Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | int | Unique Id | [optional] |
name | string | Name | [optional] |
created_at | \DateTime | Date and time when ScheduledPlan was created | [optional] |
updated_at | \DateTime | Date and time when ScheduledPlan was last updated | [optional] |
title | string | Title | [optional] |
user_id | int | User Id which owns this ScheduledPlan | [optional] |
user | \Looker\Model\UserPublic | User who owns this ScheduledPlan | [optional] |
run_as_recipient | bool | Whether schedule is ran as recipient (only applicable for email recipients) | [optional] |
enabled | bool | Whether the ScheduledPlan is enabled | [optional] |
next_run_at | \DateTime | When the ScheduledPlan will next run (null if running once) | [optional] |
last_run_at | \DateTime | When the ScheduledPlan was last run | [optional] |
look_id | int | Id of a look | [optional] |
dashboard_id | int | Id of a dashboard | [optional] |
lookml_dashboard_id | string | Id of a LookML dashboard | [optional] |
filters_string | string | Query string to run look or dashboard with | [optional] |
dashboard_filters | string | (DEPRECATED) Alias for filters_string field | [optional] |
require_results | bool | Delivery should occur if running the dashboard or look returns results | [optional] |
require_no_results | bool | Delivery should occur if the dashboard look does not return results | [optional] |
require_change | bool | Delivery should occur if data have changed since the last run | [optional] |
send_all_results | bool | Will run an unlimited query and send all results. | [optional] |
crontab | string | Vixie-Style crontab specification when to run | [optional] |
datagroup | string | Name of a datagroup; if specified will run when datagroup triggered (can't be used with cron string) | [optional] |
timezone | string | Timezone for interpreting the specified crontab (default is Looker instance timezone) | [optional] |
query_id | string | Query id | [optional] |
scheduled_plan_destination | \Looker\Model\ScheduledPlanDestination[] | Scheduled plan destinations | [optional] |
run_once | bool | Whether the plan in question should only be run once (usually for testing) | [optional] |
include_links | bool | Whether links back to Looker should be included in this ScheduledPlan | [optional] |
can | map[string,bool] | Operations the current user is able to perform on this object | [optional] |
This repository has been archived by the owner on Jul 8, 2020. It is now read-only.