This is a Kitchenplan configuration repository. This repository contains all configuration to install and configure our OSX workstations. More information about Kitchenplan and on how to use it can be found in the Kitchenplan README.
This configuration has been tested to work on OS X Yosemite. If you're on Mavericks, take a look here
First off, this is meant for relatively fresh installs. If you've installed RVM already, chances are it WON'T WORK.
Kitchenplan uses a combination of config files to determine how your workstation is provisioned. The most important of these config files is named after your username under config/people
. In my case this is bjedrocha.yml
since my username on my Mac is bjedrocha
. To provision your machine, you'll need to create your own config file under config/people
that matches your username on your machine.
The final config that will be compiled will be default.yml
+ {username}.yml
+ the group YAML files defined in {username}.yml1 + the group YAML files defined in those groups + the group YAML files defined in
default.yml`. Everything that is a "list" is appended to each other, single value's are overridden.
First, clone this repo. Under config/people
add a YAML file corresponding to your username on your Mac. Edit the file to include the recipes you'll want included on your machine. Looks at other people's config files to get some ideas on what you'll need. Once you're satisfied with your config file, commit and push it to remote.
Next, on the machine you're provisioning, install the kitchenplan gem. OS X Yosemite comes pre-installed with Ruby so don't think you'll need to install RVM firts, you don't. Just remember to use sudo
sudo gem install kitchenplan --no-ri --no-rdoc
With Kitchenplan installed, run the setup with kitchenplan setup
. The setup will prompt you to install Command Line Tools or XCode if those aren't already installed. It doesn't matter which you choose although if you choose XCode you'll most likely need to run kitchenplan setup
again once installation completed. With XCode or Command Line Tools installed, you'll then see somethig similar to this
_ ___ _ _ _
| |/ (_) | | | | |
| ' / _| |_ ___| |__ ___ _ __ _ __ | | __ _ _ __
| < | | __/ __| '_ \ / _ \ '_ \| '_ \| |/ _` | '_ \
| . \| | || (__| | | | __/ | | | |_) | | (_| | | | |
|_|\_\_|\__\___|_| |_|\___|_| |_| .__/|_|\__,_|_| |_|
| |
-> Installing XCode CLT
run sw_vers -productVersion | awk -F "." '{print $2}' from "."
run touch /tmp/ from "."
run softwareupdate -l | grep -B 1 "Developer" | head -n 1 | awk -F"*" '{print $2}' from "."
run softwareupdate -i -v from "."
Do you have a config repository? [y,n] y
Answer y
to the above question. When it asks you for the repository url, paste in the clone url for this repository. What this does is fetch this config repository and clones it into /opt/kitchenplan
. All that's left is to run the provisioning step with kitchenplan provision
. At the beginning of this step, Kitchenplan will ask you if you want to override the Gemfile with the default, type n
to prevent this from happending. If the installation goes smoothly, you should see this after a while
-> Cleanup parsed configuration files
run rm -f kitchenplan-attributes.json from "/opt/kitchenplan"
run rm -f solo.rb from "/opt/kitchenplan"
=> Installation complete!
As I mentioned before, if you have RVM installed prior to starting the provisioning process then this will most likely fail. You can try by switching RVM to use the system Ruby but even this may not work.
Another issue I've found is that the provisioning process fails during installation of VirtualBox. If this happens, just restart the provisioning process with kitchenplan provision
There's a couple of post-provision steps you'll probably want to do. First, configure git with your name and email. Next, you'll want to get RVM installed. If you've included the developer.yml
config file within your config, gpg
has been installed for you already so just follow the instructions here.