This is a Java wrapper for Saxon so that it can use the EXPath HTTP Client Module.
Unfortunately there are quite a lot of Jar files that you will need to add to Saxon's classpath. To simplify this we provide several things:
NOTE: Where .sh
files are specified below, the equivalent .bat
files also exist for Microsoft Windows users.
This can also be found in the examples/example1
After running mvn package
(from the parent folder) you will now find a folder http-client-saxon/target/http-client-saxon-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT-dir
. In that folder is a bin/
folder with some scripts which will run Saxon with the classpath setup for all the Jar files in the lib/
folder. This uses Saxon-HE.
So for XSLT you can for example run this:
bin/ -config:config.xml -s:input1.xml -xsl:example1.xslt
The shorthand for this is bin/
or, for XQuery you can run this: So for XSLT you can for example run this:
bin/ -config:config.xml -s:input1.xml -xsl:example1.xq
The shorthand for this is bin/
My config.xml for including the EXPath HTTP Client module looks like:
<configuration xmlns="" edition="HE">
<global traceExternalFunctions="true"/>
When calling the EXPath HTTP Client, my input1.xml
looks like this:
When calling the EXPath HTTP Client for XSLT, my example1.xslt
looks like this:
<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl=""
<xsl:template match="/">
<xsl:variable name="my-request" as="element(http:request)">
<http:request href='' method='get'/>
<xsl:copy-of select="http:send-request($my-request)"/>
When calling the EXPath HTTP Client for XQuery, my example1.xq
looks like this:
xquery version "1.0";
declare namespace http = "";
let $my-request := <http:request href='' method='get'/>
After running mvn package
you will now find a file: http-client-saxon/target/http-client-saxon-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar
This is a single Jar file that includes all the dependencies (apart from Saxon). You can use it with Saxon for XSLT like so (assuming the two Jars are in the same folder that you run java
java -classpath http-client-saxon-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar:Saxon-HE-9.7.0-15.jar net.sf.saxon.Transform -config:config.xml -s:input1.xml -xsl:example1.xslt
or for XQuery:
java -classpath http-client-saxon-1.2.5-SNAPSHOT-uber.jar:Saxon-HE-9.7.0-15.jar net.sf.saxon.Query -config:config.xml -s:input1.xml -xsl:example1.xq