Foo);
  • Signature of toHashMap method has been changed:
- $seq->toHashMap($i => [$i->key, $i]);
+ $seq->toHashMap();

Method toHashMap now have @psalm-if-this-is annotation.

  • Signature of toArray method has been changed:
- $seq->toArray();
+ $seq->toList();

Method toArray now have @psalm-if-this-is annotation and return array<TKO, TVO> instead list<TV>.

Removed without alternatives

  • Fp\Functional\Validated\Validated
  • Fp\Functional\Semigroup\Semigroup
  • Fp\Functional\Monoid\Monoid