Here we have all the Fluxus smart contract code. This repository has three main parts:
-> Token-Contract
-> Exchange-Contract
-> Farming-Contract.
Contract | Description |
test-token | Contract to do a simple fungible token. |
ref-router | Main exchange contract, that allows to deposit and withdraw tokens, exchange them via various pools. |
fluxus-farm | Main farm contract, that allows to create farms and do stake operations. |
- Install
Run the following:
rustup default stable
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown
- Install
Run the following:
npm install -g near-cli
To run contract unit tests, use:
For the exchange part:
cd ref-router
cargo test
For the farming part:
cd fluxus-farm
cargo test
To compile the code, you can use:
For the exchange part:
cd ref-router
For the farming part:
cd fluxus-farm
For the token part:
cd test-token
To deploy the contracts to TestNet, you can use the following:
Deploying the farm contract in a dev near account:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile ../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/ref_farming.wasm
Deploying the exchange contract in a dev near account:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile ../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/ref-router.wasm
Deploying the token contract in a dev near account:
near dev-deploy --wasmFile ../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/test_token.wasm
You can see the contract Id after use de dev-deploy command. Copy it because it will be used later.
Remember thar this contract Id can also be found in the folder neardev
It is also cool to say that if you want to deploy something in an specific contract Id, you need to use the:
near deploy
instead the:
near dev-deploy
near deploy --wasmFile ../target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/ref-router.wasm --accountId juninho123.testnet