#Endpoint: Users
These are the API calls that you can use to retrieve users, their photos, friends and other data
Note: #{id} can be replaced by "me" or by the user's vanity url ex: "ramz" - this applies to all user endpoints.
##Available endpoints
, GET/users/#{id}
, GET/users/#{id}/favoritedAlbums
, GET/users/#{id}/feed
, GET/users/#{id}/followers
, GET/users/#{id}/suggestions
, GET/users/#{id}/blocked/#{id}
, GET/users/#{id}/friends/#{friend_id}
, GET/users/#{id}/friends
, GET/users/#{id}/friendToken
, GET/users/#{id}/photos
, GET/users/#{id}/likedPhotos
, GET/users/#{id}/friendsPhotos
, GET/users/#{id}/socialMedia
, GET/users/#{id}/flags
, GET/users/#{id}/topics
, GET/users/#{id}/smContacts
, GET/users/#{id}/emailContacts
, GET/users/#{id}/contacts