If you consider helping OMniLeads adding another language please follow the next steps:
Create an issue as described in the file CONTRIBUTING.md
- In the repository root folder run the commands:
$ ./manage.py makemessages --locale=
$ ./manage.py makemessages -d djangojs --locale
Localize and fill the translations in all the files *.po in the following folders:
configuracion_telefonia_app/locale/LC_MESSAGES// ominicontacto_app/locale/LC_MESSAGES// reportes_app/locale/LC_MESSAGES// reciclado_app/locale/LC_MESSAGES//
- In the repository root folder run the command:
$ ./compilemessages
Check if the system accepts correctly the new language
Add the new language entry in the settings variable LANGUAGES (see ominicontacto/settings.py)
Submit your changes, except for the *.mo generated files, according to the issue and create the corresponding merge request.