Releases: exanauts/ExaPF.jl
Releases · exanauts/ExaPF.jl
ExaPF v0.7.1
Merged pull requests:
- Drop KernelAbstractions's version (#236) (@frapac)
- Build doc on version tagging (#237) (@michel2323)
- Add load values as parameters in NetworkStack (#238) (@frapac)
- Update the Project.toml for Krylov.jl v0.8 (#239) (@amontoison)
- Block evaluation - second attempt (#241) (@frapac)
- Improve code coverage (#242) (@frapac)
- Prep for release 0.7.1 (#243) (@frapac)
- fix missing Event in KA kernels (#244) (@frapac)
- Release 0.7.1 (#245) (@frapac)
ExaPF v0.7.0
Closed issues:
- Implement a logger (#27)
- Multiple generators per bus (#28)
- Fix divergent behavior on ACTIV70k system (#84)
- Implement overlapping for the pre-conditioner (#86)
- Fix evaluation of
on GPU (#199) - Line flow's adjoint is slightly off (#200)
Merged pull requests:
- [BUGFIX] update lower bound for line flows to -Inf (#210) (@frapac)
- hotfix: Removing KA for CPU Block Jacobi preconditioner (#211) (@michel2323)
- update CI to Julia 1.7 (#212) (@frapac)
- Vectorized formulation (#217) (@frapac)
- Documentation and minor API cleanup (#218) (@michel2323)
- Fix active power generation at slack node (#219) (@frapac)
- Update the documentation to new API (#221) (@frapac)
- clean names in API (#222) (@frapac)
- hotfix: control's mapping was off in multigenerator cases (#223) (@frapac)
- hotfix: replace my_map by mapping (#224) (@frapac)
- update Project.toml (#225) (@frapac)
- Refactor benchmark suite in ExaPF (#226) (@frapac)
- Improve tests coverage (#227) (@frapac)
- Updating data artifact (#228) (@michel2323)
- update (#229) (@frapac)
- PS: display number PVs converted to PQs in import (#230) (@frapac)
- clean PowerNetwork structure (#232) (@frapac)
- Prep for release 0.7 (#233) (@frapac)
- Fix CI (#234) (@michel2323)
ExaPF v0.6.0
Closed issues:
- Disallow scalar operations on GPU (#80)
- [GPU] Non-deterministic behavior with residual function (#110)
- Improve the computation of the adjoints on the GPU (#119)
- Unable to run code in the Quick Start (#138)
- Lack of community guidelines (#139)
- Release 0.5.0 (#143)
- Move the optimization evaluators in a separate package (#160)
- ExaPF 0.6 (#180)
- Power flow solver does not match MATPOWER when phase shift is nonzero (#184)
Merged pull requests:
- Update to KA 0.6 (#151) (@michel2323)
- Allow to run GPU kernels in batch (#155) (@frapac)
- Refactoring of tests directory (#156) (@frapac)
- Remove IterativeSolvers from ExaPF (#161) (@frapac)
- Add @const macro in KA's kernels (#162) (@frapac)
- Weekly CI on default branch (master) (#163) (@michel2323)
- Fix matpower parser on two breaking cases (#164) (@frapac)
- Evaluator: fix slowdown in SlackEvaluator's Hessian (#165) (@frapac)
- Change names of attributes in PolarNetworkCache (#167) (@frapac)
- [CI] test (again) power flow with matpower (#170) (@frapac)
- Bumping CUDA.jl to 3.x (#171) (@michel2323)
- Use norm2 instead of normInf in power flow (#172) (@frapac)
- Allow CUDA 2.x (#173) (@michel2323)
- Use latest KA 0.6 (#174) (@michel2323)
- Switch to Krylov.jl 0.7.3 (#176) (@frapac)
- Restrict CUDA.jl to 3.2 due to @allowscalar change (#178) (@michel2323)
- Disallow scalar indexing on GPU - part I (#181) (@frapac)
- Fix type inferences in ExaPF.PowerSystem (#182) (@frapac)
- hotfix: phase shift was set implicitly to 0 in the MATPOWER parser (#183) (@frapac)
- [FINAL] Integrate batch Hessian in ExaPF (#185) (@frapac)
- Disallow scalar indexing on GPU - part II (#186) (@frapac)
- Update to KA 0.7 and CUDA.jl 3.3 (#187) (@michel2323)
- Fix ProxALEvaluator (#188) (@frapac)
- Fix for broken CUDA on moonshot (#189) (@michel2323)
- Add script to benchmark power flow solver (#190) (@frapac)
- Remove all Evaluators from ExaPF (#191) (@frapac)
- Hotfix: Fix weekly GA schedule (#192) (@michel2323)
- Add codecov to github actions (#193) (@frapac)
- Remove deprecated functions (#195) (@frapac)
- Refactor AD (#196) (@michel2323)
- Move HessianLagrangian structure to ExaOpt (#197) (@frapac)
- Various version bumps (#198) (@michel2323)
- Another look at the line flow gradient (#201) (@michel2323)
- Fix breaking [email protected] interface change (#202) (@michel2323)
- Add support to CUDA.jl 3.5 (#204) (@frapac)
- Moving data to ExaData artifact (#205) (@michel2323)
- Artifact update with added ProxAL data (#207) (@michel2323)
- Release 0.6.0 (#208) (@frapac)
- [ci-skip] Setup badges in README (#209) (@frapac)
ExaPF v0.5.0
Closed issues:
- Improve the naming of the API (#35)
- Non-deterministic out-of-bounds error in AD backend (#54)
- Implement a new structure NewtonRaphson to store options of the algorithm (#57)
- Implement line power constraints (#58)
- Implement getters/setters (#59)
- Trigger Julia Registrator (#70)
- Implement ramping constraints for active power generation (#73)
- Race condition in views with same indices on GPUs (#89)
- Change indexing of control variable (#92)
- Efficient transpose Jacobian vector product for reactive power generation (#95)
- Julia 1.6: unexpected error during compilation of overdub (#105)
- Implement reduced Hessian on GPU (#108)
- [Evaluator] Add reduced Hessian for ProxALEvaluator (#120)
- [Evaluator] Allow to evaluate reduced Jacobian on the GPU (#123)
- Store factorization in LinearSolver.DirectSolver (#142)
Merged pull requests:
- Merge back v0.4.0 (#71) (@michel2323)
- Integration with ProxAL (#72) (@frapac)
- Refactoring AutoDiff (#75) (@michel2323)
- Add ProxALEvaluator to call ExaPF from ProxAL (#76) (@frapac)
- Add TagBot Github Actions (#77) (@frapac)
- Update Krylov.jl version (#78) (@frapac)
- Cache physical values only in buffer in ReducedSpaceEvaluator (#82) (@frapac)
- Zygote for flow_constraints (#83) (@michel2323)
- Remove deprecated scripts from repo (#87) (@frapac)
- Implement lineflow constraints (#91) (@frapac)
- Implement reduced Hessian on CPU (#93) (@frapac)
- Clean importation of external modules (#96) (@frapac)
- Implement reduced Hessian for ReducedSpaceEvaluator (#97) (@frapac)
- [Evaluators] Improve compile time by fixing type inference issue (#98) (@frapac)
- Hessian adjoint tangent projection using ForwardDiff over adjoint residual function (#99) (@michel2323)
- Implement Hessian-vector product in MOI wrapper (#100) (@frapac)
- Update documentation (#101) (@frapac)
- Fix the performance of the seeding by moving it onto the host (#102) (@michel2323)
- Parallel CPU and improved GPU preconditioner (#103) (@michel2323)
- Update benchmark script and KA everywhere (#104) (@michel2323)
- Generic AutoDiff for constraints (#106) (@frapac)
- Handwritten adjoints and removal of Zygote (#107) (@michel2323)
- Implement adjoint! function (#109) (@frapac)
- Implement Hessian of lineflow (#111) (@frapac)
- polar: add generic jtprod evaluation (#112) (@frapac)
- Update (#113) (@frapac)
- Adjoint of residual, reactive power, and line flows on the GPU using KA (#114) (@michel2323)
- Cleaning / Part I (#115) (@frapac)
- Cleaning / Part II: move Parsers and Indexes into PowerSystem (#116) (@frapac)
- Create system image (#117) (@michel2323)
- Evaluator: compute reduced Hessian on GPU (#118) (@frapac)
- MOI: load Hessian only if available (#121) (@frapac)
- Partial seeding and extraction for Hv (#125) (@michel2323)
- CI update (#127) (@michel2323)
- Compute reduced Jacobian on GPU (#128) (@frapac)
- Evaluator: fix scaling of gradient in ProxAlEvaluator (#129) (@frapac)
- Non-allocating kernels for adjoints (#131) (@frapac)
- Fix powerflow with nonzero slack's voltage angle (#132) (@frapac)
- [MOI] clean Hessian in MathOptInterface wrapper (#133) (@frapac)
- Update documentation (#134) (@frapac)
- [ci skip] update github action file (#135) (@frapac)
- Update quickstart guide (#140) (@frapac)
- [ci skip] add (#141) (@frapac)
- Store factorization directly inside DirectSolver (#144) (@frapac)
- Heisenbug (#145) (@michel2323)
- Update API of ExaPF before release 0.5.0 (#146) (@frapac)
- Improve performance of reduced Hessian on GPU (#147) (@frapac)
- [ci-skip] add quickstart in README file (#148) (@frapac)
- Minor documentation updates (#149) (@michel2323)
- evaluator: fix MOI wrapper for ProxALEvaluator (#150) (@frapac)
- Add benchmark documentation (#152) (@michel2323)
- Release 0.5 (#153) (@michel2323)
We are not JuMP
build doc script