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Race to Zero

Race to Zero helps users start achieving a zero waste lifestyle. Through simple challenges and information, users can discover easy ways to begin reducing their waste and learn why, tracking their progress through a points and achievements based gaming system.

The Team

Joe - Scrum Master | Emma - DevOps | Armand - Researcher | Simon - QA

Tech Stack

Core Testing Other
Node jest bcryptjs
Express supertest pg-promise
Handlebars eslint body-parser
PostgreSQL nyc serve-favicon
HTML codecov env2
CSS nodemon

Getting Started

How to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.

Please ensure you have this software installed and running on your local machine before you attempt to run this webapp.

Node (via nvm recomended) see:

PostgreSQL see:


1. Clone the repo:

$ git clone
$ cd race-to-zero

2. Install Dependencies from NPM

$ npm i

3. Ensure you have the Required Environment Variables

create a .env file in your race-to-zero directory.
add a line for your DATABASE_URL variable and one for TEST_DB_URL.

DATABASE_URL = postgres://simon:pw123@localhost:5432/race_zero
TEST_DB_URL = postgres://simon:pw123@localhost:5432/test_race2

4. Make sure the Databases are setup

create a race-zero and test_race2 database in psql and alter the database owner.

$ psql (or pgcli)
# CREATE DATABASE race_zero;
# CREATE DATABASE test_race2;
# ALTER DATABASE race_zero OWNER TO simon;
# ALTER DATABASE test_race2 OWNER TO simon;

populate the race_zero database.

$ npm run build

5. Run the Tests

to make sure everything is working as it should.

npm test

5. Run the Server

npm run dev

That's it.
Now, play with it to your heart's content!


Initial Problem

The UK is poor at recycling.

Secondary & User Research

  • People want to recycle more
  • Don't really know what, how, where to recycle
  • Don't see a big difference / there's confusion between recycling, reducing waste, re-using items - these all get conflated as the same issue for people
  • Want to find easy ways to understand why waste matters
  • Want easy ways to learn how to reduce waste
  • Want a fun way to track progress to motivate them to do more
  • There are lots of blogs/websites about reducing waste and zero waste living but they are often information overload


Create a fun way for people to working towards a zero waste lifestyle

Initial Prototype

View initial prototype for user testing here

User testing

Tested with four users. Key findings:

  • Need to re-assess how the user interacts with challenges in relation to accepting and completing them

  • Wanted more ways to get a sense of 'reward' for completed challenges

  • The app design was popular and felt familiar to people

  • Finding the stats seemed more difficult than finding the sign out option - moving this to the avatar dropdown could be more user friendly

User stories

Unregistered User Stories

  • As a unregistered user I want to be able to see a landing page so I can find out more about the zero waste challenge.

  • As an unregistered user I want to be able to see further information about zero waste so that I can understand why a zero waste lifestyle is important.

  • As an unregistered user I want to be able to find out more about the specific details of the app, so I can decide. Some slides indicating how the app will work.

  • As an unregistered user I want to be able to signup so that I can create a profile.

  • As a unregistered user I want to be able to return to the landing page so that I can re-read the info provided.

  • As a registered user I want to be able to log-in so that I can view my account.

Logged-In User stories

  • As a new user I want to be able to find out more about how to use the app once I've logged in.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to log-out from any page on the site.

Challenge based stories

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to view a list of challenges that will help me reduce waste.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to click any challenge so I can find out more information about that challenge, how many points I will earn by completing it and why it matters.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to accept a challenge.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to view a list of challenges that will help me reduce waste.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to click any challenge so I can find out more information about that challenge, how many points I will earn by completing it and why it matters.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to accept a challenge.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to view my the progress of my accepted challenges.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to view my completed challenges.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to mark my challenges as completed so I can get points and track my progress.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to go to the challenges section at any point, so that I can return to the challenges section.

  • As a user who has just completed a challenge I would like to see a congratulations message so that I feel good about myself.

  • As a user who has just completed a challenge I would like the option to share with friends so that I can encourage them to do this as well.

Inventory based stories

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to view an inventory of suggested zero waste items so that I can find out what things I can buy to reduce waste.

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to select a suggested zero waste item so that I can learn more about why it's good and links to recommended products.

  • As a logged in user I can mark zero waste items as already owned so that I can get points.

Stats/Rank based stories

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to see my rank/progress at any point.

  • As a logged in user who has just reached a new level I would like a congratulations message so that I don't cry myself to sleep.

  • As a logged in user I can select stats to get an further overview of my progress so I can see where I am.

  • As a logged in user I want to see a "hall of fame table" showing the top 10 users and their points/ranks so that I can compare my progress with others (Stretch)

Navigation stories

  • As as a logged in user I want to be able to click my avatar so I can see a list of navigable options(Stats,account settings, log-out etc).

  • As a logged in user I want to be able to find out more information about zero-waste topics(plastics, food waste, clothing waste etc) from the dashboard, so that I can learn more about zero waste at any point.


Day One

  • create user stories
  • create additional wireframes based on user testing
  • create repo
  • create project plan
  • add issues and priorities
  • create file/folder structure
  • build environment
  • map out express view layouts
  • map out database schema