This lambda is designed to pull the latest data from rules GIT repository and
store the data in CaaSRules
DynamoDB table. Repository path and SSM parameter
for credentials are stored in CaaSCustomers
DynamoDB table. The Rule model:
customer (str)
id (str)
. Format:name_version
name (str)
description (str)
cloud (str)
. Possible values:AWS/GCP/Azure
version (str)
creator (str)
updated_date (str)
source (str)
commit_hash (str)
The rule file in the repository must be the following format:
- name: name
description: description
version: version
cloud: AWS/GCP/Azure
source: SOURCE
some more: content
- and: more
article: ARTICLE
service_section: SECTION
impact: IMPACT
severity: SEVERITY
min_core_version: upstream_version.custom_version
- point 1
- point 2
- point 1
remediation: REMEDIATION
This lambda uses the following resource:
- the table used to store data about rules;CaaSCustomers
, - tables with customer, tenant configurations where the information about repositories are stored
- Allow: ssm:GetParameter
- Allow: xray:PutTraceSegments
- Allow: xray:PutTelemetryRecords
- Allow: logs:CreateLogGroup
- Allow: logs:CreateLogStream
- Allow: logs:PutLogEvents
- Allow: dynamodb:*
- Allow: s3:*
Cloudwatch rule caas-rule-meta-updater-event-trigger
. The cron is set to run
the lambda daily.