These User Stories will be used to develop new features. For the most part, new code should be motivated by a Story from this list.
AS A Designer
I WANT to create a Face from a collection of Edges
SO THAT I can eventually use it to make some sort of Solid \
AS A Desktop User
I WANT to use my mouse to make geometric objects
SO THAT I can visualize how these objects relate to each other \
AS A Remote User
I WANT to send a request to make Vectors and Lines using specified geomtric
SO THAT I can later manipulate those objects in space
AS A Power User
I WANT to use python to make geometric objects
SO THAT I can automate my work flow. \
AS A Designer
I WANT to create a Primitive Solid
SO THAT I can use it to describe some physical object \
AS A Designer
I WANT to group various topological entities in a "Document"
SO THAT I can work on them iteratively and encapsulate them from other
logical groups
AS A Designer
I WANT to be able to "undo" previous changes to my Topological Space
SO THAT I can recover after making an error
AS A Designer
I WANT to save my Topological Space as a file on the hard drive
SO THAT I can recover it later, or share it on the internet, etc.
AS A Student of Geometry
I WANT to get the area of a bounded surface
SO THAT I can check my homework
AS A Remote User
I WANT to send requests to MyCAD server using TCP/IP
SO THAT I can recieve responses and use the calculated geometry \
AS A MyCAD Server Administrator
I WANT to communicate directly with a MyCAD::Server process
SO THAT I can stop the process
AS A MyCAD Server User
I WANT to send requests directly to a running server instance locally
SO THAT I can understand how to interact with the Server
AS A MyCAD Server Administrator
I WANT allow a remote User to have a specific login Session
SO THAT their work is sandboxed from any other User's work.
AS A MyCAD Server Administrator
I WANT to be able to switch a "backend" server from one instance to another
SO THAT I can make changes in the background without my Users noticing
AS A User with a non-english Locale setting
I WANT to interact with MyCAD in my prefered language
SO THAT I don't have to guess at what I'm doing (or look shit up!)
AS A Designer
I WANT to send MyCAD values with a unit associated
SO THAT I can create objects with values that make sense to me.
AS A MyCAD Server User
I WANT to set aliases for commands
SO THAT I can configure my work flow to my needs
AS A MyCAD Server User
I WANT to have commands recognized by the least number of unique letters
SO THAT I can more easily enter commands
AS A Designer
I WANT to create lines in space
SO THAT I can use them to make more complex geometry \
AS A MyCAD Server User
I WANT the Server to autocomplete commands when I hit
SO THAT I can more easily enter commands