It gives you a secure approach to retain confidentiality of your configuration by substituting an environment variables with Key Vault service, such as AWS Secret Manager.
import { config } from 'aws-cdk-pure-hoc'
config.String('MySecretStore', 'MyConfigKey').flatMap(
(value: string) => /* value is a CloudFormation reference to your secret */
Serverless implementation of Static WebSite using AWS S3 with HTTPS (TLS) support. The HoC implements two approaches using AWS CloudFront or AWS Gateway API.
The CloudFront-based Static Web is deployed to us-east-1
only but do not worry about latencies, it has an excellent global coverage.
import { staticweb } from 'aws-cdk-pure-hoc'
const site = staticweb.CloudFront({
domain: '',
subdomain: 'www',
const Stack = (): cdk.StackProps => ({
env: {
account: process.env.CDK_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT,
region: 'us-east-1'
const stack = pure.iaac(cdk.Stack)(Stack).effect(x => pure.join(x, site))
const app = new cdk.App()
pure.join(app, stack)
The API Gateway-base Static Web is deployed to any region. It works best if you need to couple delivery of static web and api within same deployment.
import { staticweb } from 'aws-cdk-pure-hoc'
const site = staticweb.Gateway({
domain: '',
subdomain: 'www',
siteRoot: 'api/myapp' // static site endpoint
(x: RestApi) => /* add other methods to rest api here */
Please note, the static binary file handling requires special configuration to the gateway. HoC uses binaryMediaTypes
property to specify a list of binary content types. The default list is sufficient for single page react application.
HoC deploys AWS API Gateway with TLS and DNS configurations, which makes api usable with your custom domain name and proper TLS certificate.
import { gateway } from 'aws-cdk-pure-hoc'
const api = gateway.Api({
domain: '',
subdomain: 'www',
siteRoot: 'api/myapp' // static site endpoint
(x: RestApi) => /* add other methods to rest api here */
HoC implements a helper function to defined CORS policy
const api = gateway.Api({/* ... */})
.effect(x => {