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Sean Kruzel edited this page Mar 2, 2017 · 7 revisions


Public Sandbox Description

Barchart is a financial technology firm focused on market data and trading solutions. Barchart sources market data directly from exchanges around the world and collects information from fundamental data providers, news and government agencies.. In addition to collecting, processing and distributing market data, Barchart facilitates futures order routing for brokers and individuals through their trading software.


Contact Details
[email protected]
8663337587 { crunchbase }
{ google-plus }
Social Media
{ instagram }
{ facebook }

##Sandbox Member:##

  • Data Provider Since: { provider_start_date }

###Contact Information###

Profile Name Role Email Address LinkedIn Twitter Slack Skills
{ person1_name } { person1_role } { person1_email } { person1_linkedin } { person1_twitter } { person1_slack } { person1_skills }


Below is a list of Products offered by this data provider.

Sample Product

{ product1_description }

Business Model Specs:

  • Cost or Licensing Structures: { product1_costs }

Technical Specs:

  • Delivery Method: { product1_delivery_method }
  • Update Frequency: { product1_update_frequency }

Marketing Materials (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_marketing_doc_1 }
  • { product1_marketing_doc_2 }

Technical Documents (list of pdfs or files that have been uploaded to the wiki)

  • { product1_technical_doc_1 }
  • { product1_technical_doc_2 }


{ review1_sandbox_member }: { review1_date }

{ review1_text }

{ review2_sandbox_member }: { review2_date }

{ review2_text }

Data Providers

Sandbox Participants


  • Data Agreement
  • Product Development Pipeline
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