Set (Path, Width, Height, Fps, PixelSize, WindowSize)
Set parameters
- Path: File path ("path")
- Width: Width (numeric value)
- Height: Height (numeric value)
- Fps: Frames per second (numeric value)
- PixelSize: Size of a pixel in arbitrary unit (numeric value)
- WindowSize: Window size for moving average calculations [s] (numeric value)
SetPath (Path)
Set path for relative file paths (by default path of current script file)
- Path: File path ("path")
Source (Path)
Open sources for individual processing
- Path: File path ("path")
CreateImage (Width, Height, ColorMode, Red, Green, Blue)
Create a new image
- Width: Width (numeric value)
- Height: Height (numeric value)
- ColorMode: Color mode (GrayScale, Color, ColorAlpha)
- Red: Red color component (numeric value between 0 and 1)
- Green: Green color component (numeric value between 0 and 1)
- Blue: Blue color component (numeric value between 0 and 1)
VideoInfo (Path, API, Start, Length, Interval, Total)
Open video file(s) and show info (ffmpeg formats supported)
- Path: File path ("path")
- API: OpenCV API code (See OpenCV API codes) (numeric value)
- Start: Start (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Length: Length (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Interval: Interval in number of frames (numeric value)
- Total: Total number of frames at regular interval (numeric value)
OpenImage (Path, Start, Length, Interval, Total)
Open image file(s) for processing, accepts file name pattern
- Path: File path ("path")
- Start: Start (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Length: Length (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Interval: Interval in number of frames (numeric value)
- Total: Total number of frames at regular interval (numeric value)
OpenVideo (Path, API, Start, Length, Interval, Total)
Open video file(s) and process frames, accepts file name pattern (ffmpeg formats supported)
- Path: File path ("path")
- API: OpenCV API code (See OpenCV API codes) (numeric value)
- Start: Start (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Length: Length (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Interval: Interval in number of frames (numeric value)
- Total: Total number of frames at regular interval (numeric value)
OpenCapture (Path, Source, API, Codec, Fps, Length, Interval, Total, Width, Height)
Open capturing from video (IP) path or camera source
- Path: File path ("path")
- Source: Camera source (#) (numeric value)
- API: OpenCV API code (See OpenCV API codes) (numeric value)
- Codec: Video encoding codec (4 character codec reference (FOURCC))
- Fps: Frames per second (numeric value)
- Length: Length (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Interval: Interval in number of frames (numeric value)
- Total: Total number of frames at regular interval (numeric value)
- Width: Width (numeric value)
- Height: Height (numeric value)
SaveImage (Path, Label, Start, Length)
Save image to file
- Path: File path ("path")
- Label: Label id (string)
- Start: Start (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Length: Length (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
SaveVideo (Path, Label, Start, Length, Fps, Codec)
Create video file and save image to video file (supports installed encoders)
- Path: File path ("path")
- Label: Label id (string)
- Start: Start (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Length: Length (time reference as (hours:)minutes:seconds, or frame number)
- Fps: Frames per second (numeric value)
- Codec: Video encoding codec (4 character codec reference (FOURCC))
ShowImage (Label, Display)
Show image on screen (low priority screen updates)
- Label: Label id (string)
- Display: Display id (number 1 - 4)
StoreImage (Label)
Store current image in memory
- Label: Label id (string)
GetImage (Label)
Get specified stored image from memory
- Label: Label id (string)
Grayscale (Label)
Convert image to gray scale
- Label: Label id (string)
Color (Label)
Convert image to color
- Label: Label id (string)
ColorAlpha (Label)
Convert image to color with alpha channel
- Label: Label id (string)
Int (Label)
Convert image to integer type
- Label: Label id (string)
Float (Label)
Convert image to floating point type
- Label: Label id (string)
GetHue (Label)
Extract hue from image (for 8-bit images output scaled to 0 - 180)
- Label: Label id (string)
GetSaturation (Label)
Extract saturation from image
- Label: Label id (string)
GetHsValue (Label)
Extract (HSV) Value from image
- Label: Label id (string)
GetHsLightness (Label)
Extract (HSL) Lightness from image
- Label: Label id (string)
Scale (Width, Height, Label)
Scale image (in pixels, or values between 0 and 1)
- Width: Width (numeric value)
- Height: Height (numeric value)
- Label: Label id (string)
Crop (X, Y, Width, Height, Label)
Crop image (in pixels, or values between 0 and 1)
- X: X position (numeric value)
- Y: Y position (numeric value)
- Width: Width (numeric value)
- Height: Height (numeric value)
- Label: Label id (string)
Mask (Label)
Perform mask on current image
- Label: Label id (string)
Threshold (Label, Level, Debug)
Convert image to binary using threshold level, or in case not provided using automatic Otsu method
- Label: Label id (string)
- Level: Threshold value (numeric value between 0 and 1)
- Debug: Debug mode (true / false)
InRangeHsv (Label, Hmin, Hmax, Smin, Smax, Vmin, Vmax)
Create binary image corresponding to HSV range
- Label: Label id (string)
- Hmin: Hue minimum (angle between 0 and 360)
- Hmax: Hue maximum (angle between 0 and 360)
- Smin: Saturation minimum (numeric value between 0 and 1)
- Smax: Saturation maximum (numeric value between 0 and 1)
- Vmin: Value minimum (numeric value between 0 and 1)
- Vmax: Value maximum (numeric value between 0 and 1)
Erode (Label, Radius)
Apply erode filter (default 3x3 pixels)
- Label: Label id (string)
- Radius: Radius in pixels (numeric value)
Dilate (Label, Radius)
Apply dilate filter (default 3x3 pixels)
- Label: Label id (string)
- Radius: Radius in pixels (numeric value)
Difference (Label)
Perform difference of current image and specified image
- Label: Label id (string)
DifferenceAbs (Label)
Perform absolute difference of current image and specified image
- Label: Label id (string)
Add (Label)
Adds specified image to current image
- Label: Label id (string)
Multiply (Factor)
Perform multiplication of all color channels by specified factor
- Factor: Multiplication factor (numeric value)
Invert (Label)
Invert image
- Label: Label id (string)
SetBackground (Label)
Initialise adaptive background buffer with image
- Label: Label id (string)
UpdateBackground (Label, Weight)
Add image to the adaptive background buffer
- Label: Label id (string)
- Weight: Weight value (numeric value between 0 and 1)
UpdateWeight (Label, Weight)
Add image using weight to simple image buffer
- Label: Label id (string)
- Weight: Weight value (numeric value between 0 and 1)
UpdateMin (Label)
Add image and perform minimum on simple image buffer
- Label: Label id (string)
UpdateMax (Label)
Add image and perform maximum on simple image buffer
- Label: Label id (string)
ClearSeries ()
Clear image series buffer
AddSeries (Label, Maximum)
Add image to image series buffer
- Label: Label id (string)
- Maximum: Maximum number of images to keep (numeric value)
GetSeriesMedian (MedianMode)
Obtain image median of image series buffer
- MedianMode: Median variation mode (Normal, Light, Dark)
GetSeriesMean ()
Obtain image mean of image series buffer
AddAccum (Label, AccumMode)
Add image to the accumulative buffer
- Label: Label id (string)
- AccumMode: Accumulation mode (Age, Usage)
GetAccum (Power, Palette)
Retrieve the accumulative buffer and convert to image
- Power: Exponential power of value range (1E-[power] ... 1) (numeric value)
- Palette: Palette (GrayScale, Heat, Rainbow)
OpticalCalibration (NX, NY, Label, Debug)
Calibrate optical correction using consistent internal edges of checkerboard pattern
- NX: Number in X axis (numeric value)
- NY: Number in Y axis (numeric value)
- Label: Label id (string)
- Debug: Debug mode (true / false)
OpticalCorrection (Label)
Perform optical correction
- Label: Label id (string)
CreateClusters (Tracker, MinArea, MaxArea, Debug)
Create clusters; auto calibrate using initial images if no parameters specified
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- MinArea: Minimum area in number of pixels (numeric value)
- MaxArea: Maximum area in number of pixels (numeric value)
- Debug: Debug mode (true / false)
CreateTracks (Tracker, MaxMove, MinActive, MaxInactive, Debug)
Create cluster tracking; auto calibrate using initial images if no parameters specified
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- MaxMove: Maximum movement distance (single frame) (numeric value)
- MinActive: Minimum number of frames being active before state is active (numeric value)
- MaxInactive: Maximum number of frames being inactive before state is inactive (numeric value)
- Debug: Debug mode (true / false)
CreatePaths (Tracker, Distance, Debug)
Create common path usage
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- Distance: Maximum path distance (numeric value)
- Debug: Debug mode (true / false)
DrawClusters (Label, Tracker, DrawMode)
Draw clusters
- Label: Label id (string)
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- DrawMode: Draw mode(s) (combine using | character) (None, Point, Circle, Ellipse, Box, Angle, Label, LabelArea, LabelLength, LabelAngle, Track, Tracks, Fill, ClusterDefault, TracksDefault)
DrawTracks (Label, Tracker, DrawMode)
Draw tracked clusters
- Label: Label id (string)
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- DrawMode: Draw mode(s) (combine using | character) (None, Point, Circle, Ellipse, Box, Angle, Label, LabelArea, LabelLength, LabelAngle, Track, Tracks, Fill, ClusterDefault, TracksDefault)
DrawPaths (Label, Tracker, PathDrawMode, Power, Offset, Palette)
Draw common paths
- Label: Label id (string)
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- PathDrawMode: Path draw mode (Count, Time, Paths, Direction)
- Power: Exponential power of value range (1E-[power] ... 1) (numeric value)
- Offset: Exponential offset of value range (numeric value)
- Palette: Palette (GrayScale, Heat, Rainbow)
DrawTrackCount (Label, Tracker)
Draw tracking count on image
- Label: Label id (string)
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
SaveClusters (Path, Tracker, Format, Contour)
Save clusters to CSV file
- Path: File path ("path")
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- Format: Output format (ByTime, ByLabel, Split)
- Contour: Extract contours (true / false)
SaveTracks (Path, Tracker, Format, Contour)
Save cluster tracking to CSV file
- Path: File path ("path")
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- Format: Output format (ByTime, ByLabel, Split)
- Contour: Extract contours (true / false)
SavePaths (Path, Tracker)
Save paths to CSV file
- Path: File path ("path")
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
ShowTrackInfo (Tracker, Display)
Show tracking information on screen
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
- Display: Display id (number 1 - 4)
SaveTrackInfo (Path, Tracker)
Save tracking information to CSV file
- Path: File path ("path")
- Tracker: Tracker id (string)
DrawLegend (Label, Display, Position)
Draw legend
- Label: Label id (string)
- Display: Display id (number 1 - 4)
- Position: Draw position (Full, TopLeft, BottomLeft, TopRight, BottomRight)
Wait (MS)
Pause execution for a period (1000 ms default)
- MS: Time in milliseconds (numeric value)
Pause ()
Pause processing
Benchmark ()
For benchmarking/debugging
(Arguments: [required] [optional])