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Sean Kruzel edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 9 revisions

CME Group

Public Sandbox Description

CME Group, the world’s leading and most diverse derivatives marketplace, is where the world comes to manage risk. Our exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes, as well as clearing and settlement services for exchange-traded and over-the-counter products.


Contact Details
[email protected]
{ phone } { crunchbase }
{ google-plus }
Social Media
{ twitter }
{ instagram }
{ facebook }

##Sandbox Member:##

  • Data Provider Since: { provider_start_date }

###Contact Information###

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
{ person1_name } { person1_role } { person1_email } { person1_linkedin } { person1_twitter } { person1_slack } { person1_skills }


Below is a list of Products offered by this data provider.

Sample Product

{ product1_description }

Business Model Specs:

  • Cost or Licensing Structures: { product1_costs }

Technical Specs:

  • Delivery Method: { product1_delivery_method }
  • Update Frequency: { product1_update_frequency }

Marketing Materials (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_marketing_doc_1 }
  • { product1_marketing_doc_2 }

Technical Documents (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_technical_doc_1 }
  • { product1_technical_doc_2 }


{ review1_sandbox_member }: { review1_date }

{ review1_text }

{ review2_sandbox_member }: { review2_date }

{ review2_text }



CME provides detailed information for all of its trading contracts. Historical, end-of-day and real-time datasets are available since the start date of the products. The company also charges subscriptions for E-quotes, regulatory reporting and repository.
Company website:

####Types of Featured Databases:

  • CME datasets provide the following data:
    • End-of-day market data for all CME contracts.
    • Historical market data since the start date for CME contracts.
    • The CME DataMine Top of Book: the top bid and ask details.
    • Depository datasets including exposure:
      • Interet rate swaps
      • European, Australian and Canadian trade repositories
    • Asset classes and sectors include:
      • Equity indices
      • FX
      • Interest rates
      • Options and OTC
      • Agricultural, energy, metals, weather and real estate

####Data format:

  • CSV formats for historical and end-of-day datasets.
  • FIX/FAST formats for real-time datasets. Click here fore more details.

Data Providers

Sandbox Participants


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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