TODO before "public announcement"
- go through TODOs and do important ones
- is bash delegate working? (I thought it didn't with git, need to make sure I actually have tgit completion there)
- delegate fish support would be really nice
- put on cargo
- more examples / language reference in this repo. delegate "super aliases"
- bump version number and add deb
- better instructions for installing (build from source, cargo, nix, deb)
-- very soon after
- flags like -abc -> -a, -b, -c
-- soon after
- tests to 80% coverage (goal 100% eventually)
- more TODOs from code
- reqd flags
- delegate varargs -- delegate rest of args
- documentation about using the tabry gem + "completion json" for speedy tab complteion, and in tabry
- set up github automated tests
- I think I need to use bytes instead of strings for reading argv
-- much later
- actually use argument names, titles, and descriptions -- probably a'help' thing? although I'm not sure of the use without a CLI library
- CLI library? compile to clap (requires types)? not sure of the future
- using COMP_TYPE (normal completion, successive, partial word, etc.) could be useful