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fiasco edited this page Jan 23, 2011 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the Archimedes wiki!

Installion Guide

Pull down Archimedes Server

Pull down the git repository for archimedes which is a Drupal 6 code base with an Archimedes install profile. But before you install it you'll need to also pull down the Drupal archimedes client and archimedes library. cd Archimedes/sites/all/modules git clone Enter into the Archimedes client and read the README file which will tell you to checkout the Archimedes library files.

Install the Server


  • A web server like Apache 2 of Nginx
  • PHP 5.2 or greater configured to run with your webserver
  • PostgreSQL (8.3+ recommended) or MySQL (5.0+ recommended)
  • A dedicated email account Note that this has only been installed with Linux and is highly recommended that you use it. Archimedes uses Drupal's standard installation practice of an installation profile. Create a Database and virtual host entry for your server and follow the Drupal installation process selecting the Archimedes install profile at install time.


Browser to and setup the email account settings. As per Drupal's configuration, add a cron task to run drupal cron regularly for Archimedes to check for new emails.

Now your running and Archimedes server. Next step is to get clients reporting to you!

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