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Weather page
Weather page contains Next hour's forecast, 10-day forecast and Observations.
Next hour's forecast -section show weather forecast for the next full hour for the selected location. Section shows the time of the next full hour, weather symbol for the weather, temperature, feel's like temperature (this is calculated from several weather parameters outside mobile application) and feel's like person, wind speed and direction, rain amount and UV-index. All these values comes from dataquery. Feel's like person has different appearance depending on weather parameter values as well as time of the year.
This section's background changes depending on temperature values. The warmer it is, the more yellow the background. The colder it is the more blue the background is.
10-day forecast has options to visualize values in a table or graph. There is time when model was last updated on the header panel. User can also open a bottom panel to select which parameters are visualized. Info-button opens a bottom slider panel which show information about parameters.
Table format visualizes weather data in a scrollable table. On the top there are day selectors where the user can move the table to selected date. User can also scroll table sideways and day selector will change selected date based on where user is scrolling.
Each day selector date has weather symbol, min and max temperatures for that day. Weather symbol is based on what symbol is for that day at 15:00 local time or if it's past then the symbol is for the next hour.
There are also precipitation indicators below each day selector which indicate precipitation intensity for each hour. Light rain in on blueish colors, moderate rain yellow and green, heavy rain is on orange and red. Time which is outside forecast's coverage (for example past time) is visualized on grey.
Table itself shows selected weather parameter for each hour. User can scroll table sideways to see different timesteps. In table format, there is values selected date's sunrise, sunset and day length.
Graph format visualizes data in graphs. Day selectors in the top of the graph move graph to selected day. User can choose which parameters are visualized. When graph format is selected, parameter selector and info button are both disabled.
Each day selector date has weather symbol, min and max temperatures for that day. Weather symbol is based on what symbol is for that day at 12UTC or if it's past 12UTC then the symbol is for the next hour.
There are also precipitation indicators below each day selector which indicate precipitation intensity for each hour. Light rain in on blueish colors, moderate rain yellow and green, heavy rain is on orange and red. Past time is visualized on grey.
Parameter selectors are used to select which parameters are visualized in the graph. Some parameters are visualized in the same graph and some are in own graphs. Selectors are scrollable sideways if there is more that can be fitted to the screen. Changing selected parameter does not affect visible timeline.
Graph visualizes selected parameter's data. There can be more than one series per graph. If user scrolls graph sideways, selected day is updated accordingly. Graph's min and max values are defined from the whole series, not just what is visible.
Observations are measured values where forecast values are predictions from weather model which can be edited by meteorologists. Observation -section shows nearby observation stations' values. First on the list are AWS-stations and then other type of stations if less than 10 AWS-stations. Max number of stations on the list is 10 and only stations closer than 50km is shown in the list. However, if there are less than 5 stations, additional stations further than 50km can be added until minimum of 5 stations is filled.
Station selector -dropdown is used to select observation station. After selection latest observation values are updated as well as observation history graph and list values for each parameter.
Latest observations -section shows each available weather parameter value for selected station. If parameter is not measured at the station, it's not shown in the list. Observation values are measured every 10 minutes. If latest values are older than 2 hours, "observation values are too old" -error message is shown. Also if selected station measures only daily values, instead of latest observation values a "this station measures only daily values" -info message is shown.
Graph shows hourly observation history of the selected parameter.
Parameter selectors are used to select which parameters are visualized in the graph. Some parameters are visualized in the same graph and some are in own graphs. Selectors are scrollable sideways if there is more that can be fitted to the screen. Changing selected parameter does not affect visible timeline. Only parameter selectors for measured parameters are shown.
List shows hourly observation values in list format. List is sideways scrollable if it doesn't fit.
Please notice that forecast and observations value are presented with different accuracy. Most forecast values are presented as integer value, except rain precipitation amount with 1 decimal. Observations are more accurate and temperature parameters (temperature, Dew point) are presented with 1 decimal accuracy.