REST API for the preservation module in Project Completion System (ProCoSys (PCS)) using ASP.NET and Entity Framework.
Before running the application, some settings need to be set. These are defined in appsettings.json. To avoid the possibility to commit secrets, move parts of the configuration to the secrets.json file on your computer. Typical settings that should be moved to secrets.json are:
- AD IDs
- Keys
- Local URLs
- Other secrets
Set the runtime environment by setting the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT on your machine to one of the following:
- Development
- Test
- Production
If this variable is not set, it will default to Production.
When running in development environment, the database is auto-migrated on application startup. This can be changed using the setting in appsettings.development.json.
The datebase can be seeded with test data. To do this, enable the feature in appsettings.development.json and start the application.
Note: This will run every time the application starts. To avoid multiple seedings, disable the feature after the application has started.
To open secrets.json, right-click on the startup project and select 'Manage User Secrets'.
Choose to run as Equinor.ProcoSys.Preservation.WebApi in the dropdown menu and hit F5.
In folder
Set secrets using
dotnet user-secrets "<key>" "<value>"
In folder
dotnet run
Use either Visual Studio or Command line. Docker-compose is set up to mount the secrets file into the container.
In folder
docker-compose -f .\Docker-compose.yml -f .\Docker-compose.development.yml up
These need to exists in the docker container to be able to authenticate as service priciple