In no particular order
Postings should have tags
Postings should display company logo (if available)
Flash/status messages should show successful/unsuccessful actions
Postings list should be searchable
Postings list should be paginated
Site errors should be logged/counted
Site should be integrated with analytics (Google, internal, mixpanel, etc..)
Stripe keys should live outside codebase
- I left in all bootstrap less files just in case we want to add any other magic - the build does not use it all
- The bootstrap JS needs to be optimized to eleminate extra plugins
- Mobile still needs some love ;)
- Multi-user seed data would be helpful for dev
- Inactive posts can be viewed by anyone?
- Signout option?
- If we use can we get rid of the redirect to /jobs?
- Do we want to handle logo upload/resize?
- @jslajobs twitter account?
- RSS feed?
- Preview button to match edit/activate?
- More validation on form (i.e invalid urls: "" sans http)