diff --git a/src/runner/PlutoRunner.jl b/src/runner/PlutoRunner.jl
index 030de8cd48..9450868d87 100644
--- a/src/runner/PlutoRunner.jl
+++ b/src/runner/PlutoRunner.jl
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# 1. The entire PlutoRunner should be a single file.
-# 2. We restrict the communication between this PlutoRunner and the Pluto server to only use *Base Julia types*, like `String`, `Dict`, `NamedTuple`, etc.
+# 2. We restrict the communication between this PlutoRunner and the Pluto server to only use *Base Julia types*, like `String`, `Dict`, `NamedTuple`, etc.
# These restriction are there to allow flexibility in the way that this file is loaded on a runner process, which is something that we might want to change in the future, like when we make the transition to our own Distributed.
@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ function globalref_to_workspaceref(expr)
# Create new lines to assign to the replaced names of the global refs.
- # This way the expression explorer doesn't care (it just sees references to variables outside of the workspace),
- # and the variables don't get overwriten by local assigments to the same name (because we have special names).
+ # This way the expression explorer doesn't care (it just sees references to variables outside of the workspace),
+ # and the variables don't get overwriten by local assigments to the same name (because we have special names).
(mutable_ref_list .|> ref -> :(local $(ref[2])))...,
map(mutable_ref_list) do ref
# I can just do Expr(:isdefined, ref[1]) here, but it feels better to macroexpand,
@@ -613,14 +613,14 @@ function run_expression(
ans, add_runtimes(runtime, expansion_runtime)
currently_running_cell_id[] = old_currently_running_cell_id
if (result isa CapturedException) && (result.ex isa InterruptException)
cell_results[cell_id], cell_runtimes[cell_id] = result, runtime
precompile(run_expression, (Module, Expr, UUID, UUID, Nothing, Nothing))
@@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ Notebook code does run in `Main` - it runs in workspace modules. Every time that
The trick boils down to two things:
1. When we create a new workspace module, we move over some of the global from the old workspace. (But not the ones that we want to 'delete'!)
-2. If a function used to be defined, but now we want to delete it, then we go through the method table of that function and snoop out all methods that we defined by us, and not by another package. This is how we reverse extending external functions. For example, if you run a cell with `Base.sqrt(s::String) = "the square root of" * s`, and then delete that cell, then you can still call `sqrt(1)` but `sqrt("one")` will err. Cool right!
+2. If a function used to be defined, but now we want to delete it, then we go through the method table of that function and snoop out all methods that were defined by us, and not by another package. This is how we reverse extending external functions. For example, if you run a cell with `Base.sqrt(s::String) = "the square root of" * s`, and then delete that cell, then you can still call `sqrt(1)` but `sqrt("one")` will err. Cool right!
function move_vars(
@@ -882,11 +882,11 @@ const tree_display_extra_items = Dict{UUID,Dict{ObjectDimPair,Int64}}()
const FormattedCellResult = NamedTuple{(:output_formatted, :errored, :interrupted, :process_exited, :runtime, :published_objects, :has_pluto_hook_features),Tuple{PlutoRunner.MimedOutput,Bool,Bool,Bool,Union{UInt64,Nothing},Dict{String,Any},Bool}}
function formatted_result_of(
- notebook_id::UUID,
- cell_id::UUID,
- ends_with_semicolon::Bool,
+ notebook_id::UUID,
+ cell_id::UUID,
+ ends_with_semicolon::Bool,
- showmore::Union{ObjectDimPair,Nothing}=nothing,
+ showmore::Union{ObjectDimPair,Nothing}=nothing,
@@ -909,8 +909,8 @@ function formatted_result_of(
logger = get!(() -> PlutoCellLogger(notebook_id, cell_id), pluto_cell_loggers, cell_id)
with_logger_and_io_to_logs(logger; capture_stdout, stdio_loglevel=stdout_log_level) do
format_output(ans; context=IOContext(
- default_iocontext,
- :extra_items=>extra_items,
+ default_iocontext,
+ :extra_items=>extra_items,
:module => workspace,
:pluto_notebook_id => notebook_id,
:pluto_cell_id => cell_id,
@@ -972,19 +972,19 @@ end
Base.IOContext(io::IOContext, ::Nothing) = io
"The `IOContext` used for converting arbitrary objects to pretty strings."
-const default_iocontext = IOContext(devnull,
- :color => false,
- :limit => true,
- :displaysize => (18, 88),
- :is_pluto => true,
+const default_iocontext = IOContext(devnull,
+ :color => false,
+ :limit => true,
+ :displaysize => (18, 88),
+ :is_pluto => true,
:pluto_supported_integration_features => supported_integration_features,
:pluto_published_to_js => (io, x) -> core_published_to_js(io, x),
-const default_stdout_iocontext = IOContext(devnull,
- :color => true,
- :limit => true,
- :displaysize => (18, 75),
+const default_stdout_iocontext = IOContext(devnull,
+ :color => true,
+ :limit => true,
+ :displaysize => (18, 75),
:is_pluto => false,
@@ -1241,7 +1241,7 @@ function format_output(binding::Base.Docs.Binding; context=default_iocontext)
$(repr(MIME"text/html"(), Base.Docs.doc(binding)))
- """, MIME"text/html"())
+ """, MIME"text/html"())
catch e
@warn "Failed to pretty-print binding" exception=(e, catch_backtrace())
repr(binding, MIME"text/plain"())
@@ -1605,7 +1605,7 @@ function tree_data(@nospecialize(x::Any), context::Context)
return circular(x)
depth = get(context, :tree_viewer_depth, 0)
- recur_io = IOContext(context,
+ recur_io = IOContext(context,
Pair{Symbol,Any}(:SHOWN_SET, x),
Pair{Symbol,Any}(:typeinfo, Any),
Pair{Symbol,Any}(:tree_viewer_depth, depth + 1),
@@ -1671,9 +1671,9 @@ const integrations = Integration[
id = Base.PkgId(Base.UUID(reinterpret(UInt128, codeunits("Paul Berg Berlin")) |> first), "AbstractPlutoDingetjes"),
code = quote
@assert v"1.0.0" <= AbstractPlutoDingetjes.MY_VERSION < v"2.0.0"
supported!(xs...) = push!(supported_integration_features, xs...)
# don't need feature checks for these because they existed in every version of AbstractPlutoDingetjes:
@@ -1685,7 +1685,7 @@ const integrations = Integration[
initial_value_getter_ref[] = AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.initial_value
transform_value_ref[] = AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.transform_value
possible_bond_values_ref[] = AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.possible_values
# feature checks because these were added in a later release of AbstractPlutoDingetjes
if isdefined(AbstractPlutoDingetjes, :Display)
@@ -1759,7 +1759,7 @@ const integrations = Integration[
push!(row_data, (length(rows), row_data_for(last_row)))
# TODO: render entire schema by default?
schema = Tables.schema(rows)
@@ -1807,7 +1807,7 @@ const integrations = Integration[
format === :svg || (
format === :auto && approx_size(p) <= max_plot_size
@@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ function transform_bond_value(s::Symbol, value_from_js)
catch e
@error "🚨 AbstractPlutoDingetjes: Bond value transformation errored." exception=(e, catch_backtrace())
- message=Text("🚨 AbstractPlutoDingetjes: Bond value transformation errored."),
+ message=Text("🚨 AbstractPlutoDingetjes: Bond value transformation errored."),
sprint(showerror, e, stacktrace(catch_backtrace()))
@@ -2184,16 +2184,16 @@ function possible_bond_values(s::Symbol; get_length::Bool=false)
elseif (possible_values isa AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bonds.NotGiven)
# error("Bond \"$s\" did not specify its possible values with `AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Bond.possible_values()`. Try using PlutoUI for the `@bind` values.")
# If you change this, change it everywhere in this file.
- get_length ?
+ get_length ?
- end :
+ end :
@@ -2267,7 +2267,7 @@ x^2
The first cell will show a slider as the cell's output, ranging from 0 until 100.
The second cell will show the square of `x`, and is updated in real-time as the slider is moved.
-macro bind(def, element)
+macro bind(def, element)
if def isa Symbol
@@ -2318,18 +2318,18 @@ function core_published_to_js(io, x)
id_start = objectid2str(x)
_notebook_id = get(io, :pluto_notebook_id, notebook_id[])::UUID
_cell_id = get(io, :pluto_cell_id, currently_running_cell_id[])::UUID
# The unique identifier of this object
id = "$_notebook_id/$id_start"
d = get!(Dict{String,Any}, cell_published_objects, _cell_id)
d[id] = x
write(io, "/* See the documentation for AbstractPlutoDingetjes.Display.published_to_js */ getPublishedObject(\"$(id)\")")
return nothing
@@ -2340,8 +2340,8 @@ end
function Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/javascript", published::PublishedToJavascript)
core_published_to_js(io, published.published_object)
-Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", published::PublishedToJavascript) = show(io, MIME("text/javascript"), published)
-Base.show(io::IO, published::PublishedToJavascript) = show(io, MIME("text/javascript"), published)
+Base.show(io::IO, ::MIME"text/plain", published::PublishedToJavascript) = show(io, MIME("text/javascript"), published)
+Base.show(io::IO, published::PublishedToJavascript) = show(io, MIME("text/javascript"), published)
# TODO: This is the deprecated old function. Remove me at some point.
function publish_to_js(x)
@@ -2373,7 +2373,7 @@ end
function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/html", e::EmbeddableDisplay)
body, mime = format_output_default(e.x, io)
to_write = if mime === m && _EmbeddableDisplay_enable_html_shortcut[]
# In this case, we can just embed the HTML content directly.
@@ -2381,14 +2381,14 @@ function Base.show(io::IO, m::MIME"text/html", e::EmbeddableDisplay)
s = """"""
replace(replace(s, r"//.+" => ""), "\n" => "")
write(io, to_write)
@@ -2411,7 +2411,7 @@ export embed_display
-A wrapper around any object that will display it using Pluto's interactive multimedia viewer (images, arrays, tables, etc.), the same system used to display cell output. The returned object can be **embedded in HTML output** (we recommend [HypertextLiteral.jl](https://github.com/MechanicalRabbit/HypertextLiteral.jl) or [HyperScript.jl](https://github.com/yurivish/Hyperscript.jl)), which means that you can use it to create things like _"table viewer left, plot right"_.
+A wrapper around any object that will display it using Pluto's interactive multimedia viewer (images, arrays, tables, etc.), the same system used to display cell output. The returned object can be **embedded in HTML output** (we recommend [HypertextLiteral.jl](https://github.com/MechanicalRabbit/HypertextLiteral.jl) or [HyperScript.jl](https://github.com/yurivish/Hyperscript.jl)), which means that you can use it to create things like _"table viewer left, plot right"_.
# Example
@@ -2462,8 +2462,8 @@ Base.@kwdef struct DivElement
tree_data(@nospecialize(e::DivElement), context::Context) = Dict{Symbol, Any}(
- :style => e.style,
- :classname => e.class,
+ :style => e.style,
+ :classname => e.class,
:children => Any[
format_output_default(value, context) for value in e.children