- Correctly handle last sent value when it is 0.
- Don't try to start browser automatically during first run. In many cases it doesn't work and may hide the URL.
- Handle last_sent_value() returning None (issue #4).
- Disable appnap on Mac OS X if appnope module is available (issue #2).
- Report new/changed/removed devices to Telldus live.
- Release socket(s) before waiting to re-connect.
- Require tellcore-py >= v1.1.0.
- Fixed problem that could occur after disconnect from server.
- Fixed tellive_core_connector problem on Mac OS X (issue #1).
- Add all sensors and devices to the config on the first run.
- Fixed tellive_core_connector to not wake up two times every second, but instead only wake up when there is work to do.
- Removed reload message as it is not supposed to be sent to clients.
- Better values for os and os-version in register message.
- Support marking devices as disabled to not show up in Telldus Live.
- tellive_core_connector now uses official keys from Telldus, so you no longer need to use private tokens.
- Log using the standard logging module.
- Reconnect if connection is lost for some reason.
- Fixed problem with Python 3.2.
- Added support for reload request from server.
- Only report sensors that are named in the config file.
- Fix some packaging issues.
- Initial release.