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Example Use of the API to Upload Data for a Dice Roller Application

stowellm edited this page Oct 9, 2014 · 8 revisions

Below is some sample code that uses the iSENSE API and DataManager objects in the iOS static library, found in this repository at /Libs/iSENSE_API, to upload data to a dice rolling project. This project contains two fields: a timestamp, and a sum of the dice. An example of a dev project set up to use this code below can be found here:

// operations performed that involve querying the iSENSE website should always be done in a background
// thread.  in iOS, this is done by creating a dispatch queue.  the "upload_data_to_isense" name is
// arbitrary, so feel free to change this string.
dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("upload_data_to_isense", NULL);
dispatch_async(queue, ^{

    // normally, data would be passed into a method that makes this upload call.
    // we will declare an arbitrary dice-roll sum and name for the data set
    int diceRollSum = 7; // for example, the user rolled a 6 and a 1 on the two die
    NSString *dataSetName = @"My dice sum test 1";

    // declare an instance of the singleton API object
    API *isenseAPI = [API getInstance];

    // if using the development iSENSE site, turn on development mode
    [api useDev:true];

    // declare a project to upload to, username, and password
    int projectID = 872;
    NSString *userEmail = @"[email protected]";
    NSString *password = @"mobile";

    // login to the iSENSE site
    [isenseAPI createSessionWithEmail:userEmail andPassword:password];

    // pull down fields for the iSENSE project as an array of RProjectField objects
    NSArray *projectFields = [isenseAPI getProjectFieldsWithId:projectID];

    // initialize an array to store your data
    NSMutableArray *rowMajorData = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

    // each data row is a dictionary, where the keys are the project's field IDs and the values
    // are the data you want to store for each row of data.  if you want more data rows per data
    // set, you can declare additional dictionaries, populate them as we will below, and also add
    // them to the data array.  PLEASE NOTE that iSENSE only accepts strings as keys and values,
    // however, so when adding the data to the dictionary, store the field ID and value as a string
    NSMutableDictionary *dataRow = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];

    // loop through the project fields and store each data point in a dictionary
    for (RProjectField *field in projectFields) {

        // see if this field contains the word "time" in it
        if ([ rangeOfString:@"time"].location != NSNotFound) {

            // if so, this is our timestamp of the project. we need a unix timestamp
            // in the format "u unix_time_stamp_in_milliseconds".
            long long timeMillis = (long long) ([[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] * 1000);
            NSString *unixTimeStamp = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"u %lld", timeMillis];
            [dataRow setObject:unixTimeStamp
                        forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", field.field_id.intValue]];

        } else {

            // otherwise, this is our dice sum
            [dataRow setObject:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", diceRollSum]
                        forKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d", field.field_id.intValue]];


    // add this data row to our data array
    [rowMajorData addObject:dataRow];

    // when storing data, we typically follow the format we did above.  this style is called row-major
    // because we stored one data row in our array at a time.  iSENSE, however, expects data in
    // column-major format.  that is, our data object needs to be a dictionary where the keys are
    // the field IDs and the values are an array of all data points for that key.  luckily, the iSENSE
    // iOS library comes with a DataManager object that will perform this conversion step for us. for
    // this example, ignore the recognized-fields parameter and pass in nil
    NSDictionary *columnMajorData = [DataManager convertDataToColumnMajor:rowMajorData forProjectID:projectID];

    // upload the data to iSENSE
    [isenseAPI uploadDataToProject:projectID withData:columnMajorData andName:dataSetName];
    // you're done! this uploadDataToProject returns a data set ID number that you can store or check.
    // this dataSetID variable will now contain either a positive integer if the data uploaded
    // successfully (namely the ID of your new data set), or -1 if the upload failed.  if your upload failed,
    // you may have misformatted the data
