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DID Authorisation Proxy


The service implemented in the authorization-server subfolder together with the Nginx instance defined in the nginx subfolder of this repository makes possible to integrate Energy Web DID solution ( into any REST service that requires this kind of user authentication to be added without changing its source code.

Sequence diagram

    participant client
    participant nginx
    participant auth proxy
    participant PDA as passport-did-auth
    client->>nginx: /auth/login
    nginx->>auth proxy: /auth/login
    auth proxy ->> PDA: identity token
    PDA-->>auth proxy: access token
    auth proxy->>auth proxy: generate new tokens pair
    auth proxy-->> nginx: tokens pair
    nginx-->>client: tokens pair
    client->>nginx: /any/backend/path
    nginx->>auth proxy: /auth/token-introspection
    auth proxy-->>nginx: OK
    nginx->>backend: /any/backend/path
    backend-->>nginx: response
    nginx-->>client: response
    client->>client: continue working with the backend API
    client->>client: detect access token expired
    client->>nginx: /auth/refresh-token
    nginx->>auth proxy: /auth/refresh-token
    auth proxy->>auth proxy: generate new tokens pair
    auth proxy-->> nginx: tokens pair
    nginx-->>client: tokens pair
    client->>client: continue working with the backend API


Setting for development


yarn install

Building and starting the development stack

docker-compose -f up --build

Starting the authorisation service in dev mode

cd authorization-server

Copy .env.example file to .env file

Edit .env file and:

  • set JWT_SECRET to contain your secret phrase used to generate and validate tokens.
  • set ACCEPTED_ROLES to contain roles that DIDs are required to be enrolled to

For the detailed env variables description check this document.

Execute yarn start:dev

How it works

Put a private key into the PRIVATE_KEY env variable:

export PRIVATE_KEY=<your private key here>

Generate an identity token and store it in the IDENTITY_TOKEN env variable:

export IDENTITY_TOKEN=$(node generate-identity-cli/index.js -p $PRIVATE_KEY -b 999999999999)

Now, you can request access and refresh tokens pair:

curl "http://localhost:8080/auth/login" \
  -Ssf \
  -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d "{\"identityToken\": \"$IDENTITY_TOKEN\"}" \
  | jq

You will see the following output:

  "access_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6ImUxZGI1Y2EyLTNlNTUtNDc5NC04N2U4LWNmMDM2YTNjYjBjMCIsImRpZCI6ImRpZDpldGhyOjB4ODJGY0IzMTM4NUVhQmUyNjFFNGU2MDAzYjlGMkNiMmFmMzRlMjY1NCIsInJvbGVzIjpbInJvbGUxLnJvbGVzLmFwcC10ZXN0Mi5hcHBzLmFydHVyLmlhbS5ld2MiXSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ0OTIzMjk5LCJleHAiOjE2NDQ5MjMzMDl9.XFR4V76W_6Ox8-ocVNDSGBNTLpdBNdo5kU1gvpnovOs",
  "type": "Bearer",
  "expires_in": 9,
  "refresh_token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjFkMTQ0M2JkLWFkOTktNGZhZC04ZTYyLTVmOGVlMzI2MWQ5YiIsImRpZCI6ImRpZDpldGhyOjB4ODJGY0IzMTM4NUVhQmUyNjFFNGU2MDAzYjlGMkNiMmFmMzRlMjY1NCIsInJvbGVzIjpbInJvbGUxLnJvbGVzLmFwcC10ZXN0Mi5hcHBzLmFydHVyLmlhbS5ld2MiXSwiaWF0IjoxNjQ0OTIzMjk5LCJleHAiOjE2NDQ5MjM4OTl9.1n8TiG1cPSZEfJdj209TQylWqKyU2BDXHUX4loGyggU"

You can store generated access_token in the ACCESS_TOKEN env variable to be used in requests to the actual REST API:

export ACCESS_TOKEN=$(curl "http://localhost:8080/auth/login" \
  -Ssf \
  -X POST --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d "{\"identityToken\": \"$IDENTITY_TOKEN\"}" \
  | jq -r .access_token) 

Request an endpoint with the valid access token:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"

You will see the following response created by the backend service:

{"message":"backend response","timestamp":"2022-02-15T11:15:24.904Z"}

Request an endpoint with invalid token:

curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer invalid-token"

You will see the following response generated by the NginX and 401 http response status code:

<head><title>401 Authorization Required</title></head>
<center><h1>401 Authorization Required</h1></center>

After your access token expires, you need to regenerate it by providing your refresh token in the following request:

curl -X POST 'http://localhost:8080/auth/refresh-token' \
   -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   --data-raw '{
    "refreshToken": "{{your refresh token here}}"

You will get the same response as in case of /auth/login endpoint if your refresh token has not expired yet.

Running on production

To run this solution on production, you need to build docker images:


Adjust docker-compose.yaml or create any other orchestrator configuration you use to:

  • replace backend service with your REST API service. Probably, you will need to also adjust nginx/nginx.conf file before building the images to contain hostname of your service if it is not defined by your orchestration solution
  • contain correct JWT_SECRET value
  • contain correct ACCEPTED_ROLES value
  • finetune any other env variables for auth-server service to meet your needs