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96 lines (73 loc) · 2.65 KB

File metadata and controls

96 lines (73 loc) · 2.65 KB

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Getting started, from scratch:

  1. Install some dependencies.

    sudo apt-get install build-essential bison mongodb
    sudo apt-get install git bzr
    Ensure you have mongodb 2.x or higher
    mongod --version
    db version v2.2.1, pdfile version 4.5

    If not the following page may help

  2. Install Go.

    Install go

    # consider putting these in ~/.bashrc too...
    export GOROOT="$HOME/go"
    export GOPATH="$HOME/gocode"
    export PATH="$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin"
    # ... and creating the GOPATH directory structure.
    # (read `go help gopath` for details of this)
    mkdir -p $GOPATH/{src,pkg,bin}
  3. Use the go tool to get dependencies. Getting BoltDB deliberately uses ... so that the bolt command-line tool is installed as well.

    go get
    go get
    go get
    go get
    go get
    go get
  4. Clone sp0rkle's code from github.

    cd $GOPATH/src/
    # Note: in order to submit patches more easily, you might want to get a github
    # account, fork the bot, and clone from your own writeable version.
    # If you do that, clone with:
    git clone [email protected]:<username>/sp0rkle.git
    # and then add my repository as an alternative remote to pull from:
    cd sp0rkle
    git remote add -f -m master fluffle
    # Otherwise, just clone from my repository:
    git clone
  5. Import a recent database backup into MongoDB.

    TMP=$(mktemp -d)
    tar -C $TMP --force-local -jxvf sp0rkle.YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM.tar.bz2
    mongorestore -d sp0rkle $TMP/sp0rkle
    rm -r $TMP

    If you don't know where to get a DB backup from, you possibly shouldn't be submitting patches :-)

  6. Code, build, commit, push :)

    git checkout -b myfeature
    while coding in $GOPATH/src/
      vim <stuff>:wq
      go build
      # Run local build for testing ...
      ./sp0rkle --servers[:port]  [--nick=mybot] [--channels='#test']
    git add <stuff>
    git commit -m "Some useful message about the edit to <stuff>."
    # If you cloned from your own repo, push the new branch with:
    git push origin myfeature
    # ... then send me a pull request on github :-)

    Here's a more in depth description of a good workflow to use with github: