diff --git a/setup.cfg b/setup.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..700c19b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/setup.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
diff --git a/setup.py b/setup.py
index ce01b1df..70ee3cc5 100644
--- a/setup.py
+++ b/setup.py
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
       url = "http://open.eucalyptus.com",
       install_requires = ['paramiko >= 1.7','boto >= 2.5.2', 'jinja2 >= 2.7', 'argparse',
                           'futures', 'python-dateutil', 'mock', 'dnspython', 'pywinrm',
-                          'BeautifulSoup', 'requests >= 1', 'prettytable'],
+                          'BeautifulSoup', 'requests >= 1', 'prettytable', 'awacs'],
       packages = ["eutester","eucaops", "eucaweb", "testcases", "testcases.cloud_admin",
                   "testcases.cloud_admin.riak_cs", "testcases.cloud_admin.riak_cs.templates",
                   "testcases.cloud_user", "testcases.cloud_user.instances",
diff --git a/testcases/cloud_admin/resource_level_iam/compute_resources.py b/testcases/cloud_admin/resource_level_iam/compute_resources.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..28bd1b24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/cloud_admin/resource_level_iam/compute_resources.py
@@ -0,0 +1,561 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+Purpose:  Testcase to confirm resoure-level permissions
+          for Compute (EC2) API actions are supported
+          in a Eucalyptus environment
+Author:   Harold Spencer, Jr. (https://github.com/hspencer77)
+import re
+import random
+import socket
+import os
+from eucaops import Eucaops
+from eutester.eutestcase import EutesterTestCase
+from awacs.aws import Action, Allow, Policy, Statement
+class ComputeResourceLevelTest(EutesterTestCase):
+    def __init__(self):
+        """
+        Function to initialize testcase to
+        confirm resource-level permissions are
+        supported for Compute (EC2) API actions
+        param: --credpath: path to directory
+                location of Eucalyptus credentials
+        """
+        self.setuptestcase()
+        self.setup_parser()
+        self.parser.add_argument('--clean_on_exit',
+                                 action='store_true', default=True,
+                                 help=("Boolean, used to flag whether "
+                                       + "to run clean up method after "
+                                       + "running test list"))
+        self.get_args()
+        self.tester = Eucaops(credpath=self.args.credpath,
+                              config_file=self.args.config,
+                              password=self.args.password)
+        self.testers = []
+        self.regions = []
+        self.keypairs = []
+        self.accounts = []
+        for region in self.tester.ec2.get_all_regions():
+            region_info = {'name': str(region.name),
+                           'endpoint': str(region.endpoint)}
+            self.regions.append(region_info)
+    def clean_method(self):
+        """
+        Function to clean up artifacts associated
+        with test case.
+        """
+        # Delete account, groups, users
+        for account in self.accounts:
+            self.tester.delete_account(account,
+                                       recursive=True)
+        # Remove keypairs created
+        for key in self.keypairs:
+            os.remove(key)
+    def remove_testers(self):
+        """
+        Function to remove testers after testcase
+        has completed.
+        """
+        for tester in self.testers:
+            try:
+                tester.show_euare_whoami()
+            except:
+                pass
+            tester.cleanup_artifacts()
+            self.testers.remove(tester)
+    def setup_users(self, account_name, group_name, user_name):
+        """
+        Function to set up users under a given account as
+        testers.  For each user, the following is created:
+        - access key id
+        - secret key
+        - Eucaops object
+        param: account_name: IAM (Euare) account
+        param: group_name: IAM (Euare) group
+        param: user_name: IAM (Euare) user
+        """
+        users = ['admin', user_name]
+        self.tester.info("Setting up users in " + account_name)
+        for user in users:
+            self.tester.debug("Create access key for "
+                              + user + " user in " + account_name)
+            keys = self.tester.create_access_key(user_name=user,
+                                                 delegate_account=account_name)
+            access_key = keys['access_key_id']
+            secret_key = keys['secret_access_key']
+            self.tester.debug("Creating Eucaops object with access key "
+                              + access_key + " and secret key "
+                              + secret_key)
+            new_tester = Eucaops(aws_access_key_id=access_key,
+                                 aws_secret_access_key=secret_key,
+                                 ec2_ip=self.tester.ec2.host,
+                                 ec2_path=self.tester.ec2.path,
+                                 iam_ip=self.tester.euare.host,
+                                 iam_path=self.tester.euare.path,
+                                 s3_ip=self.tester.s3.host,
+                                 s3_path=self.tester.s3.path,
+                                 sts_ip=self.tester.tokens.host,
+                                 sts_path=self.tester.tokens.path,
+                                 cw_ip=self.tester.cw.host,
+                                 cw_path=self.tester.cw.path,
+                                 as_ip=self.tester.autoscale.host,
+                                 as_path=self.tester.autoscale.path,
+                                 elb_ip=self.tester.elb.host,
+                                 elb_path=self.tester.elb.path,
+                                 username=user, account=account_name)
+            self.testers.append(new_tester)
+            # If not 'admin' user, add user to group
+            if user != 'admin':
+                self.tester.debug("Adding " + user + " to "
+                                  + group_name)
+                self.tester.add_user_to_group(group_name,
+                                              user,
+                                              delegate_account=account_name)
+    def group_policy_add(self, group_name, account_name,
+                         account_id=None, region=None,
+                         instance_id=None):
+        """
+        Function to create IAM access policy with resource-level
+        permission, then apply the policy to a group
+        under the account.
+        param: group_name: IAM (Euare) group
+        param: account_name: IAM (Euare) account
+        param: account_id: Account ID
+        param: region: region (i.e. cloud) name/endpoint information
+        param: instance_id: instance ID
+        """
+        policy_id = "EC2-Instance-Resource-Level-Permissions"
+        sid = "Stmt" + self.tester.id_generator()
+        if account_id is None:
+            account_id = ""
+        if region is None:
+            region = ""
+        if instance_id is None:
+            instance_id = "*"
+        ec2_arn = ("arn:aws:ec2:" + region + ":"
+                   + account_id + ":"
+                   + "instance/" + instance_id)
+        pd = Policy(
+                 Version="2012-10-17",
+                 Id=policy_id,
+                 Statement=[
+                     Statement(
+                         Sid=sid,
+                         Effect=Allow,
+                         Action=[Action("ec2", "*")],
+                         Resource=[ec2_arn],
+                     ),
+                 ],
+             )
+        self.tester.debug("Applying " + policy_id + " policy to "
+                          + group_name + " group")
+        try:
+            self.tester.attach_policy_group(group_name,
+                                            policy_id,
+                                            pd.to_json(),
+                                            delegate_account=account_name)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.tester.debug("Policy failed to be applied "
+                              + "to group " + group_name
+                              + ": " + str(e))
+            return False
+        return True
+    def connect_to_ec2_endpoint(self, tester, region):
+        """
+        Function to establish EC2 connection to a
+        specific region (based on endpoint)
+        param: tester: Eucaops object
+        param: region: region (i.e. cloud) name/endpoint information
+        """
+        if re.search('^https', region['endpoint']):
+            ssl_flag = True
+        else:
+            ssl_flag = False
+        endpoint = region['endpoint'].strip(':8773/')
+        fqdn_endpoint = endpoint.strip('http://https://')
+        try:
+            ip_endpoint = socket.gethostbyname(fqdn_endpoint)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.errormsg("Unable to resolve Compute endpoint to "
+                          + fqdn_endpoint + ": " + str(e))
+            raise e
+        tester.info("Establishing EC2 connection to " + region['name']
+                    + " region")
+        try:
+            tester.setup_ec2_connection(
+                        endpoint=ip_endpoint,
+                        region=region['name'],
+                        aws_access_key_id=tester.ec2.aws_access_key_id,
+                        aws_secret_access_key=tester.ec2.aws_secret_access_key,
+                        port=8773,
+                        path="services/compute",
+                        is_secure=ssl_flag)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.errormsg("Unable to establish EC2 connection to "
+                          + "region " + region['name'] + ": " + str(e))
+            raise e
+        return tester
+    def setup_instance_resources(self, tester, region):
+        """
+        Function to set up EC2 instance resources
+        param: tester: Eucaops object ('admin' user)
+        param: region: region (i.e. cloud) name/endpoint information
+        """
+        tester = self.connect_to_ec2_endpoint(tester, region)
+        zone = random.choice(tester.get_zones())
+        keypair = tester.add_keypair("keypair-" + tester.id_generator())
+        keypath = '%s/%s.pem' % (os.curdir, keypair.name)
+        self.keypairs.append(keypath)
+        group = tester.add_group("group-" + tester.id_generator())
+        tester.authorize_group_by_name(group_name=group.name)
+        tester.authorize_group_by_name(group_name=group.name,
+                                       port=-1,
+                                       protocol="icmp")
+        # Use supplied EMI, if not find instance-store backed EMI
+        if self.args.emi:
+            image = tester.get_emi(emi=self.args.emi)
+        else:
+            image = tester.get_emi(root_device_type="instance-store",
+                                   basic_image=True)
+        params = {'image': image,
+                  'user_data': self.args.user_data,
+                  'username': self.args.instance_user,
+                  'keypair': keypair.name,
+                  'group': group.name,
+                  'zone': zone,
+                  'return_reservation': True,
+                  'timeout': 600}
+        reservation = tester.run_image(**params)
+        for instance in reservation.instances:
+            # Confirm instance reaches 'running' state
+            self.assertTrue(tester.wait_for_reservation(reservation),
+                            'Instance did not go to running')
+            # Confirm instance can be pinged
+            self.assertTrue(tester.ping(instance.ip_address),
+                            'Could not ping instance')
+    def test_instance_resources(self, tester, region):
+        """
+        Function to perform Compute (EC2) API actions
+        to confirm access to all instances under the
+        account.
+        param: tester: Eucaops object ('instance_admin' user)
+        param: region: region (i.e. cloud) name/endpoint information
+        """
+        tester = self.connect_to_ec2_endpoint(tester, region)
+        reservations = tester.ec2.get_all_reservations()
+        # Test DescribeInstances
+        tester.info("Execute DescribeInstances as "
+                    + tester.username + " user")
+        for reservation in reservations:
+            self.assertIsNotNone(reservation,
+                                 msg=("DescribeInstances failed for "
+                                      + region['name'] + " region."))
+            for instance in reservation.instances:
+                # Test DescribeInstanceAttribute
+                tester.info("Execute DescribeInstanceAttribute for "
+                            + "instance " + instance.id
+                            + "in region " + region['name'])
+                inst_attr = tester.ec2.get_instance_attribute(
+                                instance.id, 'instanceType')
+                self.assertIsNotNone(inst_attr,
+                                     msg=("DescribeInstanceAttribute "
+                                          + "to grab instance type "
+                                          + "failed for " + instance.id
+                                          + " in region " + region['name']))
+                # Test GetConsoleOutput
+                tester.info("Execute GetConsoleOutput for "
+                            + "instance " + instance.id
+                            + "in region " + region['name'])
+                self.assertIsNotNone(instance.get_console_output().output,
+                                     msg=("GetConsoleOuptut failed "
+                                          + "for " + instance.id
+                                          + " in region " + region['name']))
+                # Test CreateTags
+                tester.info("Execute CreateTags for "
+                            + "instance " + instance.id
+                            + "in region " + region['name'])
+                try:
+                    instance.add_tag("Purpose",
+                                     "Test CreateTags with " + instance.id)
+                except Exception as e:
+                    self.errormsg("Failed to execute CreateTags with "
+                                  + instance.id + " in region "
+                                  + region['name'] + ": " + str(e))
+                    raise e
+                # Test DescribeTags
+                tester.info("Execute DescribeTags for "
+                            + "instance " + instance.id
+                            + "in region " + region['name'])
+                self.assertIsNotNone(instance.tags['Purpose'],
+                                     msg=("DescribeTags for instance "
+                                          + instance.id + "failed in "
+                                          + "region " + region['name']))
+        # Test DescribeInstanceStatus
+        tester.info("Execute DescribeInstanceStatus as "
+                    + tester.username + " user")
+        stats = tester.ec2.get_all_instance_status()
+        for entry in stats:
+            self.assertIsNotNone(entry.state_name,
+                                 msg=("DescribeInstanceStatus failed for "
+                                      + "instance(s) in "
+                                      + "region " + region['name']))
+    def remove_instance_resources(self, tester, region):
+        """
+        Function to remove instances from under account
+        param: tester: Eucaops object ('admin' user of account)
+        param: region: region (i.e. cloud) name/endpoint information
+        """
+        tester = self.connect_to_ec2_endpoint(tester, region)
+        reservations = tester.ec2.get_all_reservations()
+        for reservation in reservations:
+            tester.terminate_instances(reservation)
+    def InstanceWildcardResourceLevelTest(self):
+        """
+        [**] NEGATIVE TEST [**]
+        Function to execute testcase to confirm
+        malformed document error when IAM access policies for
+        Compute API actions with resource-level defined ARN
+        (containing wildcards for 'region' and 'account-id') for instance(s)
+        under a given IAM (Euare) account.
+        IAM access policy contains the following:
+        - Effect: Allow
+        - Action: All EC2 actions (i.e. ec2:*)
+        - Resource: All instances (i.e. arn:aws:ec2:*:*:instance/*)
+        The following is performed:
+        * IAM (Euare) account/user/group creation
+        * IAM access policy with resource ARN, which contains
+          wildcard (*) for 'region' and 'account-id',
+          defined for all instances.
+        """
+        account_name = 'wildcards-acct-account'
+        self.accounts.append(account_name)
+        group_name = 'ec2_instance_admins'
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2-account' account
+        self.tester.create_account(account_name)
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + group_name
+                         + " in account " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2_instance_admins' group and add IAM policy
+        self.tester.create_group(group_name, "/",
+                                 delegate_account=account_name)
+        region_name = "*"
+        account_id = "*"
+        result = self.group_policy_add(group_name, account_name,
+                                       account_id=account_id,
+                                       region=region_name)
+        # Confirm IAM policy wasn't accepted
+        self.tester.debug("Applied malformed policy. Test should"
+                          + " pass on failed upload of policy.")
+        self.assertFalse(result, msg=("Malformed IAM access policy "
+                         + "with wildcard(*) value for 'region' and "
+                         + "'account-id' was accepted"))
+    def InstanceAccountResourceLevelTest(self):
+        """
+        Function to execute testcase to confirm
+        support Compute API actions for resource-level defined ARN
+        (containing 'account-id') for instance(s)
+        under a given IAM (Euare) account.
+        IAM access policy contains the following:
+        - Effect: Allow
+        - Action: All EC2 actions (i.e. ec2:*)
+        - Resource: All instances (i.e. arn:aws:ec2::<account-id>:instance/*)
+        The following is performed:
+        * IAM (Euare) account/user/group creation
+        * IAM access policy with resource ARN, which contains
+          'account-id',  defined for all instances.
+        * Creation of instances by 'admin' user of account
+        * Test API actions associated with instances under the
+          account by 'instance_admin' user
+        * Removal of instances by 'admin' user of account
+        """
+        account_name = 'strict-acct-account'
+        self.accounts.append(account_name)
+        group_name = 'ec2_instance_admins'
+        user_name = 'instance_admin'
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2-account' account
+        self.tester.create_account(account_name)
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + group_name
+                         + " in account " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2_instance_admins' group and add IAM policy
+        self.tester.create_group(group_name, "/",
+                                 delegate_account=account_name)
+        try:
+            usr = self.tester.get_users_from_account(
+                                          delegate_account=account_name)
+        except Exception as e:
+            self.errormsg("Failed obtain 'admin' user "
+                          + " from account "
+                          + account_name + ": " + str(e))
+            raise e
+        admin_user = usr[0]
+        account_id = str(admin_user['arn'].split(':')[4])
+        result = self.group_policy_add(group_name, account_name,
+                                       account_id=account_id)
+        if result:
+            # Create 'instance_admin' user
+            self.tester.create_user(user_name,
+                                    "/",
+                                    delegate_account=account_name)
+            # Set up test users
+            self.setup_users(account_name,
+                             group_name,
+                             user_name)
+            for resource_tester in self.testers:
+                if resource_tester.username == 'admin':
+                    # If 'admin' user, create EC2 resources
+                    for region in self.regions:
+                        self.setup_instance_resources(resource_tester,
+                                                      region)
+                else:
+                    # Test API actions against instance resources
+                    for region in self.regions:
+                        self.test_instance_resources(resource_tester,
+                                                     region)
+            for resource_tester in self.testers:
+                if resource_tester.username == 'admin':
+                    # If 'admin' user, remove EC2 resources
+                    for region in self.regions:
+                        self.remove_instance_resources(resource_tester,
+                                                       region)
+            # Remove testers from self.testers list
+            self.remove_testers()
+    def InstanceWildcardAccountResourceLevelTest(self):
+        """
+        [**] NEGATIVE TEST [**]
+        Function to execute testcase to confirm
+        malformed document error for IAM access policy for
+        Compute API actions with resource-level defined ARN
+        (containing a wildcard for 'account-id') for instance(s)
+        under a given IAM (Euare) account.
+        IAM access policy contains the following:
+        - Effect: Allow
+        - Action: All EC2 actions (i.e. ec2:*)
+        - Resource: All instances (i.e. arn:aws:ec2::*:instance/*)
+        The following is performed:
+        * IAM (Euare) account/user/group creation
+        * IAM access policy with resource ARN, which contains
+          a wildcard for 'account-id',  defined for all instances.
+        """
+        account_name = 'wildcardacct-acct-account'
+        self.accounts.append(account_name)
+        group_name = 'ec2_instance_admins'
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2-account' account
+        self.tester.create_account(account_name)
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + group_name
+                         + " in account " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2_instance_admins' group and add IAM policy
+        self.tester.create_group(group_name, "/",
+                                 delegate_account=account_name)
+        account_id = "*"
+        result = self.group_policy_add(group_name, account_name,
+                                       account_id=account_id)
+        # Confirm IAM policy wasn't accepted
+        self.tester.debug("Applied malformed policy. Test should"
+                          + " pass on failed upload of policy.")
+        self.assertFalse(result, msg=("Malformed IAM access policy "
+                         + "with wildcard(*) value 'account-id' "
+                         + "was accepted"))
+    def InstanceResourceLevelTest(self):
+        """
+        Function to execute testcase to confirm
+        support Compute API actions for resource-level defined ARN
+        for instance(s) under a given IAM (Euare) account.
+        IAM access policy contains the following:
+        - Effect: Allow
+        - Action: All EC2 actions (i.e. ec2:*)
+        - Resource: All instances (i.e. arn:aws:ec2:::instance/*)
+        The following is performed:
+        * IAM (Euare) account/user/group creation
+        * IAM access policy with resource ARN defined for all
+          instances.
+        * Creation of instances by 'admin' user of account
+        * Test API actions associated with instances under the
+          account by 'instance_admin' user
+        * Removal of instances by 'admin' user of account
+        """
+        account_name = 'basic-account'
+        self.accounts.append(account_name)
+        group_name = 'ec2_instance_admins'
+        user_name = 'instance_admin'
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2-account' account
+        self.tester.create_account(account_name)
+        self.tester.info("Creating " + group_name
+                         + " in account " + account_name)
+        # Create 'ec2_instance_admins' group and add IAM policy
+        self.tester.create_group(group_name, "/",
+                                 delegate_account=account_name)
+        result = self.group_policy_add(group_name, account_name)
+        if result:
+            # Create 'instance_admin' user
+            self.tester.create_user(user_name,
+                                    "/",
+                                    delegate_account=account_name)
+            # Set up test users
+            self.setup_users(account_name,
+                             group_name,
+                             user_name)
+            for resource_tester in self.testers:
+                if resource_tester.username == 'admin':
+                    # If 'admin' user, create EC2 resources
+                    for region in self.regions:
+                        self.setup_instance_resources(resource_tester, region)
+                else:
+                    # Test API actions against instance resources
+                    for region in self.regions:
+                        self.test_instance_resources(resource_tester, region)
+            for resource_tester in self.testers:
+                if resource_tester.username == 'admin':
+                    # If 'admin' user, remove EC2 resources
+                    for region in self.regions:
+                        self.remove_instance_resources(resource_tester, region)
+            # Remove testers from self.testers list
+            self.remove_testers()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Define ComputeResourceLevelTest testcase
+    testcase = ComputeResourceLevelTest()
+    list = ['InstanceResourceLevelTest', 'InstanceAccountResourceLevelTest',
+            'InstanceWildcardAccountResourceLevelTest',
+            'InstanceWildcardResourceLevelTest']
+    unit_list = []
+    for test in list:
+        unit_list.append(testcase.create_testunit_by_name(test))
+    # Execute testcase
+    result = testcase.run_test_case_list(
+                         unit_list,
+                         clean_on_exit=testcase.args.clean_on_exit)
+    exit(result)