Values that can be configured using environment variables:
Env Variable | Required? | Meaning | Notes | Default Value | Valid Options |
The account address that transactions will be sent from. | Ignored if using WALLET_TYPE=PRIVATE_KEY |
First address of the set '' |
a hex address |
No | The maximum age, in milliseconds, of data to use in calculating the current price. | 300000 |
positive integers | |
No | Maximum time allowed for each external API request. | 5000 |
positive integers, or 0 to disable | |
No | The AWS region code where the AWS HSM is located. | Only used if WALLET_TYPE=AWS_HSM |
eu-central-1 |
a valid AWS region code |
No | The max backoff between Azure HSM init retries in milliseconds. | Useful because there can be a delay before the oracle client is given an AAD identity. Backoffs are exponential. | 30000 |
positive integers |
No | The number of times to retry authenticating with the Azure Key Vault at startup. | Useful because there can be a delay before the oracle client is given an AAD identity. Backoffs are exponential. | 5 |
positive integers |
Only if WALLET_TYPE=AZURE_HSM | The name of the key vault where the address key is located. | If a name is provided, Azure HSM signing is always used. | '' |
a 3-24 character string, containing only 0-9, a-z, A-Z, and - |
No | It is the maximum the circuit breaker price threshold can scale up to. Any price change greater than this will assuredly open the circuit breaker. | Provided as a ratio, e.g. 0.25 is 25%. | 0.25 |
positive numbers |
No | It is the base/minimum circuit breaker price change threshold. Every successful report resets the threshold to this value. If the difference between the new price to report and the most recently reported price exceeds this threshold, it may be reported, depending on how much time has elapsed. | Provided as a ratio, e.g. 0.25 is 25%. | 0.15 |
positive numbers |
No | It determines how quickly the calculated circuit breaker price change threshold scales in respect to time that has elapsed since the last report. | 0.0075 |
positive numbers | |
No | How long the oracle will stop reporting if the price moves more than the circuit breaker threshold. | 1200000 (20 minutes) |
positive integers | |
No | The currency pair to report on. | CELOUSD |
No | The frequency, expressed in milliseconds, to fetch data from exchange APIs. | 30000 |
positive integers | |
No | Development mode allows the oracle to start up without needing to set up keys or nodes | false |
bool | |
No | A multiplier of the gas price minimum that will be charged for transactions. | 5 |
positive numbers >= 1 | |
No | The URL of an HTTP RPC endpoint of a Celo node to submit transactions to | 'http://localhost:8545' |
a valid http URL | |
No | The max age of an observed block based off the block's timestamp and the current time. Only used for block-based reporting. | 30000 |
positive integers | |
No | Indicates whether or not to keep track of and expose prometheus metrics. | true |
'true' , 'false' |
No | The maximum percent deviation of prices across all price sources when using mid price aggregation | Violating this will cause the report to not occur | 0.2 |
positive numbers |
No | The maximum share of volume one exchange can have when using mid price aggregation | Violating this will cause the report to not occur | 0.99 |
positive number. Should be <= 1 |
No | The maximum bid ask spread (relative to the ask) each exchange can have when using mid price aggregation | Violating this will cause the exchange to not be considered, but a report may still occur | 0.1 |
positive number |
No | The minimum difference between a new price to report and the most recently reported price to trigger a new report. | Only used for the BLOCK_BASED report strategy. Provided as a ratio. |
0.005 |
positive numbers |
No | Minimum number of price sources required to provide data within the aggregation period. | 1 |
positive integers, should be <= the total number of price sources | |
No | Number to represent this Oracle's index, the determinator of which blocks that will trigger this Oracle to report. Overrides usual calculation of index of location this Oracle's account in its whitelist. | undefined | integers >= 0 | |
No | Number which typically represents the number of active Oracles. This is often used in conjunction with an Oracle's index to identify which Oracle should report in response to the transaction of a block. Overrides usual calculation of total Oracle count of retrieving the length of the Oracle's whitelist. | undefined | positive integers | |
No | Price sources to be used for data collection. | undefined | YAML string representation of a list of ExchangePriceSourceConfig s |
No | The path of a file that contains the private key to use for signing transactions. | The account address to send transactions from is derived from the private key. If AZURE_KEY_VAULT_NAME is set, this is ignored. |
'/tmp/defaultPrivateKey' |
a string representing a valid file path |
No | The port the prometheus metric server will listen on. | 9090 |
integers from 0 to 65535 | |
No | Set a frequency, in milliseconds, to check for and remove any expired reports | 60000 |
positive integers | |
No | Set an offset, in milliseconds, to check for and remove expired reports. | derived from whitelist position and remove expired frequency | positive integers | |
No | Set a custom frequency, in milliseconds, to send reports to chain. | WARNING: Overriding this could result in multiple oracles reporting at the same time, or an unideal spacing of reports | derived: equal to bucket update frequency on-chain | positive integers |
No | Set a custom offset, in milliseconds, for reports to happen. For example, on a 5 minute frequency, an offset of 1 minute means reporting at *:01, *:06, *:11 | WARNING: Overriding this could result in multiple oracles reporting at the same time, or an unideal spacing of reports | derived from whitelist position and report frequency | positive integers |
No | Specifies the strategy the oracle will report according to. | If using BLOCK_BASED , then WS_RPC_PROVIDER_URL must specify a valid WS URL |
No | Overrides the default report target for the currency pair when reporting to chain. | When used, the address of the oracle client must be whitelisted to report values to this address in sortedOracles | undefined | a valid Celo address |
No | The target number of milliseconds at most between heartbeat reports when using block-based reporting | derived from reportExpirySeconds from SortedOracles on chain |
positive integers | |
No | List of addresses to ignore in the whitelist. | '' |
A string of comma separated addresses | |
No | Determines which type of wallet to use with ContractKit. | PRIVATE_KEY |
No | The Websocket URL of an RPC endpoint of a Celo node to listen to events from. Only needed for block-based reporting | 'ws://localhost:8546' |
a valid Websocket URL |