Env Variable | Required | Default | Description | Allowed values |
PORT | NO | 3000 | a port number application listens on | integer |
BIND | NO | | an inteface applicatio binds to | ip number |
SELF_BASE_URL | YES | a base public url of the service | ||
SWAGGER_PATH | NO | swagger | defines base path for serving Swagger page | |
LOG_LEVEL | NO | debug | determines which level of log messages are written | 'silent', 'fatal', 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'trace' |
REDIS_HOST | NO | | a hostname or ip address of a Redis server required by the application | host or ip address |
REDIS_PORT | NO | 6379 | a port number of a Redis server | integer |
FAIL_ON_REDIS_UNAVAILABLE | NO | false | when set to true, application will not start if the Redis server is not reachable | boolean |
JWT_SECRET | YES | secret used to sign JWT tokens | string | |
JWT_ACCESS_TTL | NO | 3600 | expiration time of an access token | integer |
JWT_REFRESH_TTL | NO | 86400 | expiration time of a refresh token | integer |
SIWE_NONCE_TTL | YES | expiration time of a SIWE authentication nonce | ||
AUTH_COOKIE_ENABLED | NO | false | if set to true access token is also going to be sent as a cookie | boolean |
AUTH_HEADER_ENABLED | NO | true | if set to true access token is sent and accepted in response/request body | boolean |
AUTH_COOKIE_NAME_ACCESS_TOKEN | NO | token | cookie name for storing access token | string |
AUTH_COOKIE_NAME_REFRESH_TOKEN | NO | refreshToken | cookie name for storing refresh tokens | string |
AUTH_COOKIE_SECURE | NO | true | this needs to be set to false when developing and serving the application over http | boolean |
AUTH_COOKIE_SAMESITE_POLICY | NO | strict | docs | boolean |
ACCEPTED_ROLES | NO | undefined | If set, user is required to be enrolled to any of the roles specified | comma-separated strings |
INCLUDE_ALL_ROLES | YES | When set to true access token will include all user roles, otherwise only roles matching ACCEPTED_ROLES | boolean | |
CHAIN_ID | YES | Set this to 73799 for Volta and to 246 for EWC |
number | |
RPC_URL | YES | URL of the RPC node | url | |
CACHE_SERVER_URL | YES | URL of the SSI_HUB instance | url | |
CACHE_SERVER_LOGIN_PRVKEY | YES | a private key used to log in to the SSI-HUB | string | |
DID_REGISTRY_ADDRESS | YES | Address of deployed DID Registry (ERC1056) contract. Set this to 0xc15d5a57a8eb0e1dcbe5d88b8f9a82017e5cc4af for Volta0xE29672f34e92b56C9169f9D485fFc8b9A136BCE4 for EWC |
string | |
ENS_REGISTRY_ADDRESS | YES | Address of deployed ENS Registry contract. Set this to: 0xd7CeF70Ba7efc2035256d828d5287e2D285CD1ac for Volta,0x0A6d64413c07E10E890220BBE1c49170080C6Ca0 for EWC |
string | |
ENS_RESOLVER_ADDRESS | YES | Address of deployed RoleDefinitionResolverV2 contract. Set this to 0xcf72f16Ab886776232bea2fcf3689761a0b74EfE for Volta0x70ad37DfeB1C05290F4bBd22188FA19Bc154A0ea for EWC |
string |