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assemble into sorted and deduped coo directly
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Currently we assemble sparse matrices as unstructured coo with repeated indices
and sort and dedup later. The downside of this approach is that we're wasting
memory because of the duplicated indices, and if we're assembling a matrix more
than once, e.g. for Newton, we always have to sort and dedup, even if the
sparse structure doesn't change.

This patch changes `Evaluable.assparse` such that the indices are sorted and
deduped first, and the values are then inflated using the unique indices.
  • Loading branch information
joostvanzwieten committed Oct 24, 2024
1 parent 3566344 commit 2ae40b8
Showing 1 changed file with 82 additions and 65 deletions.
147 changes: 82 additions & 65 deletions nutils/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -437,19 +437,15 @@ def verify_sparse_chunks(func):
def _assparse(self):
chunks = func(self)
assert isinstance(chunks, tuple)
assert all(isinstance(chunk, tuple) for chunk in chunks)
assert all(all(isinstance(item, Array) for item in chunk) for chunk in chunks)
if self.ndim:
for *indices, values in chunks:
assert len(indices) == self.ndim
assert all(idx.dtype == int for idx in indices)
assert not any(_any_certainly_different(idx.shape, values.shape) for idx in indices)
elif chunks:
assert len(chunks) == 1
chunk, = chunks
assert len(chunk) == 1
values, = chunk
assert values.shape == ()
assert all(isinstance(chunk, tuple) and len(chunk) == 3 for chunk in chunks)
for loop_indices, _, _ in chunks:
assert isinstance(loop_indices, tuple) and all(isinstance(loop_index, _LoopIndex) for loop_index in loop_indices)
for _, indices, values in chunks:
assert isinstance(values, Array)
assert isinstance(indices, tuple) and all(isinstance(index, Array) for index in indices)
assert len(indices) == self.ndim
assert all(idx.dtype == int for idx in indices)
assert not any(_any_certainly_different(idx.shape, values.shape) for idx in indices)
return chunks
return _assparse

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -577,14 +573,52 @@ def imag(self):

def assparse(self):
simplify = True
if self.dtype == bool:
raise ValueError('A boolean array cannot be represented as a sparse coo array.')

Check warning on line 578 in nutils/

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Line 578 of `nutils/` is not covered by tests.
if simplify:
self = self.simplified
self, = _make_loop_ids_unique((self,))
if not self.ndim:
return InsertAxis(self, constant(1)), (), ()
sparse = self._assparse
if not sparse:
indices = [zeros((constant(0),), int)] * self.ndim
values = zeros((constant(0),), self.dtype)
*indices, values = tuple(concatenate([_flat(array) for array in arrays]) for arrays in zip(*sparse))
assert iszero(self)
return zeros((constant(0),), dtype=self.dtype), (zeros((constant(0),), dtype=int),) * self.ndim, self.shape

# Concatenate all indices.
raveled_indices = []
index_strides = tuple(itertools.accumulate(reversed(self.shape[1:]), operator.mul, initial=ones((), dtype=int)))[::-1]
offsets = []
chunk_offset = constant(0)
for chunk_loop_indices, chunk_indices, _ in sparse:
chunk_indices = add(*(_flat(i) * n for i, n in zip(chunk_indices, index_strides)))
offset = chunk_offset
for loop_index in reversed(chunk_loop_indices):
chunk_indices = loop_concatenate(chunk_indices, loop_index)
offset += chunk_indices.start
chunk_offset += chunk_indices.shape[0]
raveled_indices = concatenate(raveled_indices)
# Make the `indices` unique.
raveled_indices, inverse = unique(raveled_indices, return_inverse=True)
nnz = raveled_indices.shape[0]
# Unravel the `indices`.
indices = []
for n in reversed(self.shape[1:]):
n = InsertAxis(n, raveled_indices.shape[0])
indices.append(raveled_indices % n)
raveled_indices = FloorDivide(raveled_indices, n)
indices = raveled_indices, *reversed(indices)
# Combine `inverse` with `values` per chunk.
values = []
for offset, (chunk_loop_indices, _, chunk_values) in zip(offsets, sparse):
assert chunk_values.dtype == self.dtype
chunk_values = _flat(chunk_values)
chunk_inverse = Take(inverse, Range(chunk_values.shape[0]) + offset)
values.append(functools.reduce(loop_sum, reversed(chunk_loop_indices), Inflate(chunk_values, chunk_inverse, nnz)))
values = add(*values)
return values, tuple(indices), self.shape

Expand All @@ -605,8 +639,8 @@ def _assparse(self):
# for i0,...,ik,v in zip(I0.eval().ravel(),...,Ik.eval().ravel(),V.eval().ravel()):
# dense[i0,...,ik] = v

indices = [prependaxes(appendaxes(Range(length), self.shape[i+1:]), self.shape[:i]) for i, length in enumerate(self.shape)]
return (*indices, self),
indices = tuple(prependaxes(appendaxes(Range(length), self.shape[i+1:]), self.shape[:i]) for i, length in enumerate(self.shape))
return ((), indices, self),

def _node(self, cache, subgraph, times, unique_loop_ids):
if self in cache:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1084,7 +1118,7 @@ def _loopsum(self, index):
def _assparse(self):
return tuple((*(InsertAxis(idx, self.length) for idx in indices), prependaxes(Range(self.length), values.shape), InsertAxis(values, self.length)) for *indices, values in self.func._assparse)
return tuple((loop_indices, (*(InsertAxis(idx, self.length) for idx in indices), prependaxes(Range(self.length), values.shape)), InsertAxis(values, self.length)) for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse)

def _intbounds_impl(self):
return self.func._intbounds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1278,7 +1312,7 @@ def _loopsum(self, index):
def _assparse(self):
return tuple((*(indices[i] for i in self.axes), values) for *indices, values in self.func._assparse)
return tuple((loop_indices, tuple(indices[i] for i in self.axes), values) for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse)

def _intbounds_impl(self):
return self.func._intbounds
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1599,18 +1633,21 @@ def _assparse(self):
uninserteds, wheres = zip(*clusters)
sparse = []
for items in itertools.product(*[u._assparse for u in uninserteds]):
shape = util.sum(f.shape for *ind, f in items)
if builtins.sum(len(loop_indices) > 0 for loop_indices, _, _ in items) > 1:
return super()._assparse

Check warning on line 1637 in nutils/

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GitHub Actions / Test coverage

Line not covered

Line 1637 of `nutils/` is not covered by tests.
loop_indices = builtins.max((loop_indices for loop_indices, _, _ in items), key=len)
shape = util.sum(f.shape for _, _, f in items)
indices = [None] * self.ndim
factors = []
a = 0
for where, (*ind, f) in zip(wheres, items):
for where, (_, ind, f) in zip(wheres, items):
b = a + f.ndim
r = numpy.arange(a, b)
for i, indi in zip(where, ind):
indices[i] = align(indi, r, shape)
factors.append(align(f, r, shape))
a = b
sparse.append((*indices, multiply(*factors)))
sparse.append((loop_indices, tuple(indices), multiply(*factors)))
return tuple(sparse)

def _intbounds_impl(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1876,6 +1913,8 @@ def _derivative(self, var, seen):
def _assparse(self):
return super()._assparse
if self.dtype == bool:
return super()._assparse
chunks = []
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3251,12 +3290,12 @@ def _assparse(self):
flat_dofmap = _flat(self.dofmap)
keep_dim = self.func.ndim - self.dofmap.ndim
strides = (1, *itertools.accumulate(self.dofmap.shape[:0:-1], operator.mul))[::-1]
for *indices, values in self.func._assparse:
for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse:
if self.dofmap.ndim:
inflate_indices = Take(flat_dofmap, functools.reduce(operator.add, map(operator.mul, indices[keep_dim:], strides)))
inflate_indices = appendaxes(self.dofmap, values.shape)
chunks.append((*indices[:keep_dim], inflate_indices, values))
chunks.append((loop_indices, (*indices[:keep_dim], inflate_indices), values))
return tuple(chunks)

def _intbounds_impl(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3495,7 +3534,7 @@ def _loopsum(self, index):
def _assparse(self):
return tuple((*indices, indices[-1], values) for *indices, values in self.func._assparse)
return tuple((loop_indices, (*indices, indices[-1]), values) for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse)

class Guard(Array):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3840,7 +3879,7 @@ def _unaligned(self):
def _assparse(self):
return tuple((*indices[:-2], indices[-2]*self.func.shape[-1]+indices[-1], values) for *indices, values in self.func._assparse)
return tuple((loop_indices, (*indices[:-2], indices[-2]*self.func.shape[-1]+indices[-1]), values) for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse)

def _intbounds_impl(self):
return self.func._intbounds_impl()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -3899,7 +3938,7 @@ def _sum(self, axis):
def _assparse(self):
return tuple((*indices[:-1], *divmod(indices[-1], appendaxes(self.shape[-1], values.shape)), values) for *indices, values in self.func._assparse)
return tuple((loop_indices, (*indices[:-1], *divmod(indices[-1], appendaxes(self.shape[-1], values.shape))), values) for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse)

class RavelIndex(Array):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -4963,25 +5002,7 @@ def _multiply(self, other):
def _assparse(self):
chunks = []
for *elem_indices, elem_values in self.func._assparse:
if self.ndim == 0:
values = loop_concatenate(InsertAxis(elem_values, constant(1)), self.index)
while values.ndim:
values = Sum(values)
if elem_values.ndim == 0:
*elem_indices, elem_values = (InsertAxis(arr, constant(1)) for arr in (*elem_indices, elem_values))
# minimize ravels by transposing all variable length axes to the end
variable = tuple(i for i, n in enumerate(elem_values.shape) if self.index in n.arguments)
*elem_indices, elem_values = (Transpose.to_end(arr, *variable) for arr in (*elem_indices, elem_values))
for i in variable[:-1]:
*elem_indices, elem_values = map(Ravel, (*elem_indices, elem_values))
assert all(self.index not in n.arguments for n in elem_values.shape[:-1])
chunks.append(tuple(loop_concatenate(arr, self.index) for arr in (*elem_indices, elem_values)))
return tuple(chunks)
return tuple(((self.index, *loop_indices), indices, values) for loop_indices, indices, values in self.func._assparse)

class _SizesToOffsets(Array):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5133,9 +5154,9 @@ def _unravel(self, axis, shape):
def _assparse(self):
chunks = []
for *indices, last_index, values in self.func._assparse:
for loop_indices, (*indices, last_index), values in self.func._assparse:
last_index = last_index + prependaxes(self.start, last_index.shape)
chunks.append(tuple(loop_concatenate(_flat(arr), self.index) for arr in (*indices, last_index, values)))
chunks.append(((self.index, *loop_indices), (*indices, last_index), values))
return tuple(chunks)

def _intbounds_impl(self):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5320,7 +5341,7 @@ def _gatherblocks(blocks):

def _gathersparsechunks(chunks):
return tuple((*ind, util.sum(funcs)) for ind, funcs in util.gather((tuple(ind), func) for *ind, func in chunks))
return tuple((loop_indices, ind, util.sum(funcs)) for (loop_indices, ind), funcs in util.gather(((loop_indices, ind), func) for loop_indices, ind, func in chunks))

def _numpy_align(a, b):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5935,21 +5956,17 @@ def eval_sparse(funcs: AsEvaluableArray, **arguments: typing.Mapping[str, numpy.

funcs = [func.as_evaluable_array for func in funcs]
shape_chunks = compile(tuple(builtins.sum(func.simplified._assparse, func.shape) for func in funcs))
for func, args in zip(funcs, shape_chunks(**arguments)):
shape = tuple(map(int, args[:func.ndim]))
chunks = [args[i:i+func.ndim+1] for i in range(func.ndim, len(args), func.ndim+1)]
length = builtins.sum(values.size for *indices, values in chunks)
data = numpy.empty((length,), dtype=sparse.dtype(shape, func.dtype))
start = 0
for *indices, values in chunks:
stop = start + values.size
d = data[start:stop].reshape(values.shape)
d['value'] = values
shape_chunks = compile(tuple(func if func.dtype == bool else func.assparse for func in funcs))
for func, data in zip(funcs, shape_chunks(**arguments)):
if func.dtype == bool:
yield sparse.fromarray(data)
values, indices, shape = data
data = numpy.empty((len(values),), dtype=sparse.dtype(shape, values.dtype))
data['value'] = values
for idim, ii in enumerate(indices):
d['index']['i'+str(idim)] = ii
start = stop
yield data
data['index']['i'+str(idim)] = ii
yield data

Expand Down

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