This example showcases the low-level API of MOTION2NX, which is mainly based on
the CircuitBuilder
interfaces, as well as
s (which can be used as opaque handles).
Inputs to the computation are given via promises and outputs are obtained from
The create_circuit
uses the low-level API to create a simple circuit for Yao's Millionaires'
It includes code for inputs, outputs, conversions, and the use of builtin
To run the example, the binary need to be executed twice with the arguments for both parties, e.g., locally in two terminals for testing.
$ ./bin/millionaires_problem --my-id 0 --party 0,::1,7000 --party 1,::1,7001 --arithmetic-protocol beavy --boolean-protocol yao --repetitions 5 --input-value 42
Party 1 has at least the same amount of money as Party 0
Party 1 has at least the same amount of money as Party 0
Party 1 has at least the same amount of money as Party 0
Party 1 has at least the same amount of money as Party 0
Party 1 has at least the same amount of money as Party 0
MOTION version: 104331e-dirty @ motion2nx
invocation: ./bin/millionaires_problem --my-id 0 --party 0,::1,7000 --party 1,::1,7001 --arithmetic-protocol beavy --boolean-protocol yao --repetitions 5 --input-value 42
by lennart@euler, PID 2074143
Run time statistics over 5 iterations
mean median stddev
MT Presetup 0.002 ms 0.002 ms 0.000 ms
MT Setup 0.141 ms 0.120 ms 0.042 ms
SP Presetup 0.000 ms 0.000 ms 0.000 ms
SP Setup 0.000 ms 0.000 ms 0.000 ms
SB Presetup 0.002 ms 0.002 ms 0.000 ms
SB Setup 0.002 ms 0.002 ms 0.000 ms
Base OTs 93.759 ms 100.487 ms 12.419 ms
OT Extension Setup 70.189 ms 68.739 ms 15.763 ms
Preprocessing Total 164.688 ms 149.145 ms 20.495 ms
Gates Setup 7.402 ms 5.098 ms 3.208 ms
Gates Online 41.287 ms 49.674 ms 19.235 ms
Circuit Evaluation 214.675 ms 209.122 ms 14.711 ms
Communication with each other party:
Sent: 0.049 MiB in 455 messages
Received: 0.037 MiB in 390 messages
$ ./bin/millionaires_problem --my-id 1 --party 0,::1,7000 --party 1,::1,7001 --arithmetic-protocol beavy --boolean-protocol yao --repetitions 5 --input-value 47 --json
{"experiment":"millionaires_problem","meta":{"invocation":"./bin/millionaires_problem --my-id 1 --party 0,::1,7000 --party 1,::1,7001 --arithmetic-protocol beavy --boolean-protocol yao --repetitions 5 --input-value 47 --json","timestamp":"2021-12-13T23:18:29+0100.","user":"lennart","hostname":"euler","pid":2074132,"build-type":"RelWithDebInfo","git-branch":"motion2nx","git-commit":"104331eed9c136994d767c8ae84f4198c5c7a44b","git-version":"104331e-dirty"},"runtime":{"repetitions":5,"mt_setup":{"mean":1.563186E-1,"median":1.75511E-1,"stddev":4.045331155097187E-2},"sp_setup":{"mean":0E0,"median":0E0,"stddev":0E0},"sb_setup":{"mean":1.8156E-3,"median":1.8859999999999999E-3,"stddev":3.565392545008198E-4},"linalgtriple_setup":{"mean":0E0,"median":0E0,"stddev":0E0},"base_ots":{"mean":1.283591858E2,"median":1.43234904E2,"stddev":2.1517884385839448E1},"ot_extension_setup":{"mean":9.795938E-1,"median":1.0326039999999999E0,"stddev":2.223273615994218E-1},"preprocessing":{"mean":1.6514558159999999E2,"median":1.4946446699999998E2,"stddev":2.0364333848757084E1},"gates_setup":{"mean":4.06664142E1,"median":4.7577908E1,"stddev":1.4854024843236319E1},"gates_online":{"mean":6.6454678000000005E0,"median":7.019398E0,"stddev":2.5451598342314288E0},"evaluate":{"mean":2.157014238E2,"median":2.11624257E2,"stddev":1.4172259950973633E1}},"communication":{"bytes_sent":38340,"num_messages_sent":390,"bytes_received":51188,"num_messages_received":455},"party_id":1,"arithmetic_protocol":"ArithmeticBEAVY","boolean_protocol":"Yao","simd":1,"threads":0,"sync_between_setup_and_online":false}