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Firedrake meeting 2022 11 09

Reuben W. Nixon-Hill edited this page Nov 9, 2022 · 6 revisions

Date and time 2022-11-09 16:00UTC

Action Items

  1. Pick Chair and Minuter (CW to pick minuter)
  2. ALL: (ongoing) triage the open issues and confirm if they are indeed still open (and perhaps provide labels)
  3. DH: Organise Firedrake 2022 (Abstracts open)
  4. ALL: Rename split (.split -> .subfunctions) (ongoing)
  5. JB: A Firedrake manual (ongoing)
  6. JB: Python 3.11 (ongoing)




DH: Firedrake 22

Please submit abstracts and register.


  • Firedrake 22: Please submit abstracts and register.
  • .split -> .subfunctions to become an issue.
  • Python 3.11: Still need macos VTK wheels, Koki to (hopefully) make intel macos wheel
    • Mac mini test machines will be up and running soon, just need appropriate admin rights

JB: Black

(Low priority) We have had the conversation before in the past: Should we use black to autoformat code? Some formatting is inconsistent/bad. I have used black in a recent PR to cleanup

  • We will see if we can make it work, including adding "has this been run through black" to the linter


(Low priority) This PR changes testing from Python 3.6 to Python 3.7-3.11, is the matrix worth it? Should PyOP2 use our Firedrake runners? Should we move PyOP2 to Firedrake organisation?

  • Python change could cause issues with ubuntu's default python: we should choose not to care! We will instead follow python's support (which is 5 years, i.e. back to 3.7)
    • We will keep f-strings out of the install script to make sure users of old python get appropriate warnings
  • Yes PyOP2 should use our runners
  • Fork PyOP2 and FInAT into firedrake organisation and tombstone the old ones (will need to update the documentation)

DH: Hiring

Person who was offered mesh refinement role turned it down. If anyone knows someone looking for a postdoc in firedrake land please let us know!

DH: UFL changes

Join the #newfl slack channel on fenics slack where changes to the language are being discussed

Merge PRs

JB: Versioneer finally removed distutils dependency, so these are ready to go:

JB: We can ignore this failing test (I think)

Date of next meeting

1600 UTC 2022-11-16


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