Open source implementation of the PLSOM and PLSOM2 algorithms. Implementations in Java, C#, and C++.
The code is split into three subdirectories:
Each contains a separate language implementation.
The Java implementation is the most complete one. It also contains a lot of vaguely related code that is only of interest to Machine Learning researchers.
The C# implementation contains a basic implementation of the PLSOM2 algorithm, nothing else. There is no code for saving and loading a map.
The C++ implementation is in progress.
Regardless of language, the use of a PLSOM2 is similar.
// Create an object.
// This example has 60-dimensional input and three output dimensions in a 20x20x20 cube.
PLSOM2 net = new PLSOM2(60,20,20,20);
// set the generalisation factor
net.setNeighbourhoodRange (30);
// Train the network.
for(double [] data:trainingData)
// Use the network to classify input.
int [] classification = net.classify(input);
// Create an object.
// This example has 60-dimensional input and three output dimensions in a 20x20x20 cube.
PLSOM2 net(60,{20,20,20});
// Set the generalisation factor.
// Train the network.
for(int x = 0;x<data.size();x++)
// Use the network to classify input.
vector<int> classification = net.classify(input);