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Estimating reporting delays and nowcasting/forecasting infections with epinowcast


In this report we make use of epinowcast, a nowcasting package under development and designed from the ground up around nowcasting with the aim of replacing EpiNow2 for real-time usage. We first explore the data using tools from epinowcast alongside others. We then nowcast the latest available data, visualise our results, and discuss potential options for improving performance on real-world data. As a check of our approach we construct some retrospective data, nowcast it, and compare our nowcast to the latest available data. We then extract the estimated delay distribution and compare it to the underlying distribution used to generate the data, the empirical distribution, and the distribution estimated using simpler methods. Finally, we show how the output from epinowcast may be used in other surveillance packages such as EpiNow2. Throughout this case study we discuss potential issues with the approaches taken, and highlight areas for futher work. For more on epinowcast and it’s planned development roadmap see the package documentation. An alternative approach to the problem using EpiNow2, suffering from some limitations that epinowcast is aiming to address, is also available in this repository.

Load required libraries

We first load the packages required for this case study. These can be installed using


This report is based on the current stable version epinowcast 0.1.0 but we highlight below where relevant missing features are planned for the next version epinowcast 0.2.0.

library("nowcasting.example") ## devtools::install()

Load the data

As in other reports in this repository this data is generated using inst/scripts/create_mock_dataset.r. The simulation model is set up to mimic real-world datasets and an contains an underlying assumption that the reporting delay is parametric and follows a truncated discretised log-normal distribution with a logmean of 2 and a logsd of 0.5. On top of this additional processes have been modelled so that some proportion of cases are mising onsets, the number of cases with an onset reported on the same day is inflated versus what would be expected from a parametric distribution, and cases with a negative onset to report delay. Settings in inst/scripts/create_mock_dataset.r can be altered and the code in this case study rerun to explore other reporting scenarios.

df <- load_data()
max_delay <- max(df$delay, na.rm = TRUE)
#> Rows: 311
#> Columns: 3
#> $ date_onset  <date> 2020-02-29, 2020-02-29, NA, 2020-03-02, 2020-03-04, 2020-…
#> $ report_date <date> 2020-03-18, 2020-03-05, 2020-03-05, 2020-03-09, 2020-03-1…
#> $ delay       <int> 18, 5, NA, 7, 8, 4, 11, 0, NA, 0, 20, 5, 6, 6, 0, 0, 8, 10…

Data exploration

We start by visualising the observed delays from onset to report.

ggplot(df, aes(x = delay)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, col = "#d3d3d36e") +

As expected, based on the generative model used to simulate our case study data, there are negative delays (report before onset) - possibly representing either data entry errors or positive tests during the incubation period so hard to characterise as part of the reporting delay distribution.

df |>
  filter(delay < 0)
#> # A tibble: 3 × 3
#>   date_onset report_date delay
#>   <date>     <date>      <int>
#> 1 2020-03-14 2020-03-05     -9
#> 2 2020-03-18 2020-03-08    -10
#> 3 2020-04-05 2020-03-31     -5

There is also a significant excess at delay 0, which does not connect smoothly to the rest of the distribution and therefore might represent a separate process or the combination of two processes.

Preprocessing and visualising the data

Before we can estimate the reporting delay for onsets or nowcast unreporteed onsets we need to preprocess the data into a format epinowcast can make use of. We first restrict to delays greater than 0 due to the evidence for two reporting processes and aggregate data into the cumulative count format epinowcast expects, removing missing data in the process (handling missing data in epinocwast is a feature currently being implemented). Note that epinowcast defines the target date (here the onset date) as the reference_date.

count_df <- df |>
  filter(delay > 0 | |>
  rename(reference_date = date_onset) |>
  count(reference_date, report_date, name = "confirm") |>
  arrange(reference_date, report_date) |>
  group_by(reference_date) |>
  mutate(cum_confirm = cumsum(confirm)) |>
  ungroup() |>
  mutate(confirm = ifelse(!, cum_confirm, confirm)) |>
#> Rows: 152
#> Columns: 3
#> $ reference_date <date> 2020-02-29, 2020-02-29, 2020-03-02, 2020-03-04, 2020-0…
#> $ report_date    <date> 2020-03-05, 2020-03-18, 2020-03-09, 2020-03-08, 2020-0…
#> $ confirm        <int> 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2…

We can now use preprocessing functions from epinowcast to complete all combinations of report and reference dates, prepare for modelling, and produce a range of useful summary datasets. Note that epinowcast returns output as data.table but users can make use of whatever data manipulation tools they are most comfortable with (e.g., tidyverse tools). We first make sure all date combinations are present and then use a wrapper, enw_preprocess_data() to complete the rest of the required preprocessing steps. We set the maximum delay using the largest observed delay which assumes reporting after this point is not possible. In general, users should consider setting the maximum delay with care as larger values require significantly increased compute whilst smaller values may insufficiently capture reporting distributions leading to bias.

complete_df <- count_df |>
  enw_complete_dates(max_delay = max_delay)
#> Rows: 1,049
#> Columns: 3
#> $ reference_date <date> 2020-02-29, 2020-02-29, 2020-02-29, 2020-02-29, 2020-0…
#> $ report_date    <date> 2020-02-29, 2020-03-01, 2020-03-02, 2020-03-03, 2020-0…
#> $ confirm        <int> 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2…

enw_df <- complete_df |>
  enw_preprocess_data(max_delay = max_delay)
#>                     obs         new_confirm             latest
#> 1: <data.table[1019x7]> <data.table[966x9]> <data.table[53x8]>
#>     missing_reference  reporting_triangle      metareference
#> 1: <data.table[53x4]> <data.table[53x25]> <data.table[53x7]>
#>             metareport          metadelay time snapshots by groups max_delay
#> 1: <data.table[75x10]> <data.table[23x4]>   53        53         1        23
#>      max_date
#> 1: 2020-04-21

Our output contains several useful measures including the maximum date of observations, the maximum delay, the number of days included in the dataset, and the number of groups (here only one but this feature allows us to nowcast over stratifications such as age or location or a combination of multiple variables).

To start with we may want to plot the latest available data alongside some previous updates (blue bars become increasingly pale as data get more recent) and the data by date of report (grey bars).

enw_df$new_confirm[[1]] |>
  mutate(report_date = case_when(
    report_date <= as.Date("2020-03-15") ~ as.Date("2020-03-15"),
    report_date <= as.Date("2020-04-01") ~ as.Date("2020-04-01"),
    report_date <= as.Date("2020-04-15") ~ as.Date("2020-04-15"),
    report_date <= max(report_date) ~ as.Date(max(report_date))
  )) |>
  group_by(reference_date, report_date) |>
  summarise(confirm = sum(new_confirm), .groups = "drop") |>
  mutate(report_date = factor(report_date) |>
  ) |>
  ggplot() +
    x = reference_date, y = confirm, fill = report_date, group = report_date
  ) +
    data = enw_df$new_confirm[[1]] |>
      group_by(report_date) |>
      summarise(confirm = sum(new_confirm)),
    fill = "lightgrey", alpha = 0.8,
    aes(x = report_date)
  ) +
  geom_col(position = "stack", alpha = 1, col = "lightgrey") +
    aes(xintercept = as.Date(report_date)), linetype = 2, alpha = 0.9
  ) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = ~ scales::comma(.x, accuracy = 1)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(palette = "Blues") +
  theme_bw() +
    x = "Date of onset", y = "Reported cases with onset", fill = "Report date"
  ) +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")

For many use cases (such as estimating the effective reproduction number) if the proportion of missing onsets is stable over the timespan considered then no bias will be introduced by excluding missing data. However, where the proportion of missing onsets does vary over time bias will be introduced. Dealing with this bias is part of the development roadmap for epinowcast 0.2.0. Here we plot this proportion over time and see that as expected it appears stable over time though daily estimates are clearly impacted by varying sample size and stochastic variation.

enw_df$missing_reference[[1]] |>
  as_tibble() |>
  filter(report_date >= "2020-03-11") |>
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = report_date, y = prop_missing) +
  geom_col(fill = "lightblue") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
  theme_bw() +
  labs(x = "Report date of onsets", y = "Proportion of cases missing onsets")


epinowcast implements a generic and extended form of one of the most common nowcasting approaches. This involves decomposing the task into two sub-models: an expectation model that captures the evolution of the underlying count data (here by default a daily random walk on the log scale), and a reporting model specified using the discrete hazard of a case being reported after a given number of days. More on the methodology of this implementation and its links to previous literature can be found here.

Here we use a simple model that assumes a Poisson observation process and a parametric log-normal reporting distribution. As a first step, we need to compile the epinowcast model, we do this with threads = TRUE in order to support multi-threading to speed up estimation, and define our fitting options (note these are passed to cmdstanr which is the backend tool used in epinowcast for model fitting).

model <- enw_model(threads = TRUE)

fit_opts <- enw_fit_opts(
    chains = 2, parallel_chains = 2, threads_per_chain = 2,
    iter_sampling = 1000, iter_warmup = 1000, adapt_delta = 0.9,
    show_messages = FALSE, refresh = 0, pp = TRUE

We can then fit our nowcasting model. If interested in what each component is doing the output can be inspected interactively (for example the output of enw_obs(family = "poisson", data = enw_df) are observations preprocessed into the format required for modelling).

simple_nowcast <- epinowcast(
  obs = enw_obs(family = "poisson", data = enw_df),
  data = enw_df, model = model, fit = fit_opts,
#> Running MCMC with 2 parallel chains, with 2 thread(s) per chain...
#> Chain 1 finished in 24.1 seconds.
#> Chain 2 finished in 24.2 seconds.
#> Both chains finished successfully.
#> Mean chain execution time: 24.2 seconds.
#> Total execution time: 24.4 seconds.

The first thing we might want to do is look at the summarised nowcast for the last week.

simple_nowcast |>
  summary(probs = c(0.05, 0.95)) |>
    reference_date, report_date, delay, confirm, mean, median, sd, mad
  ) |>
  tail(n = 7)
#>    reference_date report_date delay confirm   mean median       sd    mad
#> 1:     2020-04-15  2020-04-21     6       0 2.1275      2 1.676201 1.4826
#> 2:     2020-04-16  2020-04-21     5       1 3.6195      3 1.960776 1.4826
#> 3:     2020-04-17  2020-04-21     4       1 4.1530      4 2.322561 1.4826
#> 4:     2020-04-18  2020-04-21     3       0 3.5490      3 2.710401 2.9652
#> 5:     2020-04-19  2020-04-21     2       0 3.7140      3 3.262748 2.9652
#> 6:     2020-04-20  2020-04-21     1       0 3.9770      3 3.588999 2.9652
#> 7:     2020-04-21  2020-04-21     0       0 4.1245      3 4.363774 2.9652

We can also plot this nowcast against the latest data.

simple_nowcast |>
  plot() +
  labs(x = "Onset date", y = "Reported cases by onset date")

Finally, we can also look at the posterior estimates for the parametric delay distribution (remembering that a logmean of 2 and a logsd of 0.5 was used to generate the simulated data). Here refp_mean denotes the logmean and refp_sd denotes the log standard deviation. We see our estimates are close to those from the data generating process though don’t cover them at the 90% credible interval. This may be driven by bias in the generating process, (as 0 delays are excluded), by our use of a distribution truncated by the maximum delay, inherent loss/lack of information, or from biases introduced by our estimation method.

simple_nowcast |>
  summary(type = "fit", variables = c("refp_mean", "refp_sd")) |>
  dplyr::select(variable, mean, median, sd, mad)
#>        variable      mean   median         sd        mad
#> 1: refp_mean[1] 2.0906628 2.090190 0.04155905 0.04071961
#> 2:   refp_sd[1] 0.4520799 0.450263 0.03108413 0.03078693

In real-world data we might expect to see delays drawn from different distributions or no apparent distribution, time-varying delays in reporting, overdispersed reporting, and the likelihood of reporting varying by report date (i.e due to the day of the week etc.). All of these complexities can be modelled using epinowcast 0.1.0.

As we saw in our data, we also have negative delays, overinflated counts with zero delays, reported cases missing onsets and a clear day of the week effect in the underlying simulated data. Modelling all of these features, rather than exluding them or ignoring them, would likely reduce bias. These features, exluding negative delays, are on the roadmap for epinowcast 0.2.0. Please reach out if they would be of use to you. Negative delays are potentially the most complex modelling issue as they are technically not possible if we define a reporting date to be later than or equal to the reference date, which is how many nowcasting models work. We instead need a different generative process that leads to both of these observations. This extension is planned for a future version of epinowcast but not currently in the roadmap.

Retrospective evaluation

In order to understand how well our nowcasting method is working in real-time it can be useful to have an understanding on how well it did on past data that is now more fully reported. Here we produce another nowcast, in the same way as before, but on a reconstructed version of what we think the data available on the 1st of April 2020 would have looked like. The first step is to construct this retrospective data and to extract what the latest data looks like for this time period.

retro_df <- complete_df |>
 enw_filter_report_dates(latest_date = "2020-04-01")

latest_retro_obs <- complete_df |>
  enw_latest_data() |>
  enw_filter_reference_dates(latest_date = "2020-04-01")
tail(latest_retro_obs, n = 5)
#>    reference_date report_date confirm
#> 1:     2020-03-28  2020-04-20       6
#> 2:     2020-03-29  2020-04-21      11
#> 3:     2020-03-30  2020-04-21       1
#> 4:     2020-03-31  2020-04-21       1
#> 5:     2020-04-01  2020-04-21       3

We can now preprocess the data as before and fit the same nowcasting model. Note it is significantly faster to fit as less data is being used.

retro_nowcast <- retro_df |>
  enw_preprocess_data(max_delay = max_delay) |>
  (\(data) epinowcast(
    obs = enw_obs(family = "poisson", data = data),
    data = data, model = model, fit = fit_opts
#> Running MCMC with 2 parallel chains, with 2 thread(s) per chain...
#> Chain 2 finished in 15.7 seconds.
#> Chain 1 finished in 15.8 seconds.
#> Both chains finished successfully.
#> Mean chain execution time: 15.7 seconds.
#> Total execution time: 16.0 seconds.

We now plot this retrospective nowcast against the latest available data (noting that some of the more recently reported data may not be fully complete yet). Here we see our approach is doing relatively well at capturing the lastest available obserservations (triangles) using the data available at the time (circles) though perhaps is a little more uncertain than we might ideally like.

plot(retro_nowcast, latest_retro_obs) +
  labs(x = "Onset date", y = "Reported cases by onset date")

Comparison to simpler approaches

We compare the etimated delay distribution from epinowcast with empirical estimates, estimates from simpler methods, and the known distribution used when simulating the data.

Empirical delay

We first extract the observed empirical delay which would likely be the first thing we estimate in a real-world setting. This could also be used directly for nowcasting if we were confident it was static over the timespan of our data, and the bias from truncation was small.

positive_df <- df |>
  filter(delay > 0)

x <- 1:26
emp <- ecdf(positive_df$delay)
emp_cdf <- data.frame(
  delay = x,
  cdf = emp(x),
  Method = "Empirical"

tail(emp_cdf, n = 7)
#>    delay       cdf    Method
#> 20    20 0.9935484 Empirical
#> 21    21 0.9935484 Empirical
#> 22    22 0.9935484 Empirical
#> 23    23 1.0000000 Empirical
#> 24    24 1.0000000 Empirical
#> 25    25 1.0000000 Empirical
#> 26    26 1.0000000 Empirical

Discretised lognormal fitted directly

As we assume the reporting distribution is static and as our infectious disease data appears to be relatively stable we could expect a direct estimate of the underlying reporting distribution to be minimally biased. In settings where we have rapid exponential growth we would expect significantly more bias and would likely need to use methods adjusted for truncation (as many nowcasting methods are or use a specialised real-time distribution estimation method). In settings where we have very little data that is not partially truncated or we expect variation in our reporting distributions over time we would also need to consider these approaches.

ddislnorm <- function(x, meanlog, sdlog) {
  return(plnorm(x, meanlog, sdlog) - plnorm(x - 1, meanlog, sdlog))
pdislnorm <- plnorm
qdislnorm <- qlnorm

y <- fitdist(
  start = list(meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
ln <- pdislnorm(1:26, y$estimate[1], y$estimate[2])
ln_cdf <- data.frame(delay = x, cdf = ln, Method = "Direct")

tail(ln_cdf, n = 7)
#>    delay       cdf Method
#> 20    20 0.9864762 Direct
#> 21    21 0.9895167 Direct
#> 22    22 0.9918425 Direct
#> 23    23 0.9936282 Direct
#> 24    24 0.9950043 Direct
#> 25    25 0.9960687 Direct
#> 26    26 0.9968951 Direct

Extract the lognormal CMF from epinowcast

As we have produced posterior samples of the log-normal distribution summary parameters when producing a nowcast with epinowcast we can calculate the log-normal CMF posterior from them using the following code.

extract_epinowcast_cdf <- function(nowcast) {
  nowcast |>
  (\(x) x$fit[[1]]$draws(variables = c("refp_mean", "refp_sd")))() |>
  as_draws_df() |>
  mutate(cdf = purrr::map2(
    `refp_mean[1]`, `refp_sd[1]`,
    ~ tibble(
      delay = 1:26, cdf = pdislnorm(1:26, .x, .y) /  pdislnorm(26, .x, .y)
  ) |>
  unnest(cdf) |>
  group_by(delay) |>
    mean = mean(cdf),
    lower_90 = quantile(cdf, probs = 0.05),
    upper_90 = quantile(cdf, probs = 0.95)
  ) |>
  rename(cdf = mean)

nowcast_cdf <- list(
  "epinowcast (real-time)" = simple_nowcast,
  "epinowcast (retrospective)" = retro_nowcast
) |>
  map_df(extract_epinowcast_cdf, .id = "Method")

#> Rows: 52
#> Columns: 5
#> $ Method   <chr> "epinowcast (real-time)", "epinowcast (real-time)", "epinowca…
#> $ delay    <int> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18…
#> $ cdf      <dbl> 4.412032e-06, 1.190595e-03, 1.481482e-02, 6.063931e-02, 1.448…
#> $ lower_90 <dbl> 1.403677e-07, 2.848314e-04, 6.990544e-03, 3.903321e-02, 1.098…
#> $ upper_90 <dbl> 1.772726e-05, 2.948889e-03, 2.570660e-02, 8.678727e-02, 1.845…


We now compare the various approaches to estimate the reporting distribution against the known distribution used to generate the data. We see that in this simple case all methods return similiar results but that none fully capture the data generating process. This is likely due to excluding onsets reported on the same day and motivates more complex estimation methods that can account for this. Note that the bias in these estimates will propagate through all downstream steps that make use of them and the consequences of this may be hard to estimate.

true_cdf <- data.frame(
  delay = 1:26,
  cdf = pdislnorm(1:26, 2, 0.5) / pdislnorm(26, 2, 0.5),
  Method = "Data generating"

combined <- bind_rows(

ggplot(combined, aes(x = delay, y = cdf, col = Method, fill = Method)) +
  geom_line(size = 1.1, alpha = 0.7) +
    aes(ymin = lower_90, ymax = upper_90), alpha = 0.25
  ) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom") +
    fill = guide_legend(nrow = 2),
    col = guide_legend(nrow = 2)
  ) +
    x = "Delay between onset and case report",
    y = "Cumulative density function of the reporting distribution"

Estimate the effective reproduction number using nowcast onsets

We now give an example of a potential use case estimating the effective reproduction number in real-time using EpiNow2. Note that here we make use of cases by date of onset but exclude onsets with a zero day delay in reporting, onsets with a negative day delay in reporting, and reported cases missing a onset date. In this example, where we know these proportions are static this will not introdue bias but in general this may not be the case. Note that we also only use the median posterior nowcast estimate and so our effective reproduction number estimates will be spuriously precise closer to the date of estimation. A simple approach to deal with this is to re-estimate for multiple posterior nowocast samples. A more robust approach is to estimate everything in a single model and this is a planned feature for epinowcast. Please reach out if this functionality could be of use to you.

First we construct the data set of onsets.

## create a data set of onsets combining observations with nowcast estimates
## note  that we exclude reported cases with missing onsets but that this will 
## only introduce bias if the proportion missing varies over time.

nowcast_cases <- summary(simple_nowcast) |>
  mutate(confirm = median)

reported_cases <- complete_df |>
  enw_latest_data() |>
  filter(reference_date < min(nowcast_cases$reference_date)) |>
  bind_rows(nowcast_cases) |>
  rename(date = reference_date) |>
  dplyr::select(date, confirm)

Next, we set the necessary parameters for estimating the reproduction number:

## generation interval
## from:
## Preliminary estimate of the serial interval is 9.8 days though with high uncertainty (95% credible interval, 5.9 to 21.4).
## It is unclear whether this refers to the estimate of the mean, or the spread of serial intervals
## It is also unclear whether this is growth-adjusted.
## We interpret it here as discretised gamma distributed with mean (5.9 + 21.4) / 2 = 13.65
generation_interval <- list(
  mean = 13.65,
  mean_sd = 0,
  sd = 3.7,
  sd_sd = 0,
  max = 25

## incubation period
## from:
## "usually from 6 to 13 days but can range from 5 to 21"
## interpreted as log-normally distributed with 2/3 contained between 6 and 13:
## => \mu*/\sigma* = 6; \mu^* * \sigma* = 13
## => \mu* = 9, \sigma* = 1.5,  max = 21
## (see
## also adding a small amount of uncertainty
incubation_period <- list(
  mean = log(9),
  mean_sd = 0.1,
  sd = log(1.5),
  sd_sd = 0.1,
  max = 21

We model onsets so there is no additional delay beyond the incubation period

delays <- delay_opts(

We then use the estimate_infections function contained in EpiNow2 on this data set to estimate the reproduction number.

inf <- estimate_infections(
  reported_cases = reported_cases,
  generation_time = generation_interval,
  delays = delays,
  verbose = FALSE
