diff --git a/extras/eza/README.md b/extras/eza/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fb1f532c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/eza/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+ Tokyonight for eza
+### About
+A Tokyonight theme for `eza`, a modern replacement for `ls`.
+### Usage
+1. Copy to `~/.config/eza/theme.yml`
+Note: on MacOS, `eza` will look for the theme file in `~/Library/Application Support/eza` by default. That directory can be overridden by setting `EZA_CONFIG_DIR`.
+For more information, see [eza-themes](https://github.com/eza-community/eza-themes)
diff --git a/extras/eza/tokyonight.yml b/extras/eza/tokyonight.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f34037f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extras/eza/tokyonight.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+colourful: true
+ normal: { foreground: "#c0caf5" }
+ directory: { foreground: "#7aa2f7" }
+ symlink: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ pipe: { foreground: "#414868" }
+ block_device: { foreground: "#e0af68" }
+ char_device: { foreground: "#e0af68" }
+ socket: { foreground: "#414868" }
+ special: { foreground: "#9d7cd8" }
+ executable: { foreground: "#9ece6a" }
+ mount_point: { foreground: "#b4f9f8" }
+ user_read: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ user_write: { foreground: "#bb9af7" }
+ user_execute_file: { foreground: "#9ece6a" }
+ user_execute_other: { foreground: "#9ece6a" }
+ group_read: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ group_write: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+ group_execute: { foreground: "#9ece6a" }
+ other_read: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ other_write: { foreground: "#ff007c" }
+ other_execute: { foreground: "#9ece6a" }
+ special_user_file: { foreground: "#ff007c" }
+ special_other: { foreground: "#db4b4b" }
+ attribute: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+ major: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ minor: { foreground: "#9d7cd8" }
+ number_byte: { foreground: "#a9b1d6" }
+ number_kilo: { foreground: "#89ddff" }
+ number_mega: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ number_giga: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+ number_huge: { foreground: "#ff007c" }
+ unit_byte: { foreground: "#a9b1d6" }
+ unit_kilo: { foreground: "#89ddff" }
+ unit_mega: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ unit_giga: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+ unit_huge: { foreground: "#ff007c" }
+ user_you: { foreground: "#3d59a1" }
+ user_root: { foreground: "#bb9af7" }
+ user_other: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ group_yours: { foreground: "#89ddff" }
+ group_root: { foreground: "#bb9af7" }
+ group_other: { foreground: "#c0caf5" }
+ normal: { foreground: "#89ddff" }
+ multi_link_file: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ new: { foreground: "#9ece6a" }
+ modified: { foreground: "#bb9af7" }
+ deleted: { foreground: "#db4b4b" }
+ renamed: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ typechange: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ ignored: { foreground: "#545c7e" }
+ conflicted: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+ branch_main: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+ branch_other: { foreground: "#b4f9f8" }
+ git_clean: { foreground: "#292e42" }
+ git_dirty: { foreground: "#bb9af7" }
+ colon: { foreground: "#545c7e" }
+ user: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+ role: { foreground: "#2ac3de" }
+ typ: { foreground: "#3d59a1" }
+ range: { foreground: "#9d7cd8" }
+ image: { foreground: "#89ddff" }
+ video: { foreground: "#b4f9f8" }
+ music: { foreground: "#73daca" }
+ lossless: { foreground: "#41a6b5" }
+ crypto: { foreground: "#db4b4b" }
+ document: { foreground: "#a9b1d6" }
+ compressed: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+ temp: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+ compiled: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+ build: { foreground: "#1abc9c" }
+ source: { foreground: "#bb9af7" }
+punctuation: { foreground: "#292e42" }
+date: { foreground: "#e0af68" }
+inode: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+blocks: { foreground: "#737aa2" }
+header: { foreground: "#a9b1d6" }
+octal: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+flags: { foreground: "#9d7cd8" }
+symlink_path: { foreground: "#89ddff" }
+control_char: { foreground: "#ff9e64" }
+broken_symlink: { foreground: "#ff007c" }
+broken_path_overlay: { foreground: "#ff007c" }